
Level 1 Nocturne
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Nocturne
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style


Daybreak Decorations
Ornate Gold Necklace


Skin: Lost Time



5.43 m
4.83 m
566.98 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 26, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245





The sweetest dragon you've ever seen, but how come she be the queen if she’d never hurt a fly?

Lavender never was greedy, grumpy, mad, or got into a fight. If she could share everything she had, she would share it with everyone. Her royal parents called her the sweetest dragonet there was, knowing that a dragon was supposed to fight, and considering wether she should be the queen or not. She would be defeated very easily, by anyone. Lavender couldn’t fight at all, because of her small size. She always refused to eat meat, making her parents look for fruits and mushrooms, unlike her brother and older sister. They always looked down on her. Lavender refused to fight even when it came to fighting for the throne...

“AND THERE WE HAVE, THE BEAUTIE, LAVENDERRRRRR,” one of the spectators screamed. The sandy arena was surrounded by dragons, each and every of them was screaming. They knew who’s going to win. It was obvious. While Lavender was the beautie, her sister, Orchid, had way more experience, and was way more stronger. Orchid had already killed her brother, and now was Lavender the only one left, before she could claim the Tazoon lands...
“This is a traditional fight, none can leave unless the other one’s dead. No leaving, no playing dead,” Screamed the king. The fight has started.

“Maybe we could do it differently? Like... play hide ‘n seek?” Lavender asked, hoping Orchid would agree.
“No, the tradition says this is the only way,” They stood on the opposite sides of the arena. Their parents, the king and queen, watched them quietly. They already agreed that Orchid would make the best queen. She just had to kill Lavender. Orchid went for the attack, running towards Lavender. Lavender didn’t know what to do, so she ran. The spectators boo’d on her. “We don’t want a race match!!!” Lavender kept running, she tried to fly away, but there was a magic barrier surrounding the arena. Orchid kept closing in, she finally hit her, making her fall down, crashing to the ground.
“OWWW! You didn’t have to do that!” Lavender swung her tail around, hoping to stop Orchid. But Orchid did not care. She jumped towards Lavender, but got slapped by her tail. It must’ve got her hard, there appeared a red blush, mixed with blood. Orchid got really mad, she didn’t expect her to fight back... she wasn’t supposed to! They promised her that! Orchid decided to use her breath. Lavender didn’t expect that coming. Orchid let out as much breath as she could, when she saw that she hit Lavender. It was spectaculair, so much fire. The fire surrounded Lavender... It was over, nobody could get up after something like that. It was quiet in the arena...

But then, Orchid saw a glimpse of her through the flames... “NO... HOW?!” Something flew through the air, it looked like, air. It didn’t catch on fire and it moved the fire out of the way. It couldn’t be that someone else is in the arena with us.. right? Orchid asked herself. Lavender came out of flames, looking around, in disbelief. Orchid couldn’t bare looking any more at that face of hers. She tried to pounce again, but something pushed her back. But... Lavender didn’t move, she curled herself up under her wings! Orchid tried to scratch her, and something attacked her back. It scratched her chest. Suddenly there appeared a knife out if nowhere. Orchid backed away, but the knife followed her. She fought back, swinging her tail. She hit it, and it went flying... but another one appeared! It couldn’t be a Helian... aren´t those like super rare? And don´t they live... like in the south? And Lavender never used ´creating magic´! She never used any magic! She noticed a figure, a curve of light. Someone must have extremely good camouflage scales.. or have some kind of camouflaging coat. She looked at the knife, and noticed a hand.
“This isn’t Lavender! She’d neve-“ Orchid couldn’t finish her sentence, she was stabbed in the chest, and getting cut all over by the moving knife. She bled out. Lavender came running, crying. She had no idea what was happening, wasn’t she supposed to die? She cried for help, but nobody was coming, obviously. Everyone was staring at the arena, trying to find Orchid through the flames, the one who they expected to win. Once the flames calmed down, you could hear more and more gasps. It was a shock for everyone. The mysterious knife disappeared by the time that Lavender came. The king has spoken: “Lavender, you shall be queen.”
The arena cheered, greeting Lavender, but Lavender didn’t want to be queen, she didn’t even know what to do!
“B-but pa, it wasn’t me!”
“Don’t be crazy sweetheart! Nobody could enter that arena.”


