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Personal Style


Purple Birdskull Armband
Purple Birdskull Headdress
Purple Birdskull Legband
Purple Birdskull Wingpiece
Purple Birdskull Necklace
Plum Wooly Coat
Plum Wooly Tail



Scene: Woodland Path


4.15 m
6.87 m
583.22 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 18, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 20 Nocturne
EXP: 984 / 111687




  • none



Whisperer | Wildheart | Wanderer

Tricktrouper Crown Trickster's Magic Cards Gloomwillow Guide
Origin and Training
"We must make our own light to combat the darkness..."

The Shade was always there, always hungry. Too many who tried to fight it ended up submitting to its temptations and defilement. A group of extremely fanatical dragons of every flight came together to try to figure out a way to end the threat of The Shade for good. Convinced that the shade-touched were evil no matter how small their taint, these dragons tried to find a way to create warriors to fight the horrific entity and the dragons it had "polluted". Dragons that had a better chance of withstanding corruption.

The Brethren of Piety were born. Committed to the eventual total defeat of The Shade, these individuals turned into a near-cult-like, reclusive lair. Everything they did would be toward the final goal. Dragons who were pure in all ways would be found and trained for the fight. They were prepared to do whatever it took to accomplish their mission.

Selective breeding was tried, but it was so horribly slow and none of the hatchlings turned out fully pure. Desperate, the group began looking further afield... if they couldn't make their own warriors, they would steal raw materials and forge them to the cause. Eight young dragons, all female, all pure white, all untouched were spirited away from their families over the course of several months. None of their families ever found out what happened to them. They were christened the Uncorrupted.

The first thing the Brethren noticed about Druid was that her hide looked as though it were made of smooth feathers. After observation, it was also noticed that Druid would spend any time she was allowed around the creatures and beastclans that were in the area. She was admonished for it at first, but her path was decided when the Brethren realized that she was never injured by any of her new friends.

So Druid was encouraged to spend time with her creatures... in between classes in anatomy, herbal brewing, animal husbandry, some minor healing, and natural spells. Her fighting was adapted to use moves she observed in her friends; it fascinated her sisters when she could imitate many of them perfectly.



Battle and Corruption
"Darkness is drawn to light like a moth to a flame..."

Word had reached the Brethren that there was a small group of individuals experimenting with pulling the faint Shade traces out of a dragon's body. Reports varied on what form these experiments took; however, all rumors pointed out that apparently the test subjects were not volunteers. Warnings went out to all travelers to avoid the area where dragons had gone missing and the rumors had started.

It wasn't the fate of those dragons that supposedly pious group wanted to find out. No, the Brethren wanted to know for sure if a technique had been found... and if they could steal it for their own fight.

After collecting as much information as they could, the Brethren decided to send the Uncorrupted out to investigate. The eight had done well on several smaller tasks and missions, and it was time to test them on something big. Expendable scouts (should they get caught) were sent along to bring back information for the party so that they would know what they were up against in truth.

At first, all went well. The large party found a hidden cavern close to the area where victims had disappeared in the past. Scouts were sent out and preparations were made by the eight to be ready for whatever happened.

Unfortunately, only one scout came back. Dragging herself into the camp, eyes nearly vacant and her body somehow withered, she collapsed at the party's feet and babbled; confused and confusing recollections of what she'd seen. Random whimpers, moans, and shrieks as she recalled what had been done to her before she escaped. At the end of her recitation, she collapsed and never regained consciousness.

It was obvious that she had found where they needed to go. It would be up to the group to follow her tracks back and put right what was so very, very wrong.

The rest of the night and most of the next day were spent in planning. Combing through everything they had managed to wrest from the broken scout's mind, the eight Uncorrupted tried to put together as solid a picture of what they might be facing as they could. The picture that formed on the ground was of a small entrance at the bottom of a deep crevice in the hills. The opening to the underground cavern was hidden behind a tumble of rocks, and was slightly flooded from the recent rains. The scout mentioned following bobbing lights down a steeply descending tunnel that opened into a huge natural bubble of a cave. The sisters were unable to get a full accounting, naturally, but they knew they would be going into a lair of several levels open to a huge work floor in the middle. At least a dozen dragons were there either part of the experiments or as guards. There was no real way to know exactly what they were walking into, but it was clear that stealth was going to be hard and they were outnumbered.

The thing that concerned them most was the vivid - if utterly confusing - recollections the scout had had about the machine she was strapped into, the feeling of parts of her life being sucked away, and the huge, swirling vortex of shadow energy in a massive glass cylinder that dominated the entire center of the laboratory. There was no way to know what actually was there and/or how they were going to defeat it. But they had to try...

Naturally, it was Rogue - the light she emitted carefully directed to make her as invisible as possible by deflecting sight instead of reflecting the bright - who was first into the tunnel. All of them had been confused and nervous at the fact that the entrance was completely unguarded... as far as they could see. The little fae silently flitted down the close corridor and the others followed at a safe distance. Nothing could be seen or heard. Worried that they had either found the wrong place or the cult had cleared out after the scout had escaped, the sisters had almost convinced themselves there would be no battle when the world opened up after a final turn in the path.

The horrors were almost too much to take in all at once. Stock still with awe and fear, the Uncorrupted stared into the cavern.

In the middle there was indeed a towering pillar of darkness that swirled and formed vague faces, hands, tails, and wings to thrash against its confinement. All around the base of the tower were tables with straps and chains, most holding dragons in various stages of the process - some healthy, some dying, and some obviously dead. Tubes, wires, and so much machinery it was hard to tell what anything was for were being tended by the cult's members. The scene was one of machinery, magic, pain, fear, madness and evil.

