
Hunting down the Beastclan pays better then the risk
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


Reedcleft Resonance
Hunter's Hat
Copper Steampunk Scarf
Hunter's Wing Cover
Hunter's Cape
Hunter's Gloves
Hunter's Quiver
Hunter's Tail Twist
Green Breeches
Peridot Roundhorn




3.92 m
4.87 m
780.86 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 18, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 15 Skydancer
EXP: 8063 / 60881




  • none


"Don't threaten me with a good time"



EPISTIMI: Buyer of Beastclan he hunts down, loose friend


SERRYN: Closest friend, travel together when leaving black market district


BENGALENSE: Teacher of magic and old arts

Salem hatched like any other dragon. Born and raised in a hunter family, he knew how to fend for himself from a young age. Good thing, because he spent most of his life out of clans.

In vitae egestas diam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean elit ex, condimentum sed volutpat ac, faucibus sit amet lorem. In tellus turpis, pellentesque eget aliquam vitae, feugiat suscipit urna. Nam feugiat ultrices odio a pulvinar. Duis ut mauris vel urna maximus tempus vel sed odio. Praesent eget ultrices erat. Phasellus condimentum dui nulla, a tristique nunc pharetra ut. Ut eget nulla lacinia, suscipit ipsum nec, accumsan lorem. Curabitur a justo finibus quam lacinia sollicitudin ut eu elit. Integer sit amet varius libero. Suspendisse vitae ipsum consectetur, laoreet orci ac, molestie nulla. Mauris diam risus, eleifend vel aliquam eget, elementum auctor tortor.

Aenean vel malesuada arcu. Cras maximus augue id viverra fringilla. Sed id tellus vitae felis facilisis vulputate ut et ligula. Nullam sodales eget libero vitae pellentesque. Duis dictum a sem vitae auctor. Maecenas varius ut ipsum ut mollis. Quisque sed est eros. Suspendisse eget dapibus dolor. Ut efficitur tortor ut nunc mattis hendrerit. Nunc interdum, magna ut vulputate venenatis, mi sapien porta mauris, a iaculis turpis arcu eu felis. Phasellus venenatis nibh ac nulla volutpat, ac molestie sapien commodo. Nulla placerat risus euismod metus elementum, a eleifend urna ultrices. Pellentesque tincidunt lorem porta tristique interdum. Fusce aliquet nulla id egestas egestas.

Vivamus a sollicitudin mi. Pellentesque rhoncus accumsan nisl et malesuada. Donec consequat risus nec justo suscipit rhoncus. Vivamus lobortis, lacus tincidunt consequat finibus, nisi enim facilisis neque, a fermentum felis lorem ac augue. Morbi vestibulum sapien mattis volutpat placerat. Morbi neque ante, pharetra sed fermentum malesuada, aliquet eu nibh. Praesent eleifend ligula non mi venenatis, sit amet efficitur neque pharetra. Quisque nec elit nec sapien ornare condimentum. Ut sollicitudin faucibus dui sed consequat. Pellentesque fringilla libero nec risus sollicitudin dictum. In faucibus ultrices malesuada. Nullam congue arcu ac mi pulvinar interdum. In ex elit, pretium et faucibus nec, varius ac mi. Vivamus ut libero sed libero pellentesque elementum. Curabitur a ante dapibus, gravida quam id, aliquam mauris.

Vivamus sed nisl aliquam odio feugiat sollicitudin. Donec tempor mi sed odio tristique laoreet. In ipsum libero, pulvinar a ante sed, lobortis imperdiet turpis. Vivamus eget iaculis nulla. Pellentesque non dui ante. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer ultricies elit bibendum lacinia fringilla. Nullam libero diam, vulputate sit amet ante et, tincidunt faucibus justo. Pellentesque sollicitudin fermentum mi, id sollicitudin enim volutpat a. Quisque venenatis lacus in metus aliquam, eget dignissim est efficitur. Phasellus iaculis elit non erat hendrerit hendrerit. Suspendisse eget augue et nunc ornare tincidunt. Sed euismod efficitur sodales. Maecenas luctus lacinia fermentum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lectus lorem, semper vitae tellus a, pretium placerat erat. Aenean pulvinar risus id accumsan eleifend. Mauris vitae nunc ullamcorper, ullamcorper ipsum varius, pulvinar ante. Sed nisi justo, maximus vel nisi in, elementum suscipit ipsum. Curabitur quis tristique justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lorem ligula, hendrerit sed sollicitudin et, molestie a ligula.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lectus lorem, semper vitae tellus a, pretium placerat erat. Aenean pulvinar risus id accumsan eleifend. Mauris vitae nunc ullamcorper, ullamcorper ipsum varius, pulvinar ante. Sed nisi justo, maximus vel nisi in, elementum suscipit ipsum. Curabitur quis tristique justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lorem ligula, hendrerit sed sollicitudin et, molestie a ligula.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lectus lorem, semper vitae tellus a, pretium placerat erat. Aenean pulvinar risus id accumsan eleifend. Mauris vitae nunc ullamcorper, ullamcorper ipsum varius, pulvinar ante. Sed nisi justo, maximus vel nisi in, elementum suscipit ipsum. Curabitur quis tristique justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lorem ligula, hendrerit sed sollicitudin et, molestie a ligula.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lectus lorem, semper vitae tellus a, pretium placerat erat. Aenean pulvinar risus id accumsan eleifend. Mauris vitae nunc ullamcorper, ullamcorper ipsum varius, pulvinar ante. Sed nisi justo, maximus vel nisi in, elementum suscipit ipsum. Curabitur quis tristique justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lorem ligula, hendrerit sed sollicitudin et, molestie a ligula.


