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Personal Style


Daisy Flower Crown
Daisy Tail Lei




11.85 m
13.22 m
7570.72 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 13, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 8 Guardian
EXP: 393 / 16009


N E X T ☆ W E E K
Theme: True Kinda Love remixed by VGR
Blushing Pink Rose Love's Herald Blushing Pink Rose
he | him
Professional Matchmaker









(Feel free to add dragons from your clan here!)

Any hatchlings he has should be reported to his lineage thread here!


An embarrassingly large stack of romance novels have been carefully sorted into this guardian's rucksack. The ones furthest to the bottom are the steamiest.

Watching the blossoming of a new relationship, and seeing it all the way to the bitter(sweet) end.

Raised voices, being belittled.

Daisy Flower Crown Daisy Tail Lei

”Hmm, I'm sensing some sparks here!”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Uh-oh, looks like this romance-minded guardian wandered a little too far from their home lair (452562, Hyzenthlaay), and now they’re off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt them, we'd really appreciate it if you instead could just return them to their original home via the Crossroads, send them off in the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread (warning, you will get another traveler in return if you do this), or if you don’t want another traveler in return, this rest hub. You can also adopt them permanently if you don’t want them leaving your lair - just contact Hyzenthlaay and let her know (it’s good for her notes)!

Many people have worked very hard on this traveling dragon, and exalting them would be an absolute shame. Please don’t do it!


Yes, strictly speaking, Next Week was brought into the world to further the cause of his birth religion, the Redempests. And that's what he told his parents he was off to do on the road, after fulfilling his duty and laying a nest to leave behind for his religious superiors to raise. More hatchlings means more Redempests, and that's the vision his grandparents have for Sornieth. But Redempests reveal in misery and suffering to show their devotion, and Next Week just thinks he was born for greater things than that - like love. Yes, there's few things Next Week loves more than uniting two potential lovebirds and seeing their relationship grow before his eyes. Consoltations for linking up with a perfect potential lover clans away is a service Next Week performs for a small charge, and that is how he makes his living - collecting profiles of dragons and meeting others in regions far away, mentally sizing them up against his current client base. He has a pretty good record of finding perfect matches too. His parents have no idea that this is what he does with his life, and frankly, he's in no hurry to tell them.

Originally written by @Hyzenthlaay, lore shop here. Find more lore dragons and writing commissions for purchase there! If this dragon is in your possession at the time of purchasing a dragon from the shop, you can get 10g/10kt off of your purchase!

(Record Next Week's experiences in your clan below!)

Hyzenthlaay, Clan Mavenlark wrote:
Timefaer and Ektexine were so sweet in our final goodbyes, promising to see me on the road in adulthood. They wished me good luck on my missionary work, and I almost told them the truth of the matter. Children deserve some truth from their parents, don't they? But I just couldn't bring myself to admit my true purpose on the road. Not least because I don't trust a pair of children to not immediately rat me out to my grandparents...I suppose the only thing I'd have to face is shame for my new path in life, but even that puts me off. Urf. I suppose I shouldn't reflect on it much longer. Happy face on! Time to make some lovers out there in the great wide world!
Apocalyove, The Clan of Clashing Thunder wrote:
I'd say my time at this clan was a great success! It wasn't my typical work of matching strangers, but rather helping a bashful dragon named Celeste confess her feelings to her sweetheart, named Rika! She paid me, and I gave her the best advice I had to give. In the end, her feelings were returned, and the two decided to continue on where Celeste left off on her travels. I'm moving onto my next clan soon, and I'm making it my goal to find at least one dragon to add to my database!
grxndsxn, Crow Callers wrote:
My next stop is on the border of the Scarred Wasteland and Tangled Wood - an unusual place for me, but I can deal with it. I've been given two items to take with me, both made from daisies.

I had some success with matchmaking, too - Joaquin had trouble finding a mate, and I suggested he might be a good mate to Thrash. Apparently, he and Thrash's brother are good friends, and he mentioned that he'd like to at least take my idea into consideration; Thrash liked the idea as well. Proud of myself, I decided to get ready to leave for my next clan, hoping for more success.
TipsyKipsy wrote:
At first I wasn't sure what to think of this clan. After the others, this loose collection of dragons seemed like chaos, a twisting maelstrom of dragons coming and going on the whim of what appeared to be nothing more than a breeze.
After some time, a pattern became clear, and I was able to see the closeness of those who stayed, those who were temporary visitors like myself, and those who skirted the boundary, unsure if they would stay or continue their travels. One among these indecisive dragons was Ronove, a Guardian who had nested with several males in the clan, but had yet to find a match that lingered. She enthusiastically accepted, and I began my work. It wasn't easy work, as she seemed disinterested in the males of the clan, but I worked closely with her to try to find a match with one of the travellers who would come and go so frequently.
We spent a lot of time together, and it gradually became clear that while she wasn't interested in any of the prospective matches, she had certainly gained an interest in me. And the feeling was mutual. We built a nest together, and hatched two lovely girls, FewerDecades and SoilAndSky. It did not take long before Ronove's affections wore thin, much as they had with her previous mates. I confess my disappointment, but I don't see the logic in staying and pining, so I will be moving on shortly, hopefully towards more successful exploits.
Prescott, The Forgotten Clan wrote:
I followed a gloomwillow to a hidden clan in the Tangled Wood. I had to sign some sort of book just to get in, would you believe it!

