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Personal Style


Basic Book Collection
Prismatic Crystalscales
Lustrous Mantle
Winter Wolf Cape
Gladewalker Cape
Constantan Steampunk Spats




6.38 m
6.75 m
517.67 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 08, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none



  • Transmale
  • He

  • Homosexual
  • Homoromantic

  • Autism

  • Neutral
  • Neutral

  • insert

[Theme Songs]
  • title - Artist

  • X
  • X
  • X
  • X
  • X
  • X

Art Shop Employee, Environment Activist,
and Biologist (fur-bearing animals, and ornithology, oriented)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed turpis vitae nisi elementum porta. Nunc elementum nibh vitae mauris maximus, at viverra lorem imperdiet. Aenean nec ultricies mauris, nec efficitur nibh. Mauris luctus nulla nec ultricies fermentum. In rutrum porta odio, et mollis sapien ornare finibus. Fusce at nulla justo. Sed at imperdiet augue. Pellentesque ut scelerisque turpis. Curabitur auctor ac dolor et congue. Donec luctus diam libero. In placerat turpis sit amet nisi pellentesque, ut aliquam turpis scelerisque. Praesent pretium, diam ultricies varius suscipit, tellus neque scelerisque dolor, sit amet laoreet sapien nulla et massa.

Add a writing of their story or whatever you’re inspired to write :’)) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed turpis vitae nisi elementum porta. Nunc elementum nibh vitae mauris maximus, at viverra lorem imperdiet. Aenean nec ultricies mauris, nec efficitur nibh. Mauris luctus nulla nec ultricies fermentum. In rutrum porta odio, et mollis sapien ornare finibus. Fusce at nulla justo. Sed at imperdiet augue. Pellentesque ut scelerisque turpis. Curabitur auctor ac dolor et congue. Donec luctus diam libero. In placerat turpis sit amet nisi pellentesque, ut aliquam turpis scelerisque. Praesent pretium, diam ultricies varius suscipit, tellus neque scelerisque dolor, sit amet laoreet sapien nulla et massa.
- Born as Naoto (dead name), now goes by Nagito Komaeda.
- Or something like that... His current name is "Komaeda", at least...
- Transmale. Social transition (only? at least early on...)
- Wears ample clothing (mostly their iconic large green jacket) to hide their feminine features.
- I think they'll buy a binder, eventually too!
- In a physical and emotional relationship with their timeline's Hajime.
- Socially transitioned at teenage-hood. So when they entered Hope's Peak and met Hajime for the first time, Komaeda was already seen as a guy and already went by he / him.
- It was kinda a revelation for Hajime to learn, later on, that Komaeda is trans / FtM.
- Komaeda told him, himself. In a moment of trust, when they were about to become a couple in school.
- Head of their class / Class Rep, at Hope's Peak.
- Non-Despair timeline!!
- The "Killing Game" was a VR or simulation activity. A legit Game, where no one was hurt.
- It was a yearly event at Hope's Peak, like... A student competition (like a Hunger Games or DnD simulator, kinda??)
- "Danganronpa" is a highly immersive simulation, with a helmet / gloves etc. Its goal is to survive the Game and be the last one standing, thanks to manipulation and coming up with the "perfect crime".
- A bit like the Werewolf game, or the Salem Witches. Kill everyone else (or get everyone to kill each other), and be the last remaining student (as Mastermind!)
- Everyone has a random Role (Talents, Mastermind(s) and traitor(s) positions), and that's what gives the Game its flavour every time!
- Kinda a weird idea of "fun", but heeeey what can you do LOL
- The Game can last for a few days (HOW DOES THIS WORK?)
- Maybe they're put under? So it's like SDR2, except not deadly lol
- Students get chosen (in some way) for each yearly Game, and they have an overall tally once it's over (how many deaths, how many victims, and how many games won!)
- Komaeda and Hajime have a friendly "rivalry" in those Games... They try to outlast each other, and devise plans to outplay the other's strategy in the Game.
- I think memories are wiped in the Game; or more, like... Each student plays as an "avatar" that is similar to them (but a bit different; another outfit, Talent, purpose for the Game, etc.) and their consciousness is transferred into that avatar? Therefore, the avatar / student in the simulation, does not have their "outside world" memories... Or something like that, lol.
- Komaeda's the definition of a "good student", studies and works a lot a lot. Has very nice grades.
- Like... Above average, higher than most of the others. Top 5 of the class? And top 12 of the entire school!
- The Talents in this timeline, are more like... Mundane?? So not full-blown (almost supernatural) abilities, but more like... A liking of the student, or a niche / interest that they're very good at??
- Instead of "Talents", each student has a "Profile"; a niche that they're good at! It is specified on their yearly grades' receipts.
- For example, Komaeda's Profile is "Artistic Inspiration" (or something similar... Something like that, at least; to confirm later on!)
- Chiaki's Profile was "Video Game Thinker" I think?? Well, not "Thinker", exactly... But something close to that, in meaning? Maybe "Concept-er"??
- I need to remember Hajime's... Important stuff for me :')) !!!!!
