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Personal Style


White Katana
Golden Glow Alchemist Tools
Grim Healer's Reference
Golden Seraph Hip Drape
Adjudicator Waist Wrap
Golden Seraph Wing Ornament
Ebony Antlers
Aquamarine Flourish Bracelet
Sanguine Plumage
Teardrop Citrine Anklet
Gold Filigree Boots
Malign Gloves
Pillager's Fur Legwraps
River Royalist Tail Rings
Sky Blue Tail Bangle
Silver Steampunk Tail Bauble


Skin: Syrah


Scene: Serpent Shrine


5.93 m
6.68 m
621.87 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 13, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none




Serekh the River Oracle

FSvAnFj.png The illegitimate son of the house of Nerseit best known for being a political burden and a shame upon his household. Born to the current lord of Nerseit and a peasant woman who would become his mistress, Serekh has lived a life caught between abject poverty and lavish indulgence.

Left to cling to half-rotten rags when his paternal family couldn’t have him underfoot in their palace, Serekh would huddle with his mother for warmth in the cold nights of the siltsands. Among the lowest of the low, begging and stealing for enough bread to sate a meager portion of his hunger, the young child would be suddenly wrest into the shimmering candlelight of unimaginable spoils and a sated appetite when it suited the Nerseits to remember his presence.

The swinging pendulum of fate kept his life precariously balanced between two worlds, in neither of which he could belong.
The half-flickering mirages that seeped across his vision as he passed too near others would eventually become clear enough to leave him drowning in waking dreams. The gift of his mother was that of prophecy, long-passed down by her half-forgotten lineage. For her ancestors were a noble house then plunged into darkness and scattered to the winds, its last lingering members persecuted and hunted. The dark magics of the Nerseit mingled with the long lost secrets brewing in his blood, making him more than the seers around him.

As just a young child, those half-formed visions could be plucked and altered, the sands of destiny reversed and shifted to carve a new direction for the fates of others.

Even if he couldn’t change his own.





[ π“Š ]; palace faΓ§ade

Fate's design is not to punish you,
For we are not a fallen race.
In this trying time, you are not alone.
I will do my best to help you.

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tumblr_inline_nweknnmsv21t959te_540.pngparchment.png Long Form Poetry
tumblr_inline_nwf6h2Ycvj1t959te_540.pngbronze_band.png Slinky Band



Every person is a drop of sand
that slowly falls from the hourglass of time
in chaotic patterns long ago determined
by the physics of destiny and fate.
Let me rearrange them.

asdddddddddddddddddddsad asdaaaaad adsssssssssssss




Every person is a drop of sand
that slowly falls from the hourglass of time
in chaotic patterns long ago determined
by the physics of destiny and fate.
Let me rearrange them.

asdddddddddddddddddddsad asdaaaaad adsssssssssssss

Desert's Keeper


"Conceal your heart, control your mouth.

Be wary of releasing the restraints on your heart.

Listen, if you wish
to endure in the frothing mouths of the hearers.

Speak after you have mastered the craft.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas elementum sagittis cursus. Morbi aliquam id nisl non bibendum. Nulla neque nibh, posuere et imperdiet sed, fermentum ac quam. Proin quis sollicitudin enim, quis tincidunt massa. Sed laoreet arcu lacus, tincidunt semper dui posuere et tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

Ut enim ad utoluptatem.Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit labo labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, sed quia non numquam incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem quaerat voluptatemQuisque nibh enim, mattis vel massa in, aliquet semper lectus. Quisque arcu turpis, lobortis in odio consectetur, congue eleifend eros.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas elementum sagittis cursus. Morbi aliquam id nisl non bibendum. Nulla neque nibh, posuere et imperdiet sed, fermentum ac quam. Proin quis sollicitudin enim, quis tincidunt massa. Sed laoreet arcu lacus, tincidunt semper dui posuere et tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

Ut enim ad utoluptatem.Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit labo labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, sed quia non numquam incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem quaerat voluptatemQuisque nibh enim, mattis vel massa in, aliquet semper lectus. Quisque arcu turpis, lobortis in odio consectetur, congue eleifend eros.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas elementum sagittis cursus. Morbi aliquam id nisl non bibendum. Nulla neque nibh, posuere et imperdiet sed, fermentum ac quam. Proin quis sollicitudin enim, quis tincidunt massa. Sed laoreet arcu lacus, tincidunt semper dui posuere et tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

