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Personal Style


Daisy Flowerfall
Teardrop Pearl Ring
Amethyst Flourish Bracelet
Buttercup-Edged Claw
Nebula Starsilk Cloak
Woeful Gambeson
Twilight Rose Thorn Banner
Twilight Rose Thorn Collar
Woeful Gloves
Woeful Footpads
Nebula Starsilk Tailwrap
Violet Flower Crown


Accent: Starwood Witch


Scene: Moonbeam Aqueduct


4.91 m
3.31 m
717.19 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 09, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Former (?) Mage Assassin



Deep within enemy territory, the purple-feathered Skydancer flew as fast as her wings could take her, robes trailing in the wind behind her. The Gaolers were after her, she heard their calls. Adara's done a lot of things, in fact she kills for a living, but she has never done this. The Gaolers in this area were far stricter, and far more dedicated to a chase.

She was getting tired, and sure that other dragons were on her tail, but she desperately needed a place to rest and recharge. Ahead, she saw a campfire nestled between the wooded peaks, with a surrounding of tall tents and vibrant lights. Hopefully the dwellers there would take pity on her, it was what she could hope for.

Rasping, she landed by what seemed like the main tent. There were many claw-prints on the ground, giving her a sense of fear, but she carefully walked in.

As she crashed on the floor, another Skydancer arose, startled. "Oh by the deities-" The Skydancer rushed over to Adara, who struggled to lift herself up.

"I'm alright, really, I just needed a place to crash," Adara struggled to regain her composed demeanor.

"Well, that was evident. What brings you here? You're not a performer."

"Please, just let me hide here until the Gaolers pass. I've been accused of a crime, and this time I didn't commit it. They've been chasing me for ages and I have to rest. I don't need to eat so I won't deplete your stores." Adara was not one to beg, but she was okay with asking.

"Of course, you can hide in the dressing room, this tent is for only me. However, you have to catch me up first." The Skydancer stipulated as she helped Adara into a room covered by tapestries and robes.

The Skydancer propped up Adara and kindled the fire. Adara couldn't protest, much, but her savior wouldn't accept it. As she prepped a meal, she talked to Adara. "Tell me about yourself. If I'm saving your feathers from being ruffled by the Gaolers I'd at least like to know if you deserve it." The Skydancer was serious, and Adara didn't doubt that she could be turned in at any moment, she could sense curiosity in her rescuer's voice.

"I'm called Adara, and I use my experience as a mage to kill others, for pay of course. I'm usually unnoticed."

"That doesn't make me very convinced."

"It's mainly corrupt Clan leaders. A leader is taking too much land in a sketchy manner? Dead. A leader is harming their citizens? Dead. Really, anyone I'm paid to. I'm not going to kill you though, and the crime I'm accused of I did not commit."

"Which is-?"

"Right. So, I was sent to a masquerade, to merely observe, relax. The royalty there was important, and they had some new hatchlings. However, someone there murdered all three of the heirs, and everyone in the room, including the nursery attendant, caregiver, and the eldest daughter. I was far from the scene, but eyes started to turn on me, so I fled. The royalty wasn't entirely fond of me anyways. I'll kill for money, yes, but I would never kill children or the innocent. However, nobody knows the killer, so I'll have to pay the crime."

"That's awful! I wouldn't have a clutch myself, but killing innocent hatchlings is horrendous! From what I can tell of you," she taps the jewel on her forehead," you're telling the truth."

"Thank you, for your hospitality." She dipped her head.

"I'm regretting this less. Anyways, I'm called Ysola." Her attitude shifted from suspicious curiosity to genuineness.

"Thank you, Ysola. Now, why are you here?"

"Well, interesting you asked. I perform for all sorts of events, my voice is one of the best. I was relaxing after a performance. The festival has a day left before it closes, and I have another performance scheduled after that."

"Fortunate I didn't disturb your performance, I doubt you would have been so hospitable."

Ysola laughs. "You are right about that."

Adara was starting to get used to Ysola, and Ysola intrigued about Adara.


Adara would stay a bit longer, even going with Ysola to a few other concerts, totally to be a bodyguard. She would still take paid deals to take out other dragons, though, much to Ysola's dislike.

"Please, this is going to catch up to you." Ysola played with Adara's mane, the assassin slumped over.

"I promise I'll be careful," Adara replied, rather sleepily. The two would have sleep-hazed conversations close together, random mutterings and talks, until they inevitably fell asleep for the night. Though, on the nights Ysola sang, Adara would fall asleep first. Otherwise, Adara would hold Ysola in her arms until the singer fell asleep.


"You're back late," Ysola would say one night.

"I failed a job and had to lay low, only a minor skirmish, I'm fine though," Adara padded in.

"Where? Will you get caught?" Concern welled in Ysola's voice.

"Far off in Plague, a pompous Prince was getting too powerful. I knocked his ego down a few notches at least, though I missed my shot."

"As long as you don't get caught." Ysola embraced Adara.


More nights would pass. Ysola paced around, frantic for a show, going off about how incompetent some of the organizers were.

"I can't believe they would have the AUDACITY to rig the stage up that poorly-" Ysola stress flew into the air to do a few laps.

Adara stuck by her side, although panting heavily. She was determined to support Ysola. Eventually Adara talked Ysola to go back in the tent, where she calmed down.

Adara was about to reply, when she coughed into a scarf. It was an awful noise, and Ysola snapped her attention to the assassin.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thank you." Adara clung onto the scarf.

"Let me clean that then-" Ysola started before Adara cut her off," I'll take care of it myself."

Ysola waggled her claws and conjured up a shadow to bring the scarf closer. To her horror, it was spackled with crimson. "Adara-" Her voice dropped.

