
Don't tolerate bad societies: create better ones.
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Wetland Amphithere
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Black Protective Eyewear
Iron Steampunk Wing Armor
Golem Gauntlet
Silver Steampunk Tail Bauble
Diaphanous Sylvan Twist
Silver Steampunk Wings
Iron Steampunk Vest
Silver Filigree Breastplate
Diaphanous Sylvan Filigree
Corsair's Seaspray Overcoat
Silver Steampunk Spats
Antique Claw


Accent: Electromechanical


Scene: Autumn Storm


6 m
5.92 m
370.72 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 20, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 11 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 5246 / 34264
Freezing Slash
Frozen Might Fragment
Frozen Might Fragment




  • none


... 56927239.png Caessi
{ Kay see }
Nicknames: Caes-in-point
n. Latin: sky-blue

• Rata S(l)um(s)

» LORE: text here
» CAMEOS: text here

Caessi was born from conceptual love, to equal and succeed his parents. From the moment he could talk, it was evident he failed. He never focused in or outside the lab, started something then forgot and jumped to something else, only to forget again. There was no thought before he acted. Just action. Never sat still, but never focused, unless it was bright and mobile, and he focused on it for hours. Chasing distraction after distraction, progeny teachers deemed him a bookah. Age changed little, so when Caessi was nine, his parents arranged a 'field trip' to the lower levels of Rata Sum. He was allowed a backpack's worth of supplies for 'note-taking and self-satisfaction.'

He thought nothing of the Peacemakers escorting him, or how the deeper they went the darker it got.

Hours passed before he realized he was no longer being escorted, and he had no idea where he was.

Before he could process what happened, he got distracted by a shower of sparks. Sounds of hammered metal led him to a metalworker and their run-down, but functional, shop. He spent an hour taking notes and drawing sparks before they realized they had a visitor. They had no room for a newly-orphaned progeny, but one connection led to another and Caessi found an inn that took labor for money. Labor as in 'being taught by practical strangers lessons other asura hadn't bothered with,' like how explosives ticked or why metal makes those satisfying sparks. The essentials of asuran education could be taught later.

Caessi became half underground-errandboy and half communally-adopted son. Research into human psychology and word from psychiatrists and similarly-affected asura led to Caessi being diagnosed with ADHD. Medication in the slums was highly limited, but secret asura gates and actually-supervised trips to Divinity's Reach put him on the path to manage his condition.

Cognitive behavior therapy, trial-and-error medication, and communal education ultimately led to Caessi ascending the broken ramps of Rata Slums back into high society. Now in his early twenties, he was accepted into the College of Dynamics and excelled in its explosive work. There he modified a cube golem into a sapient companion, created his own flamethrower, and landed an apprenticeship with a master jeweler.

His graduation was a surprise to the classmates he had left in his youth. The Peacemakers took it with some suspicion, and Caessi himself took it in stride.

He refused to acknowledge his birth parents when he received his degree, even with their honey-sweet lies of pride for their son.

The Order of Whispers contacted him the midnight after his graduation, while he was locked inside his old room in a house that was never home.

Caessi was moved to a safehouse before they dropped a metaphorical bomb on him: his parents planned on outing him as a 'fraud' that used illicit substances (necessary ADHD medication) to succeed in college, all while blaming it on the lower class of Rata Sum. Word was the Arcane Council planned to mobilize a force of Peacemakers, Inquest, and Arcane Eye Agents to storm the slums of Rata Sum and arrest (kill) anyone with connections to him. His entire communal family was at risk of 'extermination' because he dared to succeed as a 'bookah.'

There was little time to plan a response, not with so many lives on the line, not with limited supplies and limited space. Anything they could do was impulsive at best, fatal to themselves at worst.

Impulsivity is a third of the diagnosis, and pressure generates ideas like a thundercloud.

It was not the first time the success of the neurodivergent, disabled, or different was erased, and it wouldn't be the last so long as asurakind remained ableist.

The Arcane Triad arrived armed and left empty handed, if only in the metaphorical sense. No arrests, but no murders. Every asura they questioned hadn't the slightest idea who they were looking for, sending them on a wild moa hunt. Metalworker to golem mechanic to teacher to single parent to a malfunctioning asura gate that dropped them at Magicat Court before self-destructing. Enraged, two parents demanded access to the Rata Sum citizen database, and were denied only until Councillor Flak himself granted access. The parents spent hours pouring over every result for the College of Dynamics, engineer, jeweler, Incinergen Labs, bookah, lab incidents, and finally their own family.

There was no confirmed offspring of theirs, and they did not exist.

In a safehouse, Caessi listened to the recordings of the slum interrogations. In a backpack, a blade with engraved initials, a card with a mechanic's information, a certificate of school graduation, and a photograph of father with two sons, one adopted.

The success of another neurodivergent asura would go unheard, but this time they weren't erased.

They were forgotten, by their own hand.

(Personality)Duis vel enim ac dolor dictum vulputate nec iaculis felis. Sed hendrerit risus sit amet velit pretium interdum. Quisque consectetur ut quam ac ornare. In euismod tortor urna, nec aliquet diam tristique eget. Etiam nec nisl dolor. Proin ornare, justo ut consequat ullamcorper, urna erat fermentum dui, non porta tellus lectus vel mauris. Pellentesque nec est eget risus rhoncus congue id a enim. Quisque sagittis ultrices ligula eu rhoncus. Nam congue sapien in rhoncus finibus. Donec vel fringilla ex. Proin sed diam quis mauris vehicula interdum eu vitae enim. Maecenas eget sem gravida, porttitor libero sed, aliquet tortor. Aliquam mollis nunc et augue dapibus pretium. In elementum dapibus mi, vel pulvinar turpis aliquam a. Proin ac lorem vel libero interdum imperdiet.

