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Personal Style



Accent: Hypnotica



23.21 m
24.64 m
8819.48 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 17, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 3 Imperial
EXP: 668 / 1401


Flint is a quiet warrior. She knows how to fight and how to fight well, although she rarely says much and can be sometimes mistaken for shy while she's observing the world around her for threats.

(Image from @RebelRai)

Lore by @TacoTequila:
The Tangled Woods, a land made of murky forest, a constant heavy mist, brambles thorns sticking out from all directions and where darkness loomed at every corner which can be seen by the naked eye. Travellers always stayed weary of this land, as wherever they stepped, they always felt the constant eyes of the creatures who lurked in the woods dragging on them, as if they were walking prey walking in the wrong part of the woods. May the dragons inhabiting not be seen, they were still there, just simply hidden in the depths of the dark wooded forest, shrouded under the brambles, and covered by the overwhelming darkness which took over the land. Most of the land was only lightened up by the spores of the glowing mushrooms which grew on the bark of dead trees. A forest aligned the border in between the Sea of a Thousand Currents, it was one of the more peaceful areas, more mushrooms grew and lit up the area, alongside the moonlight who shone upon it and the reflections of the water lighting up the trees. In a soft meadow surrounded by thorny bushes and high trees, lived a small clan, made from nothing but imperials with a same similarity, the stars which a line their lengthy bodies, making them glow in the thick darkness and making them look like the galaxy had turned into the form of an imperial. Not much was known about them, other more the fact those who were lucky enough to see one called them “Stargazers”. Unlike many other clans in the Tangled Woods, they were quite peaceful, keeping to themselves and only hunted on grounds which weren’t owned by none. They were more so family then a clan. They slept in holes they dug in the ground, which they could easily slip into and the warmth stayed in each small hole made. They were also nocturnal, sleeping during the light of day and active at the dawn of night.

As the sky twinkling with the stars of the night, a little crack could be heard from one of the three eggs hatching below, under the warmth of the mother as she soundly slept upon them, taking a nap. The first egg hatched with no problem, a little dragoness came out her egg, squeaking as the world around her greeted itself through her blue yes. The two other eggs hatched with no problem; with the flick of her ear the mother heard the squeaking of her young and woke up, to find them staring back at her. The father had slipped through the entrance, after having getting food for his dear, and was taken aback when he saw the three hatchlings in front of him. With a smile, he went up to them, both watching their youth with love and admiration. They named them Flint, Jett and Coal, and from then on, it would be where Flint’s story would meet a start. It didn’t take long for Flint to wonder out her nest, stronger than her brothers, she clumsily wobbled around, but still held up her body in pride as she stride forward, towards her father. Soon the two others came along, trying to catch up with their sister but falling down a lot. With laughs and such, the parents helped them each. Soon, they ate the food their father left and went back to sleep, as the light of day started to flitter through the entrance of the home.

Each of them grew up quickly, treated with love and respect from their parents, and soon were allowed outside of the hidey hole, into the outside world. Flint was always outstanding by the world around her, and especially got engrossed with the lights up in the sky. She was the most confident out the three siblings, never afraid to stand up against what a head. Their parents taught them all the skills needed to live, such as hunting, where to pinpoint the water source, how to recognize a poisonous animal or plant and how to know a plant can be used for healing, to fight with their claws, to defend themselves and especially, most importantly, flying. It took Flint some time to be able to fly as well as her peers, but soon she got the hang of it, whilst on the other hand, when it came to fighting, Flint mastered it in no time. She found herself to be better than both Coal and Jett in battle, and sometimes they’d play fight. They were each taught the story of the lands, the ways of the clans, about the deities above and the lands which surrounded their home. Flint enjoyed listening to the stories of the wars which had broke out throughout history, finding interest in their skill and wanting to fight alongside a deity, to protect their land and those who were weaker. She quickly earned herself the nickname of “ little warrior ”, it always brought her great joy.

