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Personal Style


Tutor Overcoat
Scout's Hat
Scout's Treads




5.86 m
7.72 m
489.84 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 21, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245



Please forgive me, his bio is under construction 😞 *buzzsaw sound* *jackhammer sound* *hammer sound* *construction noises*


(greeting w/ draggo talking)

Give a greeting to AibekGrodenZirv, who returned to his parent's home clan with his brother shortly after 8 pm on a Saturday night, 2 hours after hatching, who is also the clan's (something to do with Role)!

Because of his colors & fiery personality, this Nocturne was given such a name!
Since his father had the surname Aibek, which in the Cascadain language means Prince, it seemed only fitting that Tyro's son should carry on the title and thus GrodenZirv now bears the mantle of Prince within the clan, such as his father does..
Cascadian for:
His name has a special meaning in the unique language that is only spoken by the SkyWings clan which is called Cascadian. In this special tongue, his name means..
Prince Golden Blaze!
~ay-beck~grow-den~zirv (like serve but with a z sound)~
AibekGrodenZirv tends to find that his name is alot for others to say right off so he prefers to go by either of his other two names since most in the clan already refer to his dad as 'Aibek'.. Calling him Groden or Zirv works just fine & will usher a response from this Nocturne :)

(personality, hobbies, school, discovering Role, likes/dislikes, what item they hoard, etc)
Groden is a dragon who tends to live up the the fiery demeanor that most relate a dragon to when they think of the flying lizards. He has a red-hot personality that blazes with life and passion but also rages with an uncontrollable anger when triggered. This is only enhanced by the fact that he is a dragon that belongs to the Fire Flight so he is even more volatile with his emotions. Thankfully he has been working on bettering himself and getting a better handle on his feelings for several incidents in his past where his rages only left those around him figuratively and literally burned, and he didn't like feeling responsible for their wounds..

