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Personal Style


Autumn Harvest Bracelet
Spring's Breath
Whirlwind Emblem
Airborne Parchment
Summer Swelter
Plasmpool Hindcallouses
Plasmpool Forecallouses


Accent: Preening Pinata


Scene: Windsinger's Domain


7.91 m
8.42 m
1058.69 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 07, 2021
(3 years)


Coatl icon

Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 13 Coatl
EXP: 21582 / 45676


Neunial's avatar

Clan leader
52-D05-BFD-5-A2-A-4-BE4-95-FD-C9-F310068794.png 804-F2-B83-534-A-498-E-9-E61-D9-EBAD48-FB98.png

All Art+Lore Is By RallraxAuri

F5-ECBE25-4-B94-4-D37-B91-B-8392-EE6-CE4-BE.png FE1242-FC-4-E63-4455-8-AF0-00331125115-A.png 82-DB1-B64-5268-4610-834-C-ED5-B0-B9-CEF46.png Playful Windsinger Puppet

As soon as she was old enough to grasp the concept of flights, Neunial was very passionate about the Wind flight and the Windsinger himself. She’d studied every wind book, attempted to make friends with every wind dragon she knew (which wasn’t many, considering the fact that she lived in the Cloudscrape Crags in the Southern Icefield), and had spent countless hours staring out at the horizon in the hope of glimpsing the edge of theWindswept Plateau. Her dream was to one day fly there and join a wind clan who would accept her for who she was.
Unfortunately, there didn’t seem to be much hope for her to pursue her dream.
First of all, she had been stuck in a small cave with these two ancient-looking ice guardians for years. Second, her element was ice and her caretakers had no intention of letting her join a pack of non-ice dragons. She was allowed to go out, but she was always supervised by one of them, and she couldn’t go very far.

On her ninth hatchday, however, one of the old ice guardians decided to take her to the edge of Arcane territory.
“I can’t take you all the way to Wind, my dear, but I can take you this far.” The Guardian had whispered. Nenuial had thought it was nice of him to take her there, but she had no interest in Arcane dragons or the Arcanist.
Today was the fifth day of flying. They had flown for many hours, and Nenuial was so tired she thought she was going to drop out of the sky.
“We have arrived,” The guardian had said, gesturing to a faint purplish glow on the horizon.
“I am so, so tired,” Neunial huffed, trying to catch her breath. “I think all of my feathers are going to fall out”
“It’s sunset. We can sleep and then look around in the morning.”
The two dragons tilted their wings downward and descended in a graceful spiral toward the ground.

The sun began to peek over the horizon. Flecks of light were scattered all over the purple grass as Neunial rubbed her eyes, yawning. The guardian was already awake. He looked as if he’d been waiting for her.
“Morning already?” She murmured. “I don’t wanna get up yet, dad!”
“Come on, Neunial,” he said. He wasn’t exactly her dad, but she didn’t remember her real one and she’d lived with the guardian for years.
“Can we go later?”
“If we go any later, we’ll have to fly home at night! We won’t be able to see where we’re going. Come on.”
He grabbed her talon and pulled her off of the ground.
“Maybe you could buy something. How much treasure do you have?”
“Only a hundred,” she muttered. “I probably won’t be able to get anything with this.”
“If it’s something you really want, I’ll pay for it, but you have to give me your hundred.”
“Deal!” Neunial squeaked.

