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Personal Style


Fire Aura
Glowing Orange Clawtips
Fire's Charm
Blaze Branches
Golden Starswirl


Skin: Flaming Wraith


Scene: Flamecaller's Domain


8.16 m
8.02 m
860.57 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 15, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 11 Coatl
EXP: 2222 / 34264
Blinding Slash
Bright Bolt
Acuity Fragment
Shining Might Fragment


Art by DoodleStrudel

Art by PyroOfShame


Art by RoseOfTheWoods

Art by Ravira

Art by Ravira



Protector of Fire• Guardian of Phoenix Egg• Partner to Arpina

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Sorcor is a dragon of intensity, both in emotion and power.

When Sorcor feels something, he doesn’t stifle his emotions- he lets it all flow out of him. Despite this, he’s still rather serious, as he doesn’t put the world on pause for him to experience his emotions. He lets himself cry while determining the best method to defeat his opponents. His emotional intellect extends to others, as well. He can tell how a person’s feeling with ease, and knows how best to accommodate those emotions, whether it means talking it through with them or giving them the space to confront it themselves. His general flux and ease with emotions can cause problems, however. He can lose himself to intense emotions if he doesn’t have an anchor beyond them. He can marinate in his own depression, or follow in the path of another’s unearned zeal and ardor. In this way, he can be influenced and stunted by being drawn into the social orbit of a nefarious party.

When Sorcor does something, he does it with his whole body. This grants him incredible strength and vigor in the heat of battle, but also a propensity for unnecessary risk and injury. His combat style relies on his control over fire to expose and exploit weak points in his opponent’s defense. However, his fire burns out quickly, so he can’t use it from afar. Because of this, he’s very much in-your-face during combat, constantly throwing small attacks and spells that weaken before following up with heavy hitting abilities. He’s a remarkable tactician in the war room, and can best most any opponent if given time to prepare. However, if he isn’t ready, he defaults to using brute force to get through an encounter- which can be very predictable.

There are two beings who are of extreme importance to Sorcor: his phoenix charge, as well as his soul mate, Arpina.



Through a competition among other dragons his age, a young Sorcor was chosen to be the guardian of his clan’s phoenix egg. It had been only an egg for generations, and Sorcor was expected to be yet another iteration in the changing guard. However, in Sorcor’s presence, the egg hatched into a small chick. From the moment the egg cracked in two, Sorcor bound himself in heart and soul to the phoenix. The two were practically inseparable, and time did nothing to fray their bond. Although Sorcor can’t speak directly to the phoenix, he swears that he understands its chirps and tweets. After sacrificing its form for the sake of Sorcor, the phoenix turned into ash that Sorcor carries around in a thurible, trying to find some way to reform it.

Sorcor and Arpina were clanmates who always saw each other from afar, never getting the chance to properly interact due to Sorcor’s knighthood and Arpina’s studies. However, after events in the clan brought everything to a head, Sorcor and Arpina were put in close quarters with one another. With the general unity of the clan came a bond closer than friendship, closer than love between Sorcor and Arpina. Love doesn’t begin to cover how they feel about one another. They see each other as their tempering opposite- like the gleaming rays of daylight to the cooling of the setting sun. Apart, they are impressive operatives; together, they are two halves of a greater whole.

Sorcor was born in the Sunbeam Ruins to a family previously belonging to a traveling Light clan. They left on amicable enough terms, but needed to find a new clan to stay with. After following the southward winds for some time, they finally found their home among the Morning Star clan. All of this took place while Sorcor was a baby, so he has no real recollection of it, but he knows that it was a fraught period in his parent’s life where they risked life and limb to give him a better life then one constantly on the road. He is always thankful his parents went through with it.

The Morning Star clan built themselves on their blacksmithing prowess, as well as their connections to those clans with deep pockets and a desire to defend themselves from monsters. Young dragons often were trained to become blacksmiths, either staying with the clan or leaving to join another when they reached adulthood. However, there was another part of the culture that the clan tried their best to keep secret: the phoenix egg.

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Hidden deep in the catacombs underneath the administrative building, there was a gigantic brown egg dotted with the colors of flame and ash. Although it had never born any creature in the hundreds of years since its acquisition, it radiated a striking warmth that signaled a life lay dormant, not dead. The clan had sworn itself to the egg’s protection, always nominating a single dragon to be its knight. However, the most recent Phoenix Knight had died a scant few months before, and a new knight had to be chosen quickly. And so, in a matter of years from Sorcor’s arrival, a competition among the brightest and bravest youth of the clan would take place to select the new guard.

