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Personal Style





3.97 m
5.78 m
616.49 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 02, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Dark Sclera
Level 25 Pearlcatcher
Max Level



  • none


  • none


"The insectarium and butterfly house keeper. She breeds a stock of insects for the food supplies, and keeps informative displays set up around the inside. She also likes to journey on expeditions, to find new insects to keep and research. She's quite careful to let no insects out of the structure, and uses her light magic to lure and manipulate them."

Caiatrashe/her | Ambassador of Light
Bought from ???
Ring of Solace, Ring of Stone
Written by FourLeaf

"Often difficult to deal with. She sees herself at the top of society, and due to this has a constant, paranoid fear that the world is plotting against her. She trusts only herself and her deity, as she believes a "true dragon of Light" should."
— by FourLeaf

Never trust a sphinx. That was one of the first things all hatchlings were taught in the Mirrorlight Promenade, where Caiatra had spent her early years. Sphinxes were tricksters who, according to legend, came out from the Tangled Wood to cause dissonance in the lives of clans on the edges of the Lightweaver's domain. The cat-like creatures would sneak through the dragons' territories, often stealing scrolls or small trinkets as they passed through. Sphinxes were not to be trusted.

Yet Caiatra found them fascinating. Unlike most beastclans, sphinx prides elected new leaders with every season. That, she realized, could very well be the source of all the "never trust a sphinx" nonsense — the constant change of leadership may have some effect on the prides' attitudes toward dragons.

Perhaps what she found most fascinating about them was their ability to speak. That was all it took, really: a few smooth words and a sly smile, and a sphinx could easily get away from a sticky situation. That was something she couldn't understand. As a hatchling, Caiatra had tried constantly to imitate the sphinx's ways, only to be scolded by her parents with a sharp swat on her nose; yet she'd watch sphinx after sphinx effortlessly sweet-talk their way into stealing treasure.

She watched the sphinx in front of her curiously as he padded around the den, sorting the numerous trinkets he'd taken from dragons. It was amazing, how easily a sphinx could steal from a dragon without being caught. She wasn't here for gold, though. She had more important things on her mind.

"You need information, you say?"

"Yes," Caiatra replied, snapping to attention. "I don't enjoy doing this, but I see no other option."

The sphinx fell silent for a moment, deep in thought. A grim expression crept onto his face, which Caiatra took to mean the information he had was not good. She lashed her tail impatiently.

Finally he got up and, after sorting through piles of trinkets once more, dropped a small ring on the ground in front of her. It was intricately carved from ivory, the shape closely resembling that of a sphinx. A pair of minuscule emeralds had been set in the ring, the facets glittering like the eyes of a wildcat.

The Pearlcatcher gave him a cynical look. "I come here for information, and you give me jewels?"

"It's enchanted," the sphinx replied, rolling his eyes. "Put it on, and you can read minds. I wouldn't do it here though — it's too dangerous."

She frowned for a moment, thinking. She'd have to get close to their lair. Maybe even sneak in under the cover of darkness. Then she could put the ring on, and listen to their plans. And then she'd go straight to the Lightweaver. Surely the deity would take care of the situation, if she knew the information these lesser dragons were stealing from her?
~ ~ ~

The sky darkened to a blood-red color as night fell. It was never completely dark in the Sunbeam Ruins, but the dimness would help her hide. Caiatra padded silently across the marble tile, her golden scales taking on a rusty hue as she left the safety of the Sanctuary. This was her best chance. Finally, she'd catch them. She'd report those lesser dragons to the Lightweaver. She'd restore peace to the land.

She could hear voices as she crept beneath a window. Muffled voices, but she recognized them almost immediately. Inferior dragons, specifically the ones she was after. The ones who stole from Her Brilliance.

For a moment Caiatra huddled beneath the open window, straining to hear the voices. Then memory clicked, and she fumbled for the ring. Slipping it over her talon, the voices became abundantly clear:

"... from the Beacon, you say?"

"Yes, from the Beacon. We really have no choice." From her place below the window, Caiatra could hear the click of talons on stone as a nervous dragon paced. She briefly looked down at the ring, surprised to see the cat's eyes glowing a bright green, but she couldn't worry about that now.

"But — are you sure? There could be dire consequences in... how should I put this, borrowing —"

"You heard him," a third voice interrupted. She recognized this one — Lennvar. That was just like him, wasn't it? Always hovering around with inferior dragons. Maybe he had reasons, though. Maybe, like her, he was planning to report these thieves to the Lightweaver. She'd be careful not to mention his name for now. Just in case.

A sigh, and then Lennvar continued: "We'll leave at sunrise tomorrow. That should allow us time to travel. Once we get the details, then we'll decide if relocation is necessary."

Caiatra had heard enough. She had proof now. They were planning to steal from the Lightweaver's beloved hoard. Lennvar would be going with them, no doubt he'd turn them over when they arrived. But she could get there ahead of them, warn her deity early. If she left now, there was a chance she'd make it before sunrise.

Her pearl clutched tight against her chest with one talon, she turned and got a running start. She wasn't the fastest or the best flyer — in fact, it had been years since she'd last had need to spread her wings. She was almost confidant she remembered her flight lessons. And yet... something seemed off.

She spread her wings and jumped into the breeze. For a moment she experienced the blissful freedom of being a child of the Lightweaver; the entire, cloudless sky was hers to rule. And then just as quickly as she'd taken off, she plummeted back to the earth. She tried flapping her wings, but it was no use.

Scales came into contact with the Sanctuary's marble platform with a thunderous crack, like boulders being smashed together deep in the mines of Dragonhome. Caiatra scrambled to get up and make a second flight attempt, but she couldn't. Her entire body felt stiff and heavy, almost as if it was made of... stone.

She twisted around frantically, and that was the last thing she remembered — cool cream-colored marble with shimmering veins of gold, slowly taking over her body as the bright green light of the ring-cat's eyes slowly faded to darkness.
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