AibekGrodenZirv was born in a realm as heated as he is where his family felt that they wanted to have their children be aligned under the Flamecaller. For religious reasons as well as aesthetic, the family reached out to a clan in the Ashfall Waste, and one responded, gladly willing to host SnowRoseGoldWing & AibekTyroSanz so they could have their wish come true. A short time later, they had two eggs which hatched to reveal two sons, both being Nocturnes like their mother. Thus Groden was born, along with his brother, and after resting for a moment with their new hatchlings, the Nocturne and Wildclaw returned home to where they raised their sons happily & lovingly. (Big shout-out to Blaziken & their clan for hosting this boy & his parents so he could be born to Fire ^^) )
He grew up happily within the clan as his bright personality came to shine and was brought to life. He seemed to be empowered by being around others of his same Flight, and by being around his brother.. which proved to be troublesome for his parents who thought they could handle having Fire-based children, but reading all the books in the world could not have prepared them for what Groden & Zerlo put them through. Time after time they had to replace furniture or belongings for their destructive fires or rush to see the Healer for a medicinal burn salve. As time went on, they learned to keep such bandages on hand but thankfully as they grew up, the boys learned to tame their fires, so that they stopped marring their den and parents. Though it was tough at first, even with armor the Nocturne & Wildclaw donned.
With this problematic situation, SnowRose & Aibek figured it'd be best if they had someone come to tutor them rather than sending their sons to school, so a Pearlcatcher named Beauty stepped up to the task. Even though they singed some of her papers at times, she still stuck with them until she taught Groden & Zerlo everything they needed to know about the known world. Happy with their completed education, she graduated them from the first-ever home-tutoring program the SkyWings clan had held, and all in the clan attended. Being overjoyed, somehow the boys still managed to contain themselves until later when they went behind the clan to shoot off some fireworks and put on a fire-y demonstration with Koalemos, letting their powers go full-bore and not holding back.
Even though their parents kept the two Nocturnes from school, they still wanted them to have social interactions with others their age so they wouldn't have a detrimental developmental set-back, so SnowRose & Aibek would take them out frequently on good days to fun outings or past the Nursery or to the playground at Erigore's school. One day when Groden was at the playground, he spotted a Fae he'd recognized before as one he'd seen from back when he was in the Nursery when he came home. He seemed to recall how she was surrounded by tons of other Fae siblings, but now she was alone and the other youth were playing by themselves. Since he seemed to be drawn to her for some reason, he came over to her and they started playing together until his parents called him back to them. Every time after that as they grew up and they went to the playground, Groden would always look for the Fae, and if she was by herself, he would offer to play with her so she wouldn't feel so alone..
When AibekGrodenZirv matured and attended the graduation for the class at that time, he noticed the Fae was among them, and that the class size had seemed to diminish. After the ceremony, they began talking and he found out that all of her siblings had decided to be Exalted while she stayed behind and that was why. As they began talking, it became known that there was going to be a big celebration afterwards where anyone who wanted to go could come and she wasn't inclined on going until Groden asked her. She was shy at first but decided since no one else had asked and that he seemed nice enough that she agreed, so they attended that night.. and from then on began a relationship between the two of them that went further than friends, and a romance started to grow between them.
And for a time, he thought he was happy with his Fae, who was named LivewireLavender, and all seemed to be going well as they spent more time together. But the more & more he got to know her & they began spending more & more time around each other, Groden began noticing things that got to him that began to anger him. It was little things at first, but then it got more serious and they began shouting, making him wonder if he truly loved her or if his feelings were misplaced..
On a particularly bad night where the shouting escalated and he felt the fire rising inside of him, he lashed out, unleashing a spout of flame as his hands went flying and made contact with her side. Shocked that he had actually done a thing like that, Lavender realized that their relationship had gone too far and took off running, realizing how much danger she was in. Enraged that she was fleeing from him and lost in the moment, Groden took off after her, almost ready to drop another fount of fire on her hide, before another Nocturne stepped in and stopped him. He turned and let his mouth spew the flames that were burning inside onto the dragon who was holding him back, feeling the other's claws pressing into his shoulders while he raged madly trying to get past the Nocturne. He saw the burning anger reflected in the Nocturne's own darker green eyes and felt a sensation snaking up his arms and neck until it began restraining him to where he couldn't breathe fire anymore and could hardly breathe at all.. a second later everything went black, and Groden lost all control, slumping to the ground, the last thing he heard being another male's voice calling after the Fae he thought he loved....
The next thing he knew, he was waking up in Zelkiron's in the Infirmary with a massive headache. As he recalled the events of the previous night, he felt guilt wash over him and felt horrible for what he'd done. He saw Lavender there as well, along with the other Nocturne, who seemed to be tending to her wounds & making sure she was alright, even though he was a singed mess, too. The Healer Fae, Zelkiron, was nearby, supplying them with bandages and soothing teas while they comforted each other. I should be doing that, Groden thought, as he took in the sight of the doting Nocturne at her side, but I'm probably the last dragon she wants to see right now. He hung his head at that and sighed to himself, figuring that him & Lavender were probably over and that everything they'd shared previously were going to be nothing more than memories & history. Upon hearing his sigh, Zelkiron wandered over, ready to administer something to help quell his headache, for he figured being strangled like that was not good for any dragon. Groden was glad for the medicine but caught the other dragons in the room shooting him dirty looks, and again the same wave of guilt washed over him. As he conversed with Zelkiron momentarily, he found it hard to believe his own hands had struck the