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Personal Style


Autumn Breeze
Ancient Broadsword
Toxophilite's Cape
Little Red Riding Hood
Veteran's Eye Scar
Veteran's Leg Scars
Veteran's Shoulder Scars
Spessartine Leg Enhancement (Back)
Spessartine Leg Enhancement (Front)
Spessartine Arm Enhancement (Back)
Spessartine Arm Enhancement (Front)


Accent: Shattered Omen


Scene: Autumn


25.77 m
17.62 m
5909.83 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 11, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level





O U T C A S T - W A R R I O R

Far used to being alone, Omen is highly independent and quick to ignore other's ideas almost on principle. The only ones he's truly trusting of are Asher, Asterion, and Tanavra, but he hasn't given up on his hope that he will be seen as more than bad luck to everyone else, no matter how often he wishes he had just given up on it years ago.

Omen is highly touch starved, and enjoys cuddling up with his friends whenever possible. His love language is highly affectionate with touch, and he loves spending time with his friends even when they're all doing their own thing. Tanavra has jokingly compared him to a cat at times, especially when he's not up for talking and touch is just too much at the moment, but doesn't want to be alone. When he is alone, he typically just works on the things they need to survive - fixing up the cabin, working on some fishing nets, checking the hunting traps, and foraging for plants and spices. He doesn't like gardening in the 'acceptable' sense, and instead lets the plants grow where they grow. He only tries to keep invasive mint or the escaped blackberry plants contained, as they damage the local ecosystem.

If Omen was not traumatized at a young age, he would've met Asterion much sooner, and Asterion would have been in the process of becoming a case worker, and not the case worker for Omen. Meaning he'd be able to adopt him, though he would've had to change his career path. Omen would've been raised normally from there, and they would've lived a wonderful life in town together, and he wouldn't have ever gotten the name 'Omen.' He would've had a chance at remaining known by the name his biological parents once gave him - Amil.

But that didn't happen, and thus this is who he is. A rough and tough warrior who knows survival better than thriving, and who is struggling to learn how to be around others in mass.



Asher is Omen's mate, and best friend. Omen and Asher do spend a lot of time together when Asher doesn't have contracts to work, but Omen does appreciate some time alone after years of solitude. When they're together though, they don't hold back with each other. Neither one like hiding things from the other, and Omen knows Asher wouldn't lie to him without reason. They're fully comfortable talking things out with each other, and even when they do fight they work it out easily. They play fight often, and Asher has taught Omen how to make crossbows and bolts while Omen taught them how to make sturdy structures from only vines, trees, fallen trees, and leaves. They always have each other's backs.
Asterion is the first dragon Omen was on good terms with after his 3 years in solitude. Asterion worked hard to earn Omen's trust, and Omen did not make it easy on him in the slightest. Omen was snarky, ill mannered, and bitter that he was taken away from all he had known by force and shoved with dragons he didn't know and didn't like. Asterion helped nurture his social skills to match what he should've been at already, and Omen grew to love him as a father. Omen wished he could go back for him after he ran away, but knew it was too risky. When they met up again, Asterion was overjoyed that Omen was alive, and the duo spent a while holding onto each other and crying.
Tanavra found Omen by chance. Tanavra had run into Omen, injured and in pain. Omen had been unsure about what to do with Tanavra, as it had been almost 2 years since he'd even seen another dragon up close. But he look her in, and helped him get back on his talons. Tanavra was thankful, and also shocked Omen had helped him. The fact Tanavra had just expected to not get help ensured Omen made a space for him and a welcome whenever she visited. Eventually, they started to live together, and Tanavra was his first friend, though Omen knows she's hiding something from him.
- - -
k4uHcwk.jpg When he was a mere few weeks old, Omen wandered too far away from his family. He got lost and couldn't remember how to get back. Blindly choosing to wander in one direction, he hoped to reach any other dragons to help him find his mother and father. Unfortunately the dragons he did run into wanted nothing to do with a "lost straggler" and opted to attack him in case he was a ploy by their enemies. They left him, not confirming if he was dead when they left. Omen, injured and barely conscious, used whatever he could to stop the bleeding. He had no way of knowing he was using poison to cover his wounds, specifically over his legs, shoulder, and right eye. He was lucky to survive, but as all his other scars faded with time, the ones he covered with poison oak were stained black, never showing signs of fading away.