- Something with writing!! Since Hajime loves writing, and he'll actually become a professional author as an adult... "Writing Influence" is his school Profile???
- What does he write?? I think it's like... I can't recall if he did fiction or non-fiction... Or both.
- I think Hajime does non-fiction, but what kind??? Maybe mixed with minimal poetry?
- I think Hajime uses his own life as fuel for his writing; like, self-fiction???
- YES, I GOT IT!!!
- Creates characters which are him, or representations of him, and writes stories based around his life's events, with 'em!
- Komaeda loves reading his bf's scripts! He gets first-looks on it :'D! Chiaki, as well!
- Those three are inseparable... SOBS
- Profiles can change, too! Like, if a student discovers a new niche, or has a new interest that becomes their central thing...
- Komaeda loves the school's art (and also science) classes.
- Is a guy, and loves guys lol.
- His parents kicked him out of the house due to his gender identity. Entered Hope's Peak right after, got a dorm place there.
- Doesn't have tons of money, due to being kicked out as a young teenager.
- Which is why he always wear the same green jacket... OMg.
- He cleans it often tho, no worries lol; but at first, other students teased him about always wearing the same jacket?? Oof :'((
- The school DID give him a loan, and he managed to put that money towards food, a bit of clothes, and things for his dog... But his jacket was such a comfort item...
- Sometimes wears pink accessories, or minor pink apparel... Something something.
- Like bright pink hair brooches, or a pink friendship bracelet (made by Chiaki).
- No uniforms in Hope's Peak, to celebrate diversity.
- Lived in an apartment with Hajime and Chiaki, after his school years? Or when he couldn't be in the dorms anymore... Because of summer vacation or whatever... Something.
- Is a bit of the "loud and proud" sort at times, about being trans.
- Has a trans flag in his dorm room.
- Brought it to the apartment after his school years, too; it is an object that followed him from his parents' house, and he still had it multiple years afterwards!
- Did paintings about trans pride at Hope's Peak once, for his art class.
- Maybe his art is like... Socially-charged?? Don't know how to explain / describe it OMG HELP
- Will come back to that point once I'm not tired haha :'((
- His art talks about death, the environmental crisis (and nature in general), gender identity / trans pride, and stuff.
- Has a dog?? A beige and fluffy being...
- They were the family dog; Komaeda took the dog with him when he got kicked out of his parents' place, was allowed to keep them in Hope's Peak dorms (due to an exception, since pets are allowed but this be a big doggo)... Then he took them to the apartment with his boyfriend (Hajime) and his close friend (Chiaki).
- Junko was a normal student. Always hanging around with her sibling / brother, Mukuro (who's also FtM, like Komaeda!!)... Wanted to get closer to Komaeda, has friendly vibes overall...
- Buuut I think it came out as a bit intense tbh, which was a friendship turn off?? OMg oh no.
- She always wanted to see Komaeda's dog, while at school. Between classes and all that.
- Junko loves animals in this timeline, so this was only natural hahahaah
- It wasn't outright annoying, for Komaeda; more like, he became resigned to show Junko his doggo as often as possible omg.
- Besides, his dog loves the attention!! hahaha
- Also has a brown / gray ferret, and a lionmane (or angora) dark gray holland lop rabbit, once he lives with Hajime and Chiaki.
- OMg.
- Junko was lowkey transphobic to Komaeda at first, using the wrong pronouns and calling him a chick and stuff (not out of malice, but simply because she wasn't educated on the subject.) Komaeda simply reminded her, over and over, that he was a guy; eventually, she apologized and got it right LOL.
- Some students (like Teruteru) were just downright rude and transphobic tho.
- Komaeda uses his science knowledge in his art; does skull drawings or puts niche anatomical details in his images...
- Draws a lot of animals, mostly decaying carcasses.
- Becomes a furry (thanks to his interest in animals + being an artist). Creates a deer fursona for himself after some time :')) It is a cream-furred deer with freckles :'D And sakura flowers in its antlers :')) It's an anthro, but has hooves for all four limbs (like deers! So it's halfway between feral and full-on human anatomy!)
- It wears his iconic jacket too, which is like... His staple, always-here clothing apparel, LOL :'D
- Got his best grades in Hope's Peak's art classes.
- Struggled a bit with science classes at times (chemistry and physics?? oof), but he put in the effort (out of personal interest) and it paid off!
- Loved biology first and foremost!! Tho they had dissection classes then, and Komaeda struggled to dissect a white rat corpse / felt bad about the animal... Like, he held it in his shaking hands, trying to comfort himself and being "afraid" to hurt the rat (even tho it was already dead, so like...)
- He managed just fine after calming down, tho!
- When his doggo died, he kept her pelt (or some of her fur??) and her skull as a memento (as well as a paw imprint).
- The rest of her body was incinerated, and Komaeda kept her urn on an altar in his room (this was when he lived in the apartment with Hajime and Chiaki)...
