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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.



Scene: Deep Space


18.04 m
17.06 m
4075.11 kg


Primary Gene
Ripple (Undertide)
Ripple (Undertide)
Secondary Gene
Current (Undertide)
Current (Undertide)
Tertiary Gene
Nudibranch (Undertide)
Nudibranch (Undertide)


Jan 26, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 2 Undertide
EXP: 40 / 641





Mate to 81379967.png

Bought for 70g
ripple - 125kt
current - 82.5kt
nudibranch - 50kt
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* SUCCESS! *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Sparkle Nymph
alt familiar

tumblr_oukvbvOvYQ1uukx56o4_250.png.Welcome totumblr_oukvbvOvYQ1uukx56o5_250.png
The Wyrmwood Court


Along the edge of the Sunbeam Ruins lies a small but verdant forest, overflowing with life and flora that has trickled over from the Viridian Labyrinth. Tucked away neatly between towering trees and cliffs overlooking the glittering ocean lies a magnificent but crumbling castle, known by it's inhabitants as the Wyrmwood Ruins.

All who enter the Ruins are welcomed with open arms and toothy grins, presented with the finest the court has to offer. You may find yourself caught between the ambassadors and their courtiers as they compete amongst themselves to provide the grandest experience, often with unpredictable and, some might say, perilous outcomes. Oh, don't believe the rumours though, nobody worth knowing has ever gone missing within these crumbling walls.

If you find yourself at the mercy of the Wyrmwood Court, simply lie back and enjoy. And try the cindermint tart, it's to die for.

The Cathedral sits apart from the main ruins and for the most part has remained untouched by the ravages of time. Whatever deity or power was worshipped here has mostly been forgotten, though the large stained glass windows depict images of the moon and stars and of a source of magic deep within the earth.

A small number of moon cultists have taken up residence here, though they keep to the spire of the Cathedral. The rest is open to any dragon in search of a moment of peace and quiet.

To the back of the main ruins but still within the boundaries of the crumbling outer wall is an area known as The Grove, an overgrown garden thriving with wild plants and trees, with meandering cracked stone walkways and the odd bench and broken fountain scattered throughout the greenery.

The walkways are lined with fruit trees, and a small stream can be heard as it passes through the ruins, diverted by time. The dreamy scent of wildflowers is a constant companion.

Below the Wyrmwood Ruins lies a network of tunnels and underground mausoleums that connect the Cathedral to the Ruins proper.

While many of these mausoleums have been left untouched, so as not to disturb the remains interred within, many more remain empty and have been retrofitted to allow its new inhabitants to live there; some have made cozy and comfortable homes amongst the dead, while others prefer to create private spaces to continue their less-than-conventional pastimes.

Duke of the Wyrmwood Court

Clan Founder
Calming & Sincere | Forgetful | Green Thumb

Born and raised in the depths of the Viridian Labyrinth, Lacewing has always been most comfortable under the thick canopy's of their homelands forests, but longed for a peace and quiet they couldn't find under the Gladekeeper.

They left the wild abundance of Nature in search of calmer lands with their companion and advisor Brawley, setting out for the Sunbeam Ruin's, home of the Light flight and the place where Brawley was born and raised.

And here they stayed, claiming an abandoned ruins as their new home and opening their doors to any dragon who needed a place to rest and recover from the chaos of the outside world.

As the founder of the Wyrmwood Court, Lacewing spends most of their time in the ruins proper, though they have been seen flitting amongst the canopies of the forest during the height of day; other members of the court are too polite to comment on this. They can usually be found in the Great Hall attending to matters of importance or poring over paperwork in the easternmost spire of the ruins where their private office is located.

Ambassador to Light

Personal Assistant to Duke Lacewing
Stoic & Astute | Altruistic | Cartographer
he/him ♂️

Advisor to Lacewing and Ambassador to Light, Brawley handles inter-clan affairs and negotiations with other light clans, as well as signing off on all dragons wishing to work under the Lightweaver.

The clan leaders oldest friend, he was the one to convince Lacewing to move to the sunbeam ruins for a quieter life.

The fanciest fuzzball, he is equal parts stuck-up and empathetic. Most of the court go to him with any problems they might have that they can't solve on their own.

He tries to keep an optimistic outlook on things but often assigns himself far too much work, becoming overwhelmed, leaving Lacewing to force him to take a day off.
A member of the Inner Court and Ambassador to Light, Brawley spends most of his time in the Interior Ruins and the Great Hall, though his position as Duke Lacewing's personal assistant means he can spend days at a time in the Dukes office. During calmer times he can be found working outside in the courtyard on sunny days.

Ambassador to Nature

He/They | Mate to Hashani
The Sensible One | Practical and Grounded | Prefers Manual Work

Gihan prefers to keep busy and cover the more mundane day-to-day tasks but hates all the schmoozing and small-talk that comes with ambassadorial duties, so he leaves that to his lovely wife Hashani. And she is more than happy to cover his share of the fun stuff, though she still manages to drag him reluctantly along to some of the fancier engagements once in a blue moon!