Ut enim ad utoluptatem.Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit labo labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, sed quia non numquam incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem quaerat voluptatemQuisque nibh enim, mattis vel massa in, aliquet semper lectus. Quisque arcu turpis, lobortis in odio consectetur, congue eleifend eros.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas elementum sagittis cursus. Morbi aliquam id nisl non bibendum. Nulla neque nibh, posuere et imperdiet sed, fermentum ac quam. Proin quis sollicitudin enim, quis tincidunt massa. Sed laoreet arcu lacus, tincidunt semper dui posuere et tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

I am the one who is upon my mountain, upon the Necropolis of Abdju,
... the first hour on the Amduat tolls for my ears alone.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas elementum sagittis cursus. Morbi aliquam id nisl non bibendum. Nulla neque nibh, posuere et imperdiet sed, fermentum ac quam. Proin quis sollicitudin enim, quis tincidunt massa. Sed laoreet arcu lacus, tincidunt semper dui posuere et tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

Ut enim ad utoluptatem.Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit labo labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, sed quia non numquam incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem quaerat voluptatemQuisque nibh enim, mattis vel massa in, aliquet semper lectus. Quisque arcu turpis, lobortis in odio consectetur, congue eleifend eros.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas elementum sagittis cursus. Morbi aliquam id nisl non bibendum. Nulla neque nibh, posuere et imperdiet sed, fermentum ac quam. Proin quis sollicitudin enim, quis tincidunt massa. Sed laoreet arcu lacus, tincidunt semper dui posuere et tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

Ut enim ad utoluptatem.Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit labo labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, sed quia non numquam incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem quaerat voluptatemQuisque nibh enim, mattis vel massa in, aliquet semper lectus. Quisque arcu turpis, lobortis in odio consectetur, congue eleifend eros.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas elementum sagittis cursus. Morbi aliquam id nisl non bibendum. Nulla neque nibh, posuere et imperdiet sed, fermentum ac quam. Proin quis sollicitudin enim, quis tincidunt massa. Sed laoreet arcu lacus, tincidunt semper dui posuere et tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.
Desert's Keeper

"And on the pedestal these words appear:

'My name is Apophis, slayer of the sun.
Look upon my maw,
ye mightiest of men
remember your despair.'

Nothing beside remains round the decay
of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare.
The lonely sands stretch far, far away.



Every person is a drop of sand
that slowly falls from the hourglass of time
in chaotic patterns long ago determined
by the physics of destiny and fate.
Let me rearrange them.

asdddddddddddddddddddsad asdaaaaad adsssssssssssss ads sf fdsfdsffdssf ert rte ytewtr

tumblr_psu9ce211s1wogl4wo5_100.png 65615826.png tumblr_psu9ce211s1wogl4wo6_100.png

"If devotion is the invisible chain of servitude, then I will wear my shackles well."
Wx695v6.png Anling: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas elementum sagittis cursus. Morbi aliquam id nisl non bibendum. Nulla neque nibh, posuere et imperdiet sed, fermentum ac quam. Proin quis sollicitudin enim, quis tincidunt massa. Sed laoreet arcu lacus, tincidunt semper dui posuere et tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.
tumblr_psu9ce211s1wogl4wo5_100.png 49011794.png tumblr_psu9ce211s1wogl4wo6_100.png

"If devotion is the invisible chain of servitude, then I will wear my shackles well."
1fzQzqC.png Chiyuan: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas elementum sagittis cursus. Morbi aliquam id nisl non bibendum. Nulla neque nibh, posuere et imperdiet sed, fermentum ac quam. Proin quis sollicitudin enim, quis tincidunt massa. Sed laoreet arcu lacus, tincidunt semper dui posuere et tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.


