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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Skin: Starcrossed Scholar



12.11 m
8.47 m
11419.62 kg


Primary Gene
Phantom (Gaoler)
Phantom (Gaoler)
Secondary Gene
Spirit (Gaoler)
Spirit (Gaoler)
Tertiary Gene
Opal (Gaoler)
Opal (Gaoler)


Oct 23, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Gaoler
EXP: 0 / 245


The Old World Map


World_Map-Full_Color_%28old%29.png The legacy world map had 11 clickable regions. Each then gave a brief description of the region name, element, reigning god, common characteristics, possessions and crafts for dragons of that element, local food and current flighht population counted in player accounts. It also gave you an overview of 4 locations of each element with a short description. As your clan got more lair spaces, your profile got updated saying "lesser/mighty/venerable/ancient lair of" one of the locations. The location changed down the list as it grew and you couldn't change it.

A little part of the map on the border between wind and arcane lit up when you hovered over either flight, and became the lore background for the dominance battles known as the Battles of the Bay.

All elemental regions, subregions and descriptions:

Zone Element
Reigning God
Indigenous Life
Earthworm, Dusky Mealworm
Region Population

The massive, frosted expanse of the Southern Icefield once enveloped the entire lower hemisphere, rivaling the size of the continents watching from above. The Icewarden and his brood now resist northern threats from the glacial prisons that they maintain at the bottom of the world. This harsh landscape has embittered generations of its denizens over time, lending to increasing hostility towards outsiders as the landmass continues to shrink.
Frigid Floes
This gleaming field of floes is a fleeting reminder of the former size and glory of the Southern Icefield, which once rivaled expanse of the northern continent. Recent warm weather and intrusions from the children of Fire and Lightning have contributed to the fractured landscape, each conflict pushing the puzzle pieces further apart.

Snowsquall Tundra
The only pockets of what can pass for wildlife now huddle themselves into the brush of the tundra, which blankets the heart of the icefield. Dense evergreen forests skirt the mountain ridges, and many dragon clans huddle in wicker caves and huts nestled deep in the trees for the better part of each year.

Cloudscrape Crags
This desolate string of mountains overlooks the frozen waste, and are among the tallest in the world. Even the hardiest of the ice dragonflight keep their clans safely below the harshness of the peaks, as those who have ventured upward never return.

The Fortress of Ends
A frigid, unforgiving monument to the archaic past. From out of craggy, inhospitable terrain grow spires of impenetrable ice, covered in hoarfrost. Within these looming towers exist creatures, horrors, treasures, and even the ice flight's own denizens, trapped forever in unending preservation. And they are being watched...

Zone Element
Reigning God
Indigenous Life
Bobwhite Quail, Black Swan
Region Population

A cursed, murky wood of rail-thin evergreens, enveloped by an impenetrable mist. Within the thickness of this twilight, the Shadowbinder and her ilk sneak unseen, skittering and laughing at one another through gnarled brambles, and among glowing shrooms and tree roots. The earth here is literally sunken, as if half of the Sunbeam Ruins fell away into darkness willingly.
Driftwood Drag
Hollow, rotted logs line the banks of the river delta, the silty flow impeded further by haphazard dams of wood, bark, and leaf-litter stuck together. The fertile lands and abundance of food to be found in the region attract all manner of local wildlife, and dragons are no exception. Roosts are routinely built using the natural dams, expanding heavily into above-ground draconic habitats.

Wispwillow Grove
If any part of this darkened land can be called beautiful, it is the grove. All manner of giant glowing fungi dot the terrain, providing the only light that does not fight its way through the murk that hangs above. Among these mushrooms, trickster dragons chase firebugs and faeries, content to capture some for the eerie lanterns that illuminate their hovels and caves.

Foxfire Bramble
The gnarled, twisting shapes of the Foxfire Bramble are sinister against the moonlight, and provide excellent defense to the clans that have painstakingly dug themselves hearths within. Beneath the crushing, thorny knots are some of the darkest places in the realm, and it is nearly impossible for even nocturnal creatures to see more than a few feet in front of them.

Forum of the Obscured Crescent
A dirtied, muddied hovel, deliberately piled with debris from all the surrounding areas. It existed before the land was enveloped in shadow, constructed by an ancient civilization who, perhaps aware of its nature as a potent weapon against deception, built an open air temple around the pool. The Shadowbinder now claims the Forum as her fortress, fouling the pool with spoils and junk, rendering it useless as a clairvoyant tool.

