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Personal Style


Ethereal Entourage
Green Olive Wreath
Pretty Magenta Neck Bow
Attendant Rings
Green Renaissance Shirt
Green Breeches




1.42 m
0.77 m
1.83 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 19, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245


Outfit plans~
Goal: Bazba

Still needs~
Blushing Pink Rose Nurturing Healer's Reference Sakura Flowerfall


Positive: funny, intelligent, cute

Negative: shy, quiet

Mate: Twilight

Siblings: brother~Benitoite, Macto, Megeleus sisters~Crisiant, Tidefury, Salaam, Emre

Favorite piece of apparel: his nature emblem, which he earned during the greenskeeper gathering of 2020

Favorite familiar: Grandeur, the female silky webwing

Likes: telling stories, visiting his twin Crisiant, being with Twilight

Dislikes: dragons trying to flirt with him, being stared at, being away from Twilight

Hobbies: reading, writing

Magical gift: Can see the inner beauty in everything and everyone

Don't dance with me
I may be pretty

Don't dance with me
I live with books all day long

At the end of the day I sing my song
Oh-Oh! Don't dance with me-ee-eee!

Twilight is my only one
She has my heart
so-o-oh oh!

Don't dance with me!




Librarian / Lorekeeper

Dustbowl Ivy Watermelon Coleus Gecko Scroll of Maturity
GMY3WwO.png Kmx6kBt.png XEM5qlc.png
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corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur?

P9KNT57.png ZtQWExj.png
Bio template by @Mibella, find it

giantcardinal wrote on 2020-10-20 17:51:57:
I love his pink and green color combo. He looks like a very fashionable forest sprite

Art by Hawkeyyee


Art by me


Art by Indivinity

Since he's like the lorekeeper, here's where I'll put these.

