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Personal Style

Hatchling dragons cannot wear apparel.



Scene: Lightweaver's Domain


1.48 m
1.21 m
51.45 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 19, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Coatl
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



53726633.png .
This dragon embarked on a trip across Sorneith during Brightshine Jubilee 2020 from June 21 to June 27. They are one of many who are traveling to various lairs and clans in the hopes of spreading love and joy to those they encounter. When it's over, they'll be able to look back at the adventures they had, the dragons they met, and remember the journey they went on.


6RNCxQc.png . Alba . pUGLfcB.png

A sunrise over the
.....Mediterranean Sea.

Brought to life by the awe
inspired in the hearts of all who saw it.

They're Journey



Day One: apocellipse, #465521
Steel and Pewter clung to the dingy underside of the mechanical island, replacing its worn-out parts while the engine stood still. The moon was beginning to sink below the horizon; they’d been working all night.

It happened so slowly, the mechanics barely noticed. The island’s underside, so unsightly in its coating of grease and rust, became bathed in a soft, prismatic glow. In the blooming dawn, the metal gleamed like sunlight.

The siblings exchanged glances, then startled in unison as they discovered the brightly-colored hatchling sitting in a bed of sunflowers beside them.

“Didn’t they say something about a visitor upstairs?” Steel muttered.

“I dunno.” Pewter picked up one of the sunflowers. “But I have no idea how to take care of a kid.”

For the rest of the day, the mechanics awkwardly ushered the strange little dragon about as she delivered her sunflowers. Was this a message from the Lightweaver? Or just a trick of the light? No one in the Convent could agree on an answer, but they all agreed that trying to make eye contact with Alba was like looking into direct sunlight.

“Ouch,” muttered one of the warriors, blinking exaggeratedly after getting a little too close. “Is this what hatchlings are into nowadays? Blinding their elders?” But he gratefully accepted the offered flower. “This is cute, I guess. The Lightweaver sends her best acolytes, eh?”

When it came time for her to leave, Steel and Pewter carefully packed her a bag of food and treasure for the road.

“She’s just a child,” Pewter chided. “Give her more than that.”

Steel glared at her, but dropped several more coins from his pocket into the pouch. “Is she, though?” he muttered, watching Alba shimmer, then slowly fade into the dusk as she headed for her next destination.
Miniature Potash Peach Honeycomb Fragment Fishscale Basket


Day Two & Three: Archerfish(#313726)

"This can't go on. We're tight enough on time as is. This is a clan, not some kind of a- some kind of a halfway house for overenthusiastic florists."
"Listen, she's a hatchling. And a disciple, to boot. You can't just evict a guest because you don't feel the holiday spirit."
The two voices argued, just out of earshot. Far away from the guest chambers for a strange, round-faced coatl to receive a surprise visit.
Mellilla poked her head around the corner, blinking a few times. Once she'd cleared her faceted eyes from any too-bright light that Alba shed, she padded over on honeyed paws to sit next to her fellow hatchling.
"Don't worry. They've ever kicked anyone out. They just argue for fun, I think." She waited for a response. Didn't seem to disturbed when she didn't get one.
"I didn't start speaking Draconic for a long time." Alba sat, inscrutable and glowing slightly. Mellilla didn't let that stop her.
"We're the same, aren't we?" There was no clarification given. The question hung vaguely in the air until Alba reached out and offered a sunflower. Mellilla stuck it between her head fins.
"You're not going to stay." She settled her head on her paws to look directly at Alba. It hurt, of course, but not as much as when the coatl inclined her head in confirmation.
Alba's chamber was gone by sunrise the next morning, but the light had a distinctly melancholy cast to it.


Day Four & Five: lyricalmyxteries, #446462

The next clan you approach is not so much a clan as much as it is a gathered group of various dragons. As you crest over a small hill, you see a sprawl of different roads and structures dotting the land in front of you. As you touch down on one of the roads, a pair of imperial dragons approach you, Rismar and Clarity.

Rismar is large and old, a deep shade of green. You see a few flickers of flame trailing in the shadows behind him, and a small breeze ruffles his mane though you feel nothing. Clarity, a younger dragon, is a stained red color. A white dove flutters around her, often perching on one of her horns. She has a curious look on her face as she regards you. "Are you the visitor we're expecting? There are so many dragons that stop by here we're never sure."

You nod your head, smiling brightly at them. "Yes, I'm Alba! Here, I brought sunflowers." You take out a bundle of sunflowers from your pouch. "They're for you, to hopefully make your Brightshine Jubilee a little brighter this year." You hold the sunflowers out towards them.

Clarity smiles back at you, "Oh perfect, that's great to have this festival! Let me send these off with the Messenger, I'll be right back." She carefully takes the bundle of sunflowers and turns down a side road, handing them to a pale yellow imperial. He glances over at you and Rismar, then takes flight with the bundle of sunflowers in his claws.

"That's Gabriel, our Messenger." Rismar comes up beside you to watch the dragon fly off. "He's the fastest flier here. No one knows the best and quickest paths like he does. He'll have those sunflowers delivered before you know it." You nod slowly.

Clarity returns to you and Rismar. "Come on, we'll give you a brief tour and then you can get some rest before this afternoon's event. There's a place set up for you already down the road."

As you walk together through the streets, winding your way through the village, you can't help but to wonder at what you see. There is nothing coherent about it, yet it feels like everyone and everything fits. It's like a mismatched quilt, something whole made from different, separate pieces.

Rismar notices your wonder and seems to guess the reason why. "This village is a common stop for travelers. We always have someone coming and going and things are constantly changing."