Zone Element
Reigning God
Indigenous Life
Silver Raccoon, Sun Flecked Fieldmouse
Region Population

Here exists a peaceful highland of steppes and fields, the terrain itself swaying to the tune of the endless plumes and currents of warm wind that caress the region. It is a world of rushed merriment, as dragons dive through and curl around gigantic clouds, racing one another through pockets of swirling cool air. The messages of the world all pass through this plateau, with each dragon traveling somewhere, and for some reason, guided only by the direction of the wind and a sense of exploration.
Zephyr Steppes
The most peaceful place in all the world. Fledgling clans and families nestle within the bushes that line each grassy steppe, and calming breezes coax hatchlings to learn to fly much earlier in their life than other dragons. These plots of terrain physically embody the first chapters of each dragon's rite to become closer to the sky.

Reedcleft Ascent
The bridging test of wind dragon's aptitude towards adulthood is the Ascent, a series of reed-covered cliffs through which the strongest of the region's air currents pass. Each pillar is higher than the one before it, creating the illusion of a fractured slope. These stairs are separated by open air, and rushing rapids can be seen far, far below.

The Twisting Crescendo
The final trial of the Windsinger's children is a powerful vortex on the western shore. This great storm has raged for thousands of years, and is said to be the residual effect of an ancient time in which the gods of air and ice quarreled. Torrents of angry air pull clouds in an aggressive spiral, and even the most adept wind dragons avoid the eye, a place from which many rarely return.

The Cloudsong
A floating array of kites and platforms, crafted and maintained by the oldest clans in the region. Of the set, the largest kite resembles the Windsinger himself, his laughing visage constructed out of leather bladders and sturdy paper sails. Reed balconies and walkways connect each disc to the next, creating a giant slithering community in the sky.

Zone Element
Reigning God
Indigenous Life
Vibrant Prickly Insect, Dustrat
Region Population

The largest body of freshwater in the realm. The sea rises and falls each day, bringing all manner of sea life to the shores of the regions surrounding it, providing sustenance to clans of all elements. So vast is this sea, that the shorebound observer would see only the faint silhouette of the surrounding lands on the horizon. It is beneath this colossal well that water dragons spend their lives, traversing the deeps and sharing visions of the futures they foresee.
Tsunami Flats
A becalmed coastal stretch of shoals and giant tidal pools. Dragons occupy the pools, burrowing into the loamy sand and shaping half-submerged underwater caves with their small, but growing magics. Sustenance, in the form of amphibious reptiles and fish, is abundant. Although seemingly a frontier, it is at these shores that the Water God is most able to protect his charges, employing tidal wave defenses to menace away aggressors.

Fishspine Reef
The coral here roots deep into the dried marrow of gargantuan bones left behind from an ancient battle in a forgotten era. Whether these remains are of monstrous fish, dragons of yore, or something completely other, the Fishspine is crowded by a lost history, sunken artifacts, and drowned spirits.

Leviathan Trench
The deepest part of the world. The sea beneath the sea is a treacherous and savage place possessing of an unforgiving undertow and precious little light. Many wonders are said to exist here - more relics of prehistory - shrouded, even from the Tidelord's gaze, by a silty, unbroken twilight occupied by alien fish, and far worse. It is in the safety of the cliff faces that the flights dig their homes, and into the unknown that their bravest dare dive.

The Spiral Keep
An immense conch, settled and pressed into the very bottom of the seabed. The pressure here is so intense, that the integrity of this mysterious structure is pressed to its limit, nearly imploding under the weight of the water churning overhead. Within this dreary coil, the Tidelord bellows and moans his prophecies, which are carried to the surface by way of billions of tiny bubbles.

Zone Element
Reigning God
Indigenous Life
Black Squirrel, Glade Swarmer
Region Population

The Viridian Labyrinth is considered the pulsing, verdant center of what remains of the Gladekeeper's ambitious campaign to blanket the world in life abundant. From the dark sweated jungles, shamanistic clans weave the wildlife around them into formidable tree villages and hideaways, content enough to cling to the waning growth of the world through roots and streams.
Everbloom Gardens
The lush, tropical growth of Everbloom Gardens entices the senses: beautiful tri-colored hummingbirds flit between blossoms, weaving a nectar-rich symphony in the brilliant flowers that blanket the forest floor and perfume the humid breeze. Succulent, low-hanging fruits grow ripe in trees on rivulets fed from deep pools of crystal-clear water. Fledgling dragons can begin their journey in the relative safety of the low-growing flora.