Some time has passed. Lavender didn’t change at all, even as the queen of Tazoon. There was no need to change. Many dragons actually enjoyed the passive queen. Tazoo got better since then... but the high activity of fighting remained. Lavender tried to change it, but she justhad no idea how. She decided to leave it over to her general... wait... she didn’t have one. The last one died, and nobody could take his place. Only the royal family could. Lavender didn’t care though. She wanted her Tazoon to be a welcoming place, for all dragon species, royal or not. And there she went, alone, vulnerable. So she thought, but someone kept following her, protecting her. Lavender flew to the east, to the well known Dalimond forest. The forest was located around the middle of Agara within the lands of Fora. South of it was King’s Crossing located.

She walked through the thick forest, listening to the birds and various species of insects. She planned to go to Sequoia, to meet some of the elves there. They might know someone. She saw a pile of beautifully smelling leaves, and couldn’t hold herself back: once her family took her to a huge forest, where the leaves covered almost everything. It was one of her favourite childhood places she could still remember a bit. Sadly she couldnt remember where it was anymore. She jumped into it, and to her surprise a trap got activated. A huge net trapped her mid air.
“Ah,” She cried. Lavender tried to wiggle herself out of it, but it didn’t work. Her crown fell off.

“Sigh, you really are so careless and clumsy,” someone said. He sounded very disappointed.
“Huh? Who are you, and why cant I see you...”
“I’m here,” the sound came from above. Lavender looked up, but she saw nothing. Then he took off his hood. A small white face appeared, followed by a small body.


He hesitated for a second.
“I’m the one who saved you in the arena.”
“Wait... it was you who killed my sister?!”
“Correct, and now I´m saving you again. It is my job you know,” He started to cut the net, with the same knife she saw not too long ago.
Lavender felt a bit of hatred dwelling inside her, but it was soon switched by sadness of losing her siblings. Finally she asked the fae that one question.
“Your job?”
“Someone quite important told me to, she thought you were the only one who’d keep peace. She said that the other two would start a war,” The fae was done cutting, and Lavender fell down.
“Wow I didn’t know I was that important... Anyway I´m looking for a new general, and since how long are you-“
“Shush, don’t flood me with your questions! I almost made it too late, when you entered the arena. Luckily I could find a crack in the walls, otherwise you’d be dead by now.”

Suddenly they heard loud stomping. Something was coming their way. Lavender decided to run, even tho the fae told her not to. As expected, Lavender got trapped, again. But this time there was no time left to help her.
“Hmmmm who do we have here,” A huge grey and blue Guardian showed his head through the trees. “Another one of you, and you,” He looked at the Fae and Lavender. The Fae stepped back, so it was close enough to Lavender to protect her.
“Whoah you are huge, h a h a,” Lavender said, hanging from the tree. She was still a bit shocked from the fae, but now her whole life flashed through her eyes. She never really went outside the so well known town. The Fae put his hood on and became invisible. The huge Guardian approached Lavender, but he got attacked by the Fae. The Fae cut his scales, impressing the huge Guardian.
Suddenly Lavender asked the guardian:
“Do you want to be my general?”
He looked at her surprised.
“Wait what? Aren’t I too young? And we don’t even know eachother.