Life was good for them, Flint lived a good life and as she grew older, helped with the clan in all the ways she could. She was quite a good huntress, and they all found joy in her attitude, the clan mainly came to adore the three hatchlings now adults the couple had hatched. But that goodness turned dark the day one of the imperials came back, sick, but speaking of an orange glowing mushroom growing upon the deceased body of a rabbit, who had started rotting in the long run. The dragon coughed and moved weakly, and soon was helped to be brought in his den. It was only later in the night did he pass away, falling to breathing difficulties. The clan was solemnly saddened by the death of their fellow clanmate, but no one considered the mushroom, only blamed his death on the fact that he was an old dragon, and all old dragons meet the arms of death at some point or another. A memorial was made in his name, to be remembered as a dear dragon in the clan. The clan only started to worry when the healer fell ill, catching his same cough attitude as the older dragon had. It wasn’t long until he meets the same fate, and soon the clan started to worry intensely, as the sickness spread like firestorm. Flint remembered the old dragon talking about the orange mushroom, so she went out, to find this mushroom, and when she did, she was horrified to see it was true. Its spores came off, slowly floating into the air then turning miniscule the further they got. She rushed back to camp to warn them about it, but she saw most dragons had fallen ill. Those who were healthy, she warned them, but they didn’t know what to do. They had never met this disease and had never seen something kill dragons in such a short span of time.

More and more imperials followed the footsteps of others, the path leading to death. She had realized Coal had left, and Jett explained that there was nothing they could do. They had to leave, or they’d catch it too, and die an awful death. She looked quietly at those on the floor who breathed with difficulty, she wanted so badly to protest, to stand her ground and stay with her peers till they’re last breath, to try in any sort of fashion to help them, but deep down, she knew, he was right. The dragons were doomed and if they didn’t leave, they’d be as dead as the imperials on the ground. So reluctantly, she agreed with him, they talked for a bit before saying their last goodbyes and moving off, towards who knows where. Flint stayed a bit longer, looking at the camp and saying goodbye to her parents, before walking off, sadness heavy in her heart. She walked for days, not knowing where to go. Flint, also started to cough, and her body got weaker, but she walked forwards with strength, before submitting to the disease as she tumbles down the ground, the infection slowly clogging up her throat, making her having trouble breathing. Before she knew it, her world went dark, darker than it ever had before, and she believed, she was going to meet death. The last thing she heard was the soft lapping of water and the view of the Sea of a Thousand Currents.

Flint was surprised when she felt herself not dead, but instead sitting beside a crackling blue-ish like fire, with a nest made from coral underneath her. In the corner of the room, she notices a blue pearlcatcher reading a book, when she noticed she was awaked, she quickly slammed the book shut. She walked up to the imperial and introduced herself as Tyresia. Flint asked several questions, and Tyresia just explained everything. Flint had found herself in a made from lost dragons, those who had lost their home or had run away or seeked peace were free to come here to find safety and food. They had found the imperial whilst on a flight unconscious on the ground, near death, and quickly brought her back to help her. Flint had explained her situation, her whole clan was killed by a disease left unknown to them, her and her brothers had to leave, as they had to remedy. Tyresia offered Flint her condolences, and explained to her the disease, as she had a cure for it. It was called Chlodrophelia, it came from when one of the spores on the blue mushrooms was sick or came out wrong, normally orange spores would be thrown out to die quickly, as they had no host. But when those orange spores find a host, out will grow an orange mushroom, when it grows old enough, just like any other mushroom it’ll release the spores. The spores released start off as visible, but then become smaller, most will disappear, but if found on a dragon, will get into their throat, and grow mushrooms in their throat, starting with coughing, then as soon as it’s fully clogged up, will lead the dragon to die from lack of respiration. The spore quickly dies inside the host as it doesn’t have the nutrients necessary to continue to thrive, but it spreads very fast, the tiny spores will transfer onto food, and if that’s food eaten by others, it can lead others to catch it. Or sometimes can be transferred by touch. She explained her remedy an called Flint lucky for them being able to find her.

Tyresia told her she is free to stay in the clan or she can leave, it was her decision. Flint, she knew she had no where else to turn too, so she decided to stay and Tyresia set her up in a new home. She quickly explained the ways of the clan before bounding off, back into her own home. Flint wasn’t used to the water fashion of the land she was in, but after a few days she had been there, settled down quite comfortably and gotten used to it. She had met the others of the clan, some having better, some having worsts story then she had, but all sharing the same fact of stumbling upon the clan made of broken or lost dragons. She became a good hunter in the clan and defended it whenever enemies would stumble upon her home. She decorated her new home in the ways she liked it, and more so was silent then the others. She mostly enjoyed staying in her imagination, hunting alone, and fighting alone. Her actions spoke more than her words, but she was still a welcomed member and the clan respected her silence. She spent most her free time fighting, from the spark, the kick and the joy she got from doing it, it was the only time others would even be able to see true joy on her face. It took her time to get used to being active in the day rather then the night, but she was able to get the hang of it.

Flint, even if she had lost what she loved, had found a new home, and since as found joy in the watery worlds of the Sea of a Thousand Currents.
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