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Personal Style





21.14 m
16.52 m
7410.44 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 31, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level



Ferdinand is a dragon capable of mentoring others in the Coliseum! He is built to handle opponents in the Mire, as described in this guide! If your clan no longer needs Ferdinand's services, please return him to Countessoffire (User ID: 236389) so that he can find another clan to aid.

Ferdinand Spiritus'Unquibus


Peacefulpyro wrote:

Ferdinand stepped over pustule ridden vines that littered an open span of ghastly earth. His distaste for the lands of the Plaguebringer were as strong as ever, perhaps stronger now, because he was on his own. The silence and putrid air around him suffocated him under a cloud of misery. He wished for Ziora’s company or even just one of his siblings. Just to stave off the eerie silence. However, he was also on a mission. His first mission on his own.

He had mixed feelings about this. On the one paw he was delighted that Ziora trusted him enough to handle himself on his own. On the other paw he despised the fact that she sent him to this vile domain once again. His nostrils flared as he reflected on the exchange.

There was nothing to be done now. Despite his best efforts to back out of the mission, Ziora made it perfectly clear that he was going no matter what. So, he made a personal vow to himself that he would do Ziora proud.

He climbed a small rise in the land and found the designated rendezvous site. A Mirror sat amidst the rancid vines. Ferdinand approached the Mirror.

The Mirror perked up his ears and tilted his head. “Fergus?”

Ferdinand blinked and stopped in his tracks. “Who? My name is Ferdinand.”

The Mirror scratched at his hide, just under his left wing, with a broad back paw caked in sulfurous ooze. “I’m waiting for some sort of trainer. I think Talos said the pup’s name was Fergus.”

Ferdinand frowned. “I’m that trainer, my name is Ferdinand. Ziora said that a Talos of Solaris wanted to hire a temporary trainer.”

The Mirror stopped scratching and stared at Ferdinand with large eyes. “Oh wow, really? Great luck for me then! I only just arrived. Follow me Fergus, Solaris’ camp is this way.”

Ferdinand stepped after the Mirror. Ferdinand’s brow furrowed behind his headgear and his lip was slightly curled. “My name is Ferdinand.”

The Mirror chirped, “Sure, sure. The lot of us are terrible with names, Fergus.”

Ferdinand felt his stomach sink. Already he knew that this was going to be an ordeal. What in the name of the Light Mother did Ziora arrange for him? If these dragons could not even get a simple name right, then how in the world was he going to train them for combat?

The entrance to Solaris Clan’s camp was substantially better built than the last clan that Ferdinand visited. Granted the last clan he visited was terrorized by a Shade-possessed Undying Featherback. Ferdinand cast a glance at the two Snapper guards. They looked sturdy enough but there was a sour odor emanating from them. Ferdinand’s eyes narrowed and he recognized the odor as anxiety. Now that was strange.

The Mirror spoke to the two Snappers. “Talos is waiting for us. Move it.”

The two Snappers stepped away from the entrance to reveal a tunnel woven out of the pustule vines and additional thorn bushes. Ferdinand followed the Mirror into the tunnel. There was a gradual descent as Ferdinand walked, which surprisingly revealed cleaner air than compared to the air above. Ferdinand frowned as he walked. Faint whispers echoed off the woven vine walls and there was a sinister aura in this place.

The tunnel opened into a large chamber. The air was heavy and foul once again, ridden with the stink of the Plague lands filtering in from the loose vine ceiling above. The dragons that milled about the main chamber were quick in their pace. It reminded Ferdinand of a hive of Ashspine Widows.

A female Tundra spoke up from a distant corner of the chamber. Her voice was too bright, “Ah! The trainer has finally arrived!”

The Tundra trotted toward Ferdinand and the Mirror, in her wake was a male Imperial with mottled scales and blood red wings. Compared to the bounce in the Tundra’s step, the mottled Imperial approached with a smooth and calculated pace.

The mottled Imperial’s voice boomed in the hall. His smile did not reach his eyes. “Welcome, welcome!”
When face to face, Ferdinand towered over the male Imperial. A flicker of amusement made Ferdinand’s lip twitch when he saw this new male Imperial sit back on his haunches and stretch up to try and appear taller.
Ziora was right, thought Ferdinand, the leader of this clan is a control freak.

The mottled Imperial male continued, “I am Talos. I believe you are Ziora’s Fern, right?”