Unsure of how to begin, the Uncorrupted hesitated and were going to attempt to regroup and come up with a solid plan... until their luck ran out and they were surprised from behind by a group of four warriors who had deliberately followed them inside to keep them from escaping. In a split second, the battle was on.

The instant the eight realized they were under attack, instinct and training took over. Immediately, Barbarian and Paladin turned to face their closest threats and engaged with the guards. Druid murmured something that made the tree roots in the earthen tunnel walls come out and get in the way of their foes as the others began to spill out into the bigger area for room to maneuver.

Bard launched into a stirring song of mixed protection and battle prowess, covering her sisters in shimmering waves of power. Cleric added her own prayers and lent more strength and divine protection to the warriors and those who were delicate and easily damaged. Ranger found a somewhat protected alcove and began showering well-aimed arrows and daggers down into the main mass of cult members who - after a brief moment of surprise - had turned their way.

With a cool head, Wizard began unfailingly wrapping her tongue around her incantations and aimed bolts of power and fire at any of the cult she could see mouthing as if to cast a spell. While Wizard concentrated on taking out the magic users, Rogue stealthily made her way around the edges of the growing fight to sneak up behind the dragon who seemed to be in charge.

Realizing that this leader was conjuring up power for what was sure to be a devastating attack, the little fae deliberately made herself visible as a distraction. Rogue knew the knife wouldn't hit, but it was more important to get that spell aimed away from her sisters. With a bellow of anger at the attack, the leader gave up on whatever they had been attempting and fumbled for a staff with a large crystal on top. Aiming it toward Rogue, they shouted a single arcane word and a large, pulsating ball of light streaked toward the little target. It missed the fae, but its trajectory took it straight into the heart of the pillar prison holding the captured Shade pieces.

At the sound of the splintering glass, all eyes were drawn back to the middle of the cavern floor. Expressions were mixed, depending on who knew what about what was happening. Those of the Uncorrupted were surprised and confused, the victims of the machine that were still alive were a mix of joy and utter terror, and the cult's members - as one - shrieked and tried to run.

Unfortunately, there was no time and nowhere to go. With a sound that shook the earth, the whirling vortex of shadow energy exploded from its confinement and the world was lost to darkness for a lightning-fast moment. As if the power had a mind of its own, it reacted differently to all involved.

...The ones it had been dragged from forcibly were filled again with any taint that had been stolen from them. The victims immediately were restored to how they had been before being kidnapped, but were knocked unconscious by the force of it.
...The ones that had stolen the power from where it belonged found themselves overflowing with angry swirls of semi-sentient Shade and were literally exploded into such small pieces it was impossible to tell they'd existed at all.
...And the Uncorrupted were bathed in masses of power that needed somewhere to go. Their formerly pristine bodies and minds were filled to the brim with power uncontrolled. Their eyes were tinted, their armor and possessions colored, and their bodies scarred with lines of sizzling magic. Unable to process everything at once, the sisters all were knocked down and out of the waking world for quite a long time.

Everything related to the machine and the cult was destroyed by a shapeless elemental mass and by the time the destruction was over the cavern was filled with debris, bodies, and the lingering echoes of a battle that was now finished.



Recovery and Enlightenment
"Only those truly acquainted with darkness can battle it on its own terms..."

It took a long time for the eight damaged dragons to be able to move from the site of the disaster. Scarred mentally as well as emotionally, they scavenged supplies from the ruins of the lair and made their way back to the camp they'd left behind.

A week went by in which they nursed each other and, after the first day of shock and exhaustion, to talk over what they had seen and what they were going to tell the Brethren about their failure. But it was eventually decided to just lay everything out and let the elders decide where to go from there. The party had never been treated as anything but a combination of adored children and beloved saviors, so they were sure it would all work out.

It was a still-battered, mentally and emotionally drained team that found its way back home after a laborious trek. They'd had to take the long way around through the wilds, because everywhere they went there were horrified reactions to their new appearances. Rather than take the chance that some might react physically instead of just showing abhorrence, the formerly-Uncorrupted made their way around any settled areas.

When home was in sight, all eight of the weary adventurers were ready to be pampered and healed and reassured that they could have done nothing more than they had. As such, they were completely unprepared for the absolute disgust they saw on the first faces that turned in their direction. The walk through the lair to the leaders' audience chamber became more and more uncomfortable as the crowd behind them grew... as did the muttering and feeling of animosity in the air.

Shaking, torn between numb exhaustion and terrified anxiousness, the party gave their report to the elders of the lair; it was extremely hard to recount, even without the look of repugnance rippling across their listeners' faces.

Really, it was inevitable. No research was brought back. Everyone involved was gone, with no chance to quiz them. And the formerly pure champions were now nothing more than broken toys to be discarded. Not even given a chance to fetch any belongings they had left behind before they went on their mission, the eight were turned out and warned that if they were seen again they would be killed.

Taking care of their pack animals and familiars on the trek away from their former home was the only thing that kept Druid from lashing out at someone... anyone. She'd never really put much stock in the care of other dragons - except her sisters - because she saw too often how many would take and never give. But a part of her had been sure that the only family the formerly-Uncorrupted knew wouldn't give up caring over something out of their control. Apparently she was wrong.

Pausing abruptly while stroking one of the pets, Druid realized she wasn't wrong. She and her sisters had given and given and were taken from for too long. If nothing they had done before now had made them 'worthy' of unconditional love, then it was a loss to those who rejected them. Each of them had something special to give, and the world needed to have a lot of darkness lit from within.

Even if they were now surrounded by shadows, Druid was sure they could shine brightly enough to be hope for others. In the end, it was only themselves they had to please and be proud of... and that would lead them where they needed to go.




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Bio template by Darkfyyre | Code
Dragon Lore by Sylvidoptera
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