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Personal Style


Golden Fillet
Brown Birdskull Necklace
Crane's Shoulder Pads
Ruthless Banner
Mage's Sapphire Gloves
Champion's Furs
Primal Kilt
Mage's Golden Socks
Gold Aviator Boots
Heraldic Scale Cuirass
Resplendent Pants
Crane's Tail Guard



Scene: Deep Space


30.76 m
17.62 m
8952.11 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 13, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Thank you Faeforge for letting me purchase this girl
And thank you Skydust for some apparel

Alloy changed to Connie: 17/6/23

bio buttons by fluffmoth

Yep this is another OC
For Guardians of the Galaxy
(SHE HAS A VERY LONG BIO- but 50% of it is formatting and making it look good. Its worth a read)

She's part of the Sovereign
She's from the same lair as Adam but is not related (which is awesome and fits with her lore)
She has faceted eyes! I only kept them coz i think they look cool
(please ignore the fact she's older than Warlock; Aeva is younger. And way bigger than him; theyre roughly equal in size. Other than that this dragon is basically perfect)
fTNmH4a.png Aeva
The Sovereign
Demisexual (Demisexual flag)
She/They (Black)

4tz17vX.png Creation and subsequent journey to find Adam:
After the events of the third volume in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies; with the death of the High Priestess Ayesha and the disappearance of her creation Adam Warlock, the Sovereign people are at a loss. Their planet is without a leader.
So in an act of desperation they turn to Ayesha's previous methods of creating the perfect being. They were going to continue her work of creating the next step in their evolution.
Using a little of Ayesha's DNA, their efforts yielded a new High Priestess, one who was going to be superior than the previous in every way.
However, they completely underestimated the gestation time for such a being. With it being far longer than the average Sovereign, the young to-be leader was released far too early.
The handmaidens, scientists and drones that created her christened her Eve.
Her body was in perfect condition, but like Warlock before her, she was very naive.
Overhearing some lamenting the loss of Ayesha and Adam, Eve misunderstood the meaning behind the conversation and thus her reason for being.
She thought that her mission in life was to find Adam and bring him back to the Sovereign homeworld to be their new High Priestess.
Without knowing what he looked like and where he was last seen, Eve left her homeworld and flew through space on her own.
Encountering and joining forces with the Guardians of the Galaxy:
After an unknown amount of time in space tracking down Adam, she finds him on a desolate world with the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Mistaking that they were holding him hostage, Eve launches an attack and splinters the now giant-sized Groot.
Adam is the first to counter-attack, launching the new Sovereign through a mountain and starting a brutal fight between the two of them.
They are evenly matched, with neither of them able to end the fight but the both of them getting in more than a fair share of devastating blows.
Its not until one of the members of the Guardians team, Cosmo the spacedog, realises that Eve looks like Adam, does she hold them both still with her powers and begin questioning Eve.
Eve tells the team her name and her reasons for being there; taking Adam back to the Sovereign homeworld so he can be their new High Priestess (much to the amusement of some of the Guardians team).
Adam immediately agrees and tries to convince his team to follow her. Rocket, now leader, is skeptical at first but reasons that they have beaten the Sovereign before they can do it again.
4tz17vX.png Name change:
Thus begins a long journey in space to the Sovereign homeworld.
Along the way, Eve decides to change her name to Aeva after a conversation with the Guardians team. She cannot explain why but she does not like her name.
Kraglin and Groot (through Rocket) offer up the explanation that relates to the bible.
Eve was the wife of Adam, and the first woman in the world. She is destined to serve Adam and bear his children for their lifetime and thus start mankind through their....actions.
Eve doesnt fully comprehend these implications and how it relates to her. She simply states that she doesnt like the sound of Eve.
Thus begins her first quest throughout their time in space: to find a new name.
Eventually she settles on Aeva (said “Eva” She doesnt answer to any other pronunciation).
Much to the chagrin of anyone with a brain, as its literally just her original name but slightly altered.
She decides to put an A on the front of it as well as that what both Adam and Ayesha have.
Throughout the course of her quest several names were considered (and even used for a time):
Throughout the course of her quest several names were considered (and even used for a time):
  • High Priestess
  • Hyperdrive
  • AdamTwo
  • Zargnuts
  • Telephone Chord
  • Amelia Earhart
  • Dolly Parton
  • Do not use stairs in event of an emergency (Stairs for short)
4tz17vX.png Finding the Sovereign homeworld and subsequent mission:
After time in space, the Guardians of the Galaxy and a somewhat acquainted Aeva reach the Sovereign Homeworld; only to find empty space where it once stood. The entire planet, and everyone on it, completely wiped from existence. Due to the xenophobic nature of the Sovereign people, none ever left the planet. Which assured that Adam and Aeva were the only two remaining Sovereign in the entire universe, and all that ever will be due to their technology being lost as well.
Both Adam and Aeva are left at a loss; after the loss of the High Priestess (someone who was a mother figure to Adam), their planet and their entire species, they both feel devastated.
There is no way to continue the Sovereign species and it shall die with them (much to the joking and innuendos from Rocket)
(And what Aeva would never come to realise; if she had not left she could have helped defend them. But would have ultimately died with them)
At that point, with nowhere else to go, still naive to the universe around her, Aeva is offered a place in the Guardians of the Galaxy and gladly accepts. At least she can gain some solace in the last remaining member of her species.