Fern, wondered Ferdinand, Gods these dragons are awful with names. Ferdinand’s voice was clipped with irritation. “Ferdinand.”

Talos boomed, “Ah Ferdinand! Sorry, names often slip my mind. Come, come, my ever-faithful assistant has your den ready to go.”

Ferdinand followed the Tundra to his appointed den. His snout crinkled when he was met by horrendous odors. He stepped into the den and walked around it. His brow furrowed and he scratched at the peat critically.

The Tundra cooed, “Is there a problem with the accommodations?”

Ferdinand bit his tongue. Her irritating voice grated on his nerves. This was the Plague lands. There was no such thing as comfort here. Ferdinand knew he needed to remain professional for this so he would endeavor to refrain of disparaging this clan’s home. Right in their faces at any rate. Ferdinand answered, “It’s fine. Please return to your business.”

Ferdinand produced a heavy sigh when the Tundra finally left. He took stock of his accommodations. The chamber was large, at least large enough for him to stretch out and spread his wings some. That odor though. Ferdinand could not wait for this contract to be over and he would be able to get out of this hideous stink. Overall, Ferdinand had a bleak outlook for this job. This clan reminded him too much of that Lightwatch clan. Sure, they were all smiles and trying to woo him. That was the problem. Those smiles were fake. Ferdinand could tell that they were trying to convince him of something. The trouble was that he could not quite put his paw on it. He wished Ziora was here. She was excellent for discussing these kinds of things.

The next few days passed for him uneventfully. Which was a blessing in and of itself, given his record when interacting with other clans. The Snappers he trained were annoying but fortunately he did not have to spend too much time with them. He often retreated to his chamber when his lesson was over. This granted him plenty of time to reflect on what he observed in the clan. For a plague clan, so many of these dragons did not have plague origins. There were dragons from wind, ice, shadow, and even light territories. Even Talos, the leader of this clan, was of the Shadow Flight. It was not entirely uncommon to see mixed flight clans, but it was suspicious all the same.

One night the odors and rampant thoughts kept Ferdinand from sleep. He left his chamber and padded down long stretches of tunnels. He remembered the tour he had on the second day so he wasn’t lost but he did find himself stopped next to the nursery. He bent his head to peek into the nursery, just to satisfy his own curiosity, but quickly frowned. There were hardly any hatchlings sleeping inside, no caretakers, not even a guard. Just a collection of eggs from varying flights with nary a single Plague egg.

Ferdinand felt his anger rising. This was what they were trying to hide from him. His head snapped up when he heard paw steps approaching him. He spotted one of his students, one of the Snappers that he was to train.

The Snapper paused in her walk when she spotted Ferdinand, “Oh, hi Frank!”

Ferdinand was in no mood to tolerate this clan’s tendency to forget names. He snapped, “Ferdinand!”

The Snapper female trotted toward him, but his tone must have startled her into stopping cold. “Oh Gods… I did it again… I’m sorry Ferdinand…”

Ferdinand stomped toward her. He flicked his head back toward the nursery. He snarled, “Why is your nursery full of dragon eggs… that aren’t plague?”

The Snapper female tilted her head. “Oh them? They’re the children of our enemies Ferdinand.”

Ferdinand hissed. “What?”

The Snapper female nodded. “Those eggs are the children of our enemies.”

Ferdinand bared his fangs and shook his head.

The Snapper female continued, “What has you so upset Ferdinand?”

Ferdinand froze. He glared at a section of the tunnel while he collected his thoughts. He remembered this Snapper female. She was always whispering into that Tundra’s ear. No doubt this encounter would reach the Tundra’s ears. He needed to tread carefully. Gods, this situation was becoming more and more like that altercation at that Lightwatch Clan.

Ferdinand coughed and took a breath to take control of his anger. “My apologies, I forgot myself. Is Talos still awake?”

The Snapper female nodded. “Yes, he should be. Do you need him?”

Ferdinand already stepped away from the Snapper female. He did not look back at the Snapper, but he did answer her with, “Thank you for your time.”

Ferdinand returned to the main chamber and spotted Talos engaged in conversation with that annoying little Tundra. Ferdinand approached the pair and looked at Talos. “May I borrow your ear for a moment?”
Talos’ fake smile was plastered onto his face. “Of course, Fern.”