Because of that incident, Omen didn't go near the possibility of seeing another dragon again. Running or gliding away as needed to avoid confrontations. He managed to avoid concerned citizens attempting to reach him for 3 years, only being brought before other dragons again after a 2 hour chase and an ambush. He still knew how to speak, having spoken to himself to keep from getting too lonely, and talking to some of the wildlife around him while he was alone. But he was placed into an orphanage while they attempted to find his parents. Omen didn't calm down until his newest Case Worker took the time to teach him how to fight tooth and claw for protection.

Asterion spent the better part of 5 years as his case worker. During that time Omen was sent to many foster placements where his attitude tended to get him in trouble, making him easy to pin as a trouble-maker when all he'd rather have done was train or read books. He quickly gained a reputation as a troubled child, and less and less fosters were willing to tale him in. During those years Asterion was his rock. He kept visiting as often as he could, continued his training from claw to claw combat into weapons. At many points Omen had hope that Asterion would adopt him and be done with everything. But unfortunately it was disallowed, the Administrator of the Golden Tree Orphanage forbade case workers from adopting the kids there. So he squashed that hope everytime it popped back up.
But just as quickly as being brought into the orphanage in the first place, Omen's life changed forever once again when his case worker was abruptly switched. Neither he or Asterion were aware that there was a petition for an exchange of cases, or that Omen was at risk of being removed from the Golden Tree Orphanage. Given 15 minutes to pack his belongings into a small duffel bag, Omen had to leave the only person he could reliably call family, and was sent away just as he'd been starting to make friends. He hadn't even been given enough time to grab all of his things, and counted the few sentimental items he adored as lost for good. Shoved into a carriage with his new case worker from a different orphanage, Omen knew he was in for a rough time.

Omen was proven right. His new case worker was apathetic and uncaring about Omen as a dragon, just cared that he was placed in a foster home or placement. Omen was sure his new case worker hated him, because his reputation was made the first issue of their ire. Almost all his foster siblings and placements were now highly aware of his reputation, and doubled down on his punishments as a result. Omen was sent to over 30 new foster placements in the next 6 years. Omen tried to just stay on the sidelines, and stay out of trouble. He stopped speaking and only ate what he foraged or hunted by himself to avoid "family dinners" with any of the foster homes. He was nearly back in the state of mind Asterion had spent so much time in getting him out of, and his case worker just seemed to not care aside from how Omen's anti-social behavior was limiting potential foster placements, and Omen was sent to a home that quickly lost their foster ability. But it was too late for Omen.

Angry and burning at the thought of having to see another dragon again, Omen's final foster placement gave him the means to escape by accident, and Omen took it. He ran away at 14, and wasn't seen again in the pubic space until he was an adult. Omen spent the first of those years alone, he didn't return to his old stomping grounds on the chance that he'd get caught again. So, he ran further away, and ended up in the wake of the Ashfall Waste's very own Emperor - Ash. Using the danger to his advantage, Omen learned how to stay away from Ash and keep others away from them both at the same time. Every day was a huge risk, and he had many close calls while he was trying to sleep. He was constantly tired, and was starting to make many mistakes. Omen had to leave Ash when for a final time the undead imperials cornered him, and nearly cut his life short at 15 and a half.
k4uHcwk.jpg After leaving Ash behind for good, he flew as far away as he could manage, ending up very close to Golden Tree again. Finding his old supplies in somewhat decent shape after all these years in a chest he'd manged to create in a stump, he finally got to work in healing his injuries. Bandaging them as much as he could. Thankfully, it was almost all easy to clean and none were deep enough to require stitches - he would've had to go back to see a doctor if he had needed anything more. Upon seeing that nobody had recently been in his old home, with the freshest tracks being from the animals and the last rain that reached the ground being a good few months ago, Omen deemed the area safe once again, and started to tear down the old structure he'd slept in before. Tired and hungry, Omen slept before he could make any sort of shelter for the night.

Over the course of a few weeks, Omen got better and set up his shelter to fit him now that he'd grown a lot. He hated seeing his old stuff go, but while it was perfect for him years ago, he wasn't the same size as he'd been when he was 3. He made traps he'd only read about before, and took up fishing in the rare lake he had only learned about in the Golden Tree Orphanage - having been too terrified to go too far away from his camp before. He hunted, fished, foraged, and started small insect farms around his territory. He survived alone from that summer into the spring, fending off predators and scaring off dragons who got too close or who were causing problems in the sparse forest. Only the unexpected appearance of an injured black and dark red dragon paused his monotonous life.

