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Personal Style


Humble Towel
Wise Bonecarver's Jar
Water's Charm
Bloodsong Starsilk Earrings
Diver Emblem
Cyan Flair Scarf
Wise Bonecarver's Cage
Nightglider's Arctic Pants
White Linen Leg Wraps
Ruthless Banner
Wise Bonecarver's Wings
Wise Bonecarver's Claws
Wise Bonecarver's Spine



Scene: Tidelord's Domain


13.79 m
20.46 m
11132.85 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 05, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Snail Husk
Woven Cloth
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu nisl at tellus hendrerit semper eu at tortor. Duis massa urna, imperdiet eget efficitur in, mollis id libero. Duis tincidunt, nulla at semper efficitur, lacus orci cursus mi, vel malesuada neque neque vitae massa. Suspendisse felis velit, consequat non magna non, condimentum hendrerit lectus. Suspendisse ultrices lectus eu ultricies aliquet. Ut eu ultrices enim. Aliquam ligula lectus, luctus a condimentum a, rhoncus at dolor. Pellentesque suscipit nibh neque, id facilisis augue elementum scelerisque. Nam et lectus enim. Fusce nisi mauris, ultrices vitae ligula sed, sollicitudin finibus purus. Sed fermentum pharetra purus vitae placerat. Quisque maximus odio ut convallis vestibulum. Suspendisse luctus malesuada erat vitae bibendum.

Suspendisse nec vestibulum massa. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus et maximus urna, nec tempus augue. Integer sodales ullamcorper lorem vel suscipit. Cras sodales orci sit amet iaculis tristique. Vestibulum sit amet libero vulputate, vestibulum libero ut, placerat mauris. Phasellus pellentesque interdum nisl id sollicitudin.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu nisl at tellus hendrerit semper eu at tortor. Duis massa urna, imperdiet eget efficitur in, mollis id libero. Duis tincidunt, nulla at semper efficitur, lacus orci cursus mi, vel malesuada neque neque vitae massa. Suspendisse felis velit, consequat non magna non, condimentum hendrerit lectus. Suspendisse ultrices lectus eu ultricies aliquet. Ut eu ultrices enim. Aliquam ligula lectus, luctus a condimentum a, rhoncus at dolor. Pellentesque suscipit nibh neque, id facilisis augue elementum scelerisque. Nam et lectus enim. Fusce nisi mauris, ultrices vitae ligula sed, sollicitudin finibus purus. Sed fermentum pharetra purus vitae placerat. Quisque maximus odio ut convallis vestibulum. Suspendisse luctus malesuada erat vitae bibendum.

Suspendisse nec vestibulum massa. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus et maximus urna, nec tempus augue. Integer sodales ullamcorper lorem vel suscipit. Cras sodales orci sit amet iaculis tristique. Vestibulum sit amet libero vulputate, vestibulum libero ut, placerat mauris. Phasellus pellentesque interdum nisl id sollicitudin.
Bluesand Agate

Tidelord Seashell Decoration
Fathomsearch Halo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu nisl at tellus hendrerit semper eu at tortor. Duis massa urna, imperdiet eget efficitur in, mollis id libero. Duis tincidunt, nulla at semper efficitur, lacus orci cursus mi, vel malesuada neque neque vitae massa. Suspendisse felis velit, consequat non magna non, condimentum hendrerit lectus. Suspendisse ultrices lectus eu ultricies aliquet. Ut eu ultrices enim. Aliquam ligula lectus, luctus a condimentum a, rhoncus at dolor. Pellentesque suscipit nibh neque, id facilisis augue elementum scelerisque. Nam et lectus enim. Fusce nisi mauris, ultrices vitae ligula sed, sollicitudin finibus purus. Sed fermentum pharetra purus vitae placerat. Quisque maximus odio ut convallis vestibulum. Suspendisse luctus malesuada erat vitae bibendum.

Suspendisse nec vestibulum massa. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus et maximus urna, nec tempus augue. Integer sodales ullamcorper lorem vel suscipit. Cras sodales orci sit amet iaculis tristique. Vestibulum sit amet libero vulputate, vestibulum libero ut, placerat mauris. Phasellus pellentesque interdum nisl id sollicitudin.