Talos folded his ears and shook his head. “Blast, I did it again. I’m sorry Ferdinand. Come, I’m all ears.”
Ferdinand and Talos walked toward a section of the main chamber where the peat was set up for sitting and relaxing. Both settled down before Ferdinand broke the silence.

“Your nursery-“

Talos’ smile returned, however this time it made his eyes crinkle. “Magnificent isn’t it? All of those eggs will become such fitting tributes.”

Ferdinand frowned. “Tributes…?”

Talos nodded. “Indeed! I am giving them such a grand purpose! They will be so much better off with us than if they had not been taken from their birth clans.”

Ferdinand had a good sense of where this conversation was going. He still needed to hear it all from the Cerdae’s mouth so to speak. “Tributes… a grand purpose… You send the hatchlings that hatch from those eggs to the Plaguebringer…”

Talos’ laughter pounded on Ferdinand’s nerves. “Oh I knew I was getting my treasure’s worth when I made that contract with your Ziora. You’re a sharp one Fern!”

Ferdinand growled, “Ferdinand.”

Talos snapped out of his reverie with a glare at Ferdinand. Talos hissed, “Gods… I did it again… Hmmm… What is wrong with you Ferdinand?”

Ferdinand felt his mane begin to bristle. He did not like that dark glare in Talos’ eye. Ferdinand hissed, “What do you mean?”

Talos snorted. “You’re a merc. What do you care of what we do with our hatchlings? Peat piles, why do you even care what name we call you?”

Ferdinand lifted his head and glared down his snout at Talos. “I may be a mercenary, but I am not obligated by our contract to permit disrespect. Directed at me, a hatchling, or otherwise.”

Talos replied, “Respect? Oh come now, where is this sensitivity coming from? I’ve heard the reports from your students. Your training is ruthless, phenomenally so! Where is that ruthless Ferdinand? I’d like him back please.”

Ferdinand’s glare did not relent. “He is right here, calling you out for kidnapping hatchlings.”

Talos produced a long sigh and rolled his shoulders. “It’s not kidnapping if their parents are dead.”

“Murdered you mean.”

Talos snapped, “Watch your tongue. Remember your place. You are contracted to train my warriors. That is all.”

Ferdinand stood up. “I was contracted to train warriors, yes. I do not train murderers and thieves.”

Talos glared. “Does your Ziora share that sentiment? She arranged the contract. You will stay for your contracted time Mercenary.”

Ferdinand turned away. “You know the beauty of contracts Talos? They can be dissolved should one party find the deal unsatisfactory.”

Talos scrambled to his paws and blocked Ferdinand’s path. He tried to stand over Ferdinand however Ferdinand merely adjusted himself to tower over Talos. Talos spoke rapidly, “Look. You only need to stay one more day. Remember the money? How could you turn down the money! Just stay one more day and you’ll leave this place a rich Mercenary!”

Ferdinand shoved his snout right against Talos’ nose. Ferdinand pushed the other Imperial down until he was bowing low. Ferdinand could hear two of the Snappers he trained approaching. Ferdinand glared ferociously as he locked eyes with Talos.

“Unlike those poor souls waddling over here,” hissed Ferdinand, “I am not so easy to bully into submission. Stay bowed over like that Talos. Crawl in the peat like the disgusting worm you are. It suits you.”

Ferdinand could see Talos’ eyes flickering side to side. That hyena smile was finally shattered.

Talos whispered, “You won’t leave this place alive, if you decide to continue this path… I am giving you one last chance.”

Ferdinand was not a fool. He knew that if those stupid Snappers got their jaws on him then he would be torn apart. Although, he certainly knew he could kill Talos before that happened. However a war of attrition was never his aim here and it would not save any of those poor hatchlings that haven’t even tasted life yet. Gods, he had no idea he would learn that lesson Ziora first tried to teach him at that light flight inn so long ago. It was nostalgia that eventually brought him to pull away from Talos. Ziora would find a different way to help those little ones, even if it meant to suffer the atrocities of a mad dragon like Talos.

Ferdinand laughed. “That’s rich. However you are right. I am a mercenary. What should I care if it isn’t in my contract? Fret no longer Talos, I will remain until the contracted time.”

Talos was looking smug as he straightened up and shook the peat from his body. Ferdinand could only imagine that the maniac thought that he cleverly outmaneuvered him. Ferdinand decided to let the crazed Imperial think as he would.

