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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: Silvered



12.7 m
7.75 m
9763.79 kg


Primary Gene
Tapir (Gaoler)
Tapir (Gaoler)
Secondary Gene
Striation (Gaoler)
Striation (Gaoler)
Tertiary Gene
Underbelly (Gaoler)
Underbelly (Gaoler)


Sep 16, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Gaoler
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


UaYL6x1.png B I M A W E N
T H E - V U L T U R E
"From down upon my seat of bones, I watch the true idol from afar. My mother's words could not every hope to do him justice-- much less my father's pitiful efforts to resemble him. Like the wind, I follow his every move, silent in my trek. I am a scavenger, the Vulture of this Regime. The day I spread my wings and show my true colors is the day I have learned all I can from such a magnificent teacher."

Bimawen is a scavenger, a "Vulture" as she proclaims. She ceaselessly stalks the almighty APEX Regime, most specifically their leader and her grandfather Apex, the namesake of the group. Having suffered through abuse all throughout her childhood at the claws of her father, whose excuse was that it was to make her "stronger", Bimawen learned from her mother why exactly he was doing so. Greed's sire was none other than the genocidal and cruel leader of a regime that had conquered places far and wide and slaughtered endless souls. As she grew older, Bimawen decided that she didn't have to put up with Greed's mistreatment. Who was he to decide what suited his grandfather best? If the blood of Apex was truly as good as he claimed, then only Apex himself could determine that. Greed was simply a false prophet, a weakling endless preaching the wills of the stronger in a desperate attempt to make himself look better.

As her siblings fell around her, Bimawen fled from her family. She sought out the APEX Regime, seeking to learn from visual example. Currently, she hasn't stopped following it. She watches from high vantage points, safely observing the bloody carnage of the battlefields. When the Regime moves on, she enters the blood-soaked grounds herself to finish off those who were unlucky enough to remain alive. She steals what she wants and has no regard for anyone harmed by Apex. As far as she cares, this is her destiny and legacy. It's quite an easy living actually-- steal food and water from the civilizations that Apex has decimated, and killing the stragglers is quite easy when they're already wounded and having lost their will to live. Bimawen carries only one bag with her, which has her favorite possessions within it. The Regime knows that she's following them, but so far hasn't made a move to dissuade her from her pursuit.

Bimawen is stoic and apathetic. Her horrid childhood beat most positive emotions out of her. She refuses to allow herself to care for others, seeing it as a side of weakness. She is also extremely resilient when faced with physical or mental pain. Anything that has come after her childhood is a piece of cake, really.



Bimawen's grandfather and idol. They haven't exactly met, but Ridikyu's stories and witnessing firsthand the kind of cruelty that Apex is capable of has given her a pretty good idea of what he's like. Probably knows that Bimawen is stalking him, but doesn't appear to care. Bimawen expected that-- as if he of all dragons would care about his kids. Bimawen idolizes him to a fault, and believes that his judgement alone is superior to everyone else's. Only he is truly justified to cause pain, and anything he does in his great conquests is righteous and correct. Obviously, this is Bimawen's fractured psyche doing its best to cope with the trauma lain upon it from a young age. Her rationale is solidified in the hatred of her father and all that he's done, but also an unspoken hope that everything that happened to her was for a good reason.
Having disowned her father for obvious reasons, Ridikyu is the only parent that mattered to Bimawen before she left. Bimawen pities her mother, tied to Greed for as long as she lives and forced to watch her children suffer time and time again. Unable to do anything as their blood is spilt and their cries fade into nothingness, any time she lashes out or disobeys met with stinging blows and shattered pride. Without the rest of the Caravan, or Greed's brothers, to protect her, Greed is always worse. Bimawen appreciates her mother's best attempts to heal and sooth her, the prey and stories she offered her children whenever she could. At least it made the days a little better.
Bimawen's favorite brother, which isn't really saying much given the fact that the rest are dead and Demure is, well, Demure. But, Bimawen does respect Talon. He is much more successful for their pitiful excuse for a father, and Bimawen thinks that Talon has actually succeeded in perpetuating Apex's great image. They don't exactly care for each other, per say, but will not mind sharing food whenever they do cross each other's paths. Sometimes Talon lets Bimawen visit his castle, only to throw her out and threaten that if she ever returns, he'll kill her. Sometimes Talon will be trying to follow the APEX Regime, only to be tackled by Bimawen, teeth hovering over his neck as she snarls that she should kill him for trespassing. It appears to be a sibling rivalry thing.
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Yzgnhz6.png From the very day she was born, Bimawen—or as she was called then, the Gray One— was taught that the world held no mercy for the weak. The custom of fighting for every second of her life was so ingrained into her very being, that they days where Greed decided not to train her felt like some cruel trap. Most of her siblings before her did not survive such deadly trials, so her mother had told her. As a matter of fact, each child from the first clutch of eggs had perished before even reaching adulthood. If Greed cared about the premature demise of his children, the very deaths that he had caused, he did not show it. Like his father, Greed cared not for his children as living beings, only for their capacity to survive in even the harshest conditions and their ability to bring honor to the bloodline.

