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Personal Style


Brown Felt Cavalier
Corsair's Eye Patch
Rainbow Starsilk Cloak
Florid Waistcoat
Swashbuckler's Cutlass
Florid Pants
Teardrop Pastel Spinel Armlet
Buccaneer's Seaspray Boots
Golden Hoard



Scene: Foxfire Grove


4.28 m
6.18 m
636.79 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 06, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Skydancer
Max Level
Pestilent Slash
Vile Bolt
Diseased Might Fragment
Obsidian Hybrid Fragment
Might Fragment




Brown Felt Cavalier
Satin Rambra

Quote or Role description

  • More than anything, Jarlaxle was an opportunist. His wealth was considerable, but official station in drow society meant nothing to him. He observed that the best way for a male to survive and prosper in the matriarchal drow society was to be outside the system and to be too valuable to be eliminated—and he was audacious enough to take his life in that direction. Always calm and graceful, Jarlaxle enjoyed flaunting his independence and was proud of the fact that the noble houses came to him for aid. In the city of Menzoberranzan, intrigue and double-dealing were a way of life, and no one played them better than Jarlaxle did.

    As a male outsider who had no qualms dealing with the "lesser races", Jarlaxle had much information few others beyond Lolth's priestesses were likely to have access to. He was one of the most powerful males, if not individuals, in the city and the surrounding Underdark. He benefited from the chaos of Menzoberranzan and was always able to align himself with the winning side in any conflict. In his later years, he preferred to see adventure and profit in the World Above. (Although in his earlier years he had thrived on the internal politics of Menzoberranzan, they had always disturbed him. Once he escaped the "wretched hole in the ground," he did not want to return. He found that he felt most alive when he was with friends and when he was taking risks. He had an "insatiable curiosity and a desire to know—everything."This curiosity made him antsy when he remained stuck in one place too long and drove his quest for personal exploration.He had a very charismatic personality, always willing to talk his way out of situations rather than resort to force of arms. Moreover, talking was what Jarlaxle did best. His words easily worked past the handicap of his race's evil reputation, able to turn potential enemies into allies. He loved irony, sarcasm, and wit. He was extremely intelligent and a brilliant tactician who was always prepared for any imaginable or unimaginable circumstances. Jarlaxle's lieutenant Kimmuriel Oblodra revealed a deep understanding of Jarlaxle's personality. He recognized that his gambling and sometimes foolish-seeming attitude was a very good facade, underneath which lay a frighteningly intelligent mind.

    Jarlaxle preferred to avoid killing someone as long as that person could be manipulated to serve his interests, no matter how small his or her role might be. In fact, Jarlaxle didn't like to kill somebody unless he had to, an unusual trait in a drow—and likely the reason he did so in the first place. Several times, he played the hero just for the sake of it.
    Jarlaxle was also a flirt. He had no qualms about flirting with (and sleeping with) dragons.


Jarlaxle was extremely skilled in the two long blades fighting style commonly used by the drow, though when mismatched with less skilled opponents he was known to use the less effective but visually more showy swashbuckling style to distract them. His mastery of this style was enough to impress even Artemis Entreri, who generally found the style ineffective.However, despite his proficiency with blades, Jarlaxle tended to prefer to use his many magic trinkets as a first resort.[citation needed]

When forced into combat, Jarlaxle could throw a seemingly unlimited supply of magical daggers conferred to him by his bracers; only one of every three were real, the rest were illusions. In situations where his daggers were of no use, he could magically extend two blades that he wore at his belt behind his back, transforming them into long swords, not to mention the array of weapons he kept tucked around his person.[citation needed] Of course, Jarlaxle also possessed the typical drow weapon: a hand crossbow adorned with bolts dipped in sleeping poison.
Jarlaxle was talented with languages. He spoke Common perfectly fluently, as well as his native Drow, Abyssal, Goblin, Svirfneblin, and Halfling tongues.] Also, with the aid of his many magical devices and items, Jarlaxle could possibly speak any language fluently and flawlessly.[citation needed]

