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Personal Style


Twilight Rose Thorn Banner
Twilight Rose Thorn Collar
Twilight Rose Thorn Leg Tangle
Twilight Rose Thorn Stockings



Scene: Flowering Wasteland


0.79 m
1.19 m
1.16 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 14, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


the puppet

Long ago, the essence of the gods leaked into two eggs. Thus did they birth a creature of light and a creature of darkness - Deirdre and Naoise. It was said that Deirdre had taken her first life as a babe, and that Naoise remembered every moment of this.

Through their many false names and identities, Naoise and Deirdre's names began to fade. No longer interested in the affairs of anyone else, the two slipped in and out of clans, hunting the other relentlessly in their pursuit of spreading their element in such a way that all life would fade beneath it. They warred endlessly, dying and returning to face one another again.

Yet when their origins did fall into myth, one dragon refused to let them escape his sights. That dragon's name was Jonah, a Pearlcatcher of the Starfall Isles. He had become convinced that the two walked among the Arcane flight, perfectly disguised as they always were. Jonah wanted nothing more than to unlock the secrets of such powers, though none knew his motives. Was it power that tempted him? Or was he perhaps seeking to lock it away, enough that not even the minds of his homeland would be able to reach it?

None knew the answer, none except Jonah. Nevertheless, his research continued. He swore he had pinpointed the location of the two undying beings, swore that he was on the verge of a breakthrough.

Showing himself before his fellows, Jonah made an announcement: He would be harnessing this godly power to breathe life into dying eggs. A call was put out across the realm. Desperate parents would flock to his study, rotting eggs in tow. They would beg him. Save their children. They couldn't lose this one.

Jonah obliged.


A hack. That was what his reputation became. Jonah's magicks could not restore what was beyond saving. Just as quickly as the call had gone out, word spread that he was a sham, another Arcane dragon snapping up the hopeless as his test subjects. Soon, Jonah's study would grow empty, a mess of parchment, crystals, and odd magical devices, gathering dust as the Pearlcatcher felt age start to catch up with him.

It was hopeless. Whatever his end goal had been, the fact remained that Jonah had failed.

Years passed, and Jonah lost sight of the very beings he had been observing. With no means of recreating them, he had no reason to continue watching. His life's work had long since ended.

Then, there was a knock at his door.


"You are Jonah. Yes?" The tones of the stranger made her breed obvious. Jonah had never been good at reading the gestures of Fae dragons, but when he opened his door, he realized he had no need to - The Fae's anxiety was painted across her face, violet as late dusk, and in her claws was an egg.

"Why...Yes," Jonah said, his tail swinging in welcoming, "Pray...What is it you ask of me?"

The Fae placed her egg at Jonah's feet. It was obviously a Light dragon's egg, but cracks in the side made it look ready to burst. Not hatch. Burst. Jonah's eyes widened, and he looked the Fae in the eye.

"This will not work. You should be aware of that. Are you...Certain?"

The Fae nodded.

"I would not have come if I wasn't. You are my last hope. I will be back tomorrow."

Jonah scooped the egg up in his claws, and the stranger fluttered off without another word. This was his final chance, and he had an idea like none other.

He was going to harvest the energy of gods.


It had been simple. The egg was placed upon a crystalline pillar on the western edge of the Focal Point, bathed in the energy of the stars. It faced towards the Observatory, in hopes that the Arcanist's essence would fall to it just as the Lightweaver's and Shadowbringer's had to Deirdre and Naoise. He needed but a drop. A single tear from the stars.

He was given a bolt from the skies, an explosion of light and shade, overtaken by runes, then by the egg's native element. The blast was so great that the pillar the egg lay on was shattered, and Jonah himself was blown away, unable to see the fruits of his labor until the dust cleared.

The egg was intact.

An unspeakable joy filled Jonah. His life's work had come to fruition. He turned his gaze to the sky, watching as further flickers of magic lit up the air and blacked out the stars. Nothing else would fall to the land below. They were fighting, and their essence had mingled with the Arcanist's. Countless years and failures had ended not just with a bang, but with the very two Jonah had been studying from the start.

He returned to his study and awaited the Fae.

When she returned, her fans were lowered. "What has become of my child?" she asked, "Is she okay?"

"Yes, yes! VERY!" The emotions that surged through Jonah were all too apparent in his eyes, glowing from sheer excitement. "I am happy to report that your egg has bathed in Sornieth's most powerful magicks. It will not simply live, but thrive, coming back again, again, again! What a wonder the Arcanist has blessed us with!"

The Fae, in an uncharacteristic show of emotion, snarled.

"I did not ask you to do that. I asked you to heal my egg."

Jonah stepped back, lowering into a defensive stance.

"Surely you knew the risks. Surely you knew what powers would be involved!" Jonah sputtered, "M-My dearest stranger, p-p-please!"

Turning away, the Fae snorted.

"...I...Know not what to say. You are but one of the Arcanist's old fools. If you wish to put such a burden upon my child, you may keep them."

In that moment, Jonah relaxed, using whatever energy he had left to stay standing. The Fae whipped her tail against his snout as she prepared to take off once more.