Archeologist | innocent & playful | witty | beautiful voice

Hashani doesn't like all the boooring chores that come with being a flight ambassador so she handles the fun stuff, like socialising and making friends, and lets her dear husband Gihan cover the rest. Not that he minds of course, he can't stand all the noise and niceties of the picnics and parties, and is much happier supporting his wife from the comfort of his office, the gardens of the shade of a nice big tree.

Aster ♂
Ambassador to Ice

Undecided Role | Abrasive and Stubborn | Calculating | Focused on his Work

Notes: He has a manipulative and calculating mind, but cares too little about the lives of others to be a serious threat. Lazy to a fault when it comes to anything except his own work, he prefers to have others do everything for him, though he can be a cruel and overbearing master. He gives very little away in regard to his emotions, relationships or goals, though those around him have noticed he is more forgiving to some members of the court than others. It seems the fonder he is of you, the less you'll see him around. Perhaps he is aware of the impact his personality has on others; if he is, he does little about it.

Inclined to have him be a mage of sorts, though perhaps he focuses more on theory than practice; maybe his apprentice handles the more hands-on side of things? Or maybe his apprentice is the one who manages the ambassadorial duties.

Ex-professor at the elemental college, Aster retired as soon as he found a protege to train. He thrust his young apprentice into his line of work, preferring to teach from the sidelines than do any sort of fore-training; Aster was far too consumed by his new line of work, something akin to legal defense but far more aggressive. An abrasive personality, Aster struggles to find joy in anything but his work.

Assistant Ambassador to Ice

He/They | Single
Quiet & Unassuming | Quick Learner | Highly Dependent

Apprentice to Ledas, aspiring mage and handler of the ambassadorial duties for Ice.
Quiet and unassuming, he is incredibly competent at anything he puts his mind too, understanding and mastering even complex tasks quickly. However, he has very little independent drive, preferring to follow instructions and carry out tasks under others supervision. He gets along with almost everyone, and even the people who don't like him don't necessarily dislike him. There just doesn't seem to be enough to dislike.

Ambassador to Earth

She/Her | Single
Sweet but Assertive | Wise Beyond Her Years | Skilled Warrior

WIP Lore - Ariadne is a powerful warrior hailing from the kingdom of Earth, Dragonhome, having travelled many miles in search of... something. Nobody is sure what this... thing... is, maybe not even Ariadne herself, but either way she keeps very quite about her 'quest'. Called back to the birthplace of her ancestors, she has taken up home within the Wyrmwood Court as an Ambassador to Earth, having great knowledge of the land and its cultures and and immense sense of pride towards her homeland. She is in no rush to find her purpose, content to serve as Ambassador and continue her search on the side.

Contemplative, Kind, Wise Beyond Her Years and a Perfect Confidant. A Skilled Warrior and Pretty Good At Dancing Too. Enjoys watching the guards in their training, and occassionally offers to join.

He roams the flooded tunnels beneath the ruins, connecting the caves to the castle proper. Years ago he might have been a good sentinel, but in these times of peace he's merely a friendly face in the dark and a guide to those who have lost their way, his bioluminescent hide lighting the pitch black and reflecting the ripples of water underfoot.

Empty Zalis Nest

Empty Inkwell

Coral Basilisk Field Notes

Fiadh is an artist specialising in drawing birds of all shapes and sizes, though they have been known to paint the odd landscape or plant study too. They travel away for weeks or months at a time to find new animals and places to draw, always returning with full sketchbooks and tales of beautiful scenery in faraway lands.

Fiadh enjoys a quieter life than most; they live a little ways outside the walls of the ruins and only come in occassionally to pick up supplies or meet up with some of the residents of the Grove for lunch and the latest gossip (not that they're interested in such things, but the others insist on keeping them updated).

Their cabin is small but cozy, with enough room for them to store their art and materials, though certainly not big enough for any non-veilspun dragons to come over for a visit - which is exactly how they like it. Only Gin is allowed to visit, since he appreciates the quiet as much as Fiadh does.


Analogous Pigment Blend

Buff Primary Feathers

Cardinal Hippogriff

Accent: Herald of Dawn

Brilliant Brass Torc

Glossy Frills

A priestess for a long-hidden cult dedicated to the mysteries of the night and the stars, Gilded spends most of her days in darkness. As part of her duties she welcomes in guests who, for a small amount of gold, are given a glimpse of their future. And for a select few dragons deemed to be worthy, they are taken into the depths of the temple and return... changed.

No dragon who has seen the temples inner sanctum has ever shared their experience, and has taken its secrets with them to the grave. Many have speculated as to what lies inside, what strange things were done to them; sensory deprivation perhaps, or the administration of mind altering toxins, both of which the temple has been open about using. But the eerie singing and bells that can be heard in the dark of the night, and their strange eyes...

There must be something more...


Antique Oil Lamp

Leopard Coralclimber Toxin

Spectre Wyvern

Tender of the Vines. Smells of delicate flowers and has a soft voice, like a song caught on the breeze. Partial to sweet fruit teas and paddling in the creek.