Anyway, this clan has a library full of books. The librarian, Novella, was adorable and so helpful. I noticed a lack of romance novels in there, so I snuck one of mine in. It's a cute little story about a wandering guardian who meets his true love on his travels... Sigh. Anyway, I did enjoy reading a few stories during my time here, and found a couple I wouldn't mind adding to my collection in the future!

Most of the clan already have their perfect companion by their side, so I couldn't do much matchmaking here. So I suppose it's time to move on! Note to self: Pick up those books.
ShadowsInTheMist, Aliit Dha Vhipir wrote:
After picking up the books, I flew around until I found a clan, happily living in cave system on the edge of the shifting expanse. The clan here was happy to have me, and happy to share books. I did find that they had a disproportionate amount of herbalism and astrology books. I had plenty of advice on reading other types of books, and was happy to help out. I even snuck another fluffy romance novel in! about halfway through my stay here, a shy tundra came up to me a shoved a book in my face. Arza, as he was called, was very shy, but also very insistent I sign his logbook. I asked him about any people looking for mates, and he said most people had found theirs, so I decided to move on. I do hope they stock their library with more variety in the future though. (Why, in the name of everything, did they have so many books on plants?!?)
Hyzenthlaay, Clan Mavenlark wrote:
I returned home briefly to check on my parents and the clan at large. All seems well. My children have grown and gone to new clans in my absence, which pleases me greatly. I can only hope that we have taught them well enough to spread our religion in their wake, and save our world in doing so.
KnightOfAres, Clan Ares wrote:
I found myself staying with a few fellow travellers in Clan Ares for a bit before taking off again on my adventures.
ZippoFeuer, The Conspiracy of Silence wrote:
Another library-, but thankfully, this one populated both with a variety of books, and a host of aspiring writers themselves. Of course, as has become my custom, I left a romance novel in their collection; I'm sure the fae at the front desk suspects nothing of it.
Unfortunately, there are very few in the clan that actually have interest in developing relationships beyond the usual workplace company, and those who do have interest don't seem to be interested in permanent lovers. I did manage to find an amorous connection for one of them; a young Gaoler Lux, who'd moved there recently and hadn't had time to meet many dragons on her own. Since she said that it would be quite alright for me to suggest dragons from all across the continent, I suggested she start writing letters to a fellow from the Beacon; I didn't stick around too long, just long enough to hear from her that she and LovesHope were getting along well.
Ah. The librarian is muttering about a new book that hadn't been in their logs. Perhaps it's time for me to leave.
Zeno123, the Apartment Complex wrote:
How can someone not like romance novels!? Actually one dragon I can understand I've met a few along my travels, but an entire clan and not one can appreciate a nice tale of two dragons finding love!? Although, like a novel, suppose I should have started from the beginning on how I arrived at this clan.
After many days of travel within the Sea of a Thousand Currents I saw a green neon sign welcoming visitors and pointing in the direction of a collection of concrete and steel buildings. When I arrived I saw a young skydancer working on some sort of powerline and asked her the place. She told me that her name was Viceroy and that she was a mechanic. She then further explained that this collection of buildings was full of dragons dedicated to various sciences along with inventing new technology. As is my custom, I asked her about the clan library and she pointed me in the direction of a large building full of books on everything to chemistry to manuals on how to repair a broken clock. I noticed a distinct lack of romance novels and placed a few around the library thinking that it wouldn't matter, the library didn't even have a clerk. About a day later however Viceroy came up to me and handed me the romance novels that I had left around the library back. I told her that it was my gift to the clan for letting me stay there. It was then she explained to me that, although it was kind of me to offer a gift, it was not logical for them to keep books that no one living there would read.
Needless to say, I am still reeling from the experience. Although, now that I'm writing this all down and thinking back on it, I realize that I can't remember seeing any fiction books in their library, so perhaps it was more a preference to non-fiction and not an attack on romance itself. Maybe if I ever come back I should bring them my favorite history book, "Courtship Practices Throughout Sornieth History".

Owners I've Had:

@hyzenthlaay, 452562 - Clan Mavenlark
apocalyove, 51782 - The Clan of Clashing Thunder
grxndsxn, 437722 - Crow Callers
Prescott, 136580 - The Forgotten Clan
ShadowsInTheMist, 514139 - Aliit Dha Vhipir/Clan Darkmist
hyzenthlaay, 452562 - Clan Mavenlark
Zikul, 12962
grxndsxn, 437722 - Crow Callers
KnightOfAres, 367955 - Clan Ares
ZippoFeuer, 385984 - The Conspiracy of Silence
Zeno123, 206951
Ecliptique, 319885 - The Solaire Archives



@Hyzenthlaay here! This dragon is officially a part of the "Around the World in 365 Dergs" challenge. Check out the thread for information and more travelers like this! ...or just read the following:
  • The general idea is that I am going to create 365 unique traveling dragons, send them off into the world, and see what happens. I'm also going to complete mini-challenges along the way using travelers. If that interests you, consider checking the challenge thread out!
  • I don't want to overflood the system with just my dragons, so adopting travelers from me to live in your lair is totally fine! In fact, I'm betting on it. Just let me know.
  • Always feel free to tell me when you have this dragon in your lair! I love hearing updates.

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