Wait are you the Queen? This is confusing, it is so disrespectful to trap a Queen! What have I done?!”
“Well if you made these traps, you should be very smart! I need a smart general!” Lavender smiled. The Guardian was shocked, he didn’t expect that.
“Well the food here is kind off... There is little food here, lets say. Don’t you want to know my fighting skills first?”
“Theres no need to,” said the Fae. “I’ve already seen all your abilities.”
“Well I can do more than that!”
The Fae stared at the huge guardian and said: ‘You really are living under a rock... There are things called amulets, some of them give you those super cool abilities that let you do super cool things.”
“Mhm! My pa always collected those!” Lavender knew for sure that this was her general. Though she was still a bit scared, it didnt matter. She found someone she could make a general and discovered quite some new info. The thing obout her father collecting amulets was a little lie, she didnt want to make the guardian panic or something like that. She felt really bad for lying just now. She also had no idea about amulets. Never has she seen or read about one during her life.
“Well you’d probably want to know my name.. it’s Ursa.”
“Cool, now lets head back to Tazoon,” The Fae wanted to be back as quick as possible. He felt as if he was being watched by someone.

In the Tazoon Castle...
Lavender showed Ursa where the strategy room is, with the world map and all the ‘fancy war stuff’ is. The Fae decided to trust Ursa and toldhim he should always stay close to Lavender, and protect her at any cost. Ursa became her kind of personal guard, but he didn’t mind. He enjoyed the companion of a small dragon. The first thing Ursa did is make a list of all the wanted criminals in Tazoon. He knew that normal hunters wouldn’t do good, and the Fae had important things on his mind, so Ursa went looking for someone skilled. to be continued, see Ursa’s desc.
Unexpected guests.
Lavender and Ursa often hire the Council of Fora, to solve their problems. The Fae told them to. It must’ve known a lot about Agara, because almost nobody in Tazoon talks about the eastern side of the continent. Sadly the Fae kept his distance. Once Lavender asked about his name, but he answered not so enthusiastic: “Oh.. eh.. my name? Um just call me Flare- or something. I don’t care,” He sounded like he wanted to hide his identity. Since then Lavender had less n’ less contact with it.. but she knew that, it was watching her, under its invisible coat. Ursa did a pretty good job tho, maybe that’s why.