- He's very environmentally-tuned. A biologist at heart!
- In a school club of some kind, at Hope's Peak...
- Reading / book club??
- Hajime was well known in the Writing Club (due to his "Profile"), and invited Komaeda in... It was mostly an excuse for the both of them to hang out together for even longer times, during school days :'D lol
- Something something...
- Despite his interest in biology and decaying animals (in his art pieces), he's at first not a fan of hunting and definitely not of trapping; finds these a bit too cruel for his taste.
- Accompanied a hunting student (Mukuro!) from Hope's Peak once (to take pictures and get inspiration for his art), but he was turned off from it afterwards, due to the lowkey gore / animal death stuff.
- He's lowkey (veeery lowkey) into Vulture Culture, but tbh he would be that One Person who only accepts "natural deaths". Even roadkill turns him off.
- Mostly keeps that VC interest for himself; only accepts having a few bones and feathers (after making veeery sure they're clean and free of mites). Kinda turned off by pelts and fur in general (except his dog's... Or whatever he kept of her body, other than her skull).
- Environment activist.
- Tries to militate for wet areas / mangroves preservation, the saving and ethical caring of animals... Goes to marching rallies, and pacific street protests, about nature and the environment. (This was when he was a student at Hope's Peak!)
- When he grew older, and graduated, he probs got a job in an environmental group?? Or maybe became a suggestion-giving / influencing person, in an expert group for the government... Wore a gray suit and stuuuff!
- Like... Locally, y'know. Maybe a city-level government? At the very least, Komaeda became (positively) half well-known in environmental circles, lol :'D
- Yeah like, he became an actual "advising biologist" for his city / county's official council, later on. His niche is fur-bearing animals (such as foxes, apes, and other predators), and birds :'D!
- He considers himself an ornithologist, too!
- Later on, he tried to get back in contact with the hunting student from Hope's Peak. Tried to understand why hunters do the things they do, their mindset, etc... Y'know...
- Thought that, by understanding hunters, it would help him to "get" what "ethical" meant in a broader way... Like, as a bigger concept than just what HE thought.
- Because "ethical" means different things for different peeps (just look at VC, in general)... It took Komaeda a loooong time to accept that concept, but after hanging out with hunters (thanks to his friend who was in that field)... It helped him understand.
- At first, he had a loooot of doubts about whether the hunters would even change his mind to begin with... But they did!
- And tho Komaeda never really... Hunted, himself... He came to "feel" and respect those doing that activity, in a way...
- Would accompany his friend on hunting trips, in the countryside... Just stay silent, watch the scenes, get in the "hunting mood"... Sometimes, helped his friend with skinning / getting the meat / rattling antlers to attract a buck... Etc.
- But he never wielded the gun or the weapon (whatev it was) himself... Komaeda was Not confident about that, and just... It turned him off...
- Oh wait tho!!! Komaeda did hunt flying birds with a hunting gun (probs pigeons or white geese??? I can't recall), but he shot just one, then watched it crash to the ground. Him and his friend arrived next to the dead bird, and Komaeda looked down at it; he couldn't stop himself from crying a bit, tho. Tears leaked from his eyes...
- But he refused to hunt deer or other creatures... The bird one was his first and only time, LOL.
- I think the hunter friend is a non-canon character... Or maybe it's Mukuro??
- Male Mukuro?? Since the hunter student was a guy (or was masculine, at the very least)... Hmmmm???
- Oh yeye, it's a male Mukuro!! It's lit. them, but... As a guy, and they go by "he / him" too!!
- But!! Surprise, they're trans too!! Transmale Mukuro :'))))))
- They're really not curvy, so even if they wear normal clothing, you think they're a guy anyways, LOL.
- Social transitioning for 'em :'33! hehe!
- So Komaeda and Mukuro relate to each other, both being transmales!!!
- That's why they're friends, in the first place :'D!! And then the hunting stuff happens, later on!! LOL
- Eventually, this Komaeda becomes sick (around 30-35 years old)... What does he have???
- Like, physically, I mean? Oh gosh :'(((
- Some sort of degenerative illness...
- Komaeda will never give in, tho; will stay hopeful (almost at all times), even if he has to take things slower eventually... Like, taking breaks from his job and interests, to concentrate on his health...
- But he'll keep on fighting against the developing illness, with the help of Chiaki (his closest friend) and Hajime (his now-husband)! Plus Mukuro, who's his good buddy :'D!
- This illness makes him tired. He also has other symptoms?
- I think it's like... Uterus cancer? Or something terrible like that :'((
- Probs cancer, yeah... Now that I think about it... (TO CONFIRM)
- Went thru surgery, plus other (not outright / not terribly aggressive tho) treatments.
- I think he managed to live thru this all, but still had a slightly shorter life than his peers, overall :'((((( oh no
- insert

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