The Gladeveins
The Gladeveins contain a tiered structure of aqueducts and waterfalls running through fallen and hewn logs, a testament to the ingenuity of the woodland denizens. Water floods in controlled deluges, soaking the soil, washing clean the environment, and providing continual, refreshing sustenance for the tall timber forming the natural outer walls of the Viridian Labyrinth within.

Shrieking Wilds
The dense, jungly overgrowth of the Shrieking Wilds cloaks the land in darkness even during the day, creating a haven for the nocturnal beasts leaping between boughs and swinging from thick, ropy vines. Ancient mossy trees, wrapt and bent around twisting footpaths, forever quake with activity above, and the air is astir with the bellows of hidden creatures.

The Behemoth
An enormous tree at the heart of the maze. Some say that the Gladekeeper herself lives within its great trunk, while others believe that the tree itself is grown into her mighty flank. So colossally does it rise, that it is visible from nearly every horizon in the world, a reminder of the power of unbridled life.

Zone Element
Reigning God
Indigenous Life
Hardshell, Crystal Jellyfish
Region Population

It is in the mysterious voided empires and monuments of this sun-specked land that the Lightweaver and her children have made their homes. These structures, which have existed since before dragonkind, are still the subject of study for many fascinated archaeologists and scholars. Crumbling ruins are all that visibly remain of the world that came before.
Sundial Terrace
Little is known about the original architects of the giant sundial, but many continue to study feverishly to understand its origins. Each summer, on the longest day of the year, dragons from all over the world gather around the monument and etch the outline of its giant shadow into the stone floors of the terrace, an activity that has been practiced since before the Light dragons ever settled.

Mirrorlight Promenade
A massive, decorative expanse of ancient architecture, angled to perfectly line up with the rising and setting of the sun. Hundreds of crumbling pillars exist as totems to families and clans that call this platform home. Adolescent dragons practice taking flight and landing along its narrow walkways, and hatchlings play in its many crevices and on its majestic stairwells.

The Hewn City
A ruined, skeletal landscape of shattered structures, gripped by a shade that boggles even the Light dragonflight's most studious archaeologists. In this broken city lay secrets that are too mysterious to unearth, and even the bravest dragons are given pause when approaching its haunted outskirts.

The Beacon of the Radiant Eye
A crumbled, but welcoming tower that resides on the eastern seaboard. From this cliff, the Lightweaver watches and waits for any dragon that may be making a trip across the sea. It is an important vantage point; she can survey the golden rolling hills speckled with ruins and redwoods, and see everywhere the light touches.

Zone Element
Reigning God
Indigenous Life
Mire Chestnut, Chromodori Swimmer
Region Population

The dry, rolling dunes of the Shifting Expanse are defense enough for the wicked, industrious dragons that call the desert their home. Under the employ of the Stormcatcher, the inhabitants of this land carve their roosts deep into the earth and on the hollowed insides of the towering mesas and buttes that line the coast. Miles of wrapped cables criss-cross valleys and canyons, linking harnessed electricity to unseen machines.
Highland Scrub
An arid stretch of land that can be considered the region's most docile area. Low shrubbery clings to life in a place where moisture is precious, and hundreds of species of lizard and carrion bird clamor for supremacy in the wind and heat. Cactus plants provide well-wandering dragons with water enough to find the next shady spot.

Carrion Canyon
On the edge of a crackling thunderstorm, this great canyon carves the region in two, providing a natural defense for the clans that live among the mesas to the east. This large divide is nearly devoid of life, with only the bones and corpses of creatures long dead to remind travelers that the cross is plenty dangerous.

The Lightning Farm
An impressive array of rods and spires, thrust into the static-charged, superheated air. Atop these flats, lightning strikes these coils thousands of times an hour, providing energy to machines unseen. Hundreds of cables drape from mesa to mesa, like a vibrant, deadly spiderweb of concentrated energy.