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu nisl at tellus hendrerit semper eu at tortor. Duis massa urna, imperdiet eget efficitur in, mollis id libero. Duis tincidunt, nulla at semper efficitur, lacus orci cursus mi, vel malesuada neque neque vitae massa. Suspendisse felis velit, consequat non magna non, condimentum hendrerit lectus. Suspendisse ultrices lectus eu ultricies aliquet."

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu nisl at tellus hendrerit semper eu at tortor. Duis massa urna, imperdiet eget efficitur in, mollis id libero. Duis tincidunt, nulla at semper efficitur, lacus orci cursus mi, vel malesuada neque neque vitae massa. Suspendisse felis velit, consequat non magna non, condimentum hendrerit lectus. Suspendisse ultrices lectus eu ultricies aliquet."

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu nisl at tellus hendrerit semper eu at tortor. Duis massa urna, imperdiet eget efficitur in, mollis id libero. Duis tincidunt, nulla at semper efficitur, lacus orci cursus mi, vel malesuada neque neque vitae massa. Suspendisse felis velit, consequat non magna non, condimentum hendrerit lectus. Suspendisse ultrices lectus eu ultricies aliquet."

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu nisl at tellus hendrerit semper eu at tortor. Duis massa urna, imperdiet eget efficitur in, mollis id libero. Duis tincidunt, nulla at semper efficitur, lacus orci cursus mi, vel malesuada neque neque vitae massa. Suspendisse felis velit, consequat non magna non, condimentum hendrerit lectus. Suspendisse ultrices lectus eu ultricies aliquet."





Perfect Skipping Stone
A wonderful and homey location, warmth radiating from whatever corner you turn. It’s a welcoming sight to lost travelers, a beacon amidst the darkness of the sea that surrounds it, a safe haven for those who can no longer find themselves.

Formerly the home of our ancestors far before us, the Water Domain houses a fine library alongside a great number of dragons. It has not always been this way, as a few years back it stood empty and abandoned, for reasons that are unknown to the current dragons of this age. Newcomers decided to build it back up to a glory, different than it used to be in the past.

The first iteration of the island is peaceful and a bit barren at times, a small sector for visitors who came by to take a break from whatever journey they were going on. It had a reasonable size, a hollowed out mountain standing proudly with a large number of vacant, dusty rooms. There were not enough dragons permanently living in the domain to fill up said rooms however.

The library had a selection of books, walls covered with shelves of various sizes to accustom the books. Everything was categorized neatly, with a few books having attachments with braille read on them. A few notes were littered about, also engraved with the bumpy language.

A lingering scent of food being prepared dragged dragons from their rooms to meet in a communal area. Depending on the weather, this was a place outside or a large room inside with multiple long tables. Cushions and bean-bags served as seats for the inhabitants, a comfortable place for them to rest themselves on as they ate.

Few hammocks were strung up to the ceiling, where some of the more introverted dragons could relax and take some time for themselves. Cozy corners with more of the bean bags were placed around as well, so dragons could bond and relax together.

The second iteration of the Water Domain was after Indaviing and his clan moved in. The original members had to accommodate and make arrangements, carving out more rooms so it would fit the amount of dragons that just vastly increased, pretty much tripled.

The new rooms were messy and barren at first, but the dragons who lived inside of them quickly enough began to edit them to their tastes. Wooden platforms were built against the side of the mountain, to create more space where dragons could hang out and to serve as landing-pads for deliveries.

These wooden platforms were often decorated with paintings of blue fish in a circle on the floor, as the platforms themselves were circular as well. Blue blankets were hung over a few fences that edged them, purely for decoration, though some dragons used them to get cozy under the stars during a more breezy night.

Stairs were added to ensure that the dragons who were less capable of flight or climbing could still make their way up to every platform, with small wooden outcroppings placed here and there so they could rest or sit down on a smaller surface to relax. For those who wished, wooden beams were stuck out from the side as well, so they could perch on them if they so pleased.

