
Level 1 Skydancer
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Blooming Hedgehide
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


Genteel Azure Locket
Canvas Bandana
Entertainer's Tailcoat
Simple Iron Wing Cuffs
Simple Iron Wing Bangles
Black Linen Leg Wraps
Glowing Gold Clawtips


Accent: Canyon Crawler



4.37 m
6.91 m
608.13 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 30, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



Uh-oh, looks like this Captain of the Dragon's Gleaming Jewel has wandered a little too far from his clan, Cluster of the Cherry Blossom [#500659, Rykessyl], and now he's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, he'd really appreciate it if you could just return him to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here. This is not necessary, but he would be very grateful! He would also appreciate NOT being bred while off travelling!!

Owners I've Had:

grxndsxn - Crow Callers
Monocrow - The Necropolis
Zikul - The Scattered Clans
Zikul - The Scattered Clans

(put your lair/username here)


When arriving at his first stop, Dusk lost a fair amount of his luggage after a magpie stole it from him. With only his shirt and pants, a bandanna, and his choker, he decided to keep going anyway - the magpie was too far away for him as it was.

The clan he stopped in was Crow Callers, and they helped him get back on his feet rather quickly. While they didn't have the same citrine jewelry he lost, they provided him with a bag of riches anyway. He enjoyed his stay, and decided to move on afterwards.
65961306_350.png Aether Cherries Aer Sprite
Amber Algae Bittercrisp Apples
Blue Jelly Blood Spath
Dusk's next stop was within the Plaguelands. The Scarred Wasteland was unforgiving when he realized much of his supplies had succumb to the rough environment of sickness. His goal was to find a clan he might be able to buy some supply from, and while circling the border between the Scarred Wasteland and the Tangled Wood he saw a garden surrounded by high bushes in a mix of the two elements. Lighting down, he was greeted by an interesting Veilspun, blue and red swirled with the horns poking up and covered in small buds, amidst a large set of boxes. "Hello there!" he greeted them, walking over as they turned, "would this happen to be your garden?" The Veilspun gave a nod and grinned. "Yep! I grow everything in these borders myself. Name's Cadi, I don't recognize you from inside the Necropolis so who are you?" he gave with tap tp the boxes near him. "Ah, I'm a traveller, the name's Dusk. What do you mean inside the Necropolis?" he asked. That was a place for burial and corpses wasn't it, so how would there be anyone known coming out? "Oh it's run by Kuro who moved in, he helps spirits pass and cuz this prime soil was here he let me make my garden." That.. didn't give much of an answer but oh well. "Alright then. I was wondering, do you happen to grow foodstuffs here?" Cadi gave a nod, popping open a box and revealing plenty of plants. "Sure do, if you're in need you can take a box, not like anyone in there eats." Dusk smiled, accepting and thanking Cadi. "It's getting to be night so why not stay and watch the show?" he asked, which peaked Dusk's interest. "Show?" he asked as the other dragon led him to a set of old cushions, the pair sitting. "You'll see," was the only response he got.

The purples of the changing sky quickly progressed to a deep blue then an inky black, before sparkling lights began to appear from the cave next to them and raise to the air. "What pretty stars," he commented, garnering a laugh from Cadi. "Those aren't stars, those are spirits," and as Dusk looked closer, he saw the twinkling lights forming to dragons of every breed dancing upwards. The spirits looped through the air in gorgeous patterns, laughing and playing, and he smiled, enjoying it. "Thanks for telling me to stay," he said. "Anytime. Feel free to rest before you head out again, nothing dangerous really comes around here thanks to Kuro." And with that, Dusk took a nap before leaving at daybreak, welcomed by the warm sun.


Dusk next stop was a Water Flight Clan known as Alligator Clan. Alligator Clan actually lived in an underwater city which the skydancer had to take a water slide ride to get to the city. The ride was fun but got his feathers wet. At the end of the ride was a black nocturne who was smoking a cigar. "And who doe we have here?" the nocturne asked. "Passport Please"


The nocturne looked at Dusk passport and the first thing the nocturne noticed was Dusk had been to Crow Callers Clan. "Crow Callers Clan" the nocturne repeated. "Is that your home? I see it is the first stamp on your log. Lately we have been getting a lot of travelers whom have been to this Crow Callers Clan." "No sir" retorted the skydancer "Cluster of the Cherry Blossom is actually my home clan." "This way please" the nocturne instructed the skydancer. "You will be staying in suite 12 in the Water Flight Embassy. My name Tiny and I am in charge of security here." After Dusk checked in, the skydancer met up with a tundra named Xii "I over heard Tiny asking you about Crow Callers Clan" the tundra told the skydancer. "For some reason, he asked me to inform them that they were no longer a Thunder Flight Clan. Did Tiny ask you to deliver them a message too?" "No" the tundra answered "I did not even know this was once a Thunder Flight Clan. and I have never seen a nocturne that smokes cigars." "I would be careful about the comments about his smoking habbit if I was you." the tundra warned "His wife is a ridgeback and she is the Alpha Female of Alligator Clan and he is suppose to quit smoking." The skydancer looked confused for a moment. "You see his wife was born a spiral and when she became a ridgeback, she never learned to fly like a ridgeback. She sort of crashes into everything. Tiny made a deal with her that if she learned to fly right, he would quit smoking." There was a pause for a few seconds then both dragons started to crack up laughing about a ridgeback who flys like a spiral and her husband offering to quit smoking if she learned to fly right,

After the seemingly long but short travels, Dusk has retired to maintaining his inn and those who land their claws, paws and hooves onto the land of Cluster of a Cherry Blossom.
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Exalting Dusk to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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