Sorcor was young when the knight died, but he felt immense sorrow at their passing. The knight was Sorcor’s confidant when no one else was. He could always ramble on about fairy tales and the results of the latest Arena bouts to them.

However, Sorcor’s sadness brought with it a conviction: that he had to become the next Phoenix Knight, to honor his friend’s life. And so, for the months leading up to the trial, Sorcor trained himself to a blade’s edge in all kinds of combat skills. His laid-back trips to the Arena now turned into opportunities for analysis. He even entered into a few battles, putting his learning to use on the battlefield.

When the time for the competition came, everybody had their thoughts on who would win- but only Sorcor’s parents knew he would be able to do it. He had trained thoroughly for the competition, which subjected participants to a cavalcade of dangers that tested every muscle in their body. Sorcor dove and weaved his way through log traps and sleeping darts, all while keeping a strong lead against his competitors. When he came out on top, Sorcor was so overjoyed that he cried on the spot. He knew he still had a ways to go- the Phoenix Knight was subject to rigorous training, as well as the watchful eye of every clan member. But he was ready.


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The day after the competition, Sorcor was sworn in as the Phoenix Knight before the clan’s leaders. He was given a set of special privileges: access to the finest weaponry forged by the clan, as well as the freedom to peruse the clan’s archives and the egg’s resting place. To Sorcor’s surprise, the Phoenix Knight wasn’t expected to stay in the clan’s territories. He was expected to do some cursory scouting around the Waste, sometimes leaving for weeks at a time. Over the many years of the role’s existence, the Phoenix Knight had become something of a public servant rather than a defender. Nothing had attacked the egg in known history, so it was seen as a waste to have a strong fighter stay in the catacombs all day long. Sorcor accepted his responsibilities in stride.

Sorcor was a little conflicted on everything, however: he was certainly ecstatic to be afforded this opportunity, but his interest in the role stopped at succeeding his friend, the former knight. He would be the Phoenix Knight for the rest of his life. Would that goal be enough to keep him going?

Sorcor spent the next few days exploring the catacombs. As it turned out, the traps that Sorcor encountered during the competition were still there. He spent most of his time resetting them, and finding paths around them. He didn’t expect danger any time soon, but it was best to be prepared. Plus, it took his mind off of his worries.

The day before Sorcor was to start his training, he had decided to sleep in the catacombs. He’d spent the whole day fixing traps, so he was much too tired to head back up to his quarters. Before he went to bed, however, he reflected on the egg. It hadn’t budged an inch in the thousands of years since its acquisition, and yet no dust coated it. The egg’s chambers were warm, like a hearth ablaze in a wooden cottage. It was beautiful, in its own special way. Despite himself and his role, Sorcor put a claw against it, feeling the rough, speckled surface of the egg.

It was hot, and yet he kept his hand there. He closed his eyes, imagining something floating around inside, biding its time. And then, all at once, the heat of the egg disappeared.



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Sorcor heard a sound like wood breaking in half. Opening his eyes, he saw a large break heading down the middle of the egg. His claws went to his maw, now agape with fear. Had he done that? The egg’s fracture grew bigger and bigger as the stone walls echoed with its cracking. And then, in one smooth motion, the halves of the egg fell to either side of the ground, breaking into shells on impact. In its wake stood a fiery chick with beady eyes.

Sorcor spent the night caring for the chick as best he could with his limited knowledge of birds. As far as he could tell, it was certainly a phoenix. The next morning, he brought the chick on his back to the clan’s elders, who were thoroughly overjoyed to finally have the egg crack open. In the following weeks, all eyes were on the phoenix and its knight. A festival was being prepared in their honor, and everyone wanted to see the bird for themselves.

In this time, Sorcor and the phoenix became close. They were practically inseparable and mirrored each other perfectly in emotion and affectation. Even though the phoenix couldn’t speak the common tongue, he swore that he understood what its chirps meant. And so, Sorcor found a new reason to defend the phoenix- its friendship.

On the day of the festival, Sorcor was dressed up in a typical knight’s attire, which he found limiting considering his acrobatic methods in combat. Still, he was glad to be a pivotal member of the community in this way. He was to make a short speech right after a series of performers went to stage. They were just about to finish up, and although the sky was gray, he felt like things were finally coming together. But then, the sky got grayer, and grayer, until it was as pitch as night. A giant droplet of rain fell down to the ground, and out from it came a gigantic Shade beast.


