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Personal Style





4.68 m
3.97 m
295.24 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 15, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Tundra
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


I snagged this guy off of the Auction House before he went to fodder. I plan to keep him, but if you are the original owner of him, feel free to ask about getting him back.
"Courage, above all things, is the first quality of a warrior."

Prize Possession:
Kamaitachi Blades
Kamaitachi Blades
Best Friend:


Atrax was born a runt into a litter of four on the cold, unforgiving landscape that is the Southern Icefeild. From birth he was an outlaw. The moment he could run, his father taught him to hunt, fight and kill. He always wanted to rise above his brothers, but no matter what he did, he never could. Constant reprimands and the harsh punishments his father gave him made sure of that.

Then, when his parents got caught by their previous clans Gaolers they were charged and killed for the assassination of their leader. By a stroke of luck, he was just sent into exile. Now left to fend for themselves, him and his brothers relied on each other to survive. Soon, without his father's overruling figure and undisguised favoritism, Atrax rose to the top. Their pack became the deadliest on the Icefeilds and they would kill anyone that got in their way. One day, however, they were not cautious enough and, after a life-or-death fight, they where caught and sentenced to death by the same dragons that killed his parents. Atrax narrowly escaped with his life, but not without injury. He found an accidental home in The Foxlight Caverns after a strange run-in with Berry, who soon turned out to be his lost sister.

Along with his familiar, Ikkan, he now protects Berry with his life, still hurting at the loss of his brothers. She is never seen without him, and though she pretends to be annoyed, she loves him like the big brother she always wanted. With her loving help and guidance, he is now a strong warrior and solider.


Outfit complete: Y/N
dragon?did=59272668&skin=0&apparel=944,716,744,743,25620,26885,2481&xt=dressing.png -Any donations to this outfit is welcome and appreciated!-

Mysterious Cowl Veteran's Eye Scar Veteran's Leg Scars Veteran's Shoulder Scars Icicle Chains Weathered Scale Wingplates Frigid Fugitive Shackles

The high councilman's voice rang out over the stands as every dragon fell silent. He glared down at the four tundras gathered on the icy ground below him, their wings, claws and snouts bound in heavy chains, two gaoler guards to each. As the echoes faded, one of them stepped forward. His guards moved to stop him but the councilman waved them off.
"Let him speak."
The dragon stood still while the chains binding his snout were removed. Then he stepped forward, so he was nearly snout to snout with the councilman.
"You have had us prosecuted for murder. You have had us prosecuted for treason. But, councilman, is that not your own fault?"

The entire crowd was silent as they waited for the councilman's response. He tried not look away from the dragons steely glare, but eventually he had to.
"Wh-what are you talking about?"
"Well sir, do you remember this very same night, about five years ago? Your guards had just brought in two rebel dragons, who you condemned to death for assassination of royalty and treason against the high court. They pleaded not guilty. You killed them anyway. With them, were four hatchlings. You wanted to kill them too, but unfortunately for you, the High Priest offered a compromise; exile us instead..."
The councilman's eyes grew wide with terror as the four dragons in front of him suddenly looked awfully familiar. They were the cubs of the two tundra outlaws he had executed for killing the king. And now they where here to kill him.

The tundra's smile grew wide, showing his yellowing, sharpened teeth.
"Ah. There it is. The recognition. The memory. But..." He mockingly peered closer. "The one thing I don't see, though... is remorse. Hmm... that's too bad. Guess I'll just have to claw it out of you!"
"GUARDS! Get them!"
Suddenly all hell broke loose as the tundra jumped at the pedestal where the councilman was standing, a deadly snarl on his face. All eight guards leaped into action, running to restrain him, but leaving his brothers unattended. `With a massive heave, their chains snapped and they leaped around to face the guards. The crowd screamed and dragons fell over each other as they tried to take off or run. The tundras fought tooth and claw against the guards, slowly gaining ground. Soon they had reached the pedestal where the tundra had the councilmen pinned. They made a semicircle around him, snapping at the guards, keeping them back.
"So, councilman." He traced a claw down the side of the dragons face, a dangerous glint in his eye. "Any remorse yet? No? Then I'll make you plead for mercy like my mother did. I will slaughter you in front of your guard just as you slaughtered our parents in front of us. I will. Make. You. Bleed." He raised a giant paw, razor sharp claws posed for shredding, when one of the other dragons shouted. He whipped around just as the gaolers secured their grip on his brother.

