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Personal Style


White and Gold Flair Scarf
White Satin Tunic
Gentle Healer's Reference
White Breeches
Silver Glasses




4.21 m
2.81 m
129.76 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 23, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Spiral
EXP: 480 / 27676





Lore keeper & writer

This is where my clans lore will go, and lore about my progens who were both exalted. Since they don't have bios since they were exalted, he will be 'holding' it. He hasn't always been in the clan, but he's gathering what he can from the older dragons and piecing together the lore.
Progens wrote:
Average reading time; 5 minutes
Words/Characters; 605/3,318

It's been over a year since Hunyr and Bosso started the Seltsame clan. They've been training and guiding Yen and Circe, the prince and princess of the clan. Now, it's time to let them take over.

"You know it's time Bosso! They're doing perfectly! We've barely even been helping them for the past 3 months! They'll do fine, and if they have trouble there are lots of dragons who will help them... We need to trust them." Hunyr said. He and Bosso were in their own den, which is on top of a big rock and no one can hear them unless they're in there. The sun is shining, all the dragons are out doing what their jobs, the hatchlings are out playing around. The Seltsame clan is bustling with liveliness.

Circe and Yen were dealing with clan issues while Bosso and Hunyr argue. The couple can clearly hear Bosso and Hunyr, but they don't dare interrupt them.
"But Hunyr, what if they mess up? I believe in them but... I don't know.." Bosso sighs, she believes that Circe and Yen can run the clan but she's spent most of her life taking care and building this clan, she's seen hundreds of hatchlings come from this clan, new dragons enter and old dragons leave. "I don't want to say goodbye to them..." Bosso has tears dripping down the side of her face. Hunyr walks up to her and wipes the tears away, "Trust me, I don't either. But this has always been the plan, and we can visit whenever we want, honey." Bosso nods and starts to walk out of their den, Hunyr following.

She flies up to a large rock that shines gold in the sunlight. "Everyone... We have an announcement..." she booms, her voice echoing off of the rocks. Hunyr flies up next to Bosso while everyone starts to gather. "We've been the leaders for almost 2 years now, we've seen some growth, we've seen some leave, and we've seen some come and make a home here." Bosso pauses for a moment, "We've been guiding Yem and Circe, " she looks over at them, who are sitting on a smaller walk in front of all of the dragons. She smiles "We've been guiding them to become great leaders, they've always been great at leading, they're naturals at it. It's time Hunyr and I leave and let them take over. We will visit, but we're going out on our own adventure. We might start another clan, we might go fight for the light weaver, we have decided yet. But... That is all. We'll miss all of you." Bosso finishes, they both start to fly down off of the rock. Everyone surrounds them and gives them hugs, and says their goodbyes.
After everyone had said their goodbyes, Circe, Yen, Hunyr and Bosso go into their den. "I'm happy you trust us, we will not let you down," Circe says, her eyes getting teary. "You have been remarkable teachers. You two are my family, and I can't wait for your visits." Yen said, trying to hold back his tears. Hunyr and Bosso hug them, "You've been amazing students, we love you two like our own children.' Hunyr says, they all start tearing up.

Hunyr and Bosso stand at the entrance of their den, their bags full of things they need. Food, water, familiars, etc. They wave goodbye to their friends and family before taking off. Hunyr looks back and sees the other dragons waving at them, some crying others taking off into the sky to join them, others walking away to try and hide their tears.

Adaryn wrote:
Adaryn's lore/death - pinkerlocke dragon
We were fighting in a level higher than our own level, we shouldn't have. We really shouldn't have...

"We should go to the next place guys, this is way too easy." Kirea tried to convince Valentino and Adaryn. Valentino looked at Adaryn, "We could go to the next place. It won't hurt, like Kirea said it's way to easy here." Adaryn nodded and started walking to the next venue, the blooming Grove. After a few battles Adaryn got hit, badly. Valentino yelled "Are you okay?!" but Adaryn couldn't hear, his ears were ringing and his eyesight was spotty with black and red and he fainted. Valentino stopped fighting and ran over to him, Kirea stayed back "Is he okay?" he asked. "I don't know!" Valentino yelled back, "Stopping fighting and get over here so we can take him back!" she growled. Kirea stopped and helped Valentino take Adaryn back to camp.

