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Personal Style


Teardrop Citrine Earrings
Golden Birdskull Necklace
Simple Gold Wing Bangles
Black Aviator Coat
Black Aviator Gloves
Black Breeches
Black Aviator Boots
Bloody Chest Bandage
Bloody Wing Bandages
Bloody Tail Bandage


Accent: sass king


Scene: Shoreline Serenity


5.04 m
7.18 m
650.54 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 11, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Wildclaw
Max Level




  • none


59169142.png SHARK
{ shaark }
Nicknames: Sass King
auction house purchase
male • he/him • demipan

» LORE: text here
» CAMEOS: text here


"You wanted to talk to me specifically? If it's for business reasons, I'm not interested, so don't even bother. I'm sick of having to explain that I'm done with that line of work. The door's that way."
"... You just wanna chat? Alright, whatever, I'm not busy. I don't usually get others wanting to talk with me, so I assumed you wanted to 'work' together. Now we've got that outta the way, what is it?"

Whispers throughout the Four Cities speak of Shark's previous role as the right hand of a dragon named Diorite, former head of Igneous. The organized crime group was one of the "mobs" present in the Midnight Seclusion until it was raided by the Sovereign's forces not long ago. Before its disbanding, Shark was feared by those below him, civilians, and even bosses of other gangs despite not being the boss himself. Then it came out that he murdered Diorite shortly after the raid began. Rather than fighting against the Lunar Militants, though, Shark turned himself in. For unknown reasons, he was released from prison within a week and was allowed to roam the streets freely. He hasn't gotten blood on his talons since then, but his neighbors understandably have doubts. Nobody but himself and a few others know why he was let go or why he killed his own boss, but there's not much that can be done now.

Regardless, he's living a mostly normal life in the Eastern City. Every day, every place he goes, dragons are either staying out of his way or sucking up to him. When he's at stores, he's offered discounts. When he goes to clubs, he's offered a VIP pass or free entry. Though he could take advantage of these privileges, he refuses. He doesn't go out of his way to bother others and mostly keeps to himself. Perhaps he's had a change of heart, or he's only trying to avoid getting arrested again. Maybe it's a mix of both. But it seems no matter how polite he tries to be, his peers will never forget the things he's done or the fear his name and presence invokes. After all, his reputation paints him as an unpredictable monster who seems to appear and disappear when needed, skilled enough in stealth and assassination to give most Shadow dragons a run for their lives. That reputation may have been useful in the killing business, but now it only serves to harm his ability to be truly liked by his neighbors.

In a casual setting, Shark is nonchalant, charismatic, thick-skinned, and snarky. He's not unfriendly or a bully per-say, he just has a rougher sense of humor and is vulgar in the way he speaks. He is mindful of boundaries, however, and will be sure to watch himself to avoid making others uncomfortable. There will likely be the occasional slip-up on his part, but that's only part of being imperfect. When he's aware that he's made a mistake, he'll correct himself. He has no intention of hurting those around him, even if his personality is more on the abrasive side. When he makes jabs at others (hence the nickname "Sass King"), it's never malicious. He's rude in the most lighthearted sense among friends and mutuals. He's delighted when others share that sense of humor and jokingly insult him right back. If he's going to joke like that, he should expect retaliation. It's all in good fun and he has the patience of a saint.

While he dislikes conflict, it'd be wrong to assume he's never serious. Even someone as tranquil as him can lose his patience eventually. When others get used to him and his humor, it can be hard to put that side of him next to the dragon his reputation makes him out to be. But when someone has gotten on his nerves, they'll soon understand. He doesn't need to lay a single talon on others or yell at them to strike fear into their hearts. All it takes is a subtle, but noticeable shift in his low and unexpressive tone, as well as his famous death glare. When a dragon has offended him deeply, the room will become uncomfortably silent as he stares them down, sitting or standing. Silence is a powerful weapon that almost always works in his favor. The silence can be a way of getting them to reconsider their words or actions. It can also demonstrate that he will engage only on his terms. Much of the time, the offender doesn't maintain eye contact with him for very long. When they look away or flinch, Shark has already won. He doesn't tell others what he'll do either, making him unpredictable. Rather than telling others "do this or else", he says firmly that "you will do this". And if there is one rumor surrounding him that is correct, it's that he absolutely can and he will back up what he says if need be. Only then will the offender truly know why he held just as much power as his former boss, if not more.