Tempest Spire
A large, central tower scraping the bottom of the stormclouds that scream and roar overhead. The air is deadly up here, torrents of powerful lightning clapping the metallic framework that holds this feat of technology together. It is from this conductor that the Stormcatcher bellows instructions to his employees below.

Zone Element
Reigning God
Indigenous Life
Granny Smith Apple, Canyon Ruffage
Region Population

The tumultuous, heated lands of the Flamecaller are the heartbeat of the world. It is said that whenever the land is pained, searing canyons and geysers emerge from the bedrock, and it is the Fire dragonflight that exploits this unrest, shaping and manufacturing the terrain however they see fit. They are hardened and relentless in their industry, filling the skies with an acrid haze of smokes and steams.
Emberglow Hearth
In the northern region of fire, the magma vents are gentle and free of the volatile pressure troubling the rest of the realm. Small fiery pools form, attracting edible salamanders and fireflies and providing natural open-hearth furnaces, ideal for apprentice metalworking dragons. Able to supply both utility and sustenance in vast quantities, the Emberglow Hearth is a popular starting point for fledgeling lairs.

Molten Scar
From above, the Molten Scar appears as a fiery, violent wound gouged relentlessly into the landscape. It reaches eastward and is comprised of disjointed tectonic plates that crash thunderously into one another as they drift on the liquid rock. Rare metals are revealed in this back-and-forth exchange, and the open gaps are alive with dragons eager to plunder the veins before the next collision knocks the unclaimed ore into the melting pot below.

Blacksand Annex
This obsidian coastline is blanketed in flowing lava and a scalding steam-mist at the water's edge. The land is fluid and soft: an open canvas - unmolded clay needing a crafter's hand. The Annex beckons to those flights eager to make a lasting impression on the landscape and thus to cement their places by the Flamecaller's side. However, this builder's paradise is marred by inexplicable events and dreadful shapes moving deep in the pervasive mist.

The Great Furnace
Anchored into the thick, glassy obsidian by immense drills, a mighty platform perches over the crater of the continent's largest and most active volcano. The intricate architecture is shrouded in a billowing cloud of ash and acrid smoke, but the glowing lava powering the forge workshop highlights the fire-tinged silhouettes of the furnaces and smelters furthering the Flamecaller's efforts.

Zone Element
Reigning God
Indigenous Life
Miniature Wallaby, Runic Pug Moth
Region Population

The Starfall Isles, once low rolling plains and small islands lined with glimmering shores, were transformed into a skyline of crystalline peaks and listlessly rotating earth streaked in bolts of pure magic. The Arcanist spends his time within the candlelit halls of Observatory at Focal Point, cataloging the stars in wax-laden archives and scrying runes to enchant the very world around him.
Crystalspine Reaches
This mighty mountain range once stood straight and tall, but as the realm transformed, so did the Reaches. The peaks now curve inward, pointing directly toward the Observatory and creating a concave and sheltered realm for younger flights to nurture their nascent powers and to grow accustomed to the warping energies of the land. The dragons here mine the peaks and use their fledgeling magic to send large plinths of crystal to their patron.

Starwood Strand
To stand inside of the Starwood at night is be embraced by an infinite universe. Along this former shoreline, the trees stretch skyward and grow taller than anywhere else. At night, they blossom and reveal millions of flowers winking in the moonlight like so many stars. It is a place for inspiration and thought. Many dragons discover their genius here, but many more become lost to the dangers hidden in its beauty.

Focal Point
Once a low island, Focal Point now threatens to tower over even the Crystalspine Mountains. The earth here longs to join the sky, pulling upwards in cascading towers of rock and crystal. The vast energies at play affect the outer lands and make the skies a dangerous litter of resources sent in to feed the Observatory. The true threats, however, to those living here are the strange, alien creatures riding the meteors that rain upon the land...

The Observatory
Sitting atop the highest reaches of Focal Point, the Observatory stands lonely, its Eye of Many Lenses staring deep into the darkest quadrants of space. The Arcanist broods by candlelight within as his four frail arms feverishly scribble the knowledge of the cosmos into ancient tomes of countless pages. Forbidden words rolling off of enchanted tongues echo through the the archaic structure bound in runes formed through years of applied magical sciences.

