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Personal Style


Cursed Talonclasp Pendant
Grey Wolf Cape
Disgruntled View




29.19 m
22.49 m
8082.86 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 27, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245






Grotesque-L.png Tannatar Grotesque-R.png

Bitten by Blackmore


We need something to believe in, be it a higher power, another dragon, or a favored color. it is something to put our faith in and look to for comfort when times become difficult. there is no wrong in that.

S he meant no harm nor did his followers when they stopped at a old, abandoned monastery and started cleaning the grounds. Tannatar knew they meant only respect for the missionaries and Father who had lived and worked there when he had advised against trespassing on the grounds of the building. when they went against his wishes and he found himself watching helplessly as the youngest member of the group opened the door.

Tannatar sat in his study in the monastery, he often stayed up later than the more experienced Priests and Priestesses, it was a habit of his to read awhile before settling in to sleep. this was the case when one of the Nuns, Sephrina, came to his rooms looking rather unhappy as he opened the door and motioned her to take a seat in the desk chair. as she seated herself he perched on his bed and waited a moment or two as she gathered her thoughts and calmed herself enough to speak.

"Is something wrong Sister?" he asked gently.
"I fear it is more my sense of decency that bothers me, Father." she said.
"Oh? Tell me what troubles you, perhaps I can help." he smiled warmly.
"There is a Monastery that has been abandoned and allowed to fall into ruin, I don't know why." Sephrina explained "The thought of any Holy place allowed to fall into disrepair is an upsetting one."
Tannatar nodded his agreement, but looked unsure "Perhaps one of the more experience Priests could give us more information." he offered.
She didn't seem happy with the answer, but nodded "Gathering information would not hurt if it is available." she admitted.

Sephrina had met him when she was a hatchling, an orphan he thought, he had adopted her as his own and helped her learn to do whatever she wanted, when she expressed an interest in joining his church he had accepted her willingly. as she grew he was her father figure, protector and playmate as an adult he had set aside being her playmate although he still protected her when it was needed, he saw her as his daughter no matter how old she became.

Tannatar sought one of the older drakes as he had been there long before Tannatar or his friend had come to the church and now he sat with the old drake, a retired Priest himself, with a tea pot sat between them with cups in front of each of them and some sort of pastry piled high on a plate next to the teapot.

"I appreciate you talking with me, Kadmir." Tannatar said smiling warmly.
"It is not often I get visitors outside of the clan." Kadmir smiled "The hatchlings often visit for whatever sweets they can get." he chuckled then became more serious "What is it you want to know young one?" he asked.
Tannatar's smiled faltered slightly "There is a Monastery which has fallen into disrepair that one of the Nuns wishes to give a bit of maintenance to, simply yard work and the like." he explained.
The old drake looked thoughtful "That is a very old Monastery, it was abandoned when I was a young hatchling." he said sipping his tea "I'm afraid I know very little of it's true history." he admitted.
"Would it be wise to allow such a venture to care for the grounds?" Tannatar asked then sipped some tea.
"I would advise against it, there is a beast that is said to roam it's halls." Kadmir said.
Tannatar nodded "I will tell her I cannot in good conscious allow such an endeavor."

Tannatar had returned and explained it would be unwise because of the local beliefs which had not made Sephrina at all happy, but she seemed to accept it as she didn't argue with him. Tannatar was contacted several days later to go to the nearby clan to help a sick hatchling, she was getting better, but it had been her request that a Priest come. her parents had been thankful he could offer her comfort as well as tell her the stories of the Eleven she so loved and had missed since falling ill.
When one of the hatchlings that was training to become a Priest ran into him Tannatar was more than a little confused, the child was sobbing and shaking in fear as she clung to his robes and babbled about something whispering to her at the abandoned church.

"Hush now small one." he rumbled kneeling down to her level "No one will harm you."
"B-but Sephrina and s-some others went to the abandoned monastery and something was scratching at the walls and whispering!" she protested.
Tannatar froze "The Abandoned Monastery?" he asked hoping he had heard wrong.
"Yes Sir." she said calming slightly.
"Go back to the Church, say a prayer of protection." he instructed gently "Then go to your room until I get back, thank you for coming to get me."