Aromanic flag

Prompts written from raffle, I really need to try and link these together
DragonPony925 wrote:
The sun lowered below the horizon as he stud. He watched with intent, looking at everything in the golden light as the world claimed down for a while. Everything seemed peaceful and perfect, except for one thing. The Skydancer felt out of place in this world, felt like a puzzle piece from a different set. Everything looked perfect, everything but him. He felt so alone, like he is the only one. He laid down on the soft grass of the cliff side as the world fell asleep. It felt so peaceful.
He came to terms with the fact he may never find a home. But at least everything else was happy.
Nightfurypizza wrote:
The skydancer took off from the cliff, updrafts carrying his high into the sky. He flew away from the can he had once called home, and away from the many dragons that had tried so hard to take him on as a mate.

He was handsome, though never wanted a mate. The skydancer didn't have a crush and rather than breaking their hearts further by sticking around he had decided to find a new life. A life where there where fewer expectations and a respect for his choices.

The skydancer flew over the land, looking around with sharp eyes. Flapping his wings he climbed higher into the sky and flew above the clouds, watching them pass him by peacefully. He sighed, content.

Even if he never found a clan, he realized he would be fine living up here amongt the clouds.

TheMaskedDragon wrote:
It was the brink of dawn when the skydancer slipped into the abandoned building, a large bag on his back. There was blood on it, near the top. It matched his claws. He gave a sharp whistle, 5 notes. And out came a spiral and another skydancer, their matching hides striped with black, white, and green.
"You're back" Said the spiral, heading over as he tossed the bag out. In an instant it was open and she was neck deep in it. Her head came out covered in patches of crimson. "Everything's here. Eulim, give him the payment"
The matching skydancer grabbed a bag of gems and threw it over to him, who caught it with a simple motion
"I don't suppose I get to know what's you're doing with all these?" He remarked.
"You wouldn't want to" Said the spiral, her manic grin matching the swirling eyes. "Unless you want to be restrained on a metal table as we erase any memory of us"
"Alright, alright" He said "I'm off. You know how to contact me" He took flight into the now light sky, eyes narrowed "What a weird bunch. At least they pay, and all I have to do is bring them some beastclan" And soon he disappeared into the tree-line.
Fenrys wrote:

With a low huff the skydancer landed among the blackened trees. He knew the clan lay low here somewhere, but he truly didn’t expect the female banescale barreling out of the trees at him. Her scales looked like they were made of pure void, eyes a golden hue, matching the gold in her scales that shimmered in the sun leaking through the canopy. She bowled him over with a yelp of surprise, and the two rolled over eachother a few dragon-lengths before thumping against a tree. The dragoness was even more terrifying up close, hovering over him. Hovering... she was hovering. Sticking out a talon, she grinned proudly and said in an unfamiliar, but heavy accent, “My name is Brenhinol. You are lost.”

“I don’t know my name.” He said to her, and pulled himself up. Her talons were cold as ice and hot as lava both at the same time, and the grin she wore looked to be made of stardust. She was trouble. Brushing himself off, he offered her one last curious look and turned away.

Unbeknownst to him, the dragoness of void, gold, and stardust smiled to herself and thought, ‘I think we will get along.’
WaterMaloneDraws wrote:

Erin stared down the wooded path, watching the trees for any sign of movement. A shift in the bushes caught his eye, and he shot his bow, hitting a Basilisk. It let out a squawk before quickly falling to the ground. "That should be enough hunting for today," he said, picking up the creature before heading back for the day.

As he landed in the clan site, he heard a commotion towards the training quarters. Curiously concerned, he put down his prey into the hoard and went to the training quarters. Low and behold, it was Burnley, up to his usual mischief. The wildclaw laughed as he dashed at the inexperienced imperial, slashing her snout with his sharp claws. She drew back to tend to her wound, unaware of Burnley inching toward her. 'I have to stop this,' Erin thought to himself, placing his bow and arrows down. Burnley threw himself at the imperial, planning to hit her when she was down, but was stopped halfway by a very upset Erin. "BURNLEY, this is a new low, even for you," he said, flexing his wings to their max. "These are the training quarters, not a combat pit!" Burnley scowled at him and lashed his tail, "Don't act all high and mighty with me! Just because you're a higher rank doesn't mean your words overload my own. I SHOULD BE IN YOUR POSITION, YOU MATELESS, INFURIATING FREAK-" A loud thud stops him right in his tracks. "THAT'S ENOUGH. Both of you, go to my cave." Yorik, the leader, says as he turns to the imperial. "Alexandria, go to the medic's cave. You'll find something for your snout." The imperial flinches and replies with a small, "Y-yes sir!" before scurrying away towards the medic. "Well, I don't see either one of you moving, go, NOW," he roars. Erin grabs his bow and arrows before hurrily making his way towards the cave alongside Burnley. 'I hope this ends well...'

Credit (in Quotes)
Fallacie wrote:
hunter234322 wrote:
DragonPony925 wrote:
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Exalting Salem to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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