
"Speak up for those that can't."
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Creeping Tendril
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Tundra
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Personal Style


Tarnished Steel Helmet
Tarnished Steel Pauldrons
Tarnished Steel Belt
Steelscale Chest Guard
Black Breeches



Scene: Springswarm


3.51 m
2.89 m
202.33 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 19, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Tundra
EXP: 0 / 245


One of Five Exotic Dragons, last checked on March 31, 2021.
Dearly beloved Mom and Dad,

Hi! If this is not you, please deliver this letter to Cricket Eel Miremonster and/or Lucky Mud Miremonster, if you please!


Mom? Dad? Is this you reading..? Okay, hi! It's me, Rowan! It's taken me much longer to deliver this letter than I was hoping, I'm sorry. Our messenger was out of commission for a while recovering from an injury, and I worried a big, heavily armored plague Coatl approaching with a tiny letter may have ended with... mixed results.

I suppose it's obvious just by that tidbit where I've landed myself, but I promise you, it's not bad! I'm now residing within a very nice Clan in the Scarred Wasteland, though honestly you'd think we're Shadow flight judging by how close we are to the boarder between the Wasteland and The Tangled Woods!
Our group is nothing like some other plague aligned Clans we've come across in the Wasteland, but we're surviving all the same here. I'm currently an apprentice being trained for a few different things actually! On one hand, I've got a Skydancer named Beatrix training me in alchemy, as well as a Coatl named Pristine teaching me about general healing. They kiiinda overlap, but they both have taught me things I wasn't learning about with the other, so there's that! I learn more healing than alchemy, though, because Beatrix is also a mage! She's currently training one of the residents, Delta, so we have some more ranged fighters.
Unfortunately, we're having some troubles fighting off a hostile Clan closer to Rotrock, but we've been sustaining as best as we can. Nobody here is a pushover, that's for sure! Our third in command, Niernen, is hoping to start forming alliances with lairs in other flights, since there aren't that many around here that can say the same. Just good to have allies in many different flights, y'know? I hope Queen Swamplurk doesn't mind I've mentioned the Gladeshadow Province to him!

Anyways, I just wanted to give you an update to let you know that I am alive and safe, especially considering my new home. I miss you, my siblings, and everybody else dearly, maybe I could visit someday? Bring some of my friends, and maybe my partner, Shimrio! She's not affiliated with the Clan, but I suppose I could convince her grandfather to let me take her across Sornieth for a while! May even be able to bring kids to visit, if our friend agrees to help us with that, haha! Now if only I could remember the way... we're a lot father apart than you'd think!

I guess that's it for current updates that I can think of! If you get this letter, I'd love to hear how it's going by you guys! Probably a lot safer, I'd hope! I promise I'll make some more time to write back quickly next time!

With love, Rowan <3
To my daughter,

It's good to see your handwriting, Rowan. I'm very glad you are making friends and are safe. Maybe someday you can come pay us a visit.

Things have been bustling recently. I think Venom's planning another big thing. I'm sure your mother will tell you all about it; she has a knack for describing things.
Love you forever,
To my dearest Dad,

Glad to hear back from you! Mom did indeed tell me about the festival that Venom is planning! So exciting! I think I'll be bringing a couple friends and come visit to see the festivities! They're nice, I promise! It'll be nice to get out of the Wastelands for a bit. I don't hate it out here, but let's just say I understand why nature dragons don't typically willingly live here, hahah.

You guys'll have to give me a tour of the Province when I get there! I'm sure there has to be something that's changed since I was a hatchling! I wonder how many residents will remember me? Everyone, hopefully!

Hope to see you soon!
Rowan <3

Luckwell "Lucky" Mud Miremonster

Being the son of two Horrors, it isn't much of a surprise that Lucky has inherited an aura power of his own. Rather than making others afraid or tired, Lucky's presence causes things to become more calm and quiet. His power is so strong, that it even counteracts Cricket's hearing sense and gives her moments of silence. He also has extremely soft fur, even compared to other Tundras.

