
Level 1 Imperial
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Imperial
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Personal Style


Grey Wolf Cape




25.96 m
18.24 m
6744.75 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 22, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245






Grotesque-L.png G O S P E L Grotesque-R.png



"This is gospel for fallen ones. . ."

H oly words are easily twisted and corrupted on the tongue of a beast.

This is the tale of the Barghest, Gospel.

The moon overhead was a waxing crescent, its light a dull wash over the land. Beneath the pale light, the old ruins of a monastery jutted out like a scar upon the earth. Certainly this holy place had fallen far from its former grace, brambles now scraping their way up cracked stone walls. Travelers and passersby had avoided the monastery for years, spreading rumors of the curse that had befallen it long ago.

Within the dark walls, the faint rattle of chains sounded as something stirred. Blackmore lifted his head from where it rested against the dusty floorboards, eyes glinting as he gazed out a window smeared over with ash and fly dirt. It was almost time. Indeed, the beast’s form was coiled protectively around a nest, the faint cracking of eggshells echoing through the room. His ears pricked forward when he heard the monastery’s doors slam open on the floor below. It was a rare sound and one that would normally send Blackmore down to investigate the promise of a potential meal. Tonight, however, he was expecting it.

The floorboards creaked beneath the weight of something as it ascended the stairs, gleaming eyes meeting Blackmore’s own as another beast appeared in the doorway. “Morgana” he called softly, uncoiling his form to reveal the twin eggs that he was guarding. Their mother approached softly, joining her mate to watch the hatching of their children. . . before she would leave once more.

The twin children took a liking to books - tomes and old, leather bound volumes that collected dust on sagging shelves. They took their names after the books that they carried. . . for the first child collected holy words, her voice whispering commandments into the minds of believers as she corrupted and twisted them to her will. The second child carried a collection of spells that she bargained away to desperate travelers. . . unleashing dark magic onto the world. Both blended into the world with ease, simply slipping into the pages of the books that they carried and waiting for someone to read their words.

She found an ancient church hidden away, it's books ad scrolls preserved very well for something that should have disintegrated with age, she took to living in the church and walking it's grounds, only the lost and very desperate ended up there and they were perfect prey. she found him offering prayers to gods that had long since turned their backs to him and those like him, he pled forgiveness and repentance so she gave him a purpose.

"Rebuild the Church Father Tannatar. Give those who have lost their way a place to find redemption and the light." she crooned.
His head snapped up and he looked around as if searching for the voice's owner "You asked for guidance Priest." she purred, thankful for her dark coloring that hid her so well in the lightless place.
"I-I- Of course!" he yelped as he leaped to his feet looking at the small Idol "Thy will be done!"

She laughed softly and watched as he worked to rebuild the church, soon it was as it had once been, a grand sight to those looking for religion and guidance from a higher power. she took to wandering the church and the grounds, called a Church Grim by most, she laughed as she whispered in the minds of those who flocked to Tannatar for salvation, twisting them to her will.

Late at night she watched the candle in Tannatar's room, the full moon was near and she could hear his restless pacing as he attempted to find something, but she was hunting. there were intruders in her church yard, she could smell them, smell the sweat and fresh blood from a scratch left by a tree or the fence, her stomach growled savagely at the thought of a meal wandering into her home.

"You and I will run together soon Priest." she chuckled "But for now let's see what entertainment the promise of easy treasure has brought me."

Leaping into the shadows she raced from the open fields which held a small field of flowers to the graves with headstones and other such markers offering her some cover, seeing her targets were three grown dragons she let out a long, low howl causing the three to jump and look around.

"Did you hear that!?" one wailed
"Yea it was a big dog, Neil, stop panicking." another growled.
"You sure about this, Hopper?"` the last asked unsure.
"The Priest must be in bed by now, it'll be easy Owen." Hopper snapped.
"They do not follow you without question." she said softly "A leader should punish disobedience in all it's forms."

A quick movement from Hopper sent one of his companions to the ground with a brutal blow and she smiled as chaos began, tempers flared and heated words were exchanged. she sat back and watched the fight come to an end and the dissent it caused between the three, one of them stormed away from the other two and she smiled viciously; 'So it begins.' she thought.

She followed Owen, the one who had walked away in anger and she hummed a soft hymn knowing he would hear the melody. when he stopped and looked around in panic she huffed a silent laugh as she walked around him, picking up speed and forcing him to stop in his tracks for fear of the unseen beast.

"He Covets what he can not obtain, Stealing from a church is asking for the Gods' anger and vengeance." she crooned.
"He's an idiot!" Owen hissed "Never should have come here to begin with, hasn't he heard the rumors of the demon mutt?!"
"You could take control, lead them back to the light, to the right path, kill Hopper if needed to keep those you care for safe."
"Yea, Yea I could! I'm bigger than Hopper and a better leader anyhow!" he yelled.

She had grown bored with her game and was chasing the two survivors, Hopper had killed Owen and now the other, Neil, was screaming about Devine retribution and vengeance. she laughed an howled again driving her prey to more reckless attempts to get away, there was nothing 'Holy' or "Devine' about her hunt.
Hopper tripped with a cry of fear and pain that was cut off abruptly as her teeth tore into his throat, she watched Neil run from the Church yard for a moment before leaping and racing after him, she heard hi terrified whimpers as he scrambled over some roots and slid back a small distance.

She threw her head back and howled making the last would be thief panic and prolonging the chase for a little while longer, for her it was a fun game to be played although never lasting very long.

The full moon hung heavy in the sky, lighting her path as she walked around her churchyard, the building was locked tight in hopes of keeping the one inside trapped, Gospel smiled and leaped over a log before slowing as she neared the door. throwing her head back she howled long and low, letting the pitch trail up several notes before falling silent and listening.

A crash. a answering howl. she looked for a window, something to break before howling her victory and standing back as a massive grey wolf slammed through the old window and stood before her, blind eyes staring sightlessly at her. she laughed softly and paced around him, Tannatar, the Priest was gone and in his place a wolf; the irony did not escape her even as she walked toward him.

"Freedom is sweet isn't it Priest?" she chuckled.
"You are the one who spoke to me." he said softly.
"I did and in return I took what was my due and offered protection." she said.
"Then I have commit sins in helping you, this freedom you offer being one of the many."
"Oh Darling, your precious Eleven have long turn their backs on you; after all what beast do they give guidance to?" she hummed pressing closer "While I have given you a purpose, a flock to tend, and a safe place to call home."

Tannatar paused then "I-I suppose you are right."
"Then run with me love, howl to the moon and relish the freedom I offer. come morning you will have those who seek your guidance.'

Two massive wolves ran the churchyard while the moon hung full in the sky, howling passion and play long into the night and until dawn began raking her fingers through the sky bringing with her the dim light of a new morning. with the morning came a lone wolf, black as night, standing not far from the church where the shadows hid her.

The church was her's and the Priest inside it was her 's, any who sought to take them would meet a bloody end.

Layout and artwork by awaicu
Banners by PoisonedPaper

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