Neunial and her dad began to fly around, looking for a shop or somewhere interesting to explore. It didn’t take long until they came across a small gathering of stands underneath a huge tree. Its leaves were unnaturally coloured with strange fruit on the branches.
They dove down to the nearest stand, which happened to be the largest one with racks full of potions, bones and misshapen items. Behind the counter was a short blue-and-yellow skydancer with a wolf cape and nails painted crimson.
“Hello to you and hello to you too! Welcome to my stand of weird and wonderful items! Like anything you see?”
The stand was high up, and Neunial couldn’t quite see over the top. That was until her dad lifted her up so she could see.
“Ooh! Look at all those potions!” She blurted
“Yes! Look at all my potions! I have quite the assortment! Buy three and you can buy a fourth with two percent off!”
“What a deal,” she murmured.
“Quite a deal!” The skydancer exclaimed. “Let me know when you’ve chosen something!” He turned and began to frantically rearrange the potions.
“Anything you like?” Her dad asked.
“Hmm… I’m not sure… Hey, Skydancer-”
“The name’s Zentarus Aliki Valokamia! But you can call me Zen, or Zentaur for short.”
“For short?-”
“Come on, Neunial. Do you like anything?”
She scratched behind her neck feathers. “I don’t think so… Unless you have something that could change my element to wind?”
“An element changing potion, you say?” He spoke with an enthusiastic tone, as if he had one sitting on his rack.
“Yes! A wind potion!”
“I do not, I’m afraid. Sorry, little coatl. Boop!” He tapped her snout and turned back to his potions. He started to rearrange them again.
“Sorry for the trouble, Zetara.” The guardian said. He turned to leave.
“It’s Zentaurus Aliki Valokamia! Or Zen! Or Zentaur for short!” His voice echoed from behind them, but Neunial and her dad had already left.

There was a dye stand ran by a team of three particularly excitable mirrors who shouted at Neunial as she walked past.
"Hey! Wanna dye your feathers? Paint your claws? Come over here and we'll do it for you for the small fee of two thousand treasure!"
"Oooh..." Neunial murmured. She'd always wanted to dye her feathers. Her current feathers were blue and white, which she highly disliked as it made her element more obvious. "Dad, can I get my feathers dyed?" She asked. "Pleeease?"
"I'm not so sure your mother would like it...-"
"She won't care! Please? I'll make it up to you!"
"Oh, fine... Since it's cheap, I'll pay."
"Oooh! Customers!" The mirrors squeaked simultaneously. One was bouncing with glee. "Sit here, and we'll dye your feathers! Where would you like to be dyed and what colour? Anything specific?"
"I love the colour green... orange too! Do what you think looks best. Just make it look wind-y!"
Her father sighed in the background.
"Would you like any feather extensions or modifications?" One mirror asked.
"Do whatever looks best! And windiest!"
"Of course!"
The mirrors got to work straight away.

After a few boring hours of doing nothing, the mirrors finally said the dyeing was done. The tallest one grabbed a mirror and turned it to face Neunial.
"Oh wow! This looks amazing! Thank you so much!"
"You're welcome! Now you best be going, you've started a queue!"
Neunial turned to face the front of the stand. She hadn't even noticed the huge line of dragons waiting their turn. She must have arrived just as they'd opened their stand, because there was no queue before.
In the mirror, she examined her beautifully dyed feathers.
"This is so well done! And for two thousand treasure!"
Her feathers were beautiful shades of orange, yellow and green. She adored them, and was glad to be rid of her old colours.
"See you later!" Shouted one of the mirrors as she left.