Lucky had a harsh life, and without any guidance from his parents, he ended up making some massive mistakes. He was bitter and depressed as a teenager, and he often disobeyed laws and stole from others. One theft ended up with his head being stuck within a cursed helmet that could never be removed. After that escapade, he was known as "Luckwell the Faceless". After meeting Cricket, he had no mutual feelings of the love that she expressed. However, another dragon convinced Lucky that if he married her, he could use Cricket's royal status to his advantage and free his parents. After getting married to Cricket, he immediately broke her heart by saying that he had never actually loved her. The shattered princess left the Province in an attempt to get away from her misery, and Lucky's deed quickly came into the light. Swamplurk was furious and placed a title on him that replaced the former: rather than being faceless, he was known instead as "the Heartless". Lucky was consumed with guilt after learning of Cricket's disappearance, and he finally saw how evil he had become. He gathered up some items and set off in search of Cricket. Shortly after leaving the Province, he encountered Cricket's father, Starseeker, who was also starting to look for her. Starseeker was extremely upset towards Lucky, but they both agreed that finding Cricket would be easier if they teamed up. Working together, they survived many harsh challenges and braved extreme dangers, soon becoming friends. Lucky got separated from Starseeker at one point, but he still continued on, though he was beginning to lose hope. He finally found Cricket, lying tranquilly within a magical meadow. He begged for forgiveness and promised to become a better dragon, and Cricket had compassion toward him and forgave him. He still felt guilty for all the pain he had caused however, so he tried to win Cricket back over by doing things for her. She finally agreed to come back home, but Lucky knew that she no longer loved him the way she once had.

"Hi, Lucky. Welcome to the interview."


"Today, all I want to know is stuff about you."

"Umm, okay..."

"Let's start then. Tell me about yourself, Lucky."

"Well... My parents are Horrors."

"Ah, I see. And how does that make you feel?"

"Well... Pretty bad sometimes I guess. Everybody kinda treats me different. They avoid me or gossip... I-I don't feel like talking about it."

"I understand."


"So, Lucky, how'd you get your name?"

"You know, I think you're possibly the first dragon to ask me that. I actually got it before the naming ceremony, when I was still an egg. My egg fell off of a really high place after a bird snatched it up. The Queen said it was a miracle that I even survived. The shell was only slightly scuffed."

"How interesting!"


"Now Lucky, I've heard a lot about you, and I've got to ask... Is it true? Did the Mire Monster story really happen?"


"Could you recount it for me?"

"Yeah, it's really true... And I really don't want to talk about it."

"Lucky? Lucky, where are you going? Lucky! Hey, come back! This interview isn't even halfway over! We have cookies afterward!!!"

[Please hold during this brief intermission.]

"Well, Lucky. I think you might be the first guy I've interviewed who I've literally had to chase down and tackle to the ground. That was quite an exercise!"


"Oh, right. I guess I should take off your gag. There we go!"

"You're insane!"

"I am not. Anyway, this interview isn't about me, Lucky. It's about you."

"What do you want?!"

"To know about you."


"Enough questions for me! Lucky, why do you always wear that dashing helmet?"

"I-I-Wait... Did you just call it 'dashing'..?"

"Did I? Oops."

"Who are you?!"

"So, Lucky, do you find it hard to live in a village where your parents are infamous?"


"What's your favorite color, Lucky?"

"...Why do you keep saying my name?"

"Why won't you answer my questions?!"

"Because I'm tied to a chair for crying out loud! I have no idea who you are and I'm actually partly scared to find out. You chased me down and gagged me!"

"Would you like a cookie?"

"Stop dodging my questions, you freak!"

[Please hold during this brief intermission.]

"Well, that interview was a bit of a bust. Hopefully you've had a little time to calm down after yesterday."

"Those cookies tasted horrible."

"Hey, I made those myself!"

"I get that you kidnapped me, but come on. Can't a victim at least get a blanket or decent food if you're gonna leave him alone for a whole night?"

"I didn't kidnap you! I just gave you a place to bunk for the night."


"So, Lucky, when did you become a guard?"


"Have you ever tried to talk to your parents or visit with them, Lucky?"


"Lucky, do you have many friends?"

"No. Especially since I'm trapped here. Speaking of which, what is this place?"

"Why... Why can't you just cooperate?"

"You can't force someone to talk. What are you even trying to do?"

"I'm not trying to harm you in any way."

"Then why are you doing this? Who are you?"

"I-I... It's difficult to explain."

"If you won't start telling me what's going on, I won't talk either."

[Please hold during this brief intermission... Again.]

"Fine. You are one determined tundra. I give up. We've been sitting here for hours without saying anything, and I can't stand the quiet."

"Answers. Now."

"I'm like you, Lucky. Alone. Mocked. Looked down on. I'm a freak, as you've pointed out before. I... I wanted an interview. That's all I really wanted. I needed an interview. I collect information. But you... You are a very interesting dragon, Lucky. You are the son of two Horrors, and yet you turned out to be good. That hasn't happened much."

"How would you know..? Are you the daughter of two Horrors?"


...More Chatting...

"Ok... But, you still haven't answered one question. Who are you?"

"I'm... I'm Cricket."
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Exalting Lucky to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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