WIP Lore: One of the gardeners tasked with mainting the chaoticly arranged crops grown in the Grove. Ruin doesn't mind handling the mucky tasks with the occasional help of Jack, and is proud to have a hand in raising the produce that helps the Ruins thrive. In their spare time they grow a variety of plants for teas and tinctures to help with common, mild ailments, like sleeplessness or low mood. They also (Insert common hobby with Relic, maybe a tea based thing? or brewing potions for altered states of mind...)


- Hypno -

Disconcerting & Unpredictable | Mercurial Temperament | Watches Everything

Asmodeus is in charge of clothing all the dragons who actually bother to wear clothes, darn it, don't they know we have a reputation to maintain *grumble grumble* - mostly catering to the inner court and their couriers. He is responsible for keeping all the outfits in good order and aquiring any new items that are requested, as well as coordinating with the crafters to make new, high quality clothing for the denizens of the Wyrmwood ruins.

And, if while fitting you for your new outfit you happen to tell her about the latest happenings or a few juicy bits of gossip, I'm sure they wouldn't mind one bit. Don't expect him to keep any secrets for you though; that costs extra.


Lightweaver Marble Bust Intact Clay Relief Clay Fertility Statue Ornate Porcelain Jar

The Ceramicist

As head potter, Cael runs a tight ship in the workshops of the Wyrmwood Ruins, half buried beneath the stone and sprawling across many oddly shaped rooms, hallways and out into the cave system that the Ruins sit on top of. Each room serves its purpose from creating fine dinnerware or extravagant vases, to near indistructable ceramic armour, capable of withstanding even the harshest blows.

Many of the dragons that work down there, including Cael itself, are Ceramic Dragons, a rare breed created from only the finest clay and fired in the giant, ancient kilns found in one of the many mysterious caverns under the ruins. Something about these kilns can breath life into anything fired within, though only if they have been formed with the intent to create a living creature. So far, only dragons and the occasional miniature beastclan has been created; Cael is too nervous to allow anything more exotic to be attempted, for fear of the outcome if something goes wrong.
Cael itself is forgetful and a bit clumsy owing to its rocky beginnings; as the first dragon fired in the Wyrmwood Kilns it was somewhat poorly made, with fault lines covering its whole body, something it would find out is often passed on to its offspring, no matter how diligently it crafts their eggs.

Though it has worked hard to keep its body whole, mending the cracks with whatever clays are available, the fixes never last long. Its oddly-made body has affected its mind, leaving it absent-minded and perpetually distracted, though this rarely affects the quality of the work it produces. When it comes to forming new things from clay, Cael is a master, with an almost obsessive focus on whatever project it's working on and a dexterity and attention to details that seems at oodds with its large, lurching body.

Outside of work, Cael spend a lot of time walking along the ocean cliffs listening to the waves and basking in the bright, warm sun.

Serthis Support
Awakened Familiar

Deep below the ruins, deeper even than the catacombs, lies a series of tunnels and caves that house The Kilns, huge ceramic ovens big enough to fit even the largest of dragons.

Ancient magic holds these caverns aloft and the kilns themselves are far older than the ruins, with runes and inscriptions carved in a forgotten tongue along the walls and trailing out into the many labrynthian corridors and rooms that connect them to the outside world. It would be easy to get lost down here.

Example Offspring Lore Snippets~
X was fired to perfection in the ancient kilns of the Wyrmwood Ruins, but slipped and shattered shortly after hatching! Luckily they were able to be repaired, the thick dark cracks running across their body a testiment to their enduring spirit.
X was fired in the ancient kilns of the Wyrmwood Ruins, but soon after hatching started developing cracks that had to be carefully mended with fine clays and glazes. The bright cracks running across their body remind them that there is always hope, even in the worst situations.
X was fired in the ancient kilns of the Wyrmwood ruins but inherited their creators weakened structure, leading to fault lines that meander across their body. Rather than try to hide them, they have fixed the cracks with colourful clays, a reminder of their strength and pride!
Lightweaver Marble Bust Flamecaller Terracotta Figure Windsinger Painted Vase Crumbling Relief Broken Clay Pot Stag Figurine Greystone Deer Rasa Pottery Fragment Decorative Rasa Shard Parched Clay Jar Intact Clay Pot Painted Clay Pot Ornate Porcelain Jar Painted Porcelain Jar Broken Pottery Piece Shattered Ceramic Shard Clay Fertility Statue Stone Fertility Statue Intact Stone Relief Intact Clay Relief Decorative Desert Tile Beautiful Barrens Tile Cobalt Glazed Vase Gold Lustre Vase Clay Lump of Clay Grey Clay Possibly Clay

Scholar | Dandy | Hardly Trustworthy

Rani is on a mission to aquire knowledge, and he isn't particularly scrupulous about how he aquires it. In fact, if the knowledge comes at some cost to himself or others, it must be more valuable, right? Dabbling in dark magics and forbidden texts is all part of the game for him, and he's more than willing to trade some of that knowledge if he feels it will benefit him. The end goal? Who knows. Power? Wealth? Or something more sinister? Whatever it is, its a closely kept secret.


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