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Personal Style


Navy Plaid Cabbie
Black Wolf Cape
Hunter's Cape
Mage's Midnight Overcoat
White Renaissance Shirt
Well-to-do Sable Knickers


Accent: Cold as Eyes



5.67 m
4.62 m
375 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 09, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



  • Cisgender
  • He

  • Homosexual
  • Aromantic

  • Frontotemporal Dementia
  • Remnant of Despair

  • Chaotic
  • Neutral

  • Kaede

[Theme Songs]
  • The Catalyst - Linkin Park
  • Hide And Seek - Imogen Heap
  • You Fight Me - Breaking Benjamin
  • Umbral Ultimatum - Homestuck OST

  • X
  • X
  • X
  • X
  • X
  • X

The Ultimate Luck

"Cause everybody's so scared, we don't want to go there.
We don't want to make a move, we've got all our lives to lose.
Screaming in the dark while we just play our part,
oh I'll play right along,
like I don't know what's going on.
Somebody make a move, somebody make a move,
please somebody make a move.
We all know.
We all know what's going on.

Pointing my fingers, the problems still linger.
They keep getting bigger and I hold the trigger.
Running with fire, I live like a liar.
Please somebody make a move."

- Make A Move, Icon For Hire.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed turpis vitae nisi elementum porta. Nunc elementum nibh vitae mauris maximus, at viverra lorem imperdiet. Aenean nec ultricies mauris, nec efficitur nibh. Mauris luctus nulla nec ultricies fermentum. In rutrum porta odio, et mollis sapien ornare finibus. Fusce at nulla justo. Sed at imperdiet augue. Pellentesque ut scelerisque turpis. Curabitur auctor ac dolor et congue. Donec luctus diam libero. In placerat turpis sit amet nisi pellentesque, ut aliquam turpis scelerisque. Praesent pretium, diam ultricies varius suscipit, tellus neque scelerisque dolor, sit amet laoreet sapien nulla et massa.