Zone Element
Reigning God
Indigenous Life
Tokay Gecko, Wallaby
Region Population

Like a wound in the center of the world, the Scarred Wasteland continues a campaign of destruction that began in an age where the Plaguebringer only had one enemy: her sister the Gladekeeper. Rot and runaway viruses pulse through the landscape, infecting the terrain as it spreads ever outward in a sick spiral of death and decay.
The Wandering Contagion
Like an expansive festering scar, the edges of the Filthy One's domain have taken on a border conquest of their own. Tendrils and membranes, thick and resilient, still creep into every pockmark and outcropping of land they can find. It will not be long until the encroachment begins to threaten foreign clans and flights.

The Abiding Boneyard
The arid, growing wastes that make up the majority of this land are broad and deadly, even for denizens hardened by biological adaptation. Few plague dragons make the trek from the thriving borderlands to the cauldron at the heart of the region, but those that do tell stories of travelers becoming lost for centuries, or even eternity.

Rotrock Rim
It is said that the ring of this immense crater is both a welcome sight and bittersweet image of pilgrims who challenge themselves in the boneyard. As with the borderlands, life - if it can be called that - thrives here. The long-forgotten indigenous shrubs and trees now silhouette this sudden upturn of earth in their new forms: twisted, grotesque, and pulsing. Alien roots and branches converge in a writhing, pestilent garden that reaches and strains for its food source at the heart of the pit.

The Wyrmwound
A veritable cauldron of disease, churned by the Plaguebringer herself, to design and release experimental strains of never-ending calamity. Even the dragons who settle along the crater's edge stay clear of this pustule lake, wary that any contact could wipe them out, or turn them into something monstrous.

Zone Element
Reigning God
Indigenous Life
Wild Green Discus, Cragside Mussels
Region Population

The Earthshaker stood alone at the plinth, alone at his altar, a singular figure to match the Pillar he was charged to maintain. Yet not to his task did he watch, for his moist eyes saw only the diminishing shapes of his siblings, gone, on the southern horizon, never to return...
The Shattered Plain
A rocky, barren expanse of skittering stone and parched, packed dirt lined and featured with innumerable cracks. It is amongst the larger rocks that the dragons here choose to roost, away from the shards of dancing stone. The difficult labour required to dig and sustain a lair in the Plain is the worst of the area's challenges, however, making it an ideal training ground for those intending to carve a living in the more dangerous parts of ancient Dragonhome.

Greatwyrm's Breach
The mighty break in the eggshell-shaped mountain range surrounding the Pillar, named for its visual allusion to the hatching of a new-born dragon. It is said that the gorge reaching westward towards the sea housed the first clans, and the intricate series of networked caverns that dot it support this claim. A storied realm for dragonkind, many of the old lairs here are known for their murals and cave-paintings telling of the ancient feats performed by the Elemental Gods in the shaping of the world.

Cairnstone Rest
Once an ancient burial ground, the Cairnstone Rest possesses the richest gem deposits in Dragonhome. Prospectors take care to avoid the imposing obelisks and standing stones, heeding well the warnings left for tomb robbers; however, in the digging of mines and expanding lairs, accidents can happen, and more than one clan has been driven from the area by skeletal wyrms. Creatures and dragons have been drawn to the battleground, calling for more to take arms either to defend their living and dead kin, or cull the intruders before too much harm is done.

The Pillar of the World
The sorrowful, crumbling remains of the final vestiges of peace between the elemental flights. It is this monument alone that towered above the world, acting as the base of a great magical shield whose purpose was to protect the land from the roaming Shade, a devouring plague of darkness. The Earthshaker has existed here for time immemorial, both guarding and mourning the structure that once held his brothers and sisters together.

Bounty of the Elements

We suddenly got quite a few short stories about the magic of the lands becoming stronger, affecting the lands more than ever before. It gave rise to special eye types, the discovery of ancient breeds and the realisation that the world map was no longer correct. Fire got a whole new volcanic island and the twisting crescendo changed direction, to mention the most noticeable. And finally, several years later, the map update was confirmed to be implemented March 1st, 2021. Everyone in the Stormlight Workshop is said to have contributed to this new marvel. I never gave the old world map much thought, and have used it a bit in biography writing and styling. I was not really missing a new map, but who knows what I'll say when we get it. According to the developers they are really excited to show us, which makes us excited as well.


Crystie is the child of two ice primal parents. She was born a female gaoler with blackberry phantom, heather spirit, sky opal and ice unusual eyes. I bought her for 25kt, and now she has hatched a primal of her own!
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