Outside was more expanded than it was ever before, with a decently sized clearing that served as a “town square” for the domain. The floor was circular, and similar to the wooden platforms high above, blue fish were patterned on the ground, though far more subtly. Various tones of blue-gray stone indicated the pattern, mosaiced into the other stones. Some fish stood out by being more blue, though they were sparse and evenly spread out.

During elemental festivals, they would decorate the square accordingly, to fit the colors and theme for said element. Some merchants came by to sell their wares, having their stalls fit the colors of the festival that was taking place. Whenever two fests fell on the same date, they would separate the square into two to accommodate the separate festivals evenly.
Water Shield
Wave Cutter

Sopping Tidelord Sackdoll
Sea Grass

Small stone paths coiled over the island, a few leading down to the beaches that edged the island. The largest path was illuminated with a few rocks that would glow when nightfall came, guiding dragons to the main location of the island, the carved out mountain.

Said main hall was a large, impressive chasm within the water domain. The ground was deeper than it was previously, having been carved out to become larger for the amount of dragons now living within it. Baskets with torches were hung up against stone pillars that held up the ceiling, along with a few hanging lanterns that hung from chains. It is an open, spacy room where dragons as large as imperials could fly around if they needed to, though that is not recommended.

There are now various sections where dragons can sit and relax, all held up by the stone pillars that stand in various places. Almost like spider webs, floors for these sections are placed at random, usually reached through flight, or with ladders for a few sectors closer to the ground. Some of these sectors are just giant hammocks or big nets where dragons can get comfortable on, while others are harder floors.

A few have their own bookshelves, which are also placed in between the stone pillars. Some platforms have tables placed on them, with cushions placed in a box nearby so dragons can take one if they want and put it away when they’re done with sitting.

Can't find the book you want? That problem has been solved by a brand new mechanism run by the lovely Faes and spirals of the domain! With their small size and impeccable speed, they dash around the library to seek the exact book you want. All you have to do is open a chute on one of the pillars of your choice, write on a paper the name of the book, roll it up and let it slide down the chute.

It might take some time, but they will come with the book eventually. Money for payment is not needed, though it is very appreciated if you leave behind a tip for their hard work.

The ground floor was cozily decorated, with pillows, cushions and other comfortable materials littered all over. Dragons often made pillow forts or other cozy structures from these items, using them as a general area to lay down and relax in.

A path made of blue carpet separated the room into various hallways, each leading to smaller rooms where activities happened or where dragons lived. The carpet was decorated with blue fish again, this time all of them going either forward or backward, depending on what direction you were heading in of course.

A few paintings or murals depicting the eleven deities decorated the halls, predominantly illustrations of their patron, Tidecaller. Stormcatcher was also quite dominantly painted, out of respect for the origins of Indaviing’s clan, who followed this deity for a long period of time.

The rooms where dragons stayed in were decorated by the inhabitants, some used a beaded curtain as a door, some nothing and others just straight up a door. A common example was a curtain, usually one that fitted the theme of the dragon living inside the room. If a dragon was a chef, then it was likely for them to have something culinary, usually food. If a dragon was a traveler, then it would probably be a map of Sornieth, and so forth.

A bedroom most commonly consisted of a bed or a nest, fit for the dragon staying there, and a shelf with belongings. A few dragons also kept other items in their room, but it's best to seek out said dragons and ask them about it.

A strong scent drags you into the kitchen, enticing and delicious. It has been expanded into a larger room, more fit to feed a clan of nearly 100 dragons. A large hearth sits in the center of the room, with usually a decently sized pan above it, which is either a big wok or a normal pan for soups of the kind.

A few racks are hung up to the wall and ceiling with various dried herbs dangling from them. The smell is delicious, a multitude of aromas hanging in the air wherever you decide to go within the kitchens and the halls surrounding them. On a few of the racks are also tools such as spoons or other ladles, there is a magnetic strip with knives as well.
Unhatched Water Egg



- Pretty much... everything?

- Romantic literature
- Fantasy

- Poetry
- Intellectual literature
- Maps in some instances

- History related to lineages
- Astrology

- History related to war
- Registries of ancient weapons
- Maps in some instances

Wind chime
75x75 circles
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