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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: Unyielding Sun


Scene: Armory


5.9 m
6.26 m
622.9 kg


Primary Gene
Savannah (Banescale)
Savannah (Banescale)
Secondary Gene
Paisley (Banescale)
Paisley (Banescale)
Tertiary Gene
Contour (Banescale)
Contour (Banescale)


Jan 21, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 7 Banescale
EXP: 9262 / 11881
Dark Bolt
Acuity Fragment
Might Fragment



"Take one step onto my territory and i promise you our city would look beautiful with severed heads decorated in it"

Deputy and heir | Female | Bisexual

Cotl's deputy and Daisies backbone, Ember is the more fiercer side of leadership with a mean name and a personality that can put just about any dragon in their place, she also was one of the dragons who accompanied daisies on his journey to find new land and became mates with him later, the 2 are inseparable and both take care of each other(of course ember is the boss of the relationship and makes most of the choices daisies says he makes but don't tell the rest of the clan that.

Shadow Runestone Abyssal Bard Shadow Runestone

Daisies - Mate
"Even though i love daisies his behavior towards his son is outright stupid! but who am i to say that....daisies has always been stupid"
despite being friends when they were younger, ember never actually had feelings for daisies and loved him like a king and his guard, it was until they grew up and when on daisies’s journey when she realized he needed her and she needed him he needed to build up his confidence and she needed someone to almost match her fire, and they later became mates; this doesn’t stop the fact she still treats him like her sibling and is still overprotective and supporting.

Skin, Seramore & Mendoza - Adopted son and sons
"As much i wanted t have my children with both daisies and shetland, i don't really know how or want to take care of my kids to be honest, maybe it was how my mother did't take care of me to much either"
Unlike Daisies, Ember doesn’t really like her 3 children and usually ignored them, especially Skin, but she had to do something to keep them safe and unwilling only protected them throughout growth and till adulthood. it was until daisies basically headcanon-ed mendoza as evil did she actually do something and defended her son, she was shocked to believe daisies would even say such a thing to the children he barely even raises and loves him a little lesser ever since then, it seems that mendoza is really the only loved one here.


- Ember used to have a different mate way before daises and even had children but she barely remembers them or doesn't care

- If asked if any of the children she had is a favorite she'd most likely say nobody but she likes mendoza a tad bit as "he wasn't born evil, hatchlings never are it's their actions that makes them that way"

- Ember often describes daisies as "a dumb cow-brained lizard who can't make up their own actions" dragons at first are shocked to hear such words about their leader from their most supportive mate and deputy but then will think it's most likely a joke, but in her mind it really isn't.

- As the heir of the clan it is embers job to care for and worry for her clanmates, in reality; she doesn't care.

(bad) Drawing a dragon everyday, #5 wrote:

old fam appreciation
Crimson Emperor Valorous Cape Tengu


code made by me ;D
Decor made byTochiro
psst hover over image
75 questions game! :D
made from here and here


1. What Flight is your clan?
"The light flight of course!, i admire it for it's bright colors and beauty!....though nightingale came from the plague flight and was the first dragon here so that was our original location!"

2. Why did they choose this Flight?
"Me and havier had a pretty decent life in the plaguelands before we decided to have our eggs, but with me taking care of our first few which left havier protecting the 4 of us we just couldn't take the unprepared battles, lack of food and thieves lurking the area, we didn't want to leave too much but we had to for the rest of our kids safety, as some of them left. we decided to move to the light flight because of it peacefulness yet a haunting luminax on their sun-touched land, we been here ever since."

3. Have they been loyal to other Flights before this? Or will they never move?
"Our last flight was plague, and light is our current; we don't plan on moving"

4. What would be the deciding factor in a move, if the clan had to?
"If we were forced out we might as well move back to plague or go to earth...maybe fire"

5. Is the clan spiritual and highly loyal to their deity? Are they indifferent?
"We are very loyal to our clan's deity, representatives and our councils...but unfortunately there is always a competition on which deity is better"

6. How does the clan view those from different Flights? Are they welcoming to all dragons, or suspicious of newcomers?
"Everyone can pretty each other i suppose, it doesn't really matter on the flight you come from but what you will do for the clan!"