A Coatl came running to Lavender, but it was stopped by the huge guardian. Ursa asked what the problem was, and the coatl answered almost falling to the ground:
“The- T- huff the council... huff the council of Fora! puff
“Take your time sweetie! I have enough!” Lavender answered worried. The Coatl took a deep breath and finished his sentence:
“The Council of Fora... They're here!”
“What?! Why would they come here? They never move!” Ursa screamed. It is a pretty big deal when poeple that important, come visit, from al the way to the other side of the continent.
“Oh noes! I wasn't prepared for this! Ursa get the scrolls!” Lavender screamed back. Ursa panicked and ran to the closet, making the whole castle shake and threw out the scrolls.
“Hello! Your majesty, it is us, The Council!” A brown and red Mirror screamed.
“That's not how you greet a queen Wolven, you have to bow down,” The blue Gaoler showed the young Mirror, but Wolven decided to play with Abyss, instead of remaining calm.
“I'm not gonna do that,” Wolven probably has never seen a queen.
“H-Hello! I- Didn't expect any important guests today! Sorry it is a mess here.” Lavender squinted at Ursa, telling him to help.
“What are you loo-” Ursa didn’t finish, because he heard metal claws walking through the hallway. A majestic Skydancer entered the room. There were black cracks all over her body, it looked like she was... corrupted by something. You could see the deepest abyss in her eyes.
”Greetings, your majesty. I'm sorry to interrupt you on such day.”
”Oh- Eli- It's you! But there are no problems here right? Why are you here?” Lavender asked.
”Something rather uncommon happened in Fora, and we can't get back there... I'd like to ask you if we can stay here, in Tazoon,” Eli looked at Lavenders eyes, as if she wanted to read something.
”Oh that's totally fine! you can stay in the castle, if it's big enough!” Ursa wanted to say something, but Lavender agreed before he could interrupt. Lavender looked at the ceiling, and she saw Flare. He seemed to be really scared. He put on his hoodie and became invisible again, and she saw the last glimpse of him flying through the room. Why would he be scared? Lavender thought. Is it because he killed someone for me?
“Something flew through the air, but I couldn’t see it!” Wolven sniffed around. Eek, could it be that they’re looking for him? I can’t let anything happen to Flare! Lavender freaked out. She knew that she couldn’t show the council that she panicked, but it was probably too late already. Eli seemed to notice something about Lavender. Luckily Ursa stepped between them and decided to show The Council around. Oh Ursa thank you so much. She still wanted to know what happened in Fora. Maybe she could find someone who’s willing to go there and ask the elite. She walked to one of the huge windows and looked outside. If she remembered correctly, there should be a messenger around... There he is! A green Skydancer was getting ready to fly away. He wore bags filled with scrolls and had a hat with the messenger logo on it. Lavender quickly opened the door to the balcony and flew to him.
“Wait! Mr. Messenger! I need your help!” She screamed as she almost hit a different flying dragon. The stranger almost scratched her but then he realized it was his queen. Ashamed he continued to fly. Meanwhile Lavender landed near the messenger.
“Oh hello there miss Lavender! What is it that you’re looking for? I don’t have anything from Sslikanis or the Flying Islands yet,” The messenger said. Lavender knew that her parents were on a hiatus at the Flying Islands, but she didn’t remember anything about Sslikanis.
“Sslikanis? I don’t remember anything about that,” She asked.
“You don’t? Oh miss Lavender! You wanted to buy some of the exotic fruits there a bit ago! For one of your giveaways!”
“Ooh now I remember! So sorry! I’ve been really busy lately. Now lets get to the point, I need you to ask the queen of Fora what happened.”
“Alright! Do you have a scroll?”
Oof, I forgot about that. Lavender looked around, but there was no papyrus to be found.
“One second, eh,” She flew back as fast she could. What a shame! To forget about that! Lavender entered her room, but she couldn’t find anything. Ursa must’ve thrown them somewhere when they panicked. Oh god She kept looking... but those scrolls where gone! Desperated to find something to write on, she took off an old painting of her parents and wrote her message on the other side of it. She knew that this didn´t look good, but she didn’t have any other choices. She rolled it up and put a purple jewel on it. Now Seiche will know for sure it’s me.
“There you go! It’s also a small gift, take good care of it.”
“I’ll give it to her as quickly as I can, miss Lavender,” the green Skydancer took off and flew to the east. It was fascinating to see how fast he was going. Lavender returned to the palace and saw Ursa, he was planning something, so lavender decided not to interrupt. She entered her favorite place: the library.

She opened the huge marble doors... it was so quiet. She walked past the first... the second... row of books. But then- she saw the huge Gaoler from the council. She wanted to turn back but the gaoler already looked at her. A sad expression appeared on his face when Lavender stepped back. She couldn’t just walk away now. She approached him uncomfortably and smiled. The Gaoler bowed his head down and greeted the queen.
“Greetings, queen Lavender.”
“You don’t have to call me queen, it’s just Lavender,” she sat down near him.
“The amount of books really fascinates me, Fora doesn’t use papyrus or paper at all.”
“We aren’t magic experts, heh. Would you tell me why you’re here? What happened in Fora?” Lavender decided to ask him now, instead of waiting for the messenger to return, but when she did, he wouldn’t tell her.
“I’m not allowed to tell you that.”
“Oh... well why won’t you tell me a bit more about yourself?”
“I’m still studying the rights and I’m a guard. I can’t really tell you much sadly.”
“Aham.. okay then...” Ursa would’ve told me his whole life story when I asked him that. It was quiet for a bit... Abyss continued to read and Lavender just stared at him... She wondered where Ursa was. The gaoler was really quiet... too quiet. She noticed one of her favorite books behind Abyss’ huge antlers. She jumped towards the book. She knew that she wouldn’t hit Abyss, he was way too far down. But as soon as she flapped her wings, something pulled her down. She hit the ground and couldn’t get up. She noticed magic chains attached to her.
“Ow! What are you doing! I just wanted to grab that book!” Lavender wasn’t mad, she was rather sad. She understood that she may have scared him, but didn’t he trust the friendliest queen?
“You... did... Oh right... I apologize... I’ll go now.” The Gaoler released Lavender. He didn’t sound surprised, or scared. He sounded emotionless. He must’ve experienced a lot jumps like these. The Gaoler opened the door... but.. The huge guardian Ursa stood right in front of him. There was steam coming out of his strong mouth. He noticed the tears in Lavenders eyes. He got really mad.
“WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO LAVENDER!” He slammed the Gaoler against the walls.
“It was just an accident,” he hissed.
“Accident?! How can you hit a queen you gnome!” Ursa was getting ready for the next attack, but he was stopped by magical chains. They were too weak tho, Ursa broke them and became even more furious.
“Ursa let him go! It was my fault!” Lavender couldn’t bare to see the Gaoler getting hurt. Ursa released the Gaoler, but he made sure Abyss got the message. The Gaoler walked away, not even a bit ashamed. Sigh, it’s always me. He thought. Abyss entered the room where the rest of the council was.
“Did he hurt you?”
“I’m alright, he’s kinda quiet.”
“I’ll get you some tea,” Ursa left to get a cup. He walked past the room that Abyss entered. He stopped and listened:

It wasn’t very smart if you, Abyss, they could kick us out, or even banish. We don’t want that happening again, being banished from Fora is more than enough.
I understand, I shouldn’t have done that.
HAHAHAHA you’re a genius Abyss!
We should bring her to the Shadow dimension and see if she knows anything. Wolven, Abyss, you won’t be needed. Make sure the general won’t notice anything.

Shadow dimension? That doesn’t exist! All dragons with those abilities were killed! Ursa thought. He should stay close to Lavender. Just to make sure she’s safe...

Later that night
“Goodnight Lavender, and don’t forget to scream when something’s happening.”
“Alright alright!” She curled up under Ursa’s wing and quickly fell asleep. Ursa didn’t tho, he listened for any signs of the council. Suddenly he heard Eli’s metal claws. It was a high pitched ‘tick’. She walked down the hallway... and stopped near the door to their room. Ursa waited, but nothing happened. He suddenly felt a shock, a wave of energy.
“Crap, he’s there...” Eli thought. “Guess I’ll be heading back, or wait for Ursa to leave...” She waited for a while, and then she decided to cast a spell. It flew through the hallway... until it came across a parakeet that slept on one of the decorative statues. The parakeet became crazy, it screeched and flew towards the hatchery room. It attacked the little Fae that was guarding the eggs.
“AAAH get that thing out if here! It’ll destroy all the eggs! I can’t kill it!” The Fae screamed, it was helpless. Meanwhile Eli disappeared. Ursa heard the screams, he didn’t know what to do. Should he leave Lavender vulnerable or should he let the fae die... UGHH WHAT DO I DO?! That’s it! He’ll take Lavender with him!
“Lavender wake up!”
“Mmmm whae..? ... Oh god who’s screaming?! We need to help him!”
“I need you to come with me, you might get attacked. Stay close.” Ursa grabbed the small Nocturne and held her, while he ran towards the hatchery. He noticed a weird shadow on the wall. He didn’t stop tho, he must save the Fae. “Hmm smart...” Eli stepped out of the shadow and followed Ursa. She knew that he had to let her go if he wanted to catch that parakeet. Eli casted a portal again. It looked just like the shadow Ursa just saw. She entered it. It was all black and Eli sat down. She thought for a while. Suddenly she snapped her fingers and a small table appeared, along with some cups and tea. “This should do it.” She casted an opening to her Shadow dimension right behind Lavender. Lavender just stood there watching Ursa struggling to catch the bird. It was way too easy for her. Eli grabbed Lavenders shoulders and pulled her in. A confused smile appeared on Lavender’s face.
“Hah sorry for this Lavie, I woke up because of the screams. Mind if we drink some tea?”
“... Where am I.”
“Don’t worry, you’re safer here than there. I can get you out whenever you want, just answer some of my questions.”
“Oh okay, well what’s the problem?”
“You wouldn’t know any powerful blue female Pearlcatchers, would you? She uses ice and lightning attacks.”
“Hmmm lemme think...” she took a sip of the tea. Eli looked through her memories while Lavender was thinking. She saw Flare and squinted her eyes, as if she found an important piece of a puzzle.
“What are those funny looking drawings you’re looking at?” Lavender asked, it was the first time she saw something like that.
“Oh those? Oh I REALLY~ like making those you know, it’s my hobby.”