75 FR Lore Question (in bio) answers.
1. The clan is Shadow.
2. Because their leaders were both shadow and both born in February.
3. They considered being a part of nature or water, but they doubt they'll ever move.
4. If they ever did move it would be based on where they wanted to live or what their overall magic alignment was.
5. The clan is loyal to their deity, though they don't worship her very often. They give respect to all the deities.
6. The clan understands the tendencies of dragons from different flights, but they are typically welcoming unless given a good reason.
7. The clan's description is in the lair tabs.
8. Amethyst and Acorn are the clan founders.
9. Amethyst is the leader because she was the one who decided her and her mate should start a clan. There haven't been any leadership changes. Yet.
10. Amethyst was not chosen, elected, or an heir. She did not do something special to gain control, other than create the clan.
11. Typically, Amethyst handles interclan relationships, along with the help of the flight representatives and a few other dragons within the clan.
12. The clan isn't quite sure what to make of the beastclans. They're fairly wary of them, but don't mind trying to form alliances when they can. As for the other creatures that inhabit Sornieth, The clan views them in many different ways. Sometimes pests, sometimes companions, sometimes allies, sometimes food, sometimes dangers. Pup usually handles beastclan relations.
13. The clan has specific roles for most dragons. Some dragons will be guards or other nonspecific things. There will be more of that once I get more dergs.
14. The clan has flight ambassadors/representatives. These dragons do many different things; take messages to the deities, help aid in safe travel through different territories, help lead and direct flight festival celebrations within the clan, and speak for the different flights during important clan meetings. They know almost everything there is to know about their respective flight.
15. The clan has a "council", mostly consisting of Amethyst, Acorn, and the flight reps. Occasionally dragons will be allowed on the council if they are experts in a certain situation.
16. Most dragons are expected to contribute, though this doesn't always happen and isn't super reinforced.
17. The clan is protected by the guards, who live on Paradox island. The head guard/trainer is Blissful.
18. The clan has several trade partners and many allies. Their enemies are not really any clan in specific, but instead a group of dragons from several clans across Sornieth who are evil.
19. Exalting is viewed as joining a deity, or death depending on lore. If joining a deity, there is a small ceremony held where the dragon can say goodbye to his/her parents and others they were close to. These dragons can write to their exalted friend/relative, and can on occasion receive a response, though this is quite rare. If a dragon has died, the clan creates a shroud decorated with symbols that represent the dragon. They then wrap them up, burn it, and send the ashes to the dragon's respective flight territory to be buried.
20. Everyone in the clan helps with gathering. Acorn is the head of gathering, meaning he organizes parties of dragons for different forms of gathering and sends them out across Sornieth. Each dragon sent out is represented by a gathering turn (e.g. four turns digging, four dragons sent out to dig).
21. The clan's main healer is Deepwood. Herbs are her specialty.
22. Hatchlings are looked after by parents and other hatchling caretaker dragons, usually a mix between the two. How much time they spend with either depends on how busy the parents are or how much they really care.
23. Young dragons are educated by everyone in the clan, however education is not enforced. There are main dragons who teach, but sometimes there'll be lessons from others in the clan so they can learn new things. At some point dragonets typically become apprentices for someone.
24. There are several artists within the clan. They sell their wares throughout the clan and to others, with the profit being shared.
25. Huriana is the head chef in the clan, since that's one of the few helpful things she's willing to do. Lots of other dragons help her, but she usually handles everything food related.
26. My coli team often changes a lot, but the dergs on it are usually dragons who are supposed to be strong/skilled for lore purposes. Blissful is the head trainer.
27. Twilight is the head messenger of the clan, but she has a nasty tendency to stick around in places she visits. Whenever she's away, the clan uses other methods of delivering messages like hiring maildragons or using wind/water magic to carry letters.
28. Apparel in the clan can be several things: outfits the dragon puts on every day in the morning, mutations on their body (ex. Wooly antennae, tail feathers, etc), prosthetics that aid in helping paralyzed dragons move (ex. Speampunk apparel, mechanical things, etc), or pets (ex. Gloomwillow guide, igneous iguana, etc).
29. Familiars are viewed as companions and friends, but they will be expected to work sometimes.
30. The clan hasn't found any familiars that are smart enough to speak draconic, however Pup is fluent in several beastclan languages.
31. Before a familiar is claimed by a dragon, they are cared for by Pup. Once they are claimed, they're cared for by their owner unless their owner happens to be away. Then they are cared for by Pup again.
32. Non-claimed familiars are kept in small mini dens in Pup's large den, where they can roam and be fed. Marron has created a mechanism so they can't run away.
33. The clan has no beastclan members living among them, except their familiars.
34. Each dragon hoards a few different items, though for the most part everyone just has a few personal belongings with most items being shared. The main storage area is under the main clan dens, in a large cavern where everything is nearly sorted. Under that is another chamber, the deep storage vault. Here are kept things like items that are needed for trading and precious festival currency.
35. The clan does not specialize in anything specifically. The clan is centered around gardening and flowers, but not everyone in the clan knows how to garden. Everyone does different things and they like using their combined talents to make everything run smoothly.
36. The clan does not stand for anything specifically, but would like to be an example of kindness and friendship to others.
37. The clans name came from Amethyst, their leader, and the fact that the whole main island looks like an amethyst.
38. They do not have a very specific set of rules as Amethyst is pretty flexible and laid back. If a dragon fails to do something Amethyst has asked, she can get pretty annoyed but won't really do much. If someone does something they were told not to do, Amethyst will decide their punishment. This might be having to go gathering on their own for a few days, not being able to eat meals with everyone else, or a job no one likes. She doesn't really like giving out punishments so these last a few days, at most.
39. Gen one dragons are dragons created from magic or other means. The clan views them like any normal dragon, for the most part. Some might be slightly more wary or slightly awed, depending on the dragon.
40. The clan's territory does not really extend much beyond the lair, except for the few islands by the main lair which they currently occupy.
41. The bias that dragons have towards other flights largely depends on the dragon, though most find themselves leaning towards dragons from their own flight. Some of them are wary of certain flights (plague mainly), but not enough to really worry about it too much.
42. Two dragons that live on the same island are most likely family, practically family, or good friends, with the exceptions being the Bazaar and Inn. There are several dragons that have real enemies (Twilight, Odean, Kllapi, and the Paradoxes mainly), but a few have some bitterness towards another dragon. Some of the best couples are probably Amethyst x Acorn, Twilight x Bazba, Deepwood x Marron, Cassiopeia x Sundown, and a few more.
43. Bazba and Deepwood are the cinnamon rolls, and Riptide is probably the most problematic fave since everyone finds him enjoyable even though he's constantly forgetting things.
44. I have a few dragons that aren't part of lore, my Fandragons and projects.
45. There are a few dragons who don't like hatchlings, along several different levels of dislike. Kiefer, Marron, Firstkill, Rhamantus, and Yoru have some mild discomfort, Zalitz, Arcana, and Neptune get annoyed by them easily, Vengeance and Loleka will scare them for fun, Odean and Astanx will rip them to shreds just as easily as a grown dragon, and Kikan will hunt them down and terrify and torture them and then kill them slowly, or keep them around as puppets/leverage.
46. Permababies are dragons who never grew up or were turned back into hatchlings, usually by magical means. The clan has heard of them, but very few have ever seen one. Hope knows the most about them, since her son is a permababy. However, further study is needed.
47. Kiefer is the clan's treasurer, so he keeps track of gem and treasure hoards. Amethyst, Acorn and him know the most about all that stuff.

48. Has your clan gone through any unfortunate events? Tragedies, even?
49. Are roles assigned to dragons when they are born/come into the clan, or do they choose their role?
50. Who kills the spiders?
51. Who eats all the food?
52. Do you have any tricksters or prank loving dragons? Do they cause mischief?
53, Most intimdating dragon?
54. Most friendly dragon?
55. Dragon most likely to bring back a stick from gathering?
56. Laziest dragon?
57. Funniest dragon?
58. Do you have any sub-clans? What are they called?
59. Does your clan decorate the lair at all? How so?
60. What markers does your clan use to let others know they live in the area? Flags? Banners? Runes?
61. Smartest dragon?
62. The dragon everybody loves?
63. The dragon everybody hates?
64. Do you have a clan rune?
65. Pick a song that best describes your clan.
66. Who gets into arguments the most? Who keeps the peace?
67. How do skins and accents work in your lore?
68. Best dressed?
69. Does your clan have any elders?
70. Does each dragon in your lair have their own space, or is the entire lair shared?
71. How do you handle gene scrolls in your lore?
72. Who loves festivals the most? Who parties the hardest?
73. Pick two dragons and talk about their relationship.
74. Choose one dragon and talk about them.
75. Choose a dragon with a familiar and talk about their relationship.
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Exalting Bazba to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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