For this clutch, they had been brought to the Scarred Wasteland soon after birth. It was customary for Greed and Ridikyu to temporarily leave the Caravan while they “raised” their children, so that the others did not catch on to the cruelty. Or, at least Ridikyu did attempt to give the children some semblance of normalcy. She hunted for them, tended to their wounds, and told them stories of fantastical adventures as they fell asleep from tiredness. Night after night, the Gray One watched Ridikyu weep endlessly through a cracked and blackened eye, unable to save her children no matter how desperate. Sometimes Greed and Ridikyu fought. Greed always won, of course. The suffering he himself had gone through during his own childhood was admittedly not in vain. And, by the next morning, he woke them up with a harsh slap to their muzzles and snarled promises to kill them if they didn’t get moving.

The Gray One was the strongest of her clutch. Out of five children, she was undoubtedly the most resilient. She showed endurance beyond what the others could manage, and the most physical strength. Her rage burned brighter than that of her siblings, and she took every opportunity to defy her father. The wounds she sustained were greater than those accrued by her siblings, but it was worth it if it meant she could prevent them from recieving even another scratch by taking it herself. Greed hated her most of all, but also admired her the most. He would stare down at her body, hunched in defense and quivering with rage, and a sinister sneer would spread across his face. It was good that he hated her the most— that would make her tougher. She was the most promising of the children, and her potential would not go untouched.
In the end, she was the only one left. One sibling ran away to the lands of Arcane. The other three simply succumbed to their wounds, dying upon the reddened dirt of the Scarred Wasteland. The Gray One gave them burials when her father wasn’t watching. As she grew, she started to take up her mother’s job of fighting with Greed. She would pounce, snarling and frothing at the mouth, and he would wheel around and they would clash. Their hatred for each other only grew. When Greed inevitably won, he would stumble away from his bloodied daughter, often limping and unsteady. He would turn only once, and snarl something at his daughter. “Bimawen”, he spat, before turning away and leaving her to her wounds.

It was Ridikyu who taught her the meaning of the word. Apparently, it was for someone who did not appreciate what they already had, and if unable to rise and power, would cause death and destruction to achieve it. The irony was not lost on the Gray One, and out of spite, she decided that would be her new title. Bimawen, the scourge of Greed. The child that refused to leave. Day in and day out, the two fought viciously. Bimawen would never achieve Greed's strength, but she cared not. The curse marks, though faint, were present upon her pelt. Her mane perpetually smelled of dried blood. Any sort of compassion, the fear of death, had been beaten out of her long ago. She would have been content to stay and make Greed's life a living hell. But, Ridikyu then told her of Apex.

Greed's father, and the reason for her suffering in the first place. As it was, Apex was an unstoppable monster who craved a strong bloodline, and who had tormented his kids much like Greed had. Apex cared for no one but himself, and valued his disciples only for what they could give him. Those that failed often suffered grisly deaths. Bimawen thought for a day and a night, and then made her decision. She would not stand to suffer at the claws of someone only a fraction as successful as Apex, someone unworthy of perpetuating his grand design. Out of some sick sense of pride, Bimawen decided that she would seek out Apex. Not to join, but to watch. She would be the scavenger in the dark, their silent stalker. If they noticed her, she would not care. She only wished to watch, and learn. She would kill all those they left behind, feasting off of their scraps. She would prove her strength when no one was there to see it.

She didn't need their approval to know that she was strong and worthy, much less that of her father's. A vulture never looked up to false idols... only watched down on the true ones from afar.
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Display Plumes Silver Ore Canopic Jar Ashen Lightning Glass Grave Dust Hourglass Venomblade Hilt

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N/A (for now)

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