Omen took the dragon to his home, and treated their injuries as best he could. He learned a lot by trial and error, but the dragon he nocturne he found was nearly dead, and wouldn't have lasted long enough to fly to the nearest village to get help. Omen didn't have much hope, but the dragon survived, and Tanavra woke up in a bit of shock, and he tried to attack. But Omen stayed far enough away that she wasn't able to lay a claw on him, and also showing he means them no harm. Tanavra spent a while resting, but during that time Omen and her managed to slowly talk things out. Tanavra was clearly not open to Omen's conversation starters, and Omen thought she was like him - on the run. So when they were ready to go on again, Omen gave him an open invitation to return, which she took as a chance to visit often. This meeting gave Omen the longing for companionship once more, and so he tried to return to a town.
Omen reached the nearest village after a 2 day flight and unfortunately, the day he finally reached it was predated by a horrible storm. Omen tried to help out, but the villagers weren't too keen on trusting the outsider when his arrival had meant disaster for them. So Omen left again. Hoping his luck would change in the next town, where the storm hadn't hit. But in the next town, Omen's arrival was also competing with the news of a murderer in town. Omen went home, not wanting to risk a third new place so soon. Omen's heartbreak was interrupted by Tanavra visiting to see how he'd been doing. After a week, Tanavra left again, and Omen once again wanted to try visiting a new place, but with a new game plan. After travelling for 3 days, Omen stopped to hunt to give the meat and pelts as gifts for the new village. Omen appearing with the gifts in claw, he was shocked when the town took them as a sign their rival village had openly declared war on them. It took warning the unprepared rival town to learn that he'd caught one of the deer species the first had revered as sacred.

On and on, Omen continued to have horrible luck whenever he tried to go to a new town or village. He'd go home, have Tanavra visit, and try again. Over and over, Omen failed to make any friends outside of Tanavra, until he ran into Asher. Asher was on a hunt, the bounty for a dangerous animal that was mostly undescribed outside of their scars catching their attention. Omen. who hadn't heard of such an animal, offered to help Asher in the event she was caught off guard. Asher was unsure until Omen explained his training to him, and the two set off to find the animal causing so much trouble. Asher was nice to talk to, and didn't find his lack of social knowledge to bother them, and in turn Asher seemed happy that Omen was talking with her. Omen had never felt better, it was so exciting to have someone he could just talk to without any secrets. They traveled and searched for weeks without ever finding the dangerous beast Asher had been sent after, and so they made plans to return back to see if there was any more information she could gather about his contract. To Asher's anger and Omen's shock, the contact who ordered the contract had been trying to get Asher to take Omen out. Asher snarled at the contact, daring them to claim he was an assassin, wasting her time and going after someone innocent for no good reason. Asher, the best beast hunter in the area by far, then denied to come back to the Hold until they'd given Omen a proper apology.

Omen wasn't too sure how to feel about it, he'd never had to deal with someone so blatantly standing up for him with how little time they'd really known about each other. Asher didn't take it back though, and they both left. Asher was still upset, and Omen was worried, but he'd let Omen know that they weren't mad at him for any of it. Asher then admitted she was far away from her home, and not willing to renter the Hold to go for an Inn. Omen took her to his shelter, and Asher looked visibly uncomfortable with how he'd been living. Asher did stay the night with him, but asked if he was willing to go with them to her home. It was closer to civilization than he'd like, but his own home and shelter had been tracked and wasn't exactly safe either, anymore. So Omen agreed, albeit very reluctantly. Omen packed his few valuables into his ragged bag he'd been carrying for all these years, and by noon they were traveling to Asher's cabin. Omen was shocked to actually see the inside of a house. The only times he'd been close to being inside in years were the occasional times he got to view someone entering or leaving their homes. Asher started right away with training Omen on building tools that he'd been unable to make well before, and taught him how to build better shelters. Omen spent months there, helping out in the ways he'd learned over his years alone, like how to use the wilds to their advantage, and how to garden in ways that benefit everyone the most. Omen really found himself having fun. He was expecting to want to go back home eventually, but he didn't. He was loving being around them, and almost didn't even go back aside from Tanrva's usual visits reminding him he hadn't told his only other friend about the move, or what adventure he'd gone on.
- - -
Infused Crystal Spires of Flame Temporary Timepiece Teardrop Ruby Earrings Ruby Bloodstone Amber


Template by Maevepanda

4th Generation Naomi
Naomi > Willow > Jinx > Omen

4th Generation Ignis #666
Ignis > Marduk > Jinx > Omen
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