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Personal Style


Teardrop Pastel Spinel Necklace
Steel Steampunk Scarf
Genteel Azure Knickers
Navy Leg Wraps
Genteel Azure Spats
Ghost Flame Tail Ribbon
Simple Tail Tatters


Accent: Rendering


Scene: Stormcatcher's Domain


5.11 m
6.49 m
598.02 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 06, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Name meaning: Rājīb (Rajiv, Rajive, or Rajeev, among other spellings) is a popular Indian or Nepalese male name. It is said that the lotus flower (Nelumbo nucifera), though it grows in muddy water, doesn't accumulate the mud particles onto it; such is the quality described as rājīv. Today, in several Indian languages, including Hindi, Telugu, Bengali, Madheshi, Nepali, Assamese, Marathi and Kannada, rājīv is the word for "lotus flower."

In the Rāmāyaṇa, Rāma's epithets include Rājīv-Lochan, meaning "one whose eyes are like lotus flowers."

Rajeev is also said to mean "blue lotus."
ROLE: Quantum Physicist.

MATE: Quasar (and also the subatomic particles that make up the universe)

FAMILIAR: Dwarf Truffle

NOTABLE RELATIVES: Rosette (adoptive grandmother), Arseni (adoptive grandfather), AdamCrowley (brother), Berry (brother), Indrani (sister), Nirav (nephew), Caoimhe (niece adopted by Aakesh and Panacea), Rajani (brother), Aqil (brother), Althean (brother), Elarth (brother), Rhiri (sister), Bazyl (brother), Bani (sister), AmRealFae (brother, adopted by Nilaratan), Arona (brother), Entropy (brother), Llyr (brother)

Note: Outfit: Quantum Leap.

The faint twang of a catapult can be heard from the distance, and a Skydancer hatchling comes hurtling into view, guided with pinpoint accuracy to land in a large area of extremely soft and bouncy grass. The hatchling hops up a moment after landing and begins leaping and hopping awkwardly through the air, trying to feel the wind in his wings. A note pinned to his feathers says "Catapult 2.0 is go."
~Solarfox123 (Arseni is temporarily reassured. XD)

Note: He was born around the time when Zinfandel began trying to convince the Glade to move locations.

Rajeev came from the Shrieking Wilds and learned all the reckless science he knows from watching Snuggles work before the catapult adventure that brought him here.

Unfortunately, he did a bit too much experimentation with teleportation and kind of got... glitched. Sometimes, he will randomly teleport in and out of locations without meaning to - and he doesn't always have control of where he ends up either - because his existence in this plane has become shaky at best, so he does what he can to keep himself together and physically attached to the place he currently wishes to be in. But if you happen to see half of him in one place and half in another..... don't worry about it. He's fine. Really.

Rajeev would visit home in the Glade more often, but unfortunately the most they'd probably get to see of him by the time he got there would be his backside or a sparkly toe, maybe the tip of his tail if they were lucky.

.....unless Quasar is around.

After the anomaly dressed up as a Snapper joined Haven, it was discovered that the weird wave disturbance he throws out into the universe was able to stabilize Rajeev for a time. It was only a temporary stabilization, but it was something! And Quasar's waves seemed to act almost as a magnetic force to him. No matter how many other locations he had been teleported to, he would inevitably find himself appearing at Quasar's side after a certain period of time had passed.

Neither of them are certain of all the variables in this equation, but they determined that their partnership would be beneficial to both of them. Quasar keeps Rajeev tied to his current physical plane and Rajeev helps translate for Quasar when they're together.

Nilaratan: [relationship Struggles]

Rajeev, looking at his father's life and then looking back at his own with gratitude: "I may have a nebulous relationship with existence, but you know what? I'm good. I got this."

Nilaratan, disappointedly from his lab back in the Glade, very well aware of his own unfortunate situation thank you very much: "I HEARD THAT D=<"

Rajeev: [stares back with sympathy while his father judges himself for his life choices]

so at some point Rajeev became aware of this contrast in their science relationships, Nilaratan also became aware of it, and it ended up just being these two emotionally-sensitive Skydancers being like "I know you know and we are NOT talking about this, but that will not stop either of us from alluding to it without outright saying it because that would be rude so I guess we'll just agree to occasionally sass to drown the pain instead"

the great offense
is Rajeev actually Noticing and Feeling Bad about it
Nilaratan will not stand for this pity party from his own child

Rajeev: [feels bad]
Nilaratan: "how dare"
Rajeev: [attempts to speak his father's language to make him feel better]
and so the sass begins

Rajeev has been so detached from everything going on in the world that he is fully surprised at everything involving his siblings

Rajeev, rolling up to the family reunion
Rajeev, wondering when his twin brother (Rajani) started his goth phase
Rajeev, also wondering when he acquired a brother that looks to be a floating amalgamation of clothing
"where am I, what is this, when did this happen"

next time he visits Nilaratan's like [introducing AmRealFae] "that's your brother, the one that didn't stab me in the heart"

Rajeev is just like "Father, please, I cannot help the way that I am" while Quasar sits quietly in the corner minding his business