"But I will be back. Back to tell the child the truth when they are grown. I will see you then, and only then."

With this message, the stranger flew away, leaving Jonah to his work once more. Suddenly, his work included rearing this child. His child.

As he had hoped, the egg would stay.


The egg hatched into another Fae, and Jonah named her Yona, for she was of Jonah's work.

Years passed. Jonah settled into his new role, all while carefully observing his daughter's abilities as they emerged. Her body was as violet as the night, her eyes shone like the sun, and when the night was at its peak, she glowed faintly, as if the very cosmos had blessed her. For those years, as she grew, Yona began to aid in her father's studies, this time of the realm's history and the background behind the ones who had granted Yona life.

Jonah hoped to live out his last days in peace, granting Yona her final mission upon his deathbed. One day, however, Yona flew to his side, her eyes moist with tears.

"...Is it true? Am I...Am I coming back?"

Jonah looked down at Yona, a weak smile across his face. Finally, Yona's mother had returned.

"...I...Yes, my dear. You are..." My greatest creation. "...You are a being with power beyond compare. Even I cannot halt the cycle you are bound to."

"But...Why?" Yona backed away, her body tensed in anger. "Why, Father?! What were you trying to do?!"

Jonah took a few steps towards his daughter, slowly backing her against the wall of his study. "You," he said, his expression turning indecipherable as his features contorted, "You should be HAPPY. You have something the rest of Sornieth lacks - You have nothing but the future! You will not be bound by death! You will be able to see the history we watched, together, as it unravels further! Beyond my life! YOU WILL LIVE!"

Yona's claws raked upon her father's face, prompting a scream from him. In that instant, Yona fled without another word.

That night, Jonah looked out upon the horizon alone and wept.

All beings had to die. Even Yona would have to. Again, and again.

In a few years, Jonah would find an egg in his study, shining like the sun.

That was when he knew he had succeeded. From then on, he would take his second chance. Raise Yona a second time. He would, this time, be a proper father, and maybe be forgiven.

Alas, age had other plans. Falling ill, Jonah realized he would not live to see Yona live again. His final efforts were put towards a final mission for his daughter. His own mission had not been forgotten, and he would finally let his true motives be known to the world.

When Yona awoke, eggshell still clinging to her body, Jonah was dead, and a scroll laid out in front of his body.

My dearest Yona. Pray forgive how I have treated you.

When you were created, you were, to me, no more than a project, newly succeeded. I see, however, the error of my ways - I have condemned you. You are eternal, like nothing in our realm. Even stars must die in time. For what it might be worth, I am sorry.

You were created to record history in my stead, but whether or not you take up the task shall be left to you. The beings Naoise and Deirdre continue to rage, and their battles rain destruction upon us. In their essence, you were created, but to tie them to you would be beyond cruel.

If, however, your interest stands and you wish to observe the realm as it unfolds, I ask you continue. Go forth. See Sornieth, bathe in its energies, and live. Know that I will be watching you, always. Not because of your work, but because I have failed as a father, and because I now realize such.

Regardless of your choice, I hope you are well.

I hope your new life is far more pleasant than your first.

- Jonah

For three days, Yona stood atop her father's study, bathing in the elements and meditating. This seemingly endless meditation was broken by a blast of shadow on the horizon, and the mix of snarls and cackles as two dragons struck endlessly at one another. Finally, her purpose had shown itself. Her fate was locked with theirs.

Yona collected the scroll, stuffed it into a satchel, and took once more to the horizon.


Eons passed, and with every life, Yona grew more embittered with the conflict she had involved herself in.

Could they not let up for a single day?

Naoise - "Belenus" as he had taken to calling himself this time - was just as flighty as ever, and despite him supposedly being in charge of a kingdom in Dragonhome, his location remained unpredictable as it ever had been.

This time, it was the depths of the Tangled Wood, in the Forum of the Obscured Crescent. An unusual melancholy had fallen over the Spiral as he laid out a circle of runestones. An offering.

At once, Naoise's ears perked up, and he scowled.

"Dearest Yona," he said, voice dripping with sarcasm, "To what do I owe THIS pleasure? Can I not pay tribute in peace?"

"Actually, it's quite nice to see you doing that." Yona perched in a nearby tree, glaring down at Naoise. "I want you to stay here."

"And let Deirdre carry on?!" Naoise snapped, fluttering his wings and twisting upwards to coil around a branch above Yona, "Do you not KNOW of the Lightweaver's views now?!"

"And do you think I've forgotten what you did to that Imperial's sister?"

A silence fell over the forum, and the circle of runestones began to glow, as if an unknown power coursed through them. Naoise looped around his branch and descended, gathering the stones he had placed.

Yona's crests flattened, and she hissed.

"I know your secrets, Naoise. Treat lightly."

Naoise flared his nostrils and bared his teeth.

"I shouldn't take orders from a FALSE god. But, fine. I shall let up for a day only if my dearest does the same. Go talk to her."

Sighing and shaking her head, Yona took flight once more.
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