They went up to another stand. This time, the owner was a pink snapper with a yellow flower crown.
“Hello! Welcome to my flower shop! I have every type of small and non-deadly flower from the Viridian Labyrinth!”
This time it was Neunial’s dad who seemed more into it.
“Every type, you say?” He asked.
“Even the undiscovered ones?” Neunial asked.
“Neunial!” Her father growled.
“Okay, sorry.”
Neunial stopped listening after that. She began looking at all the different stands from where she was. Another flower stand, with significantly less flowers than the one she was at (and an owner that was giving the pink snapper a nasty look), several food stands, a stand with a bunch of miscellaneous items from different elemental territories, and a very small stand that was selling magical snow globes.
She looked back at the miscellaneous stand, and her eyes settled upon the most beautiful object she’s ever seen. A delicately crafted Windsinger puppet with button eyes. It was so perfect!
“…And i got these beauties from underneath a tree in the Wild Sanctum!-”
“DAD! Can we go to that stand over there? Please? I found something I really want and I need it and I’ll give you all of my treasure for it! Please!”
The snapper gave Neunial an annoyed look.
“I’ll come back, I promise!” Her father said to the stand owner. He turned to Neunial. “Couldn’t you have waited a bit?”
“No! Please, please, please! Come!” She bounded toward the miscellaneous stand.
The doll was sitting on the counter. Behind the counter was a Coatl, like her. He had dark blue feathers, a white scarf and golden wreath upon his head.
“Hi, welcome to my shop,” He said. His voice was flat and monotone. He didn’t seem very interested in her. Or anything at all.
“I am in LOVE with that Windsinger doll! What do you want for it? I have a hundred treasure and my dad said if i wanted something he’d-”
“Calm down, Neunial!” Her father growled. “Hello! We were wondering how much that Windsinger doll costs?”
“Ten thousand treasure. No more. No less.”
“Ten thousand?”
“Dad! Please! I’ll give you all the treasure I have at home! Five thousand?”
Her father pulled a pouch out from one of the backs he was carrying on his back.
“One thousand, two thousand, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! Neunial, I’m not buying anything for you until you pay me back.”
He placed the treasure onto the counter.
“Thanks. Come again soon.” The coatl hummed with no emotion. He slid the doll over to Neunial, who snatched it with delight.
She held it to her chest.
-One day… One day I’ll be in wind. I’ll find a clan who accepts me!

They were supposed to leave before night fell, but Neunial decided that she wanted to stay another day. She had a plan.
-Maybe I could fly away to the Windswept Plateau. I would miss my dad so much, though. But perhaps I could visit him in the future?
Dad would be so proud of me if I came back with my own wind pack! Wouldn’t he?
She and her father were curled up on a pile of pillows that had been left outside the stands for travellers.
-Maybe I could leave while he’s sleeping.
“Oh, I don’t know! I’d be so alone!” She whispered. She sat up and cradled the Windsinger doll in her arms. “What would you do if you were me? What would I do if I were the Windsinger?”
If she left now, her father wouldn’t know till morning. Or afternoon, if she was lucky and he slept that long.
-I’ll make sure to pay him back, too. Surely my clan would make some treasure?
“See you soon, Dad,” She whispered. Neunial spread her wings and leaped into the star-speckled sky

The cool night wind was refreshing as she soared over the hills below. She had taken one of her father’s bags to keep the Windsinger doll safe.
-It’s so different from the Southern Icefield, she thought.
It was very hard to see where she was going. She didn’t even know if she was flying in the right direction, but determination drove her on. All she knew is that she was flying away from where she’d come from. Jagged crystal shards emitted a soft glow below her, so it was a little easier for her to fly here than it was back at home.
-Do I really want to do this? The Windswept Plateau is so far away… My dad will be so upset when he finds out I’m gone! I miss him so much already…
No! I can visit him again once I find a clan. They will accept me!
The only sound she could hear was the rushing wind and her own wingbeats. Her soft feathers fluttered in the breeze. Neunial adored the feeling of being in the air. She loved the feeling of the ice-cold wind against her body as she soared through the sky.
“I’m so tired…” She mumbled. Her feathery wings felt heavy and numb-
But then out of nowhere, a huge force slammed against her from the darkness. “Ow!” She yelled. She was knocked out of the sky from another forceful shove. Small sharp claws dug into her shoulders and began tearing at her feathers. “Help!” She squeaked. “Stop!”
She was falling out of the sky at an alarming rate. The attacker tore their claws out from her skin, taking chunks of flesh and feathers with them. Neunial tried to spread her wings and fly again, but the ground was coming closer and closer…

