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Personal Style


Posh Cane
Nebula Starsilk Earrings
Seaweed Unicorn Mane
Mourner's Pelt
Faerie Rose Thorn Gloves
Arcane's Charm
Raven Sylvan Dress
Poisonous Rose Thorn Wing Tangle
Dusky Rose Thorn Leg Tangle
Poisonous Rose Thorn Stockings
Venom Rogue Cape
Poisonous Rose Thorn Banner
Celadon Tail Bangle




6.15 m
7.15 m
424.6 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 25, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Posh Cane


None (yet)
Has a crush on Judah





QUINILYN "Please, call me Quin."


Quinilyn’s sudden appearance at the doorstep of Mad’s & Co. certainly took everyone off guard. Up to that point, it was Maddox who had hand picked every single mage in his employ.

But not Quinilyn.

He showed up out of nowhere, banging on the doors at the three in the morning and introducing himself with a handwritten resume. Most of it wasn’t legible and was burnt, but what Mads could make out wasn’t written in common but in infernal. Right away he knew he wasn’t dealing with an ordinary dragon. At a guess, he was dealing with some sort of vampiric demon; a hybrid most likely.

And right he was. Quinilyn was born to a demon mother and a vampire father, a disgraceful combination that is frowned upon in the hell dimension. There was a time when vampires resided in said hell dimension amongst their demon brethren. Back when they were still considered pure demons, before their queen enacted a coup on the high council.

She was defeated and banished, taking with her the most loyal of her army. The vampires who chose to stay behind were treated as second class citizens and traitors. Tired of the mistreatment, the last of the vampires in the hell dimension left to find their queen. However, they did not receive the warm welcome they were expecting and instead of open arms they were greeted with blades.

”Did you really think you would be welcome here?” she snarled from the throne, “I have no mercy in my heart for cowards like you.”

The vampires thrived in Sornieth and their numbers continue to grow. Most despise being compared to demons, thinking of themselves as an entirely different species now. Quin’s father was not among those who chose to ignore their demonic roots and was shunned when he fell in love with a demon woman.

Quin has no idea what kind of demon his mother was as she died soon after he was born and was raised by his father who never spoke of her. It was a rule to never ask about what happened to her and despite his immense curiosity, he obeyed. Now that Quin’s out on his own he wants to know the truth, even if means entering the hell dimension and risking his life to do so.

Strange as Quinilyn’s arrival was, it would be a lie to say Maddox wasn’t over the moon to meet another demonic being here in Sornieth. Not only that, but someone who comes (somewhat) prepared for a job interview in a dump like this.

”Hello there,” he said, shoving his resume into Maddox’s hands, “My name is Quinilyn and I’ve been dying to meet you all.”

Without a moment's hesitation, the stranger named Quinilyn pushed past Mads and into the front room.

“Wow… this place could really use some TLC,” he hummed, spinning in place to take it all in, “But that’s okay. I can work with this.”

Maddox smiled, pushing his hat back out of his face.

“My, My Quinilyn you-”

“Quin,” he interrupted with a curtsy, “Now please, continue.”

“Quin,” Mads echoed, drawing his name out, “Well, Quin, you are a bold man. Most people would try to being more polite if they're looking for a job. So tell me, what is you have that I’ll want badly enough not to care?”

Now that brought a smile to Quin’s face. Straight forward and to the point, much easier than playing games. A pity; he liked playing games.

“You don’t mince words,” he replied, removing his gloves and shoving them into his pockets, “Very well. What I offer you is experience and power. I might not look like it, but I’m a very capable mage. Go ahead and read my resume. It’s all there.”

Intrigued, Maddox indulged the confident little imp and had a second look. This resume he had been handed was charred at the edges as if it had at one point been thrown into a fire. The text in infernal that was readable was a list of various witches covens all of over Sornieth, reaching from the Starfall Isles to Sunbeam Ruins and beyond.

“Why didn’t any of these fine covens keep you then?” Maddox asked.

“Oh, that’s easy,” Quin replied, “Because I didn’t give them the option. I got bored and so I left. But this place feels… different. Alive. Like, sure it’s a dump but it has potential.”

“What if you get bored and leave us and this dump high and dry?” Mads hummed, “That would be very disappointing.”

“Let’s hope that we don’t disappoint each other then,” came his quick reply.

“Ha! Cocky- I love it,” Maddox chuckled softly, “Very well, why not! Besides, something tells me you won’t be leaving us any time soon.”

Quinilyn was so used to having the last laugh that he didn’t bother looking at the fine print. They never do, thank his infernal majesty. If he had he would have understood that by signing his name in the book, he was stuck with Mads & Co. for the long haul. He was furious when he found out what he’d done. Such a simple mistake and now he was stuck here for the foreseeable future.

Perhaps it was naive to believe he would sign that evil book and be granted knowledge and power without consequence. Maddox’s company and wisdom are expensive, that fine print cruel and unfair, but it is also invaluable. The proof lies in how much stronger he’s already gotten from going on these little missions and attending Mads’ classes.

So it’s not all bad being stuck here forever. On top of all that Quin has developed a massive crush on the self-deprecating Judah. He’s completely oblivious even when Quin is being an obvious flirt, but Quin doesn’t mind. One day he’ll get through that thick skull of his and worm his way into Judah’s heart. He just has to make sure that Cecil doesn’t get there first.

Being half vampire Quin does have to drink blood on a semi-regular basis. Instead of chomping on people’s necks, Mads makes sure to keep the fridge stocked with blood bags. Divius has to leave the room whenever Quin feeds because it makes him sick. No, really. He’s passed out at least twice after walking in and seeing his blood smeared face.

He’s a very sarcastic man, catty too, and fearless in the face of danger. When it comes to friendships he’s not the easiest person to get along with, but once he likes you that’s that. Cocky as he might have been during their first meeting, Quin genuinely respects Mads and finds him fascinating. It’s a rare pleasure to be in the presence of another demonic entity, indeed.

As far as the rest of his bedfellows go, he’s very friendly with Marcel, Marceline, Brahms, Judah, and Altair. The harlequin twins are a strange pair but that’s why he likes them. Plus, they always laugh at his jokes.

Brahms is a nice guy, always helping him track down the books he needs and getting them down from the high shelves he can’t reach. Judah is…. well, he’s perfect. Everything the man does is endearing. It’s just too bad he doesn’t believe any of those things about himself. Last, but not least, Altair is a beast of a man who reminds him of someone he used to know. He’s always following Quin around like a lost puppy, but he doesn’t mind; Altair’s company is surprisingly agreeable. Maybe because they’re both a little tapped.

Quin’s physical appearance is incredibly feminine. He’s easily mistaken for a young lady which he takes as a compliment. Standing at 5’1 he’s a tiny thing with large light pink eyes and plush lips. His pupils are exactly like a cat’s, fluctuating in shape and size with emotion and the light. His blue and green hair reaches down to his waist and when it’s not flowing freely it’s in a messy, loose braid. The clothing he wears is made of expensive material and the heels of his boots are sharp enough to cut glass.

The dark magic Quin wields is deadly and his poisonous potions are the best in class. However, the full extent of his abilities and his true intent for being here have yet to be revealed, and once they are there will be no closing pandora’s box.

• One of Quin's hobbies is fencing and he practices it with Judah.

• He's a coffee addict who has a bad habit of staying up all night reading and roaming the halls muttering to himself.
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