Talos cooed, “Wise decision. I will pay you handsomely for this.”

Ferdinand walked away from Talos. He walked into the tunnel that would lead him back to his chamber. He spotted a Skydancer standing just a few paw steps ahead.

The Skydancer fell into step beside Ferdinand. “I overheard your conversation with Talos. Gods that was brave. I thought you were a goner for sure.”

Ferdinand huffed. “And yet I still stand.”

The Skydancer nodded. “I’m Kohaku. You trained me a little bit on your second day here.”

Ferdinand nodded. “I remembered your face. Is there something I can help you with?”

Kohaku smiled slightly. “I can tell you’re furious. You hate what they are doing to get those eggs. I share the sentiment.”

Ferdinand sighed. “I am not in the position to help those poor souls.”

Kohaku shook his head. “That’s not true. Look, I’m scheduled to guard the nursery this night. I’ve had a heist planned for tonight and it is fortuitus that you are here. If you can ferry the eggs out to my contact out in the pustule cluster, then I can join them and see the eggs safely to a clan called Oasis. They’ve been helping me steal eggs from this vile place and giving the hatchlings better lives.”

Ferdinand was silent as he walked and contemplated Kohaku’s proposition. It would be a delicious way to get back at Talos’ smug attitude and it would save some hatchlings in the end.

Ferdinand said, “Very well. I’ll help.”

Kohaku smiled, “Brilliant! Thank you! My contact is a brown Guardian known as Merek. He’ll be waiting in a large pustule cluster just north of here. Tell him that you’re with me and he shouldn’t give you any trouble.”
That night while Kohaku pretended to stand guard, Ferdinand flew in and out, retrieving as many eggs as possible. Kohaku would warn Ferdinand when a member of Solaris was getting too close. In the end, Ferdinand was able to ferry out a substantial amount of the eggs out of the nursery and pass them on to Merek’s care.

Ferdinand, Merek, and Kohaku stole away in the dark hours of the morning. Ferdinand did not leave any messages for Solaris Clan regarding his departure. The missing eggs from the nursery was a good enough message. When the trio were a good distance away from Solaris Clan, Ferdinand separated from them to make his way back home to Ziora and his siblings.

In the sheltered den of Oasis, a hatchling wobbled its way out into the open, past the two newly born banescales. Past the small faes and large imperials. Its eyes opened to reveal rare orbs of Earth. He surveyed his home. The two large mountains, the dunes surrounding them, it was so warm and vast. He sat there in awe of the world around him. Unaware of how much different his life could of gone, had it not been for three dragons.

~This was written by PeacefulPyro and revised by Countessoffire
Loremaster Bookshelf, Clan Burning Fantasies wrote:
Ferdinand came to Clan Burning Fantasies by the request of Dusk who wanted more of his clan to know how to defend themselves if the time ever came that they would have to do so again, something about a recent situation where someone almost got terribly hurt? He honestly wasn’t paying complete attention. Dusk of course would pay him for his time. Frankly there where a few capable fighters in the clan most of these individuals being from various powerful lineages. Dusk asked a capable Powerful magic weilder from the Temporal Rifter and Witchborne lineages named Eleanor to act as a healer for the training.

Ferdinand’s most noticeable charge was a small red fae named Ianna, she was frankly very pretty and not much of a Fighter newer to the clan she doesn’t have a true role yet, but after a recent event in the clan she is being forced to learn. These two got pretty close during his stay and they ended up having a nest together. Ferdinand never really thought about children because of how his life is right now, but he helped take care of them none the less. After making sure she and the rest of his trainees could adequately defend themselves it was time for him to go, this was a bit upsetting for Ianna who actually loved him a bit, but she understood after hearing his reasons, she gave him one of their children to go with their father and live in his clan.

~This was written by Fantivity

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Additional Information

light_2.png ....
Disciple of Ziora

Knight - Mentor

Ad Victoriam!

Ferdinand's nostrils flared and a harsh snort erupted from him as he stumbled away from a vent of noxious fumes. The sulfurous odor blasted his nostrils with putrid stink. It would be a miracle if he could ever smell again. The soft, decaying earth at his paws squelched and constantly tried to pull him down.

A soft snort sounded from Ziora, his adopted mother that he traveled with. "Do keep up Ferdinand. I'd hate to lose you to the Plaguebringer's bog."

