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Personal Style


Gothic Dried Tea
Enchanter's Herb Pouch
Counselor Overcoat
Patched Beggar Locket
Shabby Waistcoat
Shabby Pants
Dusty Sage Tassel
Heraldic Tail Tatters
Shabby Dress Shirt
Dusty Pauper Knickers
Leather Aviator Boots
Teardrop Citrine Ring



Scene: Thunder Lizards


22.37 m
24.66 m
6558.83 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 27, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Imperial
EXP: 811 / 27676




  • none




Name: ...

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Interests: ...

Eye Agate
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Eye Agate
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Eye Agate
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Eye Agate
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Eye Agate Eye Agate
Eye Agate Eye Agate
Eye Agate Eye Agate
Eye Agate Eye Agate
Eye Agate Eye Agate

Eye Agate Eye Agate
Eye Agate Eye Agate
Eye Agate Eye Agate
Eye Agate Eye Agate
Eye Agate Eye Agate



Familiar: Burning Virgo

Name: ...

About: ...

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somewhere in here


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Olecrana finds him. That should probably have prompted him to reconsider most of his expectations.

She doesn't come to him a ghoul either, but already neutralised. She is tall and she is proud, even half-starved and with wings tattered from neglect, but she does not snap at him when he approaches, as some half-feral necromancer-less Neutralised have been known to do. Instead she watches and she explains and when he agrees to nurse her back to health she breathes out a long sigh and settles beside him.

He has never met a Neutralised Ghoul so forward, so certain of what she asked, and so polite all at once. There are dragons, he knows, who'd think that certainty arrogance, especially from one such as her.

He cannot help but admit, if only to himself, that he found that confidence arresting.


When she is well again, they hunt together. Most of his knowledge of nursing - of healing, not just curing disease but the very antithesis of what creatures of Plague are thought to be capable of - comes from those he encounters on his hunts.

Not all dragons are Necromancers, fewer still Imperials of his size, or age, or strength. There are all too many, in the wake of a still-virulent Ghoul's path, in need of healing.

Olecrana has no plague of her own, not anymore, but she is strong and she is certain. For all she flinches at the casting of some spells, she remains unbowed in the face of Ghouls - even those huge, and terrible, and feral beyond belief. If Alaric had to judge, he thinks at times that he is more frightening to her, when his hands alight with magic, than the Ghouls.

"It is not yours to concern yourself with," she says when eventually, after months together, he finally asks. "My fears are my business. I do not intend to let them conquer me."

He is of Light. He has always sought the ultimate truths of the world - those truths which led him, in the end, to Plague - and he knows well that fear does more than conquer, if left to run unchecked.

"It is not a matter of conquering," he says at last. "I have seen fear break dragons before. I would rather not see you broken by the same."

Is that perhaps too obvious to admit? He had not asked Olecrana to join him; she had decided that for herself. But he likes her too much to want to see her hurt or gone from him.

Her hand is gentle on his, her smile far warmer than he'd ever expect from the chilly Wind of her birth and the flight's frivolous, twisting humour.

"And that," she says softly, "Is why I shall not. Thank you for your concern, Alaric."

It is, he thinks later, the first time she has called him by his name, and not a title.


Their status is gathered slowly. They keep so much to themselves that they only gather notes those few times those they neutralise have no place to return to - those few times they make the careful, guiding trek towards the Council, to try to match a Necromancer to their new neutralised.

It is on those trips, Olecrana carefully advising the new-remade dragon, that Alaric sends letters - to the Council, to Necromancers he knows, to Ague the ancient Archivist. All in the hope that someone knows someone who can give their new one home.

So it is they receive gifts, small treasures in thanks from those settlements they saved from a Ghoul's path, now their identities are known; small treatises from Necromancers, hoping to be given a companion; small measures of trust and favour and friendship that can mean even more than either.

So it is that one evening, their latest charge safely rehomed, Olecrana is picking apart two lockets they had been gifted, laying them out in every piece before putting them back together.

