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11.62 m
12.28 m
11185.82 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


Sep 20, 2020
(3 years)



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Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


« NEVE »




Neve has been Searching for well over five hundred years.

That’s not to say she hasn’t found her Charge. In fact, what most other Guardians would consider a successful Search occurred very quickly into Neve’s adult years. She didn’t have to go far to find the target of her guardianship. It was there in her very own home clan, under the care of her very own parents. A beautiful stained-glass window, held aloft in the spire of a well-tended old church. Her father had designed it and seen it made; her mother taught sermons under its kind, colorful gaze. She had always been fascinated by it, but even she didn’t realize the depth of the connection until she set out to Search. It called her back the moment she took flight over the savanna, and then it didn’t let her go.

Neve took to protecting it like a duckling to water. The instinct was natural and powerful, keeping her posted on the church’s spire any spare moment she had. She never let it leave her sight for more than a moment, sleeping outside through storm and gale just to ensure that it staid intact through the night. She knew its every piece by heart, and she could recite the order of its scenes perfectly from memory. Like many Guardians, she let her Charge consume her every moment; really, it was hard for her to not.

When war came to her clan, she thought nothing of it at first. Even the most belligerent of dragons seldom turned their claws on temples and churches, for fear of incurring the wrath of the deities whose tales were told within. However, as the battle dragged on, fear began to fill her heart inexplicably. The foes were rude and savage, razing homes and inhabitants both with an indiscriminate ease. It wasn’t long before their eyes were on her parents’ church—and the window kept in its proud spire. She woke one night to the sound of snarls and shouts and found the enemy right outside her home, spells and weapons at the ready.

She did all she could to protect her window. She laid her body in front of it, spreading her wings and holding fast to the spire with her claws. But the window was large, too large even for her to cover. And the foe was too eager to aim. One stray arrow, one stray bolt of magic, and her Charge shattered.

The enemies routed the rest of her clan that night, but even they did not lay so much as a claw on Neve. They passed around her crouched, keening form as they pillaged the church for its goods, knowing well enough that one wrong move could incite the wrath of a broken Guardian. She didn’t so much as notice them, only caring for the colorful shards that littered the hard earth. They were all that remained of her precious window, a thousand broken fragments that would never again be whole. She was purposeless, meaningless, adrift in life with nothing to justify her existence.

She began to pick up the pieces. Though she knew in her soul that she could never repair what was done, she had nothing else to fixate on. She laid each one gently inside the burned-out husk of the church, in an array according to their kind. She knew by heart where they ought to go, her memory reminding her where each and every color once found its home. Years passed as she picked bits and chips out of the dirt and placed them with their fellows. Slowly, her window began to take shape once again.

It wasn’t easy progress. The dragons who had destroyed her clan tracked the pieces all through the savannah, a fragmented trail that Neve struggled to follow. But when a decade’s worth of sifting the dirt around the church turned up nothing, she fought past the struggle and swept the rest of the plain. She found them, slowly but surely, as the years passed her by. And her window became fuller with each new addition…

Neve had been Searching for well over five hundred years.

She had scoured every part of the savannah for the pieces of her window. They turned up one by one, over so long that Neve ceased to consider the time. She counted her life in discoveries, marked the passing of seasons by the shards she returned to her window. And, all at once, the last one made itself known, tucked in a long-abandoned burrow. Her heart stirred as she picked it up and turned it over in her claws, fluttering in a way she hadn’t known for centuries. Something seemed to change within her, a completeness rushing back into the hole it had once left behind. She knew without knowing that her Charge had been restored, and her body grew weak with relief.

The magic she cast on her window when she returned to the church belonged to no element and had no form. She could not repeat it if she tried, and yet the spell flowed from her talons as easily as sparks of lightning. It did not return the window to her, in its full and splendorous form. Rather, it gathered the pieces up and covered them, melding them together into a swirling ball. Even as Neve watched, the magic settled, leaving behind a perfect globe of glimmering glass. Inside its transparent shell, the fragments she had slaved to gather hovered and twirled, reflecting the light inexplicably. Images impressed themselves on her mind: scenes and stories, pieced together by the shards themselves. Things she had never seen came to life before her eyes, visions of something beyond her comprehension.

Conflicted and confused, but somehow at peace, Neve finally left the church behind. The whole world was waiting to receive her after all that time, and she was eager to meet it—if only to discover the new meaning of her Charge.

Scattered Glass

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