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Sorcor dodged in front of the townsfolk, giving them time to run. However, the Shade beast only had eyes on one thing: the phoenix. The beast reached its hand up into the sky, preparing to slam it down on Sorcor and the bird. He turned towards the phoenix. Time seemed to slow. Sorcor closed his eyes, feeling that same warmth from all those weeks ago. The warmth begged him to trust it. And he said yes.

A brilliant pillar of flame erupted from the ground surrounding Sorcor. It reached up, up, piercing the Shade beast’s hand and turning it to ash. Sorcor leaped through the flame, metal armor melting off, as he screamed a brutal blast of fire out of his mouth. It cut clean through the Shade beast as it hollered into the sky. The sky faded back into blue as the Shade beast burned. Looking back at the phoenix, Sorcor saw an older phoenix in its place. Ash fluttered in the air around it, smelling like a campfire at midnight.

Sorcor was perplexed, to say the least. That’s not even speaking on his clanmates, who were so thoroughly shocked by the festival’s proceedings that they had to call a formal meeting to clear up misconceptions and rumors. But Sorcor himself didn’t even know the answer to half of their questions: he assumes that the phoenix had given him his new fire powers, and that it’d aged in the process. Still, he doesn’t know why that Shade beast showed up to attack the clan. He had a lot of research to do- and the clan archives were just the place to do it.

As it turns out, reading wasn’t exactly Sorcor’s strong suit. When the clan elders noticed this, they had assigned him a researcher-in-training to work with, another Coatl by the name of Arpina. He’d never seen her before, which was noteworthy because she was one of only a few clan members not born in a fire pit. Her bright blue eyes meant she was born to the water. As they got to talking, they realized that they were in different educational tracks: she had chosen to be a researcher when she was young, and he dedicated himself to knighthood early on. Still, they had many similarities- both were born outside of the clan, both were taking unique career paths, and both felt distant from the others in their clan.

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Outside of their conversation, the two came to realize a handful of things: first, it was likely that the phoenix sacrificed a few years of their current life to bestow their power upon another. Legends of this existed throughout time, but nothing provable has been recorded- until now. The phoenix also stands opposite the Shade- phoenixes are a creature that represents the creation of magical energies as opposed to the destruction or consumption of it. As such, the Shade seeks to put down phoenixes wherever they are found.

Over the next few months, Sorcor combated Shade troops on the outskirts of the Morning Star territories with his powers. At the home front, Sorcor and Arpina researched ways to stop the shade concretely. Soon enough, they found the most likely way to stop it- destroying whatever shrine they had built that allowed the Shade into their territory.
On the day of the raid on the shrine, Arpina argued against Sorcor that she should be allowed to come with. In all their time together, they had grown incredibly close. Despite, or maybe because of this, Sorcor refused her company on this quest. He didn’t want to put her in danger. The phoenix was to stay with her for the same reason.

On his journey to the shrine, however, Sorcor was ambushed by the Shade. A dozen of the large beasts he had fought before rose out of the ground. He tried to best them, but one struck him hard, sending him flying into a tree. They wailed on him, beating him bloody.

From a distance, Arpina watched on in terror. She knew she had to act. Pulling a knife from her side, she flew forward, heading for the eye of one of the beasts- but saw the phoenix soar ahead of her. Above Sorcor’s corpse, the phoenix flew high into the sky- before erupting into an even grander pillar of flame than before. The beasts were consumed in flame. Sorcor stood to his feet, wounds healed and scabbed over with sanguine rocks.

Sorcor and Arpina now work on two goals: finding a way to bring the phoenix back to life, and trying to push back the Shade.


Protector of Fire• Guardian of Phoenix Egg• Partner to Arpina


What they fear isn’t the flame- it is the fire.
It is how quickly the wicker goes up in smoke,
Not the brightness with which it burns.

And so, is he the burn or the bright?
That which is feared,
Or that which is beheld in moments of fear?

And that is not to speak on the blasted spots of black,
The lingering bits of ash,
or the arsonist who flicked open the lighter.

He is not part of this trifecta-
The judge, jury, and executioner of that lit ablaze-
And holds no delusions otherwise.

What he is, he thinks, is the unexplained phenoms of a lit pyre.
How the embers float against the winds
And land right on his shoulder.

How they coalesce with the ash in the air,
Flitter and flutter and mix into
The shape of a fiery vermilion.

It spreads its wings wide,
Sending out flurries of wind and aged flame
That warm the hearts of all around.

He ties a wicker band around his wrist,
And holds his lover’s hand in his claw.

These lands are vast ones,
And flames in vast lands must be well kept to burn on.

He knows now: he is the bright and the burn,
But neither without his bird.
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