"Here," she says, passing him a steel-grey chain and pendant. When he takes it, she loops its soft-gold counterpart around her neck.

For all that has passed between them in her time together, it has been hardly spoken of, let alone marked by anything aside from their actions and affection, and he cannot help but be startled.

"I did not think you one for tokens," he admits. Her smile is fond.

"My flight's tokens tend to be rags or ribbons - but that did not serve my purpose."

When he raises an eyebrow, she only laughs.

"I thought I had proven that, for all I am severed from Plague, I do not lack any magic at all," she says with a smile. "I still have what I was born with, if nothing else. I know the value of connection." Carefully, she opens the locket at her breast, taps the silvery spring on its hinge. Then, she reaches out, to open his.

The hinge of his glints gold.

He has heard of sympathetic magic. He had not ever thought he might see it performed.

"Hold it," she suggests. "Feel it."

He closes his eyes, closes hand around the locket, reaches past the plague to the light he was born to and then on to the twist of magic set in the metal in his hand.

He feels a heartbeat, softly pulsing, feels a direction, and when he steps forward his eyes blink open because he has stepped nose-to-nose with Olecrana.

"You see?" she says. "Even if we are lost, we may find each other again."


Their patrol spans a wide space. Some days they are close to the Wyrmwound, coiling their way through the Rotrock and all the way up to the putrescent cauldron's spitting rim. Other days they trek across the Boneyard, seeking a Ghoul wandering rogue, who needs either neutralisation or the final rest before they wreak something more terrible than even their own making.

It is one such day that Olecrana is taken from him.

He tracks her prints first - of course he does, it had been prints they were following, prints and plague spoor, wild disease lashing out and mutating at a rate that can only be from a Ghoul.

She might not have the same force of magic as he, but she was a force of nature, in her strength and speed. Her prints, overlaying those they followed, are clear.

When he finds their end, however, there is nothing. No Olecrana. No quarry.

He clasps his hand around his locket and he seeks.


Alaric knows that there are many consequences of Neutralisation. He has heard of dragons made sterile by it, the mutations of their virulency not erased with their connection to Plague. He has heard of dragons forever scarred by it, physically and mentally and both alike. He knows of the status shift - a Virulent Ghoul at least has a power of its own. Neutralised ones are seen as servants.

Some, he knows, are mistreated as Olecrana had been.

He knows Olecrana's limitations. He knows the consequences of her neutralisation, for all he had not been the one to inflict it on her - and, knowing what he has come to know of the one who neutralised her, he cannot think of it as anything but inflicted.

No matter what they may want, they will never have hatchlings of their own. Perhaps with others- he might, he knows, and Olecrana only perhaps, but they do not care for that. What they know and what they accept is simple: Olecrana's mutations prohibit her having offspring with Necromancers. Her neutralisation renders her magic incapable of cultivating magic even a little touched by the Lady of Plague's. Those few eggs they have produced - not a one has hatched, Alaric's chosen magic warring with Olecrana's utter lack.

It is not something they have terribly grieved. So much of what they have with each other is unspoken; they have accepted the nature of their bodies and their magic, understood it for simple science and practicality but rarely stopped to discuss its consequences for them. They have work to attend to, they have each other. If Olecrana minds, she has never told him.

"This," she says, when finally he finds her, stranded in the Ashfall Wastes of all places. "Is Hecate. She is the one we tracked."

In her arms, the dragon's whole face marked by the twisting sigil of primal Arcane, is a hatchling.

A ghoul hatchling.

He does not think he has seen Olecrana so at ease since- ever, perhaps.

She is comfortable with him - he knows that, because it made it so striking the times she flinched from the sign for a spell, or scowled with some genuine anger when he spoke of certain sects. Her fear would not be so obvious, her anger not so freely expressed, if she was not as comfortable with him as she was. He has seen her with newly neutralised ghouls as well, caring and careful, but a mentor or a sibling, never maternal.

