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Personal Style






5.88 m
4.67 m
649.83 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 01, 2019
(5 years)


Mirror icon

Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Mirror
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



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Ex-Scientist - Experiment - Medic

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"It was an accident! It was never supposed to happen this way!”

“I told you that isotope was highly unstable, and you still used it. Now it’s infected him.”

“Earthshaker. What are we going to tell his family?”


“We can’t just tell them nothing! Then they’ll suspect something!”

“It’s simple, he was never here in the first place. The only way we can protect ourselves is if we deny his very existence to them.”

“I can’t get on board with this - “

“You will - or your whole family will suffer - Axel. What’s your little dragonette going to do when I say that poor, old daddy dragon was killed in a lab accident?”

“Alright, fine. Just don’t bring my daughter up again.”

They smile. It’s a ten-mile-long smile. They know they’ve won, and they will again.

“Now, help me put him into a cage.”

Waking up was agony. My head is pounding, and my muscles are cramped. Wait. Was there something dripping? Did the custodians forget to fix the leaking pipes? I bet it was Jensen. He can’t find a gem that sits in front of him.

Trying to get up yielded no results, except making me increasingly aware of the space I was in. This was not my office. The room was entirely too small - my wings couldn’t open properly - and I kept bumping my head on the ceiling.

Looking around frantically, I realized I was in one of the experimental cages we kept around.

“Hey! Someone help! I’m stuck in here!”

“That’s the point.” A voice replied.

Why was I supposed to be in a cage? What exactly was going on here?
It had just dawned on me. All those scientists that went missing, they were the new experiments. I, was now an experiment. I guess my sudden horror was written all over my face, as the voice began to laugh at me.

“Isn’t it ironic? A twist of fate, if you will. That you’ve become the very thing that you experimented on? It could be poetic justice to some.”

He walked around the cage, eyeing what I’ve become. The dripping sound had become part of the background, when I realized that my skin was oozing whatever substance was now coating my body.

“What do you want,” I suddenly asked, “with me and those other scientists?”

“It’s quite simple, really. I want to know why the isotopes work on you, but not others. Is is your breed, gender, or those who follow your deity that it affects you.”

“That’s breaking all laws and codes that we follow - that we honor! - you can’t just break the rules for the name of science.”

“I am and I’ve been doing from the time you are a hatchling. Oh - and by the way - your name is now SewerMonster, and you’ll now be addressed as such. It’s fitting really. Have a pleasant evening.”

With that he left the room, and I was left alone with my thoughts.

What does he mean he has been doing this for years? He’s only had this lab for about 6 months. Why did he choose me, instead of people outside the lab?
What is his name? We’ve always addressed him as Sir. No formal title or name to speak of.
I need to get out of this place, before I lose my mind in this infuriating cage.

It was the second day of putting me through various tests. I don’t know what data they’re trying to collect, but these tests are absolutely bizarre. It’s like going to the local medic’s office; always checking my eyes, wings, and that ooze that’s continuously seeping out of my pores. It always made me tired - and I’ve gotten used to the little exercise I get - but I know I have to get out soon. Or else I may be stuck here forever.

Something has happened to my eyes. Everything is blurry and I can’t seem to stop crying. To make it worse, the tears have become an opaque substance and many colours are indistinguishable.

I've seemed to get used to the blurriness and I’ve seen some of them out of their cages without any scientists here. They look at me with pity in their eyes - I don’t want their pity - I want freedom. Maybe I can help them in some way. Teach them something, maybe how to reverse the effects of some of their mutations if they aren’t that far along.

Gaining their trust won’t be easy, and I may have to persevere through more of those tests that Sir has them put me through, but it will be worth it in the end.

Here come the guards now, marching down the hallway.

I’ve managed to start talking to one, her name is Spectre. They’ve warped her in ways that I couldn’t even imagine. She gives off smoke all the time - it billows up towards the ceiling even now - and she has spines that are almost as big as one of my legs.

They call her a Banescale. Something new they had recently discovered, they’ve also discovered Gaolers. They’re both peculiar breeds, but necessary to our survival, as they’ve adapted to different climates and have different strengths.

We’ve been talking about our escape for some time now - maybe four weeks - and we think we have the plan down. I’ve managed to help slow the effects of the isotopes for them, but they’ve used something different for me and I can’t seem to cure it.

Spectre breaks me out of my thoughts.

“Are you ready? All of us are, and we’re waiting for you.”

“Of course. I’m just thinking about everything.”

“We don’t have time right now. You can think when we’re all out.”

“You’re right. Let’s move out.”

And with that our plan was enacted. Spectre was going to trigger multiple fire alarms and sprinklers, while other dragons - who couldn’t be cured - distracted the guards and Sir. I was supposed to get all of the hatchlings and other dragons out.

Let’s hope this actually works. Or else we’ll all be dead.

Everything had been going to plan, before Sir showed up with Spectre at his feet - unconscious, but alive - and demanded we stop.

”Your pathetic escape attempt is over! You’re all going to get back into your cages this instant, or Earthshaker help me, I will do so with force!”

Almost at once, everything broke into chaos. Dragons ran in all different directions and didn’t stop or see other dragons they trampled underneath them.

I ran to the exit, trying to stop more casualties before they happened, by opening the windows and doors. I could hear magic being cast behind me. Felt the stray electric shocks as a bolt barely missed me, and rounded a corner with the exit in view. Many of the dragons had followed me, including many of the hatchlings I’d been in charge of.

I could sense the immense fear that they had of being trapped here for another second, and felt horrible that I was once one of the scientists that experimented on them.

Reaching a window first, I opened it with a slash of my claws, and watched the hatchlings scramble to freedom. Someone had opened the doors, and many squeezed between their kin to be out first.

I began to go the other way, I wanted to see what had become of Spectre, when I reached the corner I found her.

She had been protecting a hatchling from one of the guards before I came, and it seems that she fought them off. But, she had no life in her eyes now. The cyan coloured smoke that could never be stopped, had finally ceased. She almost looked peaceful, if it hadn’t been for the horrifying expression on her face. A mix of pain and fear - like she knew her attacker - was permanently engraved on her features.

I couldn’t stand there any longer, and I fled not knowing where I was going. I didn’t miss the victorious smile that Sir wore standing behind her body. It’s like he knew he’d win long before we started.

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The grin he wears keeps me up at night, but it has subsided since I found a clan to stay with. They call themselves ‘The Labyrinthe’. I haven't a clue why, but it somehow suits them.

Many dragons call this clan home, whether they were born into it or wandered into their territory like I had weeks ago. I’ve since become a medic for them, it keeps my skills from getting rusty and it helps them whenever anyone is hurt.

Many of the dragons I escaped with have ended up here too. We kind of band together on most decisions and we've almost become a family. I'm also glad that some of the banescale hatchlings have made it here as well, they remind me of her all too often.

I patrol everyday waiting for Sir, I’ve yet to see him come this far away from his base. Since my nightmares have lessened, I stay up later than I should waiting for him to appear out of thin air. He hasn't shown his face once. If he ever does though, I’ll be ready for him.

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Bio template by @Mibella, find it here.
Lore by @CrowleyGhost, find me here.
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Exalting SewerMonster to the service of the Earthshaker will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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