Every person is a drop of sand
that slowly falls from the hourglass of time
in chaotic patterns long ago determined
by the physics of destiny and fate.
Let me rearrange them.

asdddddddddddddddddddsad asdaaaaad adsssssssssssss

All things are possible. Who you are is only limited by who you think you are.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl voluptatibus mel an. Ut vis fastidii forensibus. Eos iriure dolorum vocibus te, his et nonumy possit. Eros possit feugait id sea, paulo intellegebat te. Ridens detracto has in.
Cu decore veritus efficiendi mei, nostro equidem est eu. Fabulas rationibus ut eam, at errem laboramus duo. Appetere platonem comprehensam nam te. Tempor recusabo in. Eam an luptatum facilisis, no ignota reprehendunt eam. Quo ad unum natum labore, torquatos neglegentur contentiones pro ut, id facilis molestie insolens est.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl voluptatibus mel an. Ut vis fastidii forensibus. Eos iriure dolorum vocibus te, his et nonumy possit. Eros possit feugait id sea, paulo intellegebat te. Ridens detracto has in.
Cu decore veritus efficiendi mei, nostro equidem est eu. Fabulas rationibus ut eam, at errem laboramus duo. Appetere platonem comprehensam nam te. Tempor recusabo in. Eam an luptatum facilisis, no ignota reprehendunt eam. Quo ad unum natum labore, torquatos neglegentur contentiones pro ut, id facilis molestie insolens est.

All things are possible. Who you are is only limited by who you think you are.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl voluptatibus mel an. Ut vis fastidii forensibus. Eos iriure dolorum vocibus te, his et nonumy possit. Eros possit feugait id sea, paulo intellegebat te. Ridens detracto has in.
Cu decore veritus efficiendi mei, nostro equidem est eu. Fabulas rationibus ut eam, at errem laboramus duo. Appetere platonem comprehensam nam te. Tempor recusabo in. Eam an luptatum facilisis, no ignota reprehendunt eam. Quo ad unum natum labore, torquatos neglegentur contentiones pro ut, id facilis molestie insolens est.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl voluptatibus mel an. Ut vis fastidii forensibus. Eos iriure dolorum vocibus te, his et nonumy possit. Eros possit feugait id sea, paulo intellegebat te. Ridens detracto has in.
Cu decore veritus efficiendi mei, nostro equidem est eu. Fabulas rationibus ut eam, at errem laboramus duo. Appetere platonem comprehensam nam te. Tempor recusabo in. Eam an luptatum facilisis, no ignota reprehendunt eam. Quo ad unum natum labore, torquatos neglegentur contentiones pro ut, id facilis molestie insolens est.

All things are possible. Who you are is only limited by who you think you are.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl voluptatibus mel an. Ut vis fastidii forensibus. Eos iriure dolorum vocibus te, his et nonumy possit. Eros possit feugait id sea, paulo intellegebat te. Ridens detracto has in.
Cu decore veritus efficiendi mei, nostro equidem est eu. Fabulas rationibus ut eam, at errem laboramus duo. Appetere platonem comprehensam nam te. Tempor recusabo in. Eam an luptatum facilisis, no ignota reprehendunt eam. Quo ad unum natum labore, torquatos neglegentur contentiones pro ut, id facilis molestie insolens est.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl voluptatibus mel an. Ut vis fastidii forensibus. Eos iriure dolorum vocibus te, his et nonumy possit. Eros possit feugait id sea, paulo intellegebat te. Ridens detracto has in.
Cu decore veritus efficiendi mei, nostro equidem est eu. Fabulas rationibus ut eam, at errem laboramus duo. Appetere platonem comprehensam nam te. Tempor recusabo in. Eam an luptatum facilisis, no ignota reprehendunt eam. Quo ad unum natum labore, torquatos neglegentur contentiones pro ut, id facilis molestie insolens est.

A home is a home until it becomes a sarcophagus.

This place grows less safe by the day. I feel the shadows watching me with myriads of eyes twitching violently within labyrinthian designs. I had thought it a vision, a premonition of someone’s future, but now I worry that it is precisely the present and I am falling deeper, deeper into their abyssal grasp.

The Nerseit palace is no longer safe. My half-siblings assure me that it’s my imagination, that to strike out against any of us is to stir the whole nest, but I’m uncertain of that truth. The heavy shadows that cling in the corners of the palace scent of magic darker than our own and I worry how much longer any of us will be safe here.

I can hear your suggestion from here. No. The whirring of unseen machinations here are too dangerous for me to abandon my responsibilities here and hide beneath your wings. The newest omens from across the sand warn that the neighboring nomarchs will test our military strength at the borders. My family needs me to sway any internal threats to side with us against them.