  • A wide-brimmed purple hat with a huge white feather of diatryma summoning,which could be used to summon one of the Underdark diatryma birds; the feather always grew back after being used for the summoning. The hat itself was a hat of disguise, which allowed him to use magic to disguise himself.
    One of his jeweled earrings could extend its size to that of a small grappling hook, used as such when tied to a rope.
    A knave's eye patch that prevented magical and psionic intrusion or, if shifted to the other eye, enhanced his vision. It also enabled Jarlaxle to see through doors. It became less effective after the Spellplague.
    A many-hued piwafwi cloak that displaced light, thus hindering ranged attacks.[citation needed]
    A brooch of shielding clasped at his cloak's front side.
    A pair of boots that could be noisy or silenced at will.These were common among drow nobles.
    A house emblem of House Baenre, which allowed him to levitate.
    A ring of arbitration that the drow retrieved after the half-orc Olgerkhan dropped it.
    A ring that created illusionary copies of the bearer.
    A ring of teleport.
    A belt that was a snake that would uncoil into a snake-rope for climbing when needed, extending to whatever length was required.
    A fine cord that could elongate to at least 120 ft, tucked under the silken band of his hat.
    An earring that he could tug on to escape quickly. He used this only as a last resort.
    A cloak of invisibility.
    A ring of truth telling.
    A bracer of flying daggers on each wrist that could produce a nearly infinite supply of throwing daggers. One in every three or so daggers was actually an illusion, but could still be fatal if it was believed to be real. The daggers magically disappeared after a short period of time, returning themselves to his magic bracers.[citation needed]
    A pair of belted daggers that could be extended into swords with the flick of a wrist.[citation needed]
    A variety of slender wands that were capable of releasing anything from a lightning bolt to a greenish, gluey semi-liquid blob of goo. One such wand could create a solid stone wall to cut off the pursuit of enemies. Another wand created illusions. In true Jarlaxle fashion, he spent much time practicing with it until he could produce an illusionary fireball so realistic that creatures within the illusion burned as if from a real fireball, as long as they didn't know it was an illusion. He was known to fire a blast at his own feet, killing any surrounding enemies, and leaving himself unharmed. His favorite wand was the wand of viscous globs. He also carried a wand of web.
    A small silver mace charm attached to his hat that could be enlarged to a medium-sized heavy silver mace.[citation needed]
    Hand-held crossbow with darts dipped in drow sleeping poison.
    A +3 rapier.
    +3 leather armor.
    Several extra-dimensional devices, including a button on his waistcoat that turned into a bag designed to shield the magical emanations of its contents a belt pouch of extra-holding which contained fine Cormyrean brandy, and a portable hole that he kept stored in the underside of his wide-brimmed hat. The portable hole could be used to create a temporary hole in whatever surface it touches. A similar (possibly the same) item created a hole that led to an extra-dimensional room large enough to hold several humanoids. He also carried a ring that opened a limited number of extra-dimensional portals.
    A black cloth in the shape of a small bat that turned into a living creature which could serve as a scout.
    A palm-sized ornament in the form of a silvery rearing dragon, with wings and jaws spread wide. This was a gift from the dragon Ilnezhara. It was, in truth, a charm to secure the entrance of a room. It was a trap bringing forth the various breath forms of the deadly chromatic dragons based on a previously set color.
    A tablecloth that could magically provide a feast.
    A pair of obsidian steed figurines of wondrous power, fashioned after one that he recovered from the dead body of Mariabronne the Rover. They summoned nightmares; he gave one to Artemis and kept the other for himself.
    A silver whistle hanging on a chain around his neck that could open and close doors and the like regardless of traps and locks on them. Different abilities were activated by blows on it of varying lengths.[citation needed]
    A whistle that could only be heard by members of Bregan D'aerthe.
    Two jewel skull gems, artifacts obtained from relics of the lich Zhengyi. One had the power to raise humans from the dead and the other to employ the help of the powerful dracolich Urshula.Jarlaxle later gave them to his lieutenant Kimmuriel Oblodra for study.
    A small silver cone to create an area of amplified sensibilities enabling him to overhear the conversation of his subjects from a long distance.
    A small orb which, when crushed, could throw him through the multiverse, but to which plane of existence Jarlaxle could not predict. This was his last route of escape.
    Agatha's mask, an item of illusionary magic obtained from Drizzt Do'Urden via Entreri.
    A copy of the magically persuasive ruby pendant wielded by Regis.[citation needed]
    A viol which, when active, hovered in the air and played music on its own.[
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