(Physical Description)Sed tempor condimentum ligula. Nulla bibendum interdum bibendum. Cras et turpis at erat blandit varius. Sed est sapien, iaculis quis nibh eget, auctor tristique risus. Duis vestibulum dolor aliquam rutrum accumsan. Donec a augue ac dui placerat suscipit. Sed luctus lobortis laoreet. Nulla a nibh augue. Mauris hendrerit nulla neque, quis ultrices urna dignissim consectetur. In tristique magna at tellus lobortis bibendum a in libero. Nulla pulvinar, enim vitae ullamcorper dignissim, diam justo pellentesque tellus, in facilisis dui ante et justo. Proin eu arcu id est semper aliquam in sed mi.

Caessi was involved with the Order of Whispers as a rescue, then gradually proved himself worthy of being a full agent. Explosive espionage aside, his skill rests in making unique jewelry with features like basic decoder references, long-distance communication, and shifting into small but deadly weapons. His golem companion helps record and store information until it can be safely transferred elsewhere. Outside of work, Caessi has no current lover due to a busy schedule, but makes friends easily due to his nature.

(Change)Suspendisse sed purus nisl. Maecenas non neque est. Morbi eget leo dapibus, vehicula urna vel, ultrices turpis. Aenean tincidunt odio in cursus placerat. Etiam dignissim, augue non condimentum finibus, enim lorem vehicula lectus, sit amet tempor nibh velit ac metus. Curabitur egestas diam eget mauris convallis egestas. Praesent vitae ligula in ex viverra eleifend. Nulla faucibus sapien a mi mattis, quis malesuada nibh auctor.

His optimistic persona hides facets of his past. The actions of his parents hit him hard, but he pushed through without second thought. If he doesn't think about it, it doesn't affect him, but he never truly forgot. All his anger was bottled up in order to hasten his recovery, but it's only hindered it for years. When he finally expressed his anger, it took over his personality until the only method of containment was complete apathy. Awareness only did so much without emotional education.

26565626p.png Name | Relationship
Sed tempor condimentum ligula. Nulla bibendum interdum bibendum. Cras et turpis at erat blandit varius. Sed est sapien, iaculis quis nibh eget, auctor tristique risus. Duis vestibulum dolor aliquam rutrum accumsan. Donec a augue ac dui placerat suscipit. Sed luctus lobortis laoreet. Nulla a nibh augue. Mauris hendrerit nulla neque, quis ultrices urna dignissim consectetur.
29196919p.png Name | Relationship
Sed tempor condimentum ligula. Nulla bibendum interdum bibendum. Cras et turpis at erat blandit varius. Sed est sapien, iaculis quis nibh eget, auctor tristique risus. Duis vestibulum dolor aliquam rutrum accumsan. Donec a augue ac dui placerat suscipit. Sed luctus lobortis laoreet. Nulla a nibh augue. Mauris hendrerit nulla neque, quis ultrices urna dignissim consectetur.
Poltergeist Pile F.R.I.E.N.D. | Inseparable
Short for Fire-Resistant Intelligence-Empowered Narrative Designation, it was a personal project Caessi worked on between classes. Now a lifelong companion, it's built to resist explosions, fire, and general wear-and-tear. It looks like a modified cube golem, equipped with detachable arms, a storage unit, and emotes. Its existence is scorned by everyone in Rata Sum due to its name and function.

From grenades and a mortar to his trusty pistol, Caessi is a force to be reckoned with. Attacking from afar, his flamethrower stops all attempts at melee combat. After becoming a Holosmith, he switched to melee, fighting with a rage only quelled when someone died -- the enemy, or him.
Early to rise and late to fall, Caessi's not the pinnacle of health. While he takes good care not to injure himself, he often forfeits food for rounds of 'I'm almost done!' His teeth have some gold fillings, but he's rather nonchalant about them. Same with his scarred ears and hands.
Born with an affinity for fire and heat, he limited his use to assistance in jewelry-making. Experience as a Holosmith gave him the ability to channel fire into personal energy as veins of liquid flame. Burnout, however, has massive drawbacks, not that he cares at that point.
By Asura standards, Caessi is rather dimwitted, easily distracted and skipping whole sections of conversation when he talks. He graduated from college, became a successful jeweler, and ascended the ranks of the Order of Whispers, but none of it mattered to them. Suit themselves.
Time has changed him from a noisy, tactless progeny to a more contained and mindful adult. He's still energetic and passionate, but he's refined himself into an endearing, honest asura. At least, according to other races. To asura, he's forever a progeny. Their opinions don't matter. Not much, anyways.
Born a disappointment to his parents and asurakind, circumstance labels him unlucky. Jokes on them, he's created multiple things they'll never have: genuine connections AND killer jewelery. Good luck companions and charms are almost a specialty of his, if not for their limited supply.

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Coding and stat bars made by Disillusionist. Vista BGs are from Hazeledpoppy's FR blog.
"Theme" music graphics made by Diamondsuits.
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