His lip curled and he cast her a baleful glare. His wings flapped as he pushed himself into a stumbling run to catch up to her. "Forgive me for doing my best! Bleurgh! What an utmost foul place! Why in the name of the Light Mother did you bring us here? What could possibly be worth my time?"

A soft sigh answered him. "Even the proud denizens of the Plaguebringer's domain need help every now and again. It takes a tremendous amount of courage to admit as such. We must respect that courage and offer our aid when we can."

Ferdinand doubted that and he made sure to let his adopted mother know his thoughts. "Pah, courage? There isn't a shred of courage or decency to be found in this vile place."

Ziora stopped and turned around. Ferdinand felt his body shrink before her stern glare. Her tail lashed side to side like an agitated cat.

Despite the frequency of these kind of squabbles between Ziora and himself, Ferdinand forgot that he was bigger than Ziora and not the same fresh-out-of-the-nursery adolescent that she adopted so long ago. His gaze shifted to try and find anything distracting in this desolate bowl of disease and murk. Nothing proved promising of distraction so he was forced to return his gaze to focus on her eyes. He couldn't decide what was worse about this scenario. Her glare or her silence.

After several minutes of silence, Ziora closed her eyes and shook her head. She murmured, "That was unduly cruel of you to say."

Ferdinand snorted. He finally stepped around her and marched a few steps ahead. His head whipped around to look at her from over his shoulder. "There is nothing in this putrid place that deserves my respect."

The rest of their journey through the bog was quiet but tensions were high between them. It took some time but the edge of the bog was in sight and beyond the bubbling pools of ooze was a giant wall of twisted vines riddled with pustules. Over the rise rushed a pair of Mirrors, their red and orange skins rippled with the fluid motion of their pace. Their crimson eyes burned and their lips were drawn back in snarls.

Ferdinand's mane bristled and his lips drew back. He flexed his forepaws and prepared for a fight.

Ziora barked at the approaching Mirrors, "Hold! I am Ziora. I was summoned by your clan's soothsayer."

The older of the pair of Mirrors skidded to a halt and perked his ears. With a swift stamp of his paw, he caught his companion's tail and dragged her to a halt. This older Mirror spoke in a harsh rasp, "Finally. We thought you were eaten by the Undying Featherback. Come, come. Let's get you two soft guts into the camp before it shows up again."

Ferdinand snarled, "What did you just call us?"

The female Mirror spat, "Soft gut, pretty boy! Tch, Malacai! Why did the soothsayer call these two pathetic scraps of meat? They don't look like they can handle a meal here in the Wasteland, let alone an Undying Featherback!"

Malacai, the older male Mirror, snorted, "Shut up Sephora."

The female Mirror named Sephora was about to speak but a warning glare from Malacai finally silenced her. Malacai turned his gaze onto Ziora. "Inside. Quickly."

Ziora stepped after Malacai but Ferdinand grabbed her tail with his left forepaw.

"What are you doing," hissed Ferdinand, "They obviously do not want help."

Ziora looped her tail around Ferdinand's forepaw and dragged him into walking behind her. Her voice was a low growl, "Look between the lines."

Ferdinand stumbled. He blinked owlishly after Ziora. She used a common saying from his home flight. To look between the lines meant to look at what was around the words, referencing the runes inscribed on the walls back at the Sunbeam Ruins. It was a saying that was used to imply that one should look deeper and take stock of the situation. Ferdinand did just that. As he walked, he looked around the camp that they were now inside. It was a small clan that lived here, probably no more than thirty dragons. The shelters were made of the same vines as the exterior wall, woven for stability. However there was a great deal of torn vines and trampled walls. Beyond the putrid odors that naturally occurred in the Scarred Wasteland, Ferdinand felt his blood run cold when he recognized a metallic odor.

Ferdinand hopped forward to walk beside Ziora. He lowered his head close to her great right frill. "They were attacked... an Undying Featherback did this?"

Ziora cast a sideways glance at him. "I will find out the details from the soothsayer but I believe your eyes are sharp Ferdinand."

Ferdinand and Ziora stopped behind Malacai and Sephora when the two Mirrors stood before a larger dome made of the woven pustule vines. Ziora stopped Ferdinand from following her with her tail when she followed Malacai inside the structure.