7. What does your lair look like? Go into detail.
"We dunno" "

8. Who founded the clan?
"Ah! wonderful question child! it was me and Astarly who founded the clan, with a little help from precious! but we also appreciate astarly for letting us settle here; he was here before even us."

9. Who is your clan leader? Why are they the leader? Have there been any leadership changes?
"Good question there! pretty long story though..uh..well hmm...basically i remember always wanting to start my own lair at first and went on a huge journey to find new territory: i came here and met nightingale who was the clan leader but was retiring and after a few tests and trials between me and enderglizer; long story short again i won and took over the clan....though i did think precious would take over honestly."

10. Was the leader chosen? Were they elected? An heir to the throne? Or maybe they achieved something within the clan?
"I chose daisies as leader because i admired his strength, curiosity and leadership skills, though i had originally offered precious the role for her motherly personality that would protect the clan for seasons but she declined, which i was disappointed about at first but now i see i made the right second decision. as for Enderglizer he had all the qualities of a great leader but a bad obsession for bloodshed and battle and i want my clan to at least live a few months and not get wiped out...."

11. Who handles interclan relations? Any diplomats? Peacekeepers?
"As of now i am the only peacekeeper!"

12. How does your clan view the Beastclans? Who handles Beastclan relations?
"beastclansDepends....which part of them"

13. Does your clan have specific roles for each dragon?
"Oh definitely! every hatchling is born with a role to make the clan stronger, some have less challenging roles than most be we will fight all together if necessary, roles are given based on flight,personality,and interests, we sometimes let them pick it themselves of course"

14. Does your clan have any Flight ambassadors? What do they do?
"Yes yes of course! they currently live in Herethey normally watch over us or stay in their portals but one dragon with the name of tidedancer normally is with us and explores unfound land."

15. Does your clan have a council? An elected group of dragons in power?
"Me, Ember,Leon,Precious,Spitfire and Daji has always been the first ever council, but as time changes we have hired more!; Mistie,Amaya,Divine and Catalpa, Daji was also apart of the first council, but, after what have been happening she decided to leave...and i think that was my fault......"

16. Are all dragons in the clan expected to contribute in some way? Or are they left to their own devices?
"Everyone is born with a special job they want to do and we will not force them upon something else, but if they simply don't want to do anything and not contribute they are better off gone and not to come back, or else......."

17. Who protects the clan? Who is in charge of battling/guarding?
"You don't look like someone i know...are you new?" [...] "Odd i always know when someone new arrives....oh a question! Well you are standing right in-front of them! i currently am the headboss of all the fighting that goes down in out clan and guarding it too but honeysuckle is far more stronger than i am at protecting our shoo, shoo! go on im busy!!"

18. Does your clan trade with any other clans? Any allies? Enemies?
"Depends on the clan and what they need, we or just me i guess tends to get pretty suspicious with sudden trade offers, as for that we don't get to many allies near our territory; probably because it' near hewn city and don't even think because of the name the light flight is weak! i may not be a light dragon at heart but i think if i met someone who can control the light we need to survive i wouldn't mess with them"

19. How is exalting handled in your clan? Any ceremonies? Is exalt fodder something that is part of your lore?
"Good question, there is always a ceremony held for those who leave us whether if it is for exalting or what you call 'forum games and giveaways'......"

20. Who does the gathering in the clan? (digging, scavenging, hunting, etc.)
"Why me and my gathering team of course"

21. Does your clan have a healer?
"Me and my friends Kronos,Critias and Hickorywing i bet they are so delighted to be working with ME!"