Rest assured, I will keep you appraised of the situation and keep warm your side as soon as I am able. No, I will not take back that phrasing. You can fight me for your honor when I return, your majesty.

All things are possible. Who you are is only limited by who you think you are.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl voluptatibus mel an. Ut vis fastidii forensibus. Eos iriure dolorum vocibus te, his et nonumy possit. Eros possit feugait id sea, paulo intellegebat te. Ridens detracto has in.
Cu decore veritus efficiendi mei, nostro equidem est eu. Fabulas rationibus ut eam, at errem laboramus duo. Appetere platonem comprehensam nam te. Tempor recusabo in. Eam an luptatum facilisis, no ignota reprehendunt eam. Quo ad unum natum labore, torquatos neglegentur contentiones pro ut, id facilis molestie insolens est.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl voluptatibus mel an. Ut vis fastidii forensibus. Eos iriure dolorum vocibus te, his et nonumy possit. Eros possit feugait id sea, paulo intellegebat te. Ridens detracto has in.
Cu decore veritus efficiendi mei, nostro equidem est eu. Fabulas rationibus ut eam, at errem laboramus duo. Appetere platonem comprehensam nam te. Tempor recusabo in. Eam an luptatum facilisis, no ignota reprehendunt eam. Quo ad unum natum labore, torquatos neglegentur contentiones pro ut, id facilis molestie insolens est.

Know your place in the world. Lest you be caught a rabbit pretending to be a jackal.

’I saw you in a dream.’

It’s common enough words along the river. The whims of fate are constantly binding and unbinding grains of sands from each others’ paths, tying them close together to dance in unison or shattering them to never cross paths again. It’s even said as a way to charm your way into someone’s good graces. Which I swear I haven’t done, more than a few times at least.

If you haven’t judged me yet, then you’ll never judge me. It’s not like you wouldn’t have, if you’d needed to distract someone to snatch their newly risen bread.

For all that the fates unwind beneath my fingers, I’ve never had cause to believe someone when those words slipped from their lying tongues. I remember the first night I told you that, just how much I longed to be someone else’s destiny despite how much I might curse the bindings of fate.

As I looked down the dying sunlight reflected on his blade, preparing my own by my sides, he said those words and I believed him. A stranger who had every intent to kill me. Just what have I done, to be this man’s destiny. I scarcely had enough time to overturn the hourglass and rearrange the threads connecting our sand grains together before fleeing deeper into the city.

I have often longed to be at the center of someone’s destiny, and yet it seems a cruel twist of fate that it would be for such violent ends. I can only hope that I reach you in time to avert this destiny before it comes to pass.

All things are possible. Who you are is only limited by who you think you are.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl voluptatibus mel an. Ut vis fastidii forensibus. Eos iriure dolorum vocibus te, his et nonumy possit. Eros possit feugait id sea, paulo intellegebat te. Ridens detracto has in.
Cu decore veritus efficiendi mei, nostro equidem est eu. Fabulas rationibus ut eam, at errem laboramus duo. Appetere platonem comprehensam nam te. Tempor recusabo in. Eam an luptatum facilisis, no ignota reprehendunt eam. Quo ad unum natum labore, torquatos neglegentur contentiones pro ut, id facilis molestie insolens est.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl voluptatibus mel an. Ut vis fastidii forensibus. Eos iriure dolorum vocibus te, his et nonumy possit. Eros possit feugait id sea, paulo intellegebat te. Ridens detracto has in.
Cu decore veritus efficiendi mei, nostro equidem est eu. Fabulas rationibus ut eam, at errem laboramus duo. Appetere platonem comprehensam nam te. Tempor recusabo in. Eam an luptatum facilisis, no ignota reprehendunt eam. Quo ad unum natum labore, torquatos neglegentur contentiones pro ut, id facilis molestie insolens est.






Zodiac Signs


Western Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Sun, Scorpio Moon

'Hoping to discover the secret of salvation,
they will rebel and become the champions of lost causes.’


Egyptian Zodiac Sign: Seth

'Intelligent and independent,
yet perfectionist and mercurial.'


Celtic Zodiac Sign: Alder

β€˜An omen of victory and defeat.'


Sanzuwu Zodiac: The Vermillion Serpent

Alignment: Creation
Fortune: Be Steadfast

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Exalting Serekh to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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