Clarity jumps in. "Everyone brings something unique with them that eventually finds a place here, one way or another. That's what makes us so special, I think, a blend of all these different things, the essence of every dragon who has been on this land." She turns to you. "When you leave tomorrow, you'll leave some part of you behind and it will cause this place to change, perhaps just the slightest bit, but it will happen. If you decide to visit again, this place will probably look completely different."

You blink at that and feel a little intimidated at the thought. A large claw settles itself on your shoulder and you glance over to see Rismar looking down at you. He says, "Don't fret about it little one. You are exceptionally blessed by the Lightweaver, and many will think that as the reason why this year's festival is rather joyful and calm. But your sunflowers, given freely and in good faith will do."

Feeling better, you offer him a small smile. Rismar tilts his head. "Come, let's continue."

The three you approach the end of the road and reach a flat plain dotted with a some structures. You can see some dragons inhabiting them. "This is the center of this land. It is a neutral area and many who are traveling through choose to stay here is they do not find anywhere else to stay."
Clarity gestures to an region to the South. "There live dragons not of this world. They live by their own rules and rarely go outside that area. We let them stay undisturbed."

"Over there live the elders, the ancient dragons who have existed since even before my time. There is no telling what they've seen or lived through. Some are rumored to have powers, the old powers of the gods. We don't bother them much and they leave us alone in part." Intones Rismar, nodding his head towards a collection of structures in the West.

Clarity turns around and motions to the East and West, including where they'd come from. "This is the main part of the village. It's where the residents live and trade, and where many of the shared activities and celebrations occur. Perhaps you'll join us for our event later this afternoon?" She looks you hopefully.

You pull out your list of destinations. After a moment of thought, you shake your head. "I'd like to, but I don't know if I'll make it." You say regretfully. "I want to get some rest, and then leave a bit early today while the ocean is still calm. My next place to go is on the other coast and I don't like to fly over the Sea of a Thousand Currents when the tide is high."

You can tell she is disappointed but she hides it with a small smile. "Ah alright, then I wish you safe travels today. Thank you for stopping by here!"

"Come with me, I will show you where you can stay." Rismar cuts in quietly. He gently steers you to a comfortable looking area in the East section. It has a few blankets and pillows, as well as some overlapping tree branches overhead. "Have a good sleep, and good luck on your journey." He turns and heads back to join Clarity at the beginning of the North section.

You remove your pouch and check that the rest of the sunflowers are still good. As you curl up to sleep, you can't help thinking back to everything Clarity and Rismar told you earlier that day. It is certainly different from your home clan here and you can tell there is much more that you don't know about this place, but you can't help but feel like you belong. Perhaps you will come back someday for a visit.


Day Six & Seven: ClockworkEclipse, Wanderers of the Starry Strand #125046

Alba's journey eventually took her to the Wanderers of the Starry Strand, a subsection of Wanderers who stretched out between the Starwood Strand and the Observatory. They had homes in the Starwood, and jobs in the Observatory from what the small hatchling could see. She was apparently delivering flowers to a Pearlcatcher with wings woven with the starlight found in the dawn sky and deep watery-blue eyes. They were expecting to find this Pearlcatcher in the Observatory, but was startled to find herself materializing at the gate to a garden in the Starwood Strand. Curious, the hatchling began to wander the garden, running to where different crystals reflected the sunlight into little colorful patches on the ground. It was like a rainbow! They hopped over well preserved statues of dragons big and small, old and young, ancient and modern. All looked powerful in some way, be it a vast amount of physical strength, or the gleam of great intellect in the gemstone eyes of the drakes about them. Many have their own little gardens, pavilions, and even clearings in some cases. Many were nearly impossible to recognize as any known dragon in Sornieth to this point.

It was the late afternoon when they'd arrived, and dusk was setting in by the time the hatchling found their dragon. He was settled under a statue of a Spiral with a long black mane and pale blue diamonds for eyes, looking up at the stars with him. The Spiral was certainly larger than your average Spiral as a statue, and he was reaching up like he'd pluck one of those stars out of the sky as they began to appear. The Pearlcatcher was settled in one of the Spiral's coils, and the hatchling noticed he was missing his pearl. Certainly a rarity among Pearlcatchers. They walked over and hopped up to settle next to the Pearlcatcher, around where his pearl would be, and handed him a flower. He seemed surprised for a moment, then smiled softly.

"Thank you, hun. I'm guessing you're delivering flowers like my Belial?" He motioned to the Spiral, and the little hatchling nodded their head. Yep. Flower deliveries were their specialty for the week~! The Pearlcatcher chuckled at that enthusiastic nod. "I didn't think someone would send a little ray of sunshine to deliver a flower to me..." He was quiet for a moment, looking up at the stars, before he spoke up again.

"Have you heard of the stories behind the stars?"

The hatchling spent their time with this Pearlcatcher, apparently named Chamuel, watching the stars as they listened to him talk about the constellations and their stories, from the hero Orion who fought the terrifying Leon to the mighty Argo, a ship split in three due to it's great size as it carries it's crew across the stars. Even the smallest cluster had a story to tell. Finally, he noticed that the little hatchling was fading, and he soon gathered a few things from his satchel to hand to them. Just a few trinkets he'd gathered, but still.

"Have a safe journey, hun! And if you spy Belial on your journey, tell him his dove misses him!"

The hatchling nodded her head, gave a little wave, then was gone with her new flowers. They couldn't wait to go on their last delivery. Maybe they'd see this Belial fellow!
Blue Rose Starfall Blossom Dayglo Thresh
Disciple of Lightweaver


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