It later comes to light that the reason the planet was destroyed was due to the High Evolutionary. Thought to be dead, it is revealed that he had survived the explosions onboard his ship. And in an act of anger and malice he destroyed the golden people he brought life to.
Once this information reaches the team, it starts a mission of revenge.
Other adventures:
Aeva is shown around the base in Knowhere and gets to know Drax and Nebula.

A trip to Earth sees Aeva meeting Quill for the first (and probably last) time. He tries to flirt with her. She is oblivious and does not realise.

Going on space adventures to track down Mantis (leaving Drax behind at Knowhere).
Physical Appearance:
  • Despite being made to replace the High Priestess, she was built to be combat ready so she sports armor
  • Something that is a cross between what Ayesha wore in the third movie and what Adam wore: (Best ref I could find of their two outifts)
  • A battle skirt over the pants
  • Cape
  • Adams colours just golder and blue instead of red
4tz17vX.png Personality:
  • Being newly born she is very naive to the world and happenings around her.
  • She takes things VERY literally
  • Does not understand emotions. Her own or others. She struggles with them
  • SOME knowledge (that she may have retained from Ayesha)
  • DOES learn, and quickly too. If time is taken to explain everything and asnwer all of her questions. She will remember and learn and grow as a result
  • However, much more dominant than Adam. Able to take charge of others (or at least tries her best to)
  • Tries to get others to do what she says, but it never works (Rocket however, was able to convince her that some rocks were alive and would do her bidding if she asked them to)
  • Can often be seen helping Adam in situations (such as making decisions- be it for the better or worse).
  • Because she has no guidance, no one to turn to, no homeworld left, she is not afraid to ask the team for help. And she tries to guide Adam (to varied success)
  • NOT a bimbo (she's not a vapid dumb blonde that will bat her eyelids and act dumb. She will punch you through a wall if she thinks thats what she needs to do)
  • She can be quite prone to violence like Adam is. She is not adverse to it
Powers and attributes:
Practically the same as Adam:
  • Superhuman Strength: able to give a lot out
  • Superhuman Durability: able to take as much as she gives
  • Superhuman Speed: able to cover small distances in very little time (especially when flying through space)
  • Superhuman Agility: ability to dodge (when taught)
  • Superhuman Stamina: can go and go and go
  • Superhuman Reflexes: can stop your punch or blaster before you can even blink
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: goes hand-in-hand with the durability. Heals own wounds
  • Cosmic Energy Manipulation: can make the golden energy blasts and generate heat like Adam can
  • Flight: can manipulate the cosmic energy to fly at high speeds
  • Self-Sustenance: can survive in space without a suit
  • Leadership abilities: although barely developed, Aeva was given a leader's mindset to be the High Priestess. This is seen in her general ability to be bossy/give orders (despite no one listening).
4tz17vX.png Relationships:

  • Adam: Despite everything that happened, Aeva is still grateful she has Adam. Everything about who she was supposed to be, the High Priestess, she has learned from him. While they are a 'two halves of a whole idiot' situation, they still learn a lot from each other, about each other. Adam teaches Aeva patience and how to care, Aeva teaches Adam how to stand up for himself and be assertive.
    But, not a lot gets done when left to their own devices, they are both naive and kind of stupid. All-in-all after everything thats happened, they get along very well. (They are confused together).
  • Rocket: As the one who introduced himself as the captain and leader. While Rocket has very little time or patience for Aeva, he grows to put up with her overtime. Despite not really understanding that Rocket is annoyed by her, Aeva persists oblivious. She has learned a lot from Rocket; about guns, battling, how the team functions, how to fly the ship and music.
  • Groot: Although she was confused by Groot at first, and somewhat intimidated by the tree that could talk. Often his sage words had to be translated by Rocket. Over time she learned that Groot meant her no harm and she could understand his “I am Groot”s more and more.
  • Nebula: Aeva is intruiged by Nebula, much to Nebula's annoyance. At least at first. Slowly becomes like an older sister type thing. While knowing how to throw an attack, Aeva learns a lot more battle tactics from Nebula (involving ambushing and dodging)
Relationships Part 2:

  • Kraglin: Often the voice of reason and often the one giving the best explanations he can to guide Aeva. Aeva respects Kraglin for his sage advice in many a situation.
  • Cosmo: Best doggo. She doesnt like the fact Cosmo doesnt like her (she just wants to hold and pat and snuggle Cosmo but Cosmo is a strong psionic dog who will have cuddles on her own time.
  • Phyla: And her rescued friends in Knowhere- what are these tiny beings? Short creatures? She has literally never seen a child before in her life. When she tries to talk to them they giggle and run away. Why?
  • Drax: She met him once. Dumb chaos ensued. When two super strong dumb beings collide things get caught in collateral. Honestly Aeva likes Drax. He's funny and he spins some strange wisdoms that often Rocket and Nebula have to correct.
  • Quill: She was not impressed. He kept saying stupid things about how amazing he was and about how beautiful she looked. She ignored him the entire time. However, he seemed pretty impressed by her music knowledge
  • Mantis: Aeva only got to meet her once, after a long journey to find her. She seemed really happy to see Rocket again, though mildly annoyed when he revealed they tracked her down on purpose. However, after spending time with her and her abilisks, Aeva has come to learn that Mantis is a lot like Nebula. Strong on her own. But Mantis is...softer. Mantis read Aeva's emotions. She helped Aeva understand her emotions and why she might be feeling them. It was a very very long conversation but Aeva came out of it one step closer to understanding her own feelings. Aeva owes a lot to Mantis.
  • Blurp: She stole Blurp off of Adam once and it resulted in a lengthy explanation from Kraglin about how taking something that belongs to someone else, no matter how much we want it, is stealing. And thats bad.
  • Rocky, Rockward and Pebblin: a loyal crew that do anything she asks of them to the best of their abilities. They would go to the ends of the universe for their leader and she will see to it they all are protected from whatever threat they face (despite the fact they’re rocks with crudely drawn faces on them. She didn’t name them. Those were the names given by others when she questioned the rocks)
4tz17vX.png Random Quotes:

-Literally anyone: "She's a little slow but she got the spirit"

- Aeva: “What is he doing?”
Cosmo: “He is upset”
*explains reason*
A: “....what do I do?” *slight panic*

- Kraglin: “I dont wanna fight a woman”
Aeva: “Why?”
K: “Seems unfair”
A: *visible confusion*

- Aeva: “This is Rocket Raccoon and he is a squirrel” *anger in the bg* “Oh no wait he is a badger”

- Aeva: “Nebula you are like an older sister. I have never had a sibling before”
Nebula: “Dont you have Warlock?”
A: *looks at Adam* “I am not sure.”

-Adam: “Where is the planet?”
Aeva: “I dont know, it was just there when I left”
Rocket: When did you leave?”
Av: “I dont know....It took a while to track you down. Without knowing where you were, what you looked like or where you last were seen”
R: “So you, without a plan, shot off into space. And have been wandering around aimlessly looking for this golden d*uchebag for god knows how long?”
Av: “.....yes”
Random Quotes Part 2:

-Rocket: “What are you doing?”
Aeva: “This came loose”
R: “What came loose??”
A: “This” *holds up engine*
R: *screams*

- Rocket or Nebula: “I have neither the time nor patience to explain to you how dumb that is”

-After the fight is over between her and Adam:
Adam: “Did you hear that Mother has died”
Aeva: *no hesitations, no emotional change, its as if she didnt just include it in her prior explanation* “Yes I heard. It is why I was activated early. To get you to replace her back on the homeworld”
Adam: “I am sorry I fought you. I was protecting my *checks smudged writing on hand* friends and *checks other hand* teammates”
Aeva: “I dont have any *checks his hands* friends or teammates...and the high priestess is dead. I dont like how this makes me feel”
Adam: “Oh! You are feeling *checks smudged writing on foot* sad”
Aeva: “Is that what it is called....I dont like it”
Adam: “Would you like a *checks other foot* hug?”
Aeva: “Does it help the sad?”
Adam: “I have been told it does”
*they go in for a hug. Theyre both awkward and dont know what to do but they get there in the end*
Nebula: “Say the words and I'll blow up this planet with them on it”
Groot: “I am Groot”
Rocket: “Yeah I know you think its sweet but jeez we got a couple of dumb*sses”

-Aeva: “Dont you hate it when you know you forgot something but you dont know what it is that you forgot?” *she says as her teammates are trying to get into the ship but can't because she closed the door and theyre starting to float away*
4tz17vX.png Misc. other points:
  • Her and Adam learn about handshakes and that people have secret ones for various purposes. The two of them develop their own secret handshake and its just...just a normal handshake.
  • Treats every animal, sentient or not, like how Adam treats Blurp
  • Adam and Aeva have an emotions chart like what they do in primary schools. 'I am feeling:' with little pictures of emotions. There's another columns with ways to deal with the emotions. No one is sure who made it up but it was Groot's idea.
    To begin with, it was just little sketches of emotions (they werent very good or very clear).. Someone else has since added photos of the emotions to go alongside the doodles
  • Adam eventually finds out that technically Ayesha is not his biological mother (But Aeva is biologically related to Ayesha, even if she did not know her). It leaves him distraught and confused as Ayesha cared for him deeply. But he never comes to resent Aeva for being biologically related to her. And Aeva doesnt resent Adam for actually knowing her.
  • yunno the cats that sit too close to the edge and then roll off accidentally when they stretch? thats adam and aeva
  • Also they would try to boop each others' gems. Not sure what would happen if they did; depends on how hard they booped


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