
Pure G2 Imp
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Paradise Zalis
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Female Imperial
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Personal Style


Crimson Rogue Hood
Maroon Head Wrap
Scarlet Satin Tunic
Crimson Rogue Vest
Black Linen Wing Wraps
Red Healer's Trail



Scene: Strange Chests


19.14 m
13.97 m
7300.97 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 26, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 17 Imperial
EXP: 39690 / 81619




  • none


photo is 300 x 275 ∆∆∆ word count is limited to 140 words


Unbreakable by Fireflight
"God, I want to dream again
Take me where I've never been
I want to go there
This time I'm not scared
Now I am unbreakable, it's unmistakable
No one can touch me
Nothing can stop me"

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illumtch Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae inventore

Paradise Zalis
∆∆∆ 🅟🅡🅞🅖🅡🅔🅢🅢 ∆∆∆


Genes Needed:
River Witch


Apparel Wishlist:
Storm Child


notes about genes & cost,
Ripple - 248kt

Still Needs:
  • Likes
  • dislikes
  • Gaia character image maybe?
  • role
  • possible relationships
  • poem
  • Bluzzle
.....whyisthissolongohmygod..... Pics-Art-12-11-12-49-38.png


ROLE IN CLAN: Magic Technician
She has an overcoat that is styled like this, with jewels down at the bottom. Sea green jewels similar in color to the apparel, lined with silver like the Sylvan apparel items. I'm thinking she wears ripped jeans, but I'm not completely sure on that yet.

- Cerauno is just a little older than her sister by a few months. They treat each other like twin sisters and stick to each other like glue.
- Siren Child
- Doesn't speak unless singing, otherwise uses her hands to communicate
- when listening to their theme song, imagine them in the desert singing/screaming out their frustrations - thus destroying their surroundings. Dust kicks up around them, their voices creating a sort of sound shield around their vicinity. This chaotic energy causes tornadoes to form, and the sky to shatter with flashing lights and thunderous booms. Their powers together creates unimaginable disaster.
Cerauno doesn't let normally speak, but when she sings it's on the lower spectrum of a females voice, so she's able to hit lower notes and synchronize quite well with her sister. The only other time she talks is when she's in bed, and even then it's only short replies or taunts. Her voice has this growl to it, so it's honestly attractive for anybody to hear. She loves primordial play & dirty talk.
- Her hair is styled like this.
- her sisters voice is on the lighter side, and resembles mothers. Smooth, seductive, echoed.

- fought with a lost spirit(depression for humans) almost daily as a child. As a young adult though, she's learning how to fight it thanks to her mother, Nocturna. Many things happened to Cerauno when she was a child, as she was neglected, manipulated, and abused. She was left in the dark many times, and only the thunder of storms could lull her to sleep. On stormless nights, when she wasnt separated from her sister, Cerauno would sing to her sister and put them both to sleep. Otherwise, she made not a peep nor a word in fear of getting hurt more than necessary.
- when reaching an age of adolescence, Nocturna found them. Nocturna received many "dreams" from the Gods for major events in her life. When asking for a child due to her infertility, the Gods sent her a dream about them. She never imagined they would be in a slave trade. Luckily she had been escorted by a few elites from her clan, who quickly swept up any Dealers in the area. They found more children in other areas, but she kept these two by her side. They were still only the equivalent age of a 7-9 yo human child. She still found the strength to carry them with her out of that place. Any bad memories of that place, Nocturna helped the children deal with.
- Her Mother sings her to sleep on hard nights, just like how her sister used to when it was just them. Nocturna still baby's them as adults, but they will always be her "little ones". Nocturna also gives them tough love, but likes to spoil them when she can.

- sister is super carefree and prefers to learn about the world through trying out new things and just seeing what happens! Totally not the type to prepare for anything. Although adventurous, she's super shy around new people because people can't be trusted. Loves to make friends with animals, or anything that resembles an animal. Animals have shown her time and time again that you can always trust them more than people. If not through their personality then through their behaviors. You can almost always predict what they feel or what they're going to do, and once you gain they're loyalty, it's yours - animals don't betray you.

Has powers to control the weather. Favors thunderstorms. Uses crystals to help channel her powers or store thunderstorms. Studies spells and alchemy all the time. Huge magic nerd. Hopes to become as great as her mother one day. You'll find her with black circles under her eyes. She has hazel eyes that will turn grey when she's in a bad mood (the dull green and blue in her eyes will look as if they're swirling just like a storm) and brighten with green and blues when she's happy.

- Nocturna adopts Cerauno & her sister since she herself cannot have children
- raises said child as if she were her own
- Nocturna: "You are mine, mine to me. No matter where you go, or what they may call you, you will always be my children." Scene from jungle book.
- knows she's adopted but doesn't care. Just further proves how much she is wanted and loved
- pretend eye cover doesn't exist. I just didn't like the eye tunnel thing on her face


..... Pics-Art-12-11-01-29-40.png
..... Pics-Art-12-11-01-16-48.png
..... Pics-Art-12-11-01-16-48.png ..... Pics-Art-12-11-01-16-48.png

∆∆∆ 🅐🅡🅒🅗🅘🅥🅔🅢 ∆∆∆

∆ Catchy story phrase, nothing too long. Link the phrase with story document, and then insert image break - like so... ∆


∆ Catchy story phrase, nothing too long. Link the phrase with story document, and then insert image break - like so... ∆


artist credit & link is on image

artist credit & link is on image

artist credit & link is on image
∆∆∆ 🅒🅡🅔🅓🅘🅣🅢 ∆∆∆

Note: w/ credit links, please keep in mind that I've edited/heavily edited the original images to keep up with the theme of the bio design. I also try to keep up with credit links whenever I can, even if I have to back track from my rabbit hole. Thanks for understanding!
Notes for me on how I did this process:

-PicArt is your best friend
-Aesthetic Board was made in that
red icon "Photo Collage" App
-Tumblr tag "fr bio resources" is also
your best friend
-Everything looks perfect on the desktop,
even if it doesn't look right on mobile!
I think it's a glitch, so just make
the reports 6 monthslater
Paragraph Lines/Borders // Hazeledpoppy

Font I used for the banners // CoolText Logo Design Website

Lightning Banner Background // Tumblr

Swirly Fancy Dividers // Mibella's Bio Code Resources
Cloudy Watercolor Header Image // Tumblr

Lightning bolt image break // Tumblr

GIF Theme Music Button // Tumblr

Black wings // Tumblr

Tribal eye things // Tumblr
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Exalting Cerauno to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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