beautiful Fae who sat across the room. He kept looking at his hands and the image flashed before his eyes of where they had made contact with her scales/skin sometime before. He noticed his throat hurt too, and when he reached to touch it, he found it was wrapped, and struggled to grasp that it was from his very throat that the flames had come that burned his love. his very throat.. his very hands.. Groden shook his head, trying to clear his mind of the thoughts, but found that only made his headache worse. Then, as he thought of the night once again, he recalled the last few moments before he'd fainted and turned to address the other Nocturne in the room. Since he knew the other dragon was probably a newcomer and not used to the language of the clan, he spoke in the other tongue understood by most in Sornieth. "That.. that was some move you did," Groden rasped out, for he found his throat drier than normal and restrained. "What..what did you do to me, dawg?" he asked, then reached up to his neck for he found talking also hurt. The other Nocturne glowered, but also seemed to smirk. "A Nature move," he too croaked out. "I used some roots to block off your oxygen access so you wouldn't keep burning us. It was simple science, really." the Nocturne explained. Then he became apologetic when he added "Didn't mean to make you black out, though. It was only supposed to be for a second." After he finished, he began coughing which procured a momentary cloud of black smoke. Zelkiron was hastily by his side with some water and more tea which the Nocturne took greatfully. Groden took in his explantion but then began to think about it.. "Zam.. th-that's messed up.. I mean, I can see why, but still.." He said, as he eyed the other Nocturne and began to wonder what kind of a dragon he even was. Am I.. am I in the presence of a killer? Am I lucky to even be alive right now? What if he does something like that to Lavender? Is the clan in danger? Groden began to think, but then tried to calm himself down for he realized the other one had apologized for nearly getting him in serious danger. The Nocturne nodded, then hung his head too, clearly ashamed. "Like I said, I only meant it to be just for a moment. Geuss the moment just got away from me, and the powers took over." Groden nodded as he recalled the anger he'd seen in the blue dragon's eyes just before his sight had diminished, and knew that dragon's powers were often amplified by their emotions, especially for those who belonged to the more volatile of Flights. After their interaction was over, Groden felt the need to sleep then returned back to his own home once he was feeling well enough. He noted how Lavender had said nothing to him while he was in the Infirmary, but figured that she didn't want to talk to him anymore.
His suspicions were correct when he found a letter addressed to him that was dropped off anonymously outside of his home. Since he wasn't going to be sharing his life with anyone anytime soon, he figured he'd stay living at home with his parents and thus that was how the letter found him. He could tell who it was from for he recognized the claw-writing and knew right away it was something by Lavender that probably pertained to them. As he read it, he found it to be true, and saw that the message contained what he had thought that day back at Zelkiron's. But this time it was confirmed, and the paper in his hand made it official that they were no longer together.. and that the Nocturne who had saved her, named LuloZower, was taking care of her now and was very important to her now. Groden got the sense by how she talked of him in her writing that she actually had feelings for this LuloZower and things were serious, and he'd be most likely the one she was going to end up with. Groden wasn't one to predict the future, but he could tell Lavender definitely was hoping things would go that way with the way she wrote. It hurt him to see the words but he was happy she was happy & being cared for, and hoped things worked out with them, or at least, went better than they had between her & Groden. After reading it, he folded it and kept it in a special place, safe from any Fire..
With that, he made a promise to himself that if he was lucky enough to find someone to love again, he wouldn't hurt them either like he had done to Lavender. He worked to better himself and to control his temper and even sought help of some of the counselors within the clan who offered him great advice that he put into action.
This all proved to pay off when he saw a new arrival join the clan in March of 2021 that caught his eye. As she went around meeting everyone after settling in, he hung around on the outskirts of the group to pick up on the conversations to see what he could learn about her. For some reason, the bold fiery dragon had a bout of shyness come over him and he felt weird about approaching her, so he stayed on the fringes of the gathering until he noticed the happy dragon seemed to be walking his way. He hesitated, wondering if he was seeing correctly then tried to calm himself as she approached and greeted him. He gave a greeting in reply, then found it easy to converse with her and as they began to talk, he found the conversation began to flow freely between them. Over time, he saw her more & more and as they grew a friendship, he began to get feelings that went deeper and he wondered if this was the girl for him. There had to be some reason she had caught his eye that first day, right? Before he wanted to see if things would go serious for them, he felt he had to tell her first about his past in case any rumors found their way to her for if others saw they were together and assumed the worst, and got to telling her first. As he told her about what had happened and what might happen should she decide to to be his partner now, she seemed to be wary at first, but she could see how he had been bettering himself since then and he wasn't the same dragon who had hurt the Fae long ago.. The Pearlcatcher, named AubreyRafee, didn't disapprove to be his girl for the time being, and now only time will tell where life will take them and if his improvements have proven to work in the long run or not....
(talk about how he met Familiar)
Since he's scared that if he has kids he might hurt them the same way he hurt the Fae from his past, he is refraining from bringing into the world any hatchlings at this point and doesn't want any kids yet..

Role in the clan:
find some sort of apparel..??

center & bold-Size Comparison Stats in Imperial/USA Measurement for fun :)
Length (feet):
Wingspan (feet):
Weight (pounds):
How big is this derg compared to a person?
(include blurb of how big they’d be standing next to a 6 ft tall human)

And now, for your enjoyment, a cute pic of this derg as a beb…
(image generated from Scrying Workshop)

~--Bio template created by & belongs to CascadeMirage--~
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Exalting AibekGrodenZirv to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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