Splash! She fell into a lake and plummeted below the water. Instead of flying up, she swam down and down, hoping the attacker would leave her alone. The cool water began to numb her wounds, and nothing else broke the surface of the water. Was she safe?
Neunial held her breath for what felt like forever. She needed to breathe, fast! She swam up to the surface and poked the tip of her snout out for air. Gradually, she brought the rest of her head above the surface and paddled in the cool water.
“Am I safe?” She asked herself quietly.
“Are you safe?” A squeaky voice asked from behind her.
“Aah!” Neunial turned around to see a small guardian. He looked a lot younger than her, with dark green scales and light pink eyes.
The guardian grinned. “I scared you! I scared you!”
“Have you seen any angry dragons around?”
A puzzled look crossed his face. “No, why?”
Neunial swam to the edge of the lake. The guardian followed.
-I guess I’m safe then.
“Sorry, I have to go,” She said to the little dragon.
“But we only just met!” He protested. “Please stay!”
Neunial shook her head. “I have to go. Maybe I’ll visit you again soon?”
“Where are you going?”
“I’m- it doesn’t matter. Well, all I’ll tell you is I’m flying to the Windswept Plateau.”
“Really? That’s so far away! Please bring something back for me!”
“If I find something nice, I’ll bring it to you, but I really need to be going now. What was your name? Mine is Neunial.”
“I’m Amphar!”
“Goodbye Amphar! I’ll see you soon,” She said. She took off into the night sky once again.

She decided to fly a little closer to land this time, and she kept glancing behind her to check if she was being followed. Neunial didn’t know who had attacked her, but whenever she thought about their sharp claws, she shuddered. Her wounds weren’t bleeding as badly as she thought, and they were healing pretty fast.
After a couple more hours of flying, the sky began to lighten. She didn’t know where she was; purple grass and colourful trees stretched for miles on every side of her. Small rivers wound their way between prismatic crystals that emerged from the ground.
-I miss home, she thought, remembering the heavy snow and the chilling cold. In the Starfall Isles, the weather was a bit warmer and a mystical aura always hung in the air. The sun fully rose over the horizon, shining its warm rays on her ice-blue feathers and illuminating the violet grass below.
It was then when she realized how hungry she was. After all her enthusiasm and excitement had died down a little, she noticed how empty her stomach felt.
“Maybe I’ll look for a food stand somewhere,” she thought out loud. “Or maybe I’ll have to catch my own food? I could really go for some fish right now…”
She scanned the landscape below her for a large river. She didn’t know what type of seafood she would find here, since she always hunted in the Southern Icefield. Small rivers were abundant but there were no particularly large ones in sight.
-I guess a small one will have to do, thought Neunial as she swooped down to the nearest one. She made sure not to cast a shadow over the water as she landed, as it would scare the fish away if there were any.
A leech darted past, and Neunial immediately swiped at it with her sharp claws, digging them into its scales and pulling it out of the water. It flew up into the air, scattering droplets of water, and as it fell back down she caught it perfectly in her mouth.
“Did you see that?” She shouted to her Windsinger doll. She killed the leech with a single bite and then swallowed it whole.
-I’m so tired…
Neunial curled up under a small tree with light pink leaves and had a nap, her Windsinger doll pressed to her chest.

She woke the following morning instead of after just a few hours like she wanted.
-I guess I was really tired, she thought, picking up her Windsinger doll and putting it in her bag. She managed to catch a few more leeches and a single minnow before taking off into the sky once again. Her wounds were caked with blood, but flying didn’t seem to worsen them. There were four shallow gashes in her left shoulder, and a deep cut in a patch of featherless skin next to it. She had initially thought that flying would cause the gashes to open, but because of the way they were placed, they didn’t hurt too much while she was in the air.
The purple ground below seemed to turn pinker the further she flew, and the trees began to thin out on one side but grow taller on the other
-I’m almost in the Scarred Wasteland, she realized. Far on the horizon was a small reddish dot.
She flapped her wings harder. If I’m almost in plague territory, it won’t be long now until wind.
A grin crossed her face.

Neunial had never been to the Scarred Wasteland before. She’d never even left the Southern Icefield until now, and her wings ached as she finally reached the border between arcane and plague.
Long, tooth-like structures emerged from below and cast long shadows over the ground.
“Maybe I should rest,” she murmured to herself, and she swooped down to the closest one.
She curled up underneath it and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Read the rest on Zeverik's profile!

Art by RallraxAuri
Playful Windsinger Puppet
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