Uneasy without Ziora, Ferdinand looked around the camp again. Before he could really study things, Sephora's grating voice spoke up.

"I honestly don't know why the soothsayer bothered to summon you and that old Guardian."

Ferdinand felt his pelt bristle. He bit his tongue.

Sephora's crimson eyes burned bright and her voice dripped with venom. "You two look as helpless as newly hatched whelps! Especially you pretty boy. Ha! I bet you're so proud of that shiny gold your wearing."

Yes, he was proud of the garb he wore. It was to remind him of his homeland, the Sunbeam Ruins. To have this diseased freak mocking him so was quickly wearing down his frayed nerves.

Sephora erupted into a bark of laughter. "Oh what's the matter? Too noble to retaliate? Soft-gut! Worthless worm! That Undying Featherback is going to eat you for breakfast!"

Ferdinand hissed. "Take that back!"

Sephora snorted. "Why? I don't respect soft-guts like you or that Guardian. Especially that old Arcane bat. She looks like she belongs in a library rather than a battlefield. Hahaha!"

Ferdinand's lips curled in a snarl and he spread his great wings. "I said take that back, craven."

Sephora blinked. "Er...what?"

Ferdinand snarled. "Apologize!"

Sephora lashed out her right forepaw, aiming for Ferdinand's lower jaw. She spat, "I don't apologize to soft-guts, get out of my face!"

Ferdinand caught her forepaw in his jaws. His bite was crushing in his anger. Her agonized yowl was satisfying to his ears. It wasn't too long before her other claws and fangs lashed at him. He dragged her across the rotting ground and threw her into the center of the camp. She skidded across the putrid ground and scrambled to her paws. She rushed at him with amazing agility.

Ferdinand caught her but a shriek of pain erupted from him when she got a hold of his tail in her jaws. He twisted around on himself and snapped his jaws to try and capture her. He slammed a forepaw down and caught her wing.

Before Ferdinand could do real damage, he felt large jaws catch his neck and drag him bodily away from Sephora. Twisting around on his new attacker, Ferdinand quickly recognized the smell of Ziora. He grew still and stood to stare at Ziora's angry countenance.

Judging by the shrill wailing from Sephora, Malacai must have stepped in similarly to Ziora.

Ziora's glare did not leave her face. She demanded, "What was that?"

Ferdinand glared at the ground. He did nothing wrong! Why was Ziora's tone so accusing? Surely she heard the vile mockery that Sephora was spouting off just moments ago.

Ziora snarled, "Speak Ferdinand!"

Ferdinand sniffed disdainfully. "That maggot was mocking us. Mocking you!"

Ziora grunted, "So you thought that was justification for you shattering her wing?"

"She threw the first scratch Ziora!"

Ziora snapped, "What are you, a hatchling? Show some restraint! I thought you were better than that Ferdinand."

Ferdinand produced a low growl. He slammed his right forepaw onto the soft ground. His eyes lifted to glare at Ziora. "I am better!"

Ziora's glare never left. Her words rippled coldly over him. "Then act like it."

The rest of the afternoon passed without incident. Ferdinand made an effort to stay away from the Plague Flight dragons that milled around camp, especially Sephora. Although she was left in the care of the soothsayer because of how badly her wing was damaged. Ziora was inside the same structure as Ferdinand was, however she refused to even speak to him. Ferdinand studied her posture and surmised that she was meditating. When evening came, exhaustion pulled Ferdinand into slumber. His dreams were filled with the screams of fighting dragons and the roars of unknown beasts.

In the morning Ferdinand woke to a din of screeching dragons and shrill roars. He rushed from the shelter and shook his head to clear away the remnants of his sleep. His eyes widened and he felt his heart stop at the sight of the camp. A massive Undying Featherback charged haphazardly throughout the camp, trampling all that came in its way. It's great wings flapped, splattering black ooze every which way. The black ooze rippled and moved to spread. Over the chaotic cries, Ferdinand heard the tell tale whispers of the Shade.

He shuddered. Never would he be able to forget the horrible whispers of the Shade.

Taking stock of the situation again, he spotted Ziora on the Shade possessed Undying Featherback. Her great wings flapped as she roared orders at the Plague Flight Clan. What frustrated Ferdinand was that none of them were listening to her. Why summon her if they weren't even going to listen to her when they needed her advice?!