Tenjin walked up to Kirea and Valentino, "I'm sorry... But he didn't make it" he said with a heavy voice. Kirea tried to hold back tears but couldn't do it, "We've only known each other for a short time but he felt like a brother to me..." he said as he started sobbing. Valentino tried to comfort Kirea by putting her tail on his shoulders, but it didn't help that much. Valentino looked at Tenjin "Uh, can you go get Lansa to help us with him?" Valentino asked, clearly sad but not crying. Tenjin nodded and went to go grab Lansa.
pinkerlocke wrote:
Start date : May 5th, 2020 / 5/5/20
End date : May 20th, 2020 / 5/20/20

First day ;
I got a gliding ant, a insect food item, for the rules im going off of it's 20-30 battles. I randomly generated a number, it was 24 so I did 24 required battles and some extra battles in the training fields. I didn't get anything interesting, just some food, Hibden things, and other small things that aren't of value. They're now level 6 and all of them are still alive.

I'm doing an easy mode based off of a forum with some of my own rules. like instead of being able to leave the battle whenever, I can only leave every 5 or 10 battles depending on own many battles I'm doing, along with some other rule changes.

I went off of a list for the breed of dragon I got, and I got the cheapest adults of that breed. While they're not the prettiest, I have some gene plans for them.
The list if anyone wants to know;
1. Fae
2. Guardian
3. Mirror
4. Pearlcatcher
5. Ridgeback
6. Tundra
7. Spiral
8. Imperial
9. Snapper
10. Wildclaw
11. Nocturne
12. Coatl
13. Skydancer
14. Bogsneak
15. Gaoler
16. Banescale
I used a random number generator like earlier and got a Tundra, a ridgeback, and a mirror.

Lore for first day ;
Valentino's pov ;
I sat there, panting after 24 battles, almost all back to back. I looked at the other two, a mirror and a Tundra. "Well, we didn't get anything of value but we got more experience." I said. Kirea, the mirror looked at me, some sweat rolling down his face "We should pick up the rest of the things and continue fighting!" he excitedly said. The tundra looked at Kirea, "You know our duty. We'll only fight more enemies if Yen and Circe say so." Adaryn said as he picked up the drops. He started walking home, the drops in his bag. I grunted as I got up and followed Adaryn, keeping my eye out for any drops we may have missed. Kirea sighed and followed, "We should ask Yen and Circe if we can battle more! It's fun."

When we got back we put the drops up and walked up to Yen and Circe, the clan leaders. Adaryn bowed his head, "We've completed the tasks, your majesties." Yen smiled, "Adaryn, we've tol-" Kirea interrupted Yen, "When can we go back out?!" he asked, almost exploding with excitement. Yen turned to Kirea, "Well, you three can go out whenever you'd like after you've finished the required battles, but you three must go together." Kirea smiled, "Adaryn, Valentino when can we go out again?" Kirea asked. I looked down at him as my stomach growled, "I'm cool going after I eat." Adaryn agreed, I walked away to find some food and didn't hear the rest of the conversation.

Second day ;
I got meat, which is 40-50 battles, I got 42 battles. Like yesterday I didn't get anything valuable from the battles, I also did some extra battles and they're now level 8. Today I did all of my battles in the Woodland path. They're surprisingly all still alive. I'll probably grind a bit later today and get them up to level 9, maybe level 10 but it's 5am right now so I'm going to bed.

I'm going to be working on the prologue/first chapter of the Pinkerlocke, so there won't be lore about what happened every single day. I'll probably only make lore if I get something valuable, one of them dies or I get a material.

third day ;
I got a material, but I couldn't think of what to do for lore so I drew human Adaryn instead. Ive been busy so I haven't done any training today.

Fourth day ;
I got a battle item, which when you get a battle item you flip a coin and if you get heads you go on a death streak, if you get tails nothing happens. Or at least on the rules im going off of, but in my changed version you have to do 50 battles in the venue related to your level however you can stop whenever if you get heads. Any apparel or Familiars you happen to get in the 50 battles goes on one of the dragons or you melt it down into a Baldwin mat, there are no other options. Since my dragons are level 8, I'll have to do the 50 battles in the scorched forest. If you get tails you do 10 battles in any venue you still get xp in, but you can't leave.

I didn't get anything great, just food and such. The coli must not like me, or I used up all my luck getting 2 eggs during Wavecrest lol.

I did some extra battles and now they're level 10. It took a lot longer than I thought it would lol.

Fifth day ;
I got a material, which is writing lore but I decided to draw one of my dragons again because I didn't know what to do. Sadly, the dragon I started to draw died in the coliseum.

