
"Please, for the love of The Eleven, do not have me decide."
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Giant White Toridae
Giant White Toridae
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Energy: 0
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Ice icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Banescale
Male Banescale
Ancient breed icon
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Personal Style

Ancient breed emblem
Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.




7.44 m
4.83 m
806.4 kg


Primary Gene
Pinstripe (Banescale)
Pinstripe (Banescale)
Secondary Gene
Trail (Banescale)
Trail (Banescale)
Tertiary Gene
Fans (Banescale)
Fans (Banescale)


Nov 28, 2020
(3 years)


Banescale icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Banescale
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Harevas, known as The Medic Of Ancient Times, can be described as a gentle giant and a Banescale sweet to his core. Created by The Flamecaller but born from The Southern Icefield, Harevas traveled the ancient world of Sornieth practicing medicine and finally aiding those afflicted with disease, sickness, or illnesses. From shattered wing bones to Ancientborne sickness to the slightest bit of discomfort of distress, Harevas knew how to cure.

He is, by all means though, not performing miracles. As unfortunate as it is, Harevas cannot bring back someone from the dead, only hope he gets to them in time to lessen a deadly illness's toll or a bleeding injury in attempts to save them, and as life would have it; Harevas had seen his few share of dragons saved and deceased. It stands as the hardest part of his passion, set out to save those in need and yet failing isn't a easy thing to deal with no matter how long you've been in the profession.

Sometime, when he'd rounded the world all the way back to The Southern Icefield from his shanty little home in The Foxfire Bramble, he'd flown out to his birthplace in order to acquire herbal medicines to treat a fellow dragon of a simple fever. Once in The Icewarden's Domain, a few days into the trek for the herbs did Harevas found himself inexplicably tired, as if suddenly zapped of all strength and energy, and try as he did the ancient times of the ancient dragons like himself, no matter how hard he tried to fight it-- Harevas slipped off into a slumber, a hibernation that took hold of him for lifetimes. He was preserved under the snow that built over him, alongside his Caiman that survived solely due to the warmth of her draconic companion's letting know he was still very much alive and didn't drop dead, until she too was off into an undetermined hibernation from her 'Icing' instincts, she herself preserving with the snow over them, freezing their bodies.

The lifetimes went and went, more Ancients fell into their slumber or crawled into hiding, until the world was almost reshaped and the Modern Dragons came into existence. When The Flamecaller called forth her Ancient Children, did Harevas awoke under what had turned into ice; but for a full grown Banescale like him, once he'd regained enough of his strength and conscious, It hadn't been a problem to use brute force to shatter his way out his frozen prison. He rose from the ice, with his still-slumbering Toridae in need of warmth to reawaken, to find himself bursting through the middle of a bustling, now terrified, clan of new dragons he hadn't seen until then. Apologizing for his rude entrance with his frantic state of mind then and there proved to be difficult, when Moderns had a different tongue from Ancients. So that, ultimately, took some time to explain until a few scholars of the clans had arrived.

It was certainly a process anyways, but they got there and Harevas was homed in this clan until he was fit for.. flying to wherever "home" was now and Caiman had healed herself. During his stay, as it turned out: Despite the first risen Ancients, Gaolers, both his breed and his fellow Ancients were a mystery in many regards; diseases and cures and general health included. He's not sure how much more medics of his time had survived and risen, but before he left, he gave the clan-- in what best and little he'd learned of the Modern's language-- notes of Ancients and how to treat anything that ills them.

Once Harevas had got back to The Tangled Wood, he found his home no more and never mind the how hard it was to pinpoint anything with how much of Sornieth had changed in the past centuries. With not a whole lot to do but rebuild his home or find a clan to be intergrated in, Harevas decided that with his medical profession in a bit of a pickle as he himself had no idea how to treat the Moderns, the Banescale tried to find a clan to call home, settle down in and get used to the new Sornieth, and further his studies to learn about Moderns and teach them how to treat health-related complications from Ancients. And as luck would have it, not even more than a few days into his search for a home through The Tangled Wood; He meets another Ancient by the name of Willow. A Gaoler who seemed to have only just caught wind of the news that Banescales had risen once more and didn't expect to meet one so soon.

This dragon was part of a Tangled Wood Clan, The Grove Shade Clan, that was quirky at best. Introduced to The Clan Leaders shortly after, Harevas made his first new draconic friend and permanent home. Some more time passes and Harevas becomes a medical teacher of sorts, learning multiple of the Modern's tongues and learning how to cure or help them if they were in the need of it, such as he continues to do for fellow Ancients, and passes down his knowledge to Modern Medics about the treatment of Ancientborne health and remedies.

Then yet again in another search for herbs, does Harevas find himself in a sickening dungeon scented of blood, decay, and abundant smell of earth and cavern musk. The already nauseating feel these scents gave were only made worse by the labyrinthian nature of the dungeons, and although a foolish decision yet one he'd never regret, he pushed on out of mere curiosity and then panic, and horror, for he thought the dungeons as abandoned as it was old but fresh blood soon began to coat the entire expanse of hallways.

Harevas was by no means a small dragon as Banescales were big in nature, but he fit and was very well able to traverse the halls without being cramped or getting stuck, so for something to be spilling out so much blood that it even dragged along the ceilings; something big, or bigger, had been injured by something-- or that something was the injured creature. This is when he comes to meet another Banescale; bigger than he is by a considerable amount, but half-dead and wounded, heaving on his altar where the trail of blood pooled, he looked smaller, curled up and dying as he was. With more than spare herbs, bandages, and other forms of medicines, he came to the other Banescale's help.

It wasn't until he was up close, asking questions and treating him, did Harevas realized the dragon had just seemingly come out of a battle against another dragon, where he suffered not only deep gashes and some shattered bones, but also burns-- a number of burns, where most damaga had been done to his face, and all four of its eyes. An odd Banescale that he soon came to know the name of; Surtr; who had just been blinded from the scorching fires of an unknown attacker. He'd taken Surtr back to his home of The Grove Shade Clan for further treatments and somewhere better to rest, promising him to do everything to help nurse him back to health and Harevas did.

While the newcomer's eyes would never recover sight, Harevas made sure to help him guide him through and relay on his senses once more. The dungeon keeper had his own companion, a Dreadram who took the literal lead to help his own draconic companion just like Caiman had done for Harevas, although under very much different circumstances that didn't include being thrown in battle, blinded, and seemingly left to die. Surtr wasn't much of the talkative sort, not at first at least, did Harevas come to find out. Surtr wasn't used to friendly conversations, rather orders and calls of threat and warnings from his deep rumbling roars. Harevas had only experienced softer calls, ranging from requests of help, diagnosis, and even further the company the more the two got to know one another.

Harevas developed feelings for Surtr, much to his own surprise and fear of misinterpreting or driving away Surtr. The first time the bigger Banescale communicated with words, Harevas was surprised at how low and gentle his voice was in actuality despite the intimidating and fiery ferocity of his looks. The Banescale to confess his feelings first wasn't Harevas, but Surtr who'd taken to calling Harevas by "Hare" the more time had went on. Whether Surtr was just real good at hiding his emotions or Harevas was just simply clueless (a likely possibility), with his feelings reciprocated, Harevas is now the partner of Surtr.
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