Furious, Ferdinand charged into the chaos. He bounded over a panicking Tundra toward the soothsayer's structure. Ferdinand could hear the terrified cries of hatchlings inside. He shouldered his way in and was met by Sephora's sharp claws.

"Get out soft-gut," screeched Sephora.

Ferdinand threw Sephora off of him. He snarled, "Get your head out of your tail! I'm here to help stupid! The hatchlings are not safe here. That beast out there is Shade possessed!"

Sephora screeched indistinguishable insults at Ferdinand. Despite his rising temper, he focused on his job. He was working with Ziora and she needed the camp clear so that she could properly fight the shade possessed beast rampaging out there. The first thing to do was get these hatchlings and any elderly out of harm's way, regardless of how much Sephora wanted to fight with him.

Ferdinand grabbed hatchling after hatchling and piled the screeching babies onto his broad back. When he had them all secure, he spat at Sephora. "Do you want your clan to die out?! Your legs still work, make yourself useful! Help the elderly out of the camp!"

He charged out of the structure before he could hear Sephora's reaction. Ferdinand was relieved to see that the Undying Featherback was busy on the far side of the camp trying to rid it's back of Ziora. There was a red figure darting around the Undying Featherback's legs. Ferdinand assumed that it was the Mirror Malacai.

Ferdinand bolted for the putrid lands of the bog beyond the camp. On the way he caught the scruff of the female Tundra from earlier and hauled the squealing Tundra out of the camp. When he found a decent enough knoll in the bog, Ferdinand dropped the Tundra onto her paws and started offloading the hatchlings from his back.

Ferdinand barked at the Tundra and gave her no time to fall back into panic. "Watch the hatchlings! I need to help Ziora rid your clan of this menace."

Ferdinand twisted around on himself and rushed back toward the camp. He spotted old dragons shuffling out of the camp and felt relieved. At least Sephora had the sense to listen to him for that. Encouraged, Ferdinand charged passed Sephora and the elders. He ignored whatever she roared at him. Ferdinand could still hear the violent roars of the Undying Featherback.

The camp was unrecognizable. Ferdinand opened his wings and flapped mightily to gain some altitude. He plummeted down on the Featherback's head, all four sets of claws aimed for the great beast's swirling eyes.

Ferdinand beat his wings and screeched furiously at the bellowing Featherback. He held on and refused to release the off balance beast. In a matter of moments, the Featherback lurched and fell onto the ground. Ferdinand leapt away before he could be trapped by the Featherback's head. In his peripheral vision he could see Ziora standing to his left.

"Are the hatchlings safe," barked Ziora.

Ferdinand responded over the roar of the Featherback. "The hatchlings, injured, and elderly are out of the camp!"

"Then with me Ferdinand! Per matris magna gratia est lumen luna in sanguinem! Ad Victoriam!"

Ferdinand echoed Ziora's cry, "Ad Victoriam!"

Together they charged the struggling Undying Featherback. As practiced in training, Ferdinand mirrored Ziora's movements in concert. The strategy gave their opponent no time to retaliate. All the while, Ferdinand was sure to dodge any of the putrid shade infused saliva that the Featherback spat. Focused on taking down their foe, Ferdinand barely registered the eyes of the Plague Flight dragons. When the Featherback was finally worn down, Ziora landed the final blow. Bright orange magic crackled and swirled around her talons, jumping around the corpse of the Featherback as she stood above her defeated foe.

Ferdinand stood a tail length away from Ziora and the Featherback corpse. His sides heaved as he struggled to regain his breath. He ripped his glistening headgear from his head, tossed it aside, and shook out his mane.

Sephora's voice spoke up to the right of Ferdinand. "Is it...?"

Ferdinand was thrown off by the softness in Sephora's tone. He looked to her and noticed that she was holding his headgear. His breathing eased up enough for him to speak. "Dead? Yeah... Ziora finished it... Er-"

Sephora tossed her head and huffed. "Well good thing someone at least-!"

She coughed. Her eyes softened and her body trembled. "Er I mean... That is good. Um... Look... I'm not very good at this... especially since you're a soft-gut..."