Adaryn's lore
We were fighting in a level higher than our own level, we shouldn't have. We really shouldn't have...

"We should go to the next place guys, this is way too easy." Kirea tried to convince Valentino and Adaryn. Valentino looked at Adaryn, "We could go to the next place. It won't hurt, like Kirea said it's way to easy here." Adaryn nodded and started walking to the next venue, the blooming Grove. After a few battles Adaryn got hit, badly. Valentino yelled "Are you okay?!" but Adaryn couldn't hear, his ears were ringing and his eyesight was spotty with black and red and he fainted. Valentino stopped fighting and ran over to him, Kirea stayed back "Is he okay?" he asked. "I don't know!" Valentino yelled back, "Stopping fighting and get over here so we can take him back!" she growled. Kirea stopped and helped Valentino take Adaryn back to camp.

Tenjin walked up to Kirea and Valentino, "I'm sorry... But he didn't make it" he said with a heavy voice. Kirea tried to hold back tears but couldn't do it, "We've only known each other for a short time but he felt like a brother to me..." he said as he started sobbing. Valentino tried to comfort Kirea by putting her tail on his shoulders, but it didn't help that much. Valentino looked at Tenjin "Uh, can you go get Lansa to help us with him?" Valentino asked, clearly sad but not crying. Tenjin nodded and went to go grab Lansa.

New dragon ;
Like when I got the first 3 dragons I generated a random number and I got 4. Pearlcatcher. I got the cheapest dragon in treasure, who is actually really pretty. She's a xxy obsidian/cobalt and star/con/cap.

A few days after Adaryn passed a new pearlcatcher walked in with Yen, they went and found Kirea and Valentino. "Kirea, Valentino I know it hasn't been that long but you need a new partner. You two cant go out with just the two of you, you have to have a new partner." Yen said. Kirea looked at him, jaw clenched "It's only been 2 days! And you expect us to just...accept a new dragon into our team!" he yelled, tears rolling down his face. Kirea walked away, tears still coming out. Valentino watched him storm away and looked back at Yen and the pearlcatcher, "I-im sorry about that but you have to understand that we just lost our partner a few days ago and Kirea really loved him." Valentino apologized. "oh it's no big deal, I understand." the pearlcatcher explained, "Oh and my name is Serva. I'm totally fine with waiting until the mirror is fine with me joining the team. I have to train to get to your guys' level anyway." Serva said, obviously nervous. "Nice to meet you, Serva. I'm Valentino and the mirror is Kirea," she said, a smile on her face "I think it'd be best to wait until he's been able to grieve. I wish you luck on training though, who are you training with? Do you know yet?" she asked. "Xenia and Eldina until she's level 10, like you two." Yen interrupted. "Oh that sounds fun! Training with the highest leveled dragons in the clan, I wish I could train with them. But once I'm level 25 I'll be able to help them," Valentino confidently exclaimed "I'll see you later though, I should check in on Kirea. Cya later!" Valentino walked away. Serva waved bye and went to go meet the other dragons of the clan.

Sixth day ;
I got another material today :"). I ended up drawing Serva though. I grinded a bit in the Woodland path since there's Hibden things I need.

Seventh day ;
I finally got something other than a material XD. It was a piece of apparel though, which is breed 2 of your dragons. All of my nests are take up right now so I'll just pick one and heads = they survived tails = they died / get exalted once they're born. All of my nests (except for one, someone is renting that one) are fodder so I'm not too sad about it. They were going to be exalted anyway.

I was kinda worried cus the nest the number generator picked was the one with the most eggs but luckily I got heads which means they survived aye.

They're level 11 now, yay!

8th day ;
I got a material again... Fun. I'll probably just do some battles instead. I don't do lore often and I don't have any ideas lmao.

9th day;
I got a battle stone today :D. It's a death streak then. My internet went out so i couldn't complete this day ohp.

10th day;
Food day today! 24 battles today.
While I was fighting a boss in the Blooming Grove and Kirea fainted/died so he's going to be exalted sadly. I'll make some lore for what happened to him later.

Like last time I used the list to decide the next breed of the Pinkerlocke dragon. This time I got an imp, which I'm really happy about because imps are one of my favorite breeds lol.
I got a female imp with speckle/shimmer/ringlets antique/cream/berry. She's not the prettiest but I'll be gening her if she reaches level 25 :))).
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