The small hatchling ran in the direction of the church to do as she was told while Tannatar heaved a sigh suddenly feeling older than he was. he started toward the abandoned Monastery, if his dragons were to be attacked or get in trouble he would stand with them.

Walking up to the group he began pulling weeds and the like, Sephrina smiled as he joined in although he gave her a look which said he was not pleased with her sneaking off after he had told her not to bother the area. Tannatar soon heard what the hatchling had been talking about, he heard scratching and whispers from the inside, but he ignored them to focus on his task; he wondered if he had been right to listen to Kadmir, he was still young and prone to missteps and so often would go to the more experienced for advice when he simply didn't know.

He stood straight and watched as Sephrina suddenly stopped and stood perfectly still for a moment, Tannatar followed her gaze and felt his eyes widen in horror. one of the young trainees was at the door and he moved without thinking and pushed the young adolescent away from the door. it was only open a crack, the chains hadn't even been unlocked or broken yet when the young drake had made the attempt. the creek of the ancient hinges had made his blood run cold and a feeling of utter dread overcame him.

Looking up he saw pale blue eyes that seemed to flicker purple as it raced toward him, locking eyes with it he felt absolute terror and certainty that if it managed to get free it would kill his friends and himself. Tannatar slammed the door shut with more force than he realized he was using, not realizing a pain in his arm, the whisper did not vanish and he would have sworn the eyes were still on him as he sat with his back pressed to the door panting.

"Let us return to the Church, now." he said shakily as he rubbed his arm.

In his rooms that night Tannatar tossed and turned as his dreams took him back to the Monastery, the halls were covered in dust and the sound of rattling chains sounded in the distance. he walked into several rooms finding them in disrepair and, like the hallways, covered in dust, there were desks and beds in some of the rooms as if dragons had lived there once. walking into one of the rooms he fond a box of weapons, looking at them for a moment he set them back where he had found them and walked into a large area.

A massive imperial and young wildclaw stood, one looking mournful and the other indifferent for a moment before a massive wolf beast took their place and he turned to run. Tannatar ran down dusty hallways with the beast chasing him as fear made him try to run faster in an attempt to get away that a small part of him knew he would not get away. racing down a hallway he felt claws land hard on his back and teeth dig savagely into his shoulder, he struggled as he managed to get himself free.

Jerking awake his eyes snapped open and he was met with sharp teeth and glowing eyes, a sharp pain in his shoulder and the eyes and teeth disappeared, but he was left with wounds in his shoulder and arms as well as his back. he got out of his bed and made his way to the infirmary to clean and bandage his wounds before going back to his rooms although he didn't sleep the rest of the night, he gathered information.

His memories were fuzzy as he raced through the woods, not that he minded one bit, the cool earth beneath his paws felt wonderful as he raced through the shadowed forest. the forest was dappled in shadows, it felt good to be free and able to race in the wind and lay in the sunshine although a small part of him felt he should be doing something else and that what he was doing now was wrong.

He shook his head and forced the feeling away before looking up when a twig snapped, he growled and dropped into a crouch as a young female looked at him with tear filled eyes, it seemed only stubborn will power was keeping the tears from falling. he didn't understand why she was sad, but he wasn't willing to take the chance of her being a hunter. when she moved he growled low until she moved closer and put her clawed hand on his shoulder, he looked at her confused as he fought instincts to attack her and finally gave a soft whine and lowered his head to look into her sad eyes.

He could not attack her even knowing he had attacked dragons before, killed some of them without hesitation, he didn't understand why he couldn't. he leaped away after a moment, looking back once more to see the dragoness going down the path to a nearby clan and he made sure she was not attacked by any of the other barghests or wentiko, he was her protector even now.

He heard her mournful whisper even as she walked away from him; "I'll fix this. I should have listened, I'm so sorry."

He walked back into the pack denning area, his pack mates lounged as they had brought down some prey and many of them had eaten already. his mate, his lovely mate, lay in a sunny patch and he walked over to her and pressed his forehead to her cheek. he was happy, he had his pack and mate although the dragoness still haunted his thoughts with half remembered things from what seemed like another life.

'I don't want this to be fixed, whatever it means.'
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