22. Who looks after hatchlings? The parents, or a general hatchling-sitter?
"Usually it is me who takes care of the hatchlings but the parents can too, i have recently hired some hatchling sitters though Mateus and Tallowtuft", but mateus recently retired

23. How does your clan educate younger dragons? Is there a scribe, scholar, or mentor?
"Me and Antonia usually train them more so like teachers but sometimes daisies hires tutors from other lairs to teach them as well"

24. Do you have any artists within your clan? How do they make a living from their crafts?
"Sometimes when im not helping dragons with their apparel choosing i do dabble in creating art and yes! i do sell them but im currently on a hiatus"

25. Does your clan have a cook? Who handles the food?
"Even though most of the clan can gather food as they please it is usually me and dragons from 'whispering ruins' "

26. Who is on the Coli team? Who trains future warriors?
"Anydragon can become a coliseum battler, as for who trains them it's usually me and dragons in Sky arena and sometimes from the Sunbeam towers"

27. Any messengers? Scouts? Delivery dragons?
"Ever since daji's departure i don't think there are any more delivery dragons except tameika"

28. How does apparel work in your clan? Are any pieces of apparel status symbols, or indicators of the role the dragon has?
"I keep a file on me with that information all the time...ahem! 'Dragons can always specify what apparel they want on them but by default always give them apparel based on their aesthetic or jobs, flight ambassadors always wear something based on the flight they are wearing' nice reminder right?"

29. How are familiars viewed in the clan? Pets? Companions? Friends?
"All our dragons have their ways of seeing their familiars sometimes pets,rivals,servants,companions sometimes even as a siblings! i personally see them as friends, best friends"

30. Do you have any familiars that are intelligent enough to directly interact with the dragons?
"I believe we can teach our familiars dragon speech if we want to for example my familiar 'bao' can speak some dragon with my teachings"

31. Who cares for the familiars? The familiar's dragon, or a general caretaker?
"It is usually the dragon who takes care of the their familiars but i take care of them if the dragon is absent"

32. Are extra familiars/non-bonded familiars free to wander around the lair? Or do they not exist in the lore?
"Even though i have not much business around cotl anymore i do see a lot of wandering dragonless familiars roam the city and near my stronghold; as gross that is for such animals to roam around everywhere as long as they are near me i get a few more workers!"

33. Does your clan have any Beastclan members living among the ranks?

34. Who hoards what? Do the dragons each have a personal hoard, or is there one big storage area?
"Everyone has their own hoards i suppose but i can say based on my warehouse of items that i hoard a LOT"

35. Does your clan specialize in anything?
"Uh maybe? we are so different from each other not much of us have things in common except battling"

36. Does your clan stand for anything? (truth, might, knowledge, etc.)
"Anything that has to do with bravery,defense and skill!"

37. What is the origin of your clan's name?
"It was originally 'fields of daises' but that, what the hell is that supposed to even mean? it was nightinagale who found the clan and their name before was better, so, after a debate of course we changed it back to the original name of the clan which was called 'city of light' hence the fact the territory was near and looked like a city and not a freaking field! but 'fod' was a good name i guess, daisies wasn't happy with the name change that's for sure, egotistical lizard....but I love him!"

38. Does your clan have a set of rules or guidelines for the members? What happens if a dragon breaks these rules?
"A clan can't be a clan without rules duh! we'd be no better than the loners we chase off our for breaking rules the punishments can range between small punishments-bigger ones-exile, eventually exalting and sometimes even death! which is very rare but a fun occurrence to see"

39. How does your clan view Gen One dragons?
"Gen one dragons are usually treated like normal dragons, there isn't much diversity"

40. Does your clan have a territory? Or just the lair?
"We don't currently have a drawn out map of the territory but we do have territory! and my profile has the borders!"

41. Do any dragons in the lair have a bias or dislike towards certain breeds or a Flight?
"Apart from dragon rivalries i barely see much dragons roast others based on their flight and breed but all i know is that i'd never want to be trained by non plague dragons unless they are authority!"

42. Which dragons are good friends within your clan? Any enemies? Best couple?
"I love to document on the dragons inside the lair in my spare time and i come to notice Florina and Aili are pretty good friends while Gwin and Skin aren't so friendly but as for the best overall couple Nakia and Aryssa are the most supportive of one another!"