"I'm sure I'm fine, please, don't worry." Adara cast a flurry of snowflakes to bring the scarf back to her.

"Is this from the skirmish?"

"I'm sure I'm alright, nothing I haven't dealt with before," Adara said as she disposed of the scarf.


Adara's condition worsened, unable to shake off whatever had hold of her. Where the Plague dragon struck her on her side had since become infected, and no matter what Adara did she worsened. She loved Ysola, and hated that she had to be in a weakened state in front of the singer. Adara was supposed to protect Ysola, that was the deal. Whenever Ysola sang Adara to sleep, that added salt to Adara's wound of remorse.


As if by magic, Adara randomly got better, however she awoke to Ysola gone. In the meantime, she prepped a nice meal for Ysola to come back to, it was only fair.

"Welcome back," Adara embraced Ysola.

"Hey!" the singer rasped.

"Are you okay?" Adara had noticed Ysola's voice changed.

"Yes, I just had a concert and strained my voice, I'm sure I'll be alright. Most importantly, are you alright? You're up, you made food." Ysola's eyes glimmered.

"Surprisingly!" I'm glad to go back to being there for you.

Ysola only smiled, but genuine.


"Up for another song? Encore?" Adara murmured as they cuddled close for the night.

Ysola smiled, and started to sing. It was quiet, but as she hit the high note, her voice faltered, and she doubled over coughing. Adara jolted, grabbing a cloth. "Ysola!"

Ysola wiped away the crimson and shrugged it off. "My voice is just strained."

"Still? It's been nights, Ysola, please." Adara pleaded.

"I'm okay, really."


Ysola's affliction was permanent, but not deadly, but she could no longer sing. Any high note shredded her vocal chords. She'd push through performances, but end up coughing all night. Countless bandages, shrugged off as a stylistic choice. Adara carefully wrapped them.


"Do you know how to sing, Adara?" Ysola whispered.

"Feast and folk songs, yeah. Nothing popular. Besides, I'm bad and raspy, it's better singing those songs alone or in a group," she dismissed the question, but upon feeling bad, quickly added," But I suppose I can sing some."

"I'd be curious to hear," Ysola smiled.

Adara's voice was a bit raspy and off key, but she recounted an old folk song about an adrift harpy.

"You're not a bad singer. There's a difference between a deep voice and one like gravel."

Adara couldn't help but blush.

"You should sing some more," Ysola added.


They both loved each other, they still do, but a parting was inevitable. The terms they left on were subpar, Adara couldn't help but feel unfinished. Unresolved. There was much more to be said. But Ysola was gone, they'd keep in touch, maybe, and Adara was alone.

She'd get taken in by the Gaolers inevitably. She thought moving to Plague would be fitting. She wasn't going to argue much, as they put her in manacles. However, as she was forced to board the Airship, her chest sunk and a lump formed in her throat. She was thrown in a holding cell for the time being, but every second was filled with dread.

There he would arrive, the dreaded, pompous, Plague prince, Prince Equinox. He smiled upon seeing Adara.

"I think you'll enjoy things here." Only malice filled his smile.

Her conditions were the same as all the other prisoners aboard the ship. However, the "Coliseum Challenges" scared her. She disliked that any of the prisoners could be sent into the coliseum to battle other dragons, potentially dying, for the entertainment of the rulers. Every day she would hope that she wouldn't be picked.

She longed to see Ysola, and wrote up a few drafts. They never made it, most were burned, until she received a letter from a foreign courier. She fixed some things up, but ultimately sent a letter.

She would fiddle with ring Ysola gave her, sad that they were being kept apart, and that she could get picked for a challenge without another word. She didn't entirely trust the healers, and was scared every time she saw a half-dead dragon dragged into the healer's ward. She hated being stuck, Prince Equinox's system seemed to taunt her.


She didn't get to see much of the court's life, but she did hear news that a new performer joined. Fortunately, it was open deck hours, so Adara's cell was unlocked. As soon as she slipped out and upstairs to see the performer, emotions overwhelmed her.

"Ysola-" She called, out of impulse.

"Adara?" The performer whispered quietly and spun around. She was draped in different clothes, Prince Equinox's choice no doubt, but it was undoubtedly her.

The two flew towards each other and hugged. Ysola pulled Adara into her new quarters. They held each other for a long, long time.

Ysola still couldn't sing well, much to Adara's sadness, but she was there! They could see each other again. Ysola was mutually sad when she learned Adara was stuck in Containment. But they could see each other... Adara would slip out and the two would meet as often as they could, all underneath the eyes of the court and Gaolers.

Adara resents Containment, but Ysola being in the Airship brings a witty spark back to Adara's personality.

Soft for her

Theme Song

[The Letter]
Adara- wrote:
No matter what, I still care about you, and, I just long so much to see you again, be together like we used to, even if it's not like before, I hope you have found a way to use your voice without straining it, I know how much singing meant to you and how much it made you happy. I'm sorry it must be my bad luck Wherever you are now, I hope life treats you right. For consolation, I promise I'm not getting accused of any false crimes this time aha If you can't use your voice, still, though, maybe this instrument is a good outlet I didn't mean to take music from you

-I say this as consolation, I don't want you to worry, but I am confused. But, I hope with our letters, maybe at one point, we can clarify things. If need be I know how to get out, for a while at least I don't know if it's okay now, but I know at one point they will be, please don't worry. Not about the letters, how I am, how you left, we'll discuss in time, and figure it out then.

--And I can promise you, just hearing from you in the first place is enough.


Ysola - Wife

Equinox - Enemy

Chiquita - Friend

Illymhunaithe - Friend

Raeme - Acquaintance

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