Ferdinand could hear the contrite notes in her tone. He folded his ears and looked away. His own heart fluttered with guilt. He should be the one to apologize. Ferdinand blinked before he tossed his head and fixed Sephora into his gaze. "I'm sorry for being such a-"

Sephora's face twisted into a grimace. "No! I'm the one who should be sorry! You and that old ba- erk. You and Bah, you and your mom were called here to help and I was not helping any dragon! I'm sorry! Thank you for barking at me like you did. I would've still been paralyzed in that hut over there and would've been crushed with the hatchlings if you hadn't come in when you did."

Ferdinand swallowed. "I only did what was right. So... can I have my headgear back?"

Sephora nodded and passed his headgear to his outstretched right forepaw. She murmured, "Yeah... thank you again soft-gut..."

Ferdinand placed his headgear back on his head and bowed his head to Sephora. He stepped away from her to approach Ziora.

Before he could speak, Ziora said, "I'm proud of you. Maybe there is hope for you yet."

Ferdinand couldn't stop the wry smile that tugged at his lips. "Maybe."

Ziora's craggy Guardian countenance broke into a warm smile. "Come on. It is time for us to go."

Ferdinand followed Ziora when she walked toward the edge of the camp. "We aren't staying to help clean up?"

Ziora's smile did not falter. "I offered, but they wouldn't have any of it. So, it is time to move on. I'm surprised Ferdinand. Didn't you say you thought this place is foul?"

Ferdinand hummed. "I was reminded in this place that it is bad taste to judge a book by it's cover. I also hate the idea of leaving a place worse than when I found it."

Ziora chuckled and Ferdinand found himself also laughing. He grunted when Ziora bumped shoulders with him.

Ziora's voice was filled with warm affection. "We'll make a proper knight of you yet."

~History written by Countessoffire the owner of The Hallowed Hall Hatchery/Lore Shop

Bearded Pupowl
Veritas the Bearded Pupowl
Ferdinand learned of how easily the Bearded Pupowl was mistakenly taken for a relative of an octopus from his mentor and adopted mother Ziora. While he wasn't normally one to take such trivial pieces of information to heart, this piece of information struck a chord with him. During his travels with Ziora, he was exposed to many different clans. Many within those clans found him abrasive and never made the effort to try and get to know him. He would try to get along, key word was try, but most of the time it never ended well. So when he came across a lone Bearded Pupowl during his many forays into the wilderness, he did not dispatch of the large vertebrate like he normally would. Instead, he took the time to study the beast and it turned out that the Bearded Pupowl was just as curious about him. Ferdinand lost the will to hunt for that day and decided to return to Ziora's side. He did not return alone. The Bearded Pupowl followed him and refused to leave his side. Much to Ferdinand's chagrin, Ziora was amused by the development. She advised Ferdinand to take the Bearded Pupowl on as his familiar, as there was undoubtedly a bond between the two. When Ziora encouraged Ferdinand to give the Bearded Pupowl a name, he chose Veritas. When questioned about the name, Ferdinand will smile and say only one thing:
The true self is found below the surface.

Travel Record
  • Hewn City - Adopted by Ziora - Countessoffire
  • Scarred Wasteland - Hired to hunt Undying Featherback with Ziora - Countessoffire
  • Scarred Wasteland - Hired for training alongside Ziora - DepressoDad
  • Lightwatch Clan - Hired for training alongside Ziora - myriadofstars
  • Scarred Wasteland - Hired for training - PeacefulPyro
  • Clan of Burning Fantasies - Hired for training - Fantivity
  • A Future Consideration - Training Ulric - Countessoffire

Outfit Record

Adopted Mother:
Ziora Spiritus'Unquibus

Adopted Brother:

Adopted Sister:





Spirit Talon


FUR-din-and SPEAR-it-us UN-qwui-bus


This is where aliases that Ferdinand answers to are listed. State the name and the clan that it was used in.



Traveling with Ziora
Genes: Petals/Butterfly/Glimmer

Burnished Filigree Helmet Haunting Amber Ghastcrown Haunting Amber Pendants Haunting Amber Forejewels Haunting Amber Clawrings Ethereal Flame Cloak Burnished Filigree Wing Guard Burnished Filigree Breastplate Haunting Amber Nightshroud Burnished Filigree Gauntlets Burnished Filigree Boots Ivory Scale Wingplates

Clan Visited: Insert Link Here - Significant Landmark: Insert Here
Insert outfit image here
Genes: Petals/Butterfly/Glimmer

Insert list of outfit items here


By Fantivity


Insert Artwork here!
By Insert artist username & credit link here!

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