
Level 5 Spiral
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Glowing Pocket Mouse
Glowing Pocket Mouse
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Plague icon
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Male Spiral
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Pretty Pink Neck Bow
Constantan Steampunk Gloves
Spiffy Waistcoat




3.14 m
2.17 m
119.43 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 02, 2021
(3 years)


Spiral icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 5 Spiral
EXP: 2249 / 5545
Acuity Fragment


"Touki:Ah! Excuse me. ...Wait. Aren't you the one that talked with my son? Oh you didn't know did you? Hahah~ Pleasure to meet you, I'm Touki, the name you'll see fits very well i assure you. Cryptid is actually an offspring i made awhile ago, that and... Also AbyssalLight too hah... You could say it's more than just a Rivalry. However, we don't really talk about this connection as much. The reason why is... Well... It's unexpected really. What happened was when i was alive i was uh... 'Quite busy' If you get the idea and i still am in alot of ways. What can i say? I just... Have a way with words and my own actions and spoiling those i care for most, i wonder where i got that from hmm... Well i guess Flare and i was rather close huh? Hahah~ He has always been a charmer..."

"Touki:...? Oh! Sorry i spaced out, i haven't talked with many for quite some time and well. What can i say? I'm a bit of a talker myself haha. Ah right, let's get this down than. Yes... I was once too Corrupted as Cryptid said, you see i was also interested just like AbyssalLight was with finding out why was Abyss so Corrupted compared to Flare? It didn't make sense so, i did my own digging when Cryptid was just young and just barely flying. And, this was before Abyss got so out of hand that events happened. So i looked and looked and... Found nothing. This was when Abyss got worse so, Ember, Midnight, Void, Galaxy, Twilight, Flare, Earth, Auburn, Arura, Draven, Me, Azara, Angel... Everyone of them came in and helped. Of course, life's was lost. Draven, Me, Abyss... We all passed that day, i was already weak to the Corruption that effected me without realizing and well, that and the fight... Haha, and than. AbyssalLight found the truth to the Corruption but also... Well, attacked Cryptid as he tried to stop her and he was alive too! But... Well. He passed that day too with AbyssalLight haha... Hah... ... I'm sorry, it's just... I didn't expect all that to happen. Plus the losses that hasn't been told alot as well. The ones that actually has been exalted in time, to save them from well... The whole event really... It effected everyone at the time, we wasn't thinking the Corruption was a thing, we wasn't thinking that times would be like this and... *Sigh...*"

"Touki:I'm glad things are better now but, i don't think everyones going to recover as fast as we want them to be i mean. More Dragons are coming around and we can't be sure who's going to live and who's going to get Corrupted, we don't know if it's just been around the Clan from day one, we don't know if it's apart of something else. I don't even think... Ember or Midnight knows fully what it is. And what was weird is... It was only effecting a few Dragons, any Dragon else was fine, and AbyssalLight...! I mean... She was trying to do what i was trying to do and she found something but than... ... 'It's all in the past' i tell myself but, i can't help but feel a bit guilty even still, and to have DustedAmethyst help- Oh! That's why your here huh? Ohh you sneaky little- hahah~"

"Touki:Right right, so, as you've heard, the moment DustedAmethyst came around, all of a sudden a few Dragons got well- kinda? Recovered? Not fully of course but! We did manage to as- i guess Cryptid said "Overwrite" ourselves. That's... Partly the truth, but the truth is. DustedAmethyst actually sought us one by one and even to me which was shocking. She managed to get through Draven, who is a big grumpy butt. And talked with him for hours and DustedAmethyst even sees him as a Father-ish figure! Shocking right? And! With me it took awhile from what i heard? But she didn't stop! She kept going and trying and eventually. She got me out of my Corruption and... I can't be more thankful for her. Yes. DustedAmethyst is FAR behind but... She is a little angel you know? I even got to talk to my Son and got to see the creations i managed to make that's actually alive! Although i can't talk to them, i'm glad to see them. And i'm glad to talk to Cryptid who uh. Well, partly forgot me, he was young so i can't blame him but it did hurt for him to say "Wait. What? You? Me? Related? Like this?!" Hahah! I... ... I can't thank DustedAmethyst enough. Though, she really did try and save Abyss and AbyssalLight too. But she got hurt badly... That! Also brings up this. You ever notice why alot of us that's been 'Redacted' holds alot of cloth? Or covers up some part of them? Well it's actually alot more gruesome than you think. We all have had a gruesome fate but DustedAmethyst? She never was like this, she... Was actually fine, until' Abyss and AbyssalLight came forward and attacked her badly. This was after she saved me and Draven. She uh... Was gone for awhile and we was starting to get worried so we looked for her and... Even though we are you know, gone in all? We are still in the middle of Life and Death. But seeing DustedAmethyst like that? It took me way back and i got mad, i'll be straight honest. I was SO mad, and i went to hunt both of them down for awhile while Draven and Cryptid both tended to DustedAmethyst. In the end? I couldn't find them both. They knew full well they were in the trouble and ran, hid and ran again. Ooooh. If it wasn't for Cryptid saying she wanted to talk to me again and Draven basically dragging me back to stop me and you know see DustedAmethyst? I would have still been gone hunting those two. I am STILL mad at them but, it only drives me to get stronger i learned. Draven, i don't know what drives him to get stronger... I think it's something to do with maybe the past? I can't be too sure, or maybe it's about DustedAmethyst as well? I don't know, he rarely talks as, well he was kinda attacked in the throat in all so, yes he can speak but- it hurts when he does haha. So i guess that means you better watch it when it comes to DustedAmethyst, you'll not only have me but also Draven and Cryptid... Maybe if you annoy DustedAmethyst enough maybe her too, even if she is having alot of learning issues? Oh, you should see her when she is mad. It takes alot for her to get mad but oh boy... It's like Ember all over with her anger, she bottles it up for awhile and she is the most sweetest, spoils her friends and family the best she can, always tries to cheer up the mood, laugh, try and be optimistic and Boom! The moment, you get her actually mad, no- not irritated nothing like that. The energy changes and. Oh wow... Don't. Get Ember or DustedAmethyst mad, let alone! Ember's three Daughters, they all seemingly have this thing, all smart but once their emotions come in? OOoohh boy...! Though i don't know about the other two... They are off in their own job and investigations and... Huh... I wonder how different they are...? I mean i've been here for awhile and i've kinda watched and... ... Wow... It's been that long...? I'm really missing out huh? Haha..."