43. Who's the cinnamon roll, and who's the problematic fave?
"It's funny how dragons think im all bad and scary because i kill someone here and there but im definitely the opposite personality wise :3"
"I for one am not as kind"

44. Do you have any dragons that aren't part of the lore? Just for show?
"Me and some of the fan-dragons haha, we barely do crap"

45. Are there any dragons in your clan who dislike hatchlings?
"They just stare at you with those huge bulging eyes, Eugh!"

46. How do permababies work in your lore? Do you have any?
"Us permababies are seen as protectors of the clan as we have seen everything and know any outcome, it doesn't even matter if we were born after some of the dragons in the clan, we get a whole lot more knowledge the moment we got the vial. We also are a whole lot more powerful than most of the dragons in the clan with and without training, those who are trained are much stronger"

47. Who manages the treasure and gem hoards?
"Someone has to"

48. Has your clan gone through any unfortunate events? Tragedies, even?
"Yes unfortunatley, everything was normal until Kronos gave us a very...unsettling and confusing prophecy my council couldn't even break down, and after that happened one of our dragons caught a sickness started taking down dragons one by one, and our healers could only do so much to save dragons who are starting to get it......don't worry for us dear dragon! we can handle anything...i hope"

49. Are roles assigned to dragons when they are born/come into the clan, or do they choose their role?
"As long as it can help our clan, go off!"

50. Who kills the spiders?
"Does eating them count? "

51. Who eats all the food?
"But it's free! r-right?"

52. Do you have any tricksters or prank loving dragons? Do they cause mischief?
"We are like bonnie and clyde"

53 Most intimidating dragon?
"As i should be; HA!!"

54. Most friendly dragon?
"Some say i got a heart of gold!"

55. Dragon most likely to bring back a stick from gathering?
"Cerberus says it's food so it's food!"

56. Laziest dragon?

57. Funniest dragon?
"C'mon i can be funny when im in the right mood!"

58. Do you have any sub-clans? What are they called?
"my stronghold and castle! but that isn't really a clan just a place for me and my familiars....oh and some dragons who decided to walk too from their homes and accidentally come here to ask for my guidance or a place to work in my castle!, they were very very willing >:D (they weren't)"

82840849p.png "Me and my group of undertides live underneath cotl, you sure are lucky you even could find us in our heavily guarded area"

59. Does your clan decorate the lair at all? How so?
"Mostly are banners,plants,flags,lanterns and lamps and a WHOLE lot of pillars, huge huge ones, but ember did say she would decorate with dragon heads here and there and as creepy that sounds i think it's sick!" >:D

60. What markers does your clan use to let others know they live in the area? Flags? Banners? Runes?
"Flags with our clan name plastered on to it, i guess we need to add more"

61. Smartest dragon?
"Aww i wouldn't call myself the smartest!"

62. The dragon everybody loves?
"Thank you, THANK YOU!"

63. The dragon everybody hates?

64. Do you have a clan rune?
" that?"

65. Pick a song that best describes your clan.
"Probably on how it all started our song would be
Solider, poet ,king"

66. Who gets into arguments the most? Who keeps the peace?
"okay i fight a lot, and? we're dragons! we do that all the time"
"Unfortunately i have to settle their disputes"

67. How do skins and accents work in your lore?
"It depends on what it looks like! sometimes more apparel,tattoos,decor and even a new form entirely!!"

68. Best dressed?
"Thank you dear! :)"

69. Does your clan have any elders?
"Really just me Havier,Nightingale,Ganymede, and Mateus, but we still help in some ways young'in!"

70. Does each dragon in your lair have their own space, or is the entire lair shared?
"Everyone needs their privacy, we all have our own self made homes and spaces, with those homes of course being seperated into the role varieties we live in, guards sleep wherever guards meet, hatchlings and hatchling caretakers in the hidden nursery, etc, etc"

71. How do you handle gene scrolls in your lore?
"Gene scrolls are like magic, a spell that forever tuns the dragon it's used on to be changed into a form they weren't before, wether its to change one's eye or make their appearance much more appealing"

72. Who loves festivals the most? Who parties the hardest?

73. Pick two dragons and talk about their relationship.

74. Choose one dragon and talk about them.

75. Choose a dragon with a familiar and talk about their relationship.[/columns]
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Exalting Ember to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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