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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


Black Candle Cascade
Lagoon Starsilk Circlet
Woeful Vial
Navy Chest Wrap
Woeful Gloves
Woeful Footpads
Woeful Tools
Woeful Presence




3.76 m
5.52 m
760.57 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 20, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




Nicknames: Cer, Blue, Blueberry
He/Him - Gay

• AH Purchase

Adopted Father
Close Friend

Bio Template by Disillusionist
Graphics by Vertigris
Intelligent / Hardworking / Shy

Bio is severely out of date. Read at your own risk.

Bio needs a serious revamp. This reads like baby's first fanfic. My Immortal would be jealous.

In a clan built on the basis of manufacturing and trade, many young dragons had aspirations besides either of those trades. The clan didn't have the room for those kinds of dragons and they were encouraged to leave or exalt themselves. Many of those dragons did. However, some like Cerulean loved their family too much to leave. They stayed and pursued their aspirations there. The clan was okay with it for a while but, by the time Cerulean came along, the clan was over it. Cerulean was disowned by the elders, disowned by his relatives, and disowned by his own parents. Cerulean was thrown on the auction house for cheap(no shade on the original owner. He was above fodder price, I believe.)

Afraid and saddened by his clan rejection, he stepped up to the stage and waited for his fate to be decided by a stranger. This stranger turned out to be the nicest stranger Cerulean would ever meet.

As he stood and watched the others being auctioned off, Cerulean noticed a beautiful Imperial gazing at him from the other side of the room. Cerulean couldn't help but gaze back. As they made eye contact, the stranger softly smiled at him. At that moment, Cerulean realized everything would be alright.

When it was Cerulean turn to be auctioned off, the Imperial made their way to the front of the crowd. The other bids were low, and this dragon, with a booming voice, gave a bid that no one could match. After signing Cerulean purchase, Aion, the name the dragon wrote on the form, took him out of the auction house and spoke.

"I am known as Aion and I am the librarian of Prism Clan", Aion said to Cerulean, "I am sure that you've heard of the legend of Prism Clan."

Cerulean searched for the name in his mind but had no recollection of ever hearing that name before, "Sorry, no, I haven't."
"Hmmmmm. They must not teach Light legends in the Shifting Expanse", Aion guessed, his brows furrowed. "Well, all you need to know is that the Prism Library is looking for new scholars and researchers. I caught wind of your work on my travels, and I wanted to give you the opportunity to study with us in the library."

"But I don't think I'm good at alchemy for such a thing." Cerulean glanced down at his talons.

"But you could be good", Aion continued. "I've met some of your past mentors on my way."

Cerulean looked up with curiosity. "What did they say about me?"

"That you have so much potential", Aion said.

"You-- purchased my-- abilities so that I could be your alchemist?", Cerulean asked shyly.

"It's your choice. I purchased your freedom to choose your destiny as well as to be able to present this opportunity to you now... What do you say?"

Cerulean took a long pause before responding, "Ok, I accept the offer." Cerulean looked back up at Aion, a confident smile spread across his face.

Aion smiled back at him. "Excellent."

Cerulean returned with Aion to Prism Clan and followed his dreams of becoming a great alchemist. As time went on, Cerulean started seeing Aion as a father figure. He was his mentor, his main supporter, and the one who always looked out for him. The last one was until Jagger came along.

Jagger and Cerulean had known each other since Cerulean's arrival in Prism Clan, but they weren't exactly close. They weren't close until Jagger started spending increasingly long days in the library, reading YA fiction and annoying Iris. With Jagger spending so much time there, he had to notice the dragon his age, getting lessons from an unknown dragon.

After a day or two of getting up early enough to watch these lessons happen, Jagger walked up to Cerulean while his mentor was away.

"What ya learnin' about?", Jagger asked, slouching onto the purple cushion beside Cerulean.

Slightly caught off guard, Cerulean shyly said, "Alchemy... This is just note-taking time. I actually do it later."

"Cool!", Jagger shouted, frightening Cerulean, and causing Iris to shush him from the other side of the room. Cerulean shifted, nervously, and Jagger continued "I'm trying to become a tailor, myself. But I think science is cool."

His excited expression changed to guilt as he noticed that he had scared Cerulean. He stood up and stepped back. "I'm sorry, I came on a little strong there. My name is Jagger. I think you already know that."

Jagger smiled at Cerulean, kindly. Cerulean was eventually able to look up at Jagger and smile back. For a moment, the boys were lost in their own fuzzy minds as they smiled at each other.

"I'm Cerulean, but I think you know that."

As Cerulean finished speaking, his mentor rushed up to the two young teen dragons and shooed Jagger away from the table, muttering about distractions and time being wasted. Jagger complied and scrambled off to the graphic novel section.

Although Cerulean was shy at first, the encounter wasn't all so bad. It wasn't bad enough for Cerulean to not seek out Jagger after his lesson ended and ask him out for tea. It wasn't bad enough for Cerulean to not ask him out for multiple tea dates afterward and Jagger to not learn his order by heart so Cerulean wouldn't have to speak to anyone. It wasn't bad enough for them to not learn each other's favorite things and bring little gifts to each other on their dates.

Eventually, the shyness totally vanished when he was with Jagger. Eventually, Cerulean wanted to spend every moment with the Tundra. It didn't seem that way from when they first spoke to each other, but now it seemed that they had spent a lifetime together. All that mattered was the young love sparking between the two dragons and the feeling that Cerulean felt when he was around Jagger. Cerulean wanted to tell Jagger how he felt, but Jagger beat him to it.

Jagger told him mere moments before Cerulean was going to start his speech. Cerulean still wishes he could have told Jagger first.

As time progressed, Jagger and Cerulean grew together. Cerulean became an excellent alchemist, and Jagger became the clan's tailor. They held together into adulthood and are still together. Now, it seems they have fallen into a dynamic where Jagger protects Cerulean in social situations and Cerulean continues to inspire Jagger's designs and motivate him to keep going. Jagger makes sure that Cerulean gets enough water everyday and keeps him from spending every moment in his lab.
Art by Datpanda

My mom wrote:
I like it..a carnival.ride..all right there
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Exalting Cerulean to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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