Shark is a clever dragon, and can sweettalk his way through a situation. Whether it be avoiding trouble or taking a different approach to getting others to listen, he's capable. He's usually a good liar, but he doesn't rely solely on deception to reach his goals. Not that he is lying and backstabbing in the present, as he's trying to leave that shady business behind him. But if the situation demands it, his demeanor can flip like a switch. He can go from laid-back and humorous to calculating and intolerant in a heartbeat. These days, he prioritizes his own survival and stays distant from others. It's unsurprising that he's built a hard exterior around himself after living his life hurting and being hurt. He hasn't yet adjusted properly to a normal life without bloodshed, and he refuses to go back. For that reason, he hasn't found much use for these skills.

Despite not using those skills, he's very aware that the opinions of his peers haven't changed. He's not affected by the insults of several dragons, but it becomes harder to ignore when it's entire communities that hate him. He's not bothered by the insults as much as the fact that it's a result of his own mistakes. The reputation he's built is a constant reminder of the cruelty he's inflicted on hundreds. He has to live with his actions for the rest of his life. A part of him feels he deserves it, but the other part of him wants to run away, to wipe everything clean and start anew. The Midnight Seclusion did not welcome him, so he may be happier elsewhere. Even if he does leave, he's aware that the consequences of his actions will catch up to him eventually. He doesn't believe in karma, but he does believe that something will follow him no matter what. Whether it's his guilt, whispers of his crimes spreading wherever he goes, perhaps a bounty on his head or past enemies having a bone to pick, there's no escaping the past.

If he does let his guard down and develop a mutual trust and respect with someone else, that companionship will be treasured by him. He's afraid of being abandoned by loved ones for the things he's done, getting betrayed by them, or losing them all together. But if someone is willing to stick by his side and give him a chance, his loyalty and faith in them is nearly unshakeable. Almost nothing can tear him away from those he cares about as long as he trusts them.
Teardrop Citrine Earrings
Black Aviator Coat
Black Aviator Gloves
Black Aviator Boots
Kamaitachi Blades
Scavenger's Weapons
Bloody Chest Bandage

53502456p.png Blizzard | Close Friend
"I've known this guy since we were teenagers. Blizzard and I used to be roommates, but frankly I like him a lot better when we're not living together. When you're around someone almost every part of the day, they start to drive you nuts. I'm actually surprised we're still friends. We've taken our own paths over the years, and him being a soldier and me being... uh, well, in any case, that caused some friction. Other than that, we're fine nowadays. He's got a wife and family, and his kids are nice company. He trusts me to babysit when he and Ivy are busy."
27925445p.png Silv | Close Friend
"Silv is still one of the Lunar Militants and in the Capital, no less. He and Blizzard knew of what I was doing, but neither of them wanted to take action. I guess we're too close of friends to rat each other out, huh? Anyway, I met him not long after I met Blizzard. He's always been pretty chill, and he's a great guy overall. He's been supportive no matter what, and he's nice to hang out with. We used to go clothes shopping a lot together, too. He actually helped me pick out some cool outfits before. I might still have them in my wardrobe somewhere. Hope he's doing well in the Capital."
46186251p.png Khezu | Close Friend
"Honestly, didn't like the guy at first. But Silv introduced us to him and wanted him to make some friends, so I went along. And y'know, I don't regret it. Khezu's mellowed out since then, and he's actually a funny guy all things considered. I dunno what it is with me making friends with dragons who are in a completely different position from me, though. This guy became the Light ambassador, which means he's a member of the Night's Prudence. I felt kinda bad, knowing he's associated with me of all dragons and he's got his reputation on the line. I already hear enough conspiracies about the Sovereign colluding with the mob as they call it. Aside from that, he could not make his 'liking' towards Silv any less obvious, heh. Wishing nothing but the best for those idiots."
51380620p.png Spruce | Close Friend
"Somehow, Spruce became the Nature ambassador. That's two best friends who are ambassadors. I met him in school when we were kids. He was really annoying at the time. He still is, but hey, he's my annoying buddy, yeah? I also taught him everything he knows about pranks. But that was probably a mistake, because now I hear that he pulls 'em on the other council members when they're not busy. Sounds just like him, really. We don't talk as much as we used to, but I visit the Capital now and then to see how things are going. He and Khezu are pretty busy with diplomatic work, so they don't get a lot of free time. They could use a vacation, just sayin'."
47193301p.png Khimera | Close Friend
"Yeah, uh, I dunno how the Sovereign feels about the fact that I'm friends with one of her kids. Khimera's mother is protective, but not overbearingly as far as I can tell. And that's good, because otherwise Khimera and I wouldn't be friends and I may be locked up somewhere. We've been friends since we were in University. Though I hate to say it, she's gotten me outta hot water multiple times. Dunno where I'd be without that, so I'm grateful. She's cool if a bit... er, how do I describe it? She's kinda mean sometimes, but then again, so am I. One time, we tried eating the spiciest dish on the menu at this fancy restaurant without making a face. She, uh, didn't like that I won. But hey, at least we had fun."
65949005p.png Darkko | Friend
"... Darkko, huh? I guess I can call him a friend, but if you wanna know what I think, I'm not sure anymore. He's a sweetheart, a bit too nice if you ask me. And it seems like he's only this nice to me, of all people. I kinda find myself wanting to avoid him some days when he's in town. Doesn't help he's still involved in the same business I'm trying to leave behind. Sometimes I want to cut things off with him because he reminds me too much of that life. I don't have the heart to tell him that, though. I feel bad for the guy, but it'd do him some good to learn what space is."
Hainu Sugar | Familiar
"Sugar's as sweet as her namesake. She's well-behaved and I'm always glad to see her when I come home. I found her on the street because some idiot decided he didn't want her anymore. Instead of y'know, taking her to a nearby beastmaster or something, he left her outside. I decided to take her home, give her some food and a bath. Since then, I've figured out why hainu are called dragonkind's best friend. She means the world to me and I'd give anything for her."