"Touki:Ah, sorry. That's one thing me and Flare did alot, talked alot, rambled and spoke our minds. I... Want to talk to him again one day like we used to, but i don't think i can with the debt i have and if i do? Well... I just hope i can get reincarnated to meet up with him again hahah~ Just a though. But, hey at least i can hope right? ...Hey... I'm curious. What have you learned with everyone here? Can you share me some tales while we walk? I can also lead you back to safety as well before we depart this dark night, besides...! We don't need you hurt and or possibly dead too right? Oh don't get me started on Cryptid's lectures, that... Ooooh, he goes on and on, i mean of course i get it but jeez...! I didn't raise him to be like that! He raised himself to be that! Can't say i'm proud but jeez. He even had enough gall to lecture me... That- That's alot! ... Hah. That makes me more proud of him though. Just like my other kids! Oh! Wait! Tell me tales on them that you've heard! I've been more than busy as of late! Oh! Tell me about Myriad! I recently heard she got with another Dragon, i wonder who? And hopefully he's not like... Too stressed out right? Or like Forced or anything! And if so, i mean. I can easily get a frying pan and chase him! ...Nah. But if it's anything like that i will bring it up to Cryptid and see what we can do for Karma in all and- all that fun jazz i mean, he is really good at what he does so."


*Note:"BlueLight and RedLight did know LightGlow. They were a trio that Lit up the room, and LightGlow was the most gentle out of the three, Blue was hyper, Red was calm, but Glow was in the middle. The leader and the one who set the rules with grace despite how different they were, you wouldn't believe how they hated each other way back when. And look at them now, until'... One day... The LightGlow faded, the Calm, the Hyper and the Gentle of the Game, went away as the LightGlow faded to not be seen once again out of some darkness that couldn't be explained. Without the Gentle it wasn't any fun anymore so instead, the original rules slowly crumbled to what is now known as Red Light Green Light mixed with Tag and Freeze Tag. But before it was more than that... Yet just as Gentle as the wind goes, it stays for awhile and eventually what you know of... Fades. And even if the Original game came back, it wouldn't be that charming as it was when all three was around and young and having fun once again. That was the charm of it, something that little creatures made and it was a strong memory one that shined like gold. But faded to gray... And now here's LightGlow retelling the tale as if she was but an alive and young bright soul once again... The question lingers, did she grow up to remember all of it and tell it as it is? Or is she stuck in the past as she can't go back to it in the Redacted...? Maybe... Maybe it's both. Regardless, she waits for the day to be reunited once again, even if it's not quite the same, things change as time goes on, and perhaps... A new game will be created just as it was before..."

"Touki:Hm? What was the tale suppost to mean? Oh haha! Let me explain, it means... Well. Alot of things. But to my Familiar as was it means. She is a calm mouse one that is really gentle and soft, she and i both passed awhile ago, and before Blue and Red was fully with another Dragon, she and those two spent alot of time together and i remember seeing them all the time together and they were having so much fun. The Game wasn't even for Dragons at all, it was for those three only and than, it spread one day. And as me and LightGlow are close i can tell just by her eyes that she is more than happy about this, she had the dream that one day her little idea's spread by nature and creatures can be shared with Dragons and. Well, it seems her friends didn't forget did they? Haha~"

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