He had thought, perhaps, it was simply not a role she cared for. Perhaps, he supposes now, she had simply never been called upon to be so.

"She is tricky," Olecrana adds as he looks. "Her plague is- hard to tame, they have amulets here to control feral magic, but she is Arcane, with her plague it is- volatile."

That explains how Olecrana's usual steady winds could have been blown so far off course, even in a fleshwind storm.

He could attempt to neutralise, he supposes. He knows he could - but Olecrana is here, somehow sent miles upon miles from where they had been, across the sea and past the Great Furnace itself. Her winds, always so steady, blown so far off course by a quirk of this Hecate's magic? It had taken him weeks to reach her. From how easy the other dragons are around her, she has been here far more than the few hours. She has been here days.

He thinks, if her magic is so volatile, an attempt to neutralise her might just neutralise him as well.

"They do at least mean to find a way to tame her magic," Olecrana adds. "They have a primal smith, Pyrmal. He thinks he may has a solution. And Parabola-" she gestures to one of the dragons hovering at the edge of the room, a waterborn ridgeback ghoul, a multitude of eyes running down her sides "-she is trying to See the right way of enchanting. She wants to see Hecate well-cared for."

That is promising, to know there is another to whom Hecate's care can be given - but looking at Olecrana, Hecate cradled easily in her arms, he cannot quite bring himself to separate them. Olecrana might listen to him if he asked - but he has said before and he has meant it every time: he does not wish to be the one to ever cause her hurt.

"We won't be able to hunt with her in our care," he says. It is not an apology.

"I know," she says. "Tethys' clan have the means to care for her, if it comes to it."

Olecrana always has preferred to approach things from odd angles hasn't she?

"If it comes to it," he says with a smile. "Will they accept us, do you think, if we mean to care for her ourselves?"

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Day 26 - Disheveled

Others get in fights. Get in spats. Get in disputes over and over. Some few try to hide it, going behind dragons' backs, work to get friends of theirs - supposedly neutral - to help.

For, after all, those who get into spats show some mark of it. Robes torn from a fight, manes of fur dishevelled and puffed up from arguments.

There is a reason Alaric looks at the way the council is going and doubts. What good can a group do when everyone fights so constantly, openly or otherwise?

My lore for him is: He and Olecrana worked together for years. He didn't neutralise her - another dragon did, who was kind of awful to Olecrana and eventually she ran away. She was a wreck when she found him and he kind of nursed her back to health. They're mates but can't have children due to the incompatibility of Necromantic plague with Neutralised - neutralised-ness. Periodically they'd patrol the Wyrmwound to help get rid of any feral ghouls - two very giant imperials one immune due to neutralisation and then just... Alaric the Necromancer; together, they're good at it - and to check on dragons undergoing the trials, new Wraiths, etc..

During one of these trips they got separated by a fleshwind storm, which is how Olecrana found Hecate. Due to her being neutralised she was able to pick up the small hatchling and decided to take a risk and try to fly them towards Alaric using some homing amulets they have in the hope that Alaric might be able to help Teh Baby, but when she tried to use her Wind magic to still the air, Hecate's wild arcane magic kind of... overpowered the wind a bit, sending them flying far far further than expected until they landed in the Ashfall Wastes. It took Alaric ages to find them - and then only due to Olecrana's amulet.

His locket contains images of his family from before the trials; part of the reason he took the trials is that they were all killed. Olecrana's locket contains images of her first nest, which never hatched. They exchanged small parts of the interiors of their lockets so they look as they did from the outside, but sympathetic magic allows them to, if they focus, locate the other locket - and neither of them ever remove their lockets.

From Aerugosanguis:
64732667p.png Alaric | Colleague

A new colleague with which to work, Sang and Alaric share a mutual respect for one another's quite different approaches to their research. Nonetheless both share the same goal: they want those around them to be well.

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