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Personal Style


Viper's Arm Guards
Bloodstone Roundhorn
Bloodscale Tail Guard
Bloodscale Bracers
Malign Gambeson
Malign Gloves



Scene: Target Practice


3.96 m
4.24 m
445.74 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 25, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Nocturne
EXP: 3352 / 5545




Rayden Bloodstone, Mascot/Leader of the Bloodstone Brawler Earth Dominance Squad

Do they have any nicknames? Do they like or dislike it?
Ray (Neutral to dislike), Bloodstone (Like), Brawler (Neutral)

Do they have any titles? How did they get that title?
Brawler of the Arena
He fights in an underground fight ring that is very much like caged wrestling matches, it exists for entertainment.

Compared to others of their breed, how large are they?
They are on the larger size of Nocturnes

Where did they come from, and why did they settle in Dragonhome (Earth’s territory)? Originally from plague, Rayden moved to Earth in order to get some space from his brethren. He also didn't like that everything that grew in plague's lands seemed sick and mutated. Hearing there was plenty of room in Dragonhome he figured he could make his life here.

Do they have a great sense of loyalty and pride for either their birth flight or Earth flight?
Rayden will tell you he has no loyalty towards anyone, but he actually has become very loyal towards Dragonhome. He is a proud fighter on behalf of Dragonhome now.

As a hatchling what did they want to be when they grew up?
It wasn't so much a job as wanting to be tough.


Rayden Bloodstone is not his original name though it seems anyone you talk to can’t actually figure out what his real name is. There are those who claim it was something like Raymond, so that it would be easy to change to Rayden, others think it was something along the lines of Leopold or Francis. It very well may be the case that his real name can only be found back where he came from, the Scarred Wasteland.

As a hatchling, he was rather small and this created a problem with his nestmates and those in plague, they were not exactly welcoming to something small. He also seemed to have no desire to be as rough as the others and certainly was not a fan of the mutating wastelands they called home. Other hatchlings often called him soft and scared, making him wish he was the opposite of that, in fact swearing that he would indeed one day be not only bigger but tougher. This caused him to leave home as soon as he was able to and he made his way north, to Dragonhome.

In Dragonhome without the constant pressure from the other hatchlings, he was able to grow, soon dwarfing the average Nocturne. A reminder of his home came though as he grew, soon he found horns that other Nocturnes do not have sprouting from his head. He thought little about them as they started as just bumps but overtime they grew into the bloodstone roundhorns. It seemed the horns were a mutation and caught him off guard.

As a young adult he discovered the underground arena, adopting the name Raymond Bloodstone and signing up. His first few fights were nothing impressive, in fact he was completely forgettable as he was nearly tossed out of the arena all together. It wasn’t until someone suggested using his tail and wearing some protection on his arms did he start to figure things out. With a Viper’s armguard protecting him, he developed a tough persona in the ring that he now uses in public. Relying on his tail and his newfound confidence the armguard and persona gave him he started to win his matches. He was as tough as he wanted to be now, because he was a force to be reckoned with. It took time to develop his style of fighting but when he did he gained a reputation, a brawler and champion fighter. He was known for starting a fight with lines like, “They say you can’t draw blood from a stone, well I can.” Often he will take the line “Like getting blood from a stone” in order to sound tough.

Outside of the ring and away from others, Rayden lets his guard down. Mentally exhausted from keeping up the act, he heads home and does what he loves. He looks after critters that come near his home, but most importantly he looks after his garden. The first thing he grew in Dragonhome was a Flowering Cactus that he named George, because he couldn’t think of anything else at the time. He grew more over time and with them as a base he started to try other flowers, blue roses and blue daffodils, mixed with a few others. He’s proud of his garden and will often have a snack or some tea while being among it.

Side Stuff
Do they have a treasure possession or favorite item?
His garden is his treasured possession, he has great love for his Blue Daffodils and Blue Roses in particular but his absolute favorite are his flowering cacti.
His favorite of these flowering cacti is the first one he grew, George.

Do they tend to hoard their favorite items or have one special one?
Not necessarily hoard, but his garden is kept full.

Do they have any item they consider a good luck charm?
In a fight he considers his armguard to be lucky as when he puts it on it gets him in the right headspace to win.

What’s their favorite food?
Featherhide Locust - It will not harm his garden if he eats it first.

As a hatchling they want to make a gift for a friend, possibly a picture, what tools/items do they use?
Glitter and glue, so much glitter and glue

What’s their favorite colour?

Do they believe in supernatural and cryptids like the sheep? (Couldn’t help it, had to write it)
"No, that's just ridiculous. Sheep aren't real, it's just a story to scare hatchlings to go to bed."

Are they a morning or night dragon?

Strengths and Weaknesses
What are their greatest strengths?
Rayden relies heavily on his tail in combat. Often in a fight he will start with a shoulder check before using his tail to bring down his opponent.

What are their greatest weaknesses?
He struggles to make sharp turns in the air.

How do they respond to kittens?
If no one is around he will pet it, talk to it, give it food if he has any.

If there are others around he tries to ignore it and act tough.

What do they think is a weakness but is actually a strength?
His secret compassion for plants and animals.

While traveling they find their usual path is blocked by a boulder, what do they do?
If others are around he will act tough and talk about potentially moving it. Otherwise… he has wings. This really shouldn't be an issue.
How do they greet friends?
"You doin' alright?"

How do they greet strangers?
"You lookin' for somethin'?"

Are they more of an introvert or an extrovert?
Leans towards extrovert when he is in public but tries to come off as aggressive.

Do they have a favorite saying or motto?
“Like getting blood from a stone”

Do they have an unusual gait or accent?
He does have a slight accent that affects any words ending in "ing" cutting the word slightly off.

Do they see themselves as a trouble maker or prefer to stick to the rules?

Are there any rumors that the other dragons may have heard about them?
He's actually a big softie.
That he's fought three dragons at once in the arena
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Exalting Rayden to the service of the Earthshaker will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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