“LAVENDERR!” Ursa screamed. “WHERE DID YOU GO?!” The whole Tazoon could hear him probably. He ran to the council and smashed the door open... but they were sleeping! He noticed that Eli was missing. Could it be her? He searched through the whole castle, screaming. He checked every room... but Lavender was gone. How could he lose her?

“Cool... I think I might know someone who’s blue and powerful.”
“Well?” Eli shuffled around. She couldn’t wait.
“Weren’t the travelers Droplet and Rain blue Pearlcatchers? I think they must be very powerful to travel such distances! And droplet is a water element dragon, so maybe she has a secret amulet that freezes her water attacks. I don’t remember Rain being a lightning dragon tho.”
Bruh.. One, they’re never fighting. Two, I don’t know how mighty you are if you have the actual amulet and can use it. Droplet and Rain are not even close to that power. Eli thought.
“Ahh yes right! They are~! But I don’t expect them to be involved.... One more thing- you wouldn’t know anyone else who’d be involved in this? Someone is manipulating our world a bit too much.” It hit Lavender when Eli said that. Lavender looked around, but there was nothing else to talk about... She couldn’t tell Eli about Flare, could she? She remembered when he told her about Seiche, the one who sent him to save Lavender. She didn’t think about it until now... why would the queen Seiche want her to be a queen? Lavender didn’t know that Eli knew everything she was thinking about.
“Nnn-nope! Now can I go back? I really need to pee and I’m kinda worried about that fae.”
Eli stared at her. It was quite uncomfortable. Lavender started to sweat... Eli’s ‘magical drawings’ disappeared and she snapped her fingers, making everything else disappear too.
“There you go, the bathroom. Wish to see you again!” An exit appeared and you could see the beautiful bathroom. Eli didn’t sound like she’d want to know more... she already knew everything. Lavender stepped out of the weird dimension. She wanted to tell Ursa what happened, but she- forgot what she just saw... All her memories were gone. Just some remained. She only remembered that she drank some tea... but that’s all. She left the bathroom and looked for Ursa. She found him all stressed sniffing around.
“Lavender! You’re back! Are you alright? Did they do something to you?!” Ursa ran to her.
“Oh I just came from the bathrooms and drank some tea.”
“Or maybe it was a dream..”
“You should go back to sleep, a queen needs enough sleep to rule her land.” He grabbed Lavender and put her on his head. He carried her back to the huge room. The small Nocturne quickly fell asleep. Ursa wondered how and when she disappeared from his sight. Was it because of the weird shadow he saw? He decided to check where Eli was. Ursa left the room and looked around. It was hard to see in the dark, the castle had no torches, because it’d be too hot to survive then. The castle was supposed to be a cold place. He walked down the hallway, to the room he so feared. Suddenly he heard the ticking again. tick tick tick tick He turned around. It was hard to run away as a Guardian. The ticking did not stop, but it also didn’t move. Then he noticed a flag, it was waving and hit the wall. What a relief. He peeked into the room... still no signs of Eli. He was confused tho, he smelled her scent all over the palace.

... Flare... I knew you were involved into something when I met you for the first time.. Didn’t he say something about Seiche? My first attempt to bring her here didn’t go very well... that speed of hers... I’ll probably need to find out how what’s healing her. Flare might know some answers, why didn’t I think about him earlier! Oh mother, you’ll get your revenge...
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