AmRealFae sticks his tongue out at Rajeev whenever Nilaratan isn't looking XD
AmRealFae knows nothing but assumes that Rajeev has done Something, so he is just being a little poop because he knows he can get away with it

Rajeev, doing his best impression of a dramatic flair:
"well, if it upsets you so deeply, I can tell Quasar to leave... but then I might be making an unintended early departure too. it's a little bit difficult to stay in one place for long without him nearby, you see, but it's a sacrifice I must make. I wouldn't want to pain my dearest father by rubbing salt in his wounds... besides, your favorite son doesn't seem fond of me either, so no harm no foul~"

Nilaratan will just wave a paw like "I don't have favorites, dear, just a son who is here and one who moved a continent away. Good to see you as ever, dear, don't slam the door on the way out, we have many delicate experiments here right now. And really, dear, do take care. That much salt can't be good for you."
because Nilaratan is fine with his son sassing him, but his son better be prepared to be sassed right back.

Snuggles, upon watching all of this: man they must hate each other

Lilura: nah the featherbrain [she means Nilaratan here] sends him letters all the time

Snuggles: but???? hate????? clearly?????

Lilura: =<=

Nilaratan's love language is sassing

AmRealFae, listening in as Nilaratan has a heart to heart with Adnet about all the difficulties with Snuggles and Rajeev finding out about it

AmRealFae, mentally: Ah, so the Son is the Problem along with lab dad, who is Too Big to be :p'd at

realfae cannot fight the invisible lab dad, so he will strike the easier target
the Son who will not fight back or step on him for insubordination XD
AmRealFae will fight his fellow sibling because that is what Siblings Do and Rajeev will play nice with his smol brother because anything less than that is criminal against such a tiny squeaking fae who means well, so this "fight" is acceptable

Quasar, on the other hand, attempts to blow raspberries back when he notices this. he thinks it is a game and he wants to join, especially since it is something he can participate in without opening his mouth very much.

smol ratto tongue vs big snop tongue
raspberries behind everyone's backs
the first to be caught loses the game

little does Quasar know that realfae is in this to win it because this is no game XD

AmRealFae will give Quasar a friend lick when they leave

Quasar is Acceptable People

Nilaratan meanwhile is like [mentally] they are absolutely Doing Somethin behind my back but I will not turn around

Quasar would try to lick realfae back because, if that is another non-verbal way to communicate, he wants to try it with the small fae who communicates with his tongue

Nilaratan screeches at a previously unknown high pitch when AmRealFae disappears into Quasar's mouth X'D


Quasar, confused and upset: [gently sticks his tongue back out]
he did not mean to almost eat XD
he did not think this through to completion in his excitement asdhklf

AmRealFae would just be perched there
just like "ah, yes, just your average day, squeak squeak squeak"
holding onto a dying star or something
he enjoys this strange new friend with galaxies in his belly

it would be out of character for any of the children to ask
but if they ever asked who nilaratan's favorite was
it would absolutely be AmRealFae

Rajeev doesn't need to ask because he has Eyes and he can See Just Fine
so he just teases his poor father about it instead
playful sass about his Favorite

AmRealFae spends the entire family reunion perched on Nilaratan somewhere
because he is the only one Smol enough to do so
absolutely restarts the : p competition
with even more siblings participating

Nilaratan will have more children dishing out raspberries behind his back XD
what is this conspiracy
at least they're having fun and not getting into trouble
he thinks

Adnet absolutely starts flirting with Nilaratan, originally to try and show Snuggles like THIS!!! IS HOW YOU FLIRT!!!!
and then he's like "o no actually my friend is p cute"
and starts doing it for real

sees Nilaratan being all Heartbroken and Sad over Snuggles so he's like "let me leave my corner of absolutely not insanity and see what Snuggles is like"
-two minutes pass-
"THIS is the idiot that's making him CRY???"
Snuggles would choose that moment to try and flirt
but one of those really unintentionally bad ones
that sounds like an insult
and Adnet mentally is just like "Ooooooh no you don't I'm going to show him what flirting SHOULD BE"
and then by the time the week is out he's like "f*ck it's backfired and i am Genuinely interested better go aLL OUT THEN"

Rajeev, looking at Snuggles: irresponsible, cares little for feelings, a user, U N A C C E P T A B L E

Rajeev, looking at Adnet: somehow even worse what the F

Rajeev is convinced his father just attracts Bad Seeds
He and his siblings all pretty much agree on this general consensus, and Rajeev is left to be like "Father, I know we have this unspoken rule that we do not talk about it, but..... we need to talk about this"

A Snapper and a...strange-looking Spiral approach the clan, a small Fae riding on the Snapper's back. The odd Spiral puts the hatchie on the ground and pats his head. The Snapper, who at least one dragon recognizes as Entropy, ducks deeper into the clan, lumbering along until finding Rajeev. "We need to have a talk about dad." The Spiral calmly floats through a wall and coils herself around Entropy, settling in for a nice long chat.

It takes the Fae no time to find the group of travelers who look like him and join their ranks. In the meantime, Rajeev sets down his research notes and looks over at Quasar, who hums in understanding and moves closer to prevent any unanticipated interruptions. "No need to spare any details. I'm sure we have a lot to discuss."
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