"NO! Hoarfrost!" he roared. He leaped at the guard, but he was batted back with a giant tail. Behind him the councilman took is chance, and pounced on him. He roared as the councilmans claws dug into his shoulder and leg. He slammed the tundras head into the icy ground with a crunch and lent close to his ear.
"Surrender. Tell your brothers to back off, and I'll let them live."
"They would survive this anyway. You have nothing over me."
"Then you have nothing to loose. Call. Them. Off."
He gritted his teeth as the councilman pushed his head harder into the ground.
"FINE. Sparrowhawk, Leldiar, Wynfor. Stand down."
"But Atrax-"
"NO. Stand. Down."
"Good." The councilman smiled slyly as the dragons were shackled again. "Now," He shifted his weight, so that the dragon underneath him could not move. "Kill them."


Atrax staggered across the Icefield, a trail of blood dripping after him. His fur was matted and one of his wings torn. He had deep, scarring cuts on his leg and arm, and his right eye had been rendered useless, thanks to a clawing from a Gaoler. The battle had been bloody and viscous and useless. The moment they had heard the councilman's command, all his brothers struggled against their captors. Some had managed to break free but, to no avail. Hoarfrost had told him to run, and like a coward, he did. But out on the Icefeilds they had learned to listen to each other. If you were told to run, you ran. And so now his brothers were dead, and soon he would be too. The Councilman's guard would easily be able to follow his blood. They would find him in no time. He had to find a place to hide, and quick. He paused and looked around. He was just bordering the Cloudscape Crags. Maybe if he found a cave up high enough he could wait them out. That is, if he didn't die of blood loss first. Carefully picking his way around stones, he began to slowly make his way up. About an hour later, he stumbled and couldn't get back up. His breaths were shallow and he felt faint. Then, just as he was about to let the snow consume him, he heard a voice.

"Well well! What do we have here?"
Reluctantly, he opened his eyes a slit. Leaning over him, her blue eyes curious, was a female tundra.
"Oh! So you are alive! Wow. That looks pretty bad.... Oh! And your arm and leg as well. Yeesh! Does it hurt? It must hurt. Wow. How did you get them? Ooo! Did you fight the Cloudscape Yeti? Nah, you're too low down for that. But -"
"Stop," He croaked. "Please. If you're going to help me, then help. But otherwise.... Let me die in peace."
"Oh! Of course. Here—oof—you're very— hng—heavy." She grunted as she heaved him up. "My name's—gah—Berry. What's yours?"
"At-Atrax" he stammered, gasping for breath. The wounds he had were starting to bleed again and he felt himself getting weaker by the second. "Are-are we nearly there?"
"Yes! It's—oof—just around the corner. Here we—hng—are."
She layed him clumsily onto a soft leaf mat and stood back panting. As she caught her breath, he glanced around the cave where they were. On the floor next to him, a satchel filled with vividly red flowers and pale blue flowers he recognized as Winterbelles was neatly placed on top of books and tomes detailing the native wildlife. Over in the corner, another, smaller leaf mat was arranged neatly. He heard a faint meow from underneath it, and a small snout poked it's way out. It was quickly followed by a pair of leafy ears and nimble paws. Berry laughed and stroked the Floracat affectionately. "This is Salem. He helps me on my expeditions to collect Blood Spaths and Winterbelles for my dyes."
He looked back at Berry as she heaved a huge rock over the cave entrance. She heaved an exhausted sigh and sat down with a puff of dust, Salem at her feet.
"So. What's your story?"


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