Shark is undoubtedly a strong opponent in a fight. While he's more suited for stealth, his fighting style is flexible for most situations. He's able to use multiple types of weapons and he's resourceful enough to use a regular household item as a weapon if he has no other options. Even unarmed, he's a formidable opponent when it comes to physical strength alone.
He's tough, but he doesn't have the armored plating of a Guardian dragon or the hide of a Snapper. But he is quick and clever enough to evade attacks from opponents or subdue them before they have a chance to hurt him. Sometimes he can end a fight quickly, other times it's a bloody one on both sides. He's also resistant to sickness.
Aside from being able to enhance his speed and strength or someone else's (rally and haste comes to mind), Shark doesn't use magic often. He's no mage and relies on his strength and intelligence. His style is flexible except for when magic is involved.
He's cunning and able to move steps ahead of others when going through his plans. But he's able to make mistakes and misjudge current circumstances. When that happens, he makes sure he has something to fall back on and keeps other options open. He's also good at reading others and can usually tell when someone is trying to decieve him. No matter how careful he is, though, he's still imperfect and cannot account for every single flaw in a plan. Part of his success came from getting lucky.
Charisma is the ability to influence others, and Shark is very skilled in doing so. Whether it be influencing others to listen to him or do as he says, or to get them to fear him, he has his ways. It's usually the first method he turns to before using combat skill, and it's generally effective.

» art by JeLion!

» art by me (dynami #267105)

» art by me (dynami #267105

» art by me (dynami #267105)

» art by me (dynami #267105)

» art by me (dynami #267105)

» art by me (dynami #267105)

» art by me (dynami #267105)

» art by me (dynami #267105)

» art by me (dynami #267105)

» art by me (dynami #267105)

» reason why i shouldn't have access to inspect element by me (dynami #267105)

» poem by QueenNoodles' Prince Balthazar!

Soft Blow on Rough Stone
Lined up and drug to stand
Living on the dying land
Could I breathe in this air
When I am need of such repair?

Cold is the ice that sits in me,
In me, I find rock I find stone,
No steel or fire or light or sea,
can deal a blow quite like he.

I stand to protect this abode,
I yield for no vampiric darkness.
But like the stone I be I erode,
should his sweet bark, bark less.

Paws fly, and land hard,
upon my breast and heart,
A soft blow knocks the card,
comes falling down and apart.

Smile with your little daggers,
little friend, little heart of mine.
I am rough stone, but with just a blow,
I'm smooth and glisten in the light,
just like you.

Come along,
come along now,
let's off to share this view,
and have a chew,
and rest with breaths anew,
but play a little longer.

Coding and stat bars made by Disillusionist. Flight-colored dividers made by MsBarrows.
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Exalting Shark to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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