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Personal Style


Forest's Edge Vines
Sepia Woodwing
Mage's Walnut Gloves
Mage's Walnut Overcoat
Mage's Walnut Socks
Mage's Walnut Bag
Mage's Walnut Tunic




3.86 m
6.38 m
602.05 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 16, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245





Perrin's apprentice, new to the ways of gardening. She's very graceful, and softspoken, but intelligent, absorbing information like a sponge. She has a soft spot for Gouda, and plays with him whenever Alex is busy.

Today's lesson was on pollinators. It was a subject that fascinated Loami, as all things about gardening did. It still amazed her that plants grew out of the ground, and seeing it happen made her feel free in a way she didn't quite understand. In her previous clan, growing things had never been what they did; it was scavenge, and loot, and take, and never give. Here they gave to each other freely, all the time. It had taken some getting used to.

Perrin continued on with the lesson, oblivious to the fact that his apprentice was in another world entirely. "The bees manage to move that pollen from flower to flower, picking up more and more as they go, which means that the flowers are able to reproduce by attracting the bees. That's why we get flowers with such pretty colors; it's like a homing signal..."

Loami followed the Wildclaw through the greenhouse, gently stepping around the pots and bags of dirt that were scattered on the floor. Perrin was organized in the head, but not so much in the flesh. Fortunately, that was something Loami was good at; she hoped to have the greenhouse tidied up by the time the winter came around, and then they could really use it for the bakery instead of just starting seed trays in it and keeping the delicate plants out of harm's way.

"...but the bakery uses Arcanist's Grapes, which are a very special kind that I had to travel and breed myself. I had go through almost ten generations before I found a species that could survive the winters up here! But they have the most delicate flavor, and they make amazing raisins. Unfortunately, they require a specific kind of pollination..."

She was distracted, today. Normally she paid close attention to Perrin's ramblings, weaving sense and knowledge out of what he told her. Today she was thinking of other things, not listening as closely as usual. Perrin noticed, stopping the lecture and smiling at the skydancer. "In our own head today, are we?"

Loami stammered an apology, but Perrin shook his head and laughed. "There's no need to apologize. When I was a hatchling I didn't speak for days at a time because I was so caught up in the worlds inside my head. If you want, today we can just do a little cleaning and then go down to the kitchens. I think Gouda misses you."

Loami huffed gently. "It really wasn't anything important, Perrin. I was listening, sort of, I was just..." She trailed off, shaking her head. "Don't you think it's strange that we come from two flights where plants aren't used at all, and here we are, gardeners for the Arcanist?"

There was silence for a moment, thoughtful and easy. Loami liked that about Perrin-- that you could see all his emotions on his face, and understand your place in his mind, as easily as reading a book. "I do think it's rather strange that we're here in the Arcane lands. This isn't where I imagined my garden taking root, I had figured the Nature lands were more suited. Or even Earth. Lots of good gardeners under the Earthshaker. A gardener? Yes, I always knew I was suited for growing. In Arcane? Well, that did throw me for a loop. When Alex and Skaldi asked me to come back with them I balked. 'Can you imagine', I said, 'what your clan mates will say? Don't they spend all day with their heads in the stars or their noses in books?' And they laughed! They told me, and I'll never forget it," and here Perrin lowered his head and did his best impression of Alex's gravelly voice, which was awful and cracked quite a lot but made Loami laugh.

"We have a lot of dragons staring up at the stars, you know. Someone has to do something else, or we'd all starve. But's it's a big land. There are lots of dragons, enough that us normal type can do pretty much anything we want without running into resistance. We're not heroes in a tale, or adventurers, we're just trying to work our callings as best we can, find a happy ending to a mediocre story. And we need someone like you with us, who wants that kind of happy ending for himself. So are you coming or not?"

Perrin stopped his impression, sighing gently. He seemed far away, in another world, and Loami knew he was seeing that moment again in his mind, all those years ago. She was the first to speak. "I didn't know Alex was so eloquent. Does he really speak like that?"

Perrin blinked, and came back into the present. "Oh, only when he's fired up about something. You should hear him talk about his oatmeal cookies. Anyway, what I'm saying is that even though it might be strange that we're here, we're still here, being strange. And that's our choice, and that's going to have to be enough for us. Because the day it isn't enough is the day we have to move on."

They were silent for a moment, watching the little seedlings in their trays, listening to the calls of the birds outside, feeling the hum of the magic in the earth. It wasn't much, this little place of theirs-- only a few acres of dry, tough soil, that had to be coaxed into life and forced to support the plants they had brought there.

But it was Perrin's, and Loami's, and Alex's and Skaldi's and Kladeos' and Aila's and Braze's and even little Gouda's too. And that was more than enough.
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