Add a writing of their story or whatever you’re inspired to write :’)) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed turpis vitae nisi elementum porta. Nunc elementum nibh vitae mauris maximus, at viverra lorem imperdiet. Aenean nec ultricies mauris, nec efficitur nibh. Mauris luctus nulla nec ultricies fermentum. In rutrum porta odio, et mollis sapien ornare finibus. Fusce at nulla justo. Sed at imperdiet augue. Pellentesque ut scelerisque turpis. Curabitur auctor ac dolor et congue. Donec luctus diam libero. In placerat turpis sit amet nisi pellentesque, ut aliquam turpis scelerisque. Praesent pretium, diam ultricies varius suscipit, tellus neque scelerisque dolor, sit amet laoreet sapien nulla et massa.
- Loves figuring things out.
- Very smart, always finds out about others' plans when he looks for clues.
- Doesn't feel much guilt in/when ruining people's plans ^^^
- Shuichi has Frontotemporal Dementia; his symptoms are intense apathy, and a lack of care or compassion towards his classmates; plus, bad body hygiene.
- Was part of a Killing Game experiment in another timeline - more infos in Kokichi's bio.
- Was checked by the scientists for cataracts when pulled out of the Game once, for checkup??
- They checked a lot of things, so...
- The longer they were in the Game, the less the scientists could pull them out of it safely.
- As if the students were going deeper and deeper inside the simulation over time (and if they were to be woken up then... They could just, get their brain screwed up?)
- So Shuichi and his fellow students were checked one last time, before the scientists couldn't wake them up anymore for regular check-ups.
- All of this caused by Junko and Shuichi messing with the programming. (read further down vvv)
- Has a black coat/jacket that he wears over his back. Think Kaito, but with both arms out of the sleeves. He's like that when he feels more casual though - normally he wears it like one should wear a jacket.
- Ultimate Lucky Student.
- In his past timeline, he had to keep his relationship with Kokichi hidden - since the other students of the group hated Kokichi for being the leader of the scientists, and those put them all through a Killing Game.
- So they wouldn't be too happy about someone of their group being friendly with Hope's Peak scientist team.
- Already, Shuichi was alright-ish with talking to Kokichi in the first place - or more like, Kokichi would come see him because of his crush on him, and they would just... Kinda talk - so like... The group was not too happy about that omg. They warned Shuichi to not talk to Kokichi or get close to him - maybe something about a betrayal, or just bad feelings all around??
- Two Masterminds or Killing Game planners in that timeline - one being reluctant. (Junko, and Shuichi being reluctant... Kinda? At first, at least.)
- Like, torturing Kokichi, the Ultimate Scientist and the scientist team's leader, to make them taste their own medicine?? Junko played on Shuichi's bad feelings of him and his classmates being randomly chosen for the experiment (without consent); so she used her words and Despair, to get him to be less hesitant to betray everyone/screw up the simulation.
- Mostly only cares about his own desires; he felt nothing when betraying Kokichi and figuring out his plan in the Killing Game simulation later on, leading to the latter's death - even thought he had feelings for Shuichi, outside the Game.
- He himself was solely physically attracted to the scientist, there was nothing romantic and the relationship was pretty much one-sided.
- Omg, what if this was basically like SDR2?
- Junko and Shuichi make it so that the simulation actually "kills" the students even out of the game - like SDR2 ommmmg
- Like, either coma or death from shock.
- Also, Junko is helping Shuichi in person while he's in the real world, and later on - in the simulation.
- Like, Shuichi is very apathetic and does not really care about anyone. Even when he cries, he doesn't feel anything. It's just like... Water leaking out of his eyes for him?
- During this whole thing, the other students are unaware of what he's planning; they think Shuichi is in the same boat as them.
- OMg, Junko backstabs him, and hijacks the simulation herself at one point.
- Ultimate despair betrayal omgggg
- Shuichi ends up legit feeling afraid at the end.
- He was the only Remnant of Despair in his class, too. But I think no one knew about that?
- He sees that the Game is slowly escaping his grasp and control over time due to an outside interference; so he gradually becomes more and more insecure and scared.
- He's smart and always figures things out, so he probably knew in some way what was happening - and that Junko was responsible. Or maybe not, about Junko?? Since for him, it wouldn't make sense that she betrays him? Something something...
- Hates hearing people cry; he told one of his classmates (probs Himiko) in the Game to shut up after a trial, since they were crying. It's like... He hates the sound of it? Becomes irritated and irrationally angry then.
- Yeah like, when he does feel emotions, they're super intense for some reason?
- Like, he had a disagreement with Kaito during the Game, and he was super mad internally.
- When overrun by despair, his blue-ish gray eyes become golden in colour (???)
- It was the same with the other participants of the Game, and that's how he figured something out in a trial (about someone lying, and their eyes not turning golden when they should've????? I'm confused)
- Doesn't have good body hygiene due to his mental disorder, refuses to clean his hair often and get a haircut - much to the dismay of Tenko, the Ultimate Hairdresser.
- Got attacked once during the Game (right before the fourth trial?), was almost a victim of murder; but he was somehow saved? Like, the murderer missed their chance, or was bothered by someone/something, or didn't finish the act?
- It was Miu.
- He had a dark wound/cut over his right eye/eyelids when he was found by the others.
- His face and head were covered in blood.
- Someone stayed with him then; not sure who? Kaede??
- This past timeline is a mess holy heck.
- In Sornieth, he's confined to the cell area.
- Shows no remorse for his past, doesn't even seem to realize what he did was wrong; still brainwashed by Despair?
- He acts quite like canon Komaeda in general.
- Compared to my Sornieth Komaeda who is the Ultimate Hope, and much more mellow and not hope-weird.
- Shuichi, as a dragon, has a pink right eye. Like, the iris is pink, like the liquid in the syringe that was shot through that same eye in his past life (see Miu's description further down).
- He doesn't have a right pupil, solely the pink iris. He also can't see through that eye.
- Maybe has a weird marking over the eyelids/eye in general to echo his scar, made by Miu in his previous life.
- Yeah, like... A lighter line or pattern?
- Kokichi wiped out his own memories to enter the Game/simulation. He IS the Ultimate Scientist after all, and it's very fitting for him to want to be part of his own experiment.
- Shuichi loves Kokichi (at least physically? Since mentally he's a bit numb), but is manipulated by Junko to betray the scientist and screw up his simulation; with Junko's help.
- So Kokichi is just... Working with the rest of the science team, but Shuichi screws it up (like SDR2, the whole simulation being manipulated etc etc.)
- After all, Shuichi IS a Remnant of Despair. He revels in hurting his friends and loved ones. It makes him feel such Despair...
- Junko betrays him at the end tho; but it's super tragic, because Shuichi is brainwashed and was, at first, reluctant to hurt his fellow students.
- Does the Komaeda laugh right at the end, when he's figured out by the others?
- In his past timeline, he wore a white patch/bandage on his right eye, after he gets shot in the in-game trial by Miu. Lost that eye then, actually.
- At the climax of the story (at the end of the Game), the others find out that he's the Mastermind (tho honestly, with him destroying every single one of his classmates' plans because he's "smart", it was kinda suspiscious omg), and the few remaining survivors confront him in one last trial.
- During this time, outside of the Game, Hope's Peak is overrun by Despair. The scientist team, having witnessed the whole thing happen (and seeing their promising leader, Kokichi, dying) - plus the Despair being in the school, thanks to Junko and the broadcasting of said Killing Game - basically have the "Most Awful and Tragic Event" happen to them too.
- Also known as, they all decide to die.
- A bit like in canon, with the Tragic Event that happens... Or something.
- So when Shuichi wakes up from the simulation, the room is bloody and dark, and it's awful.
- The other survivors are... Not happy, to say the least oMG
- Junko literally was like "hey I just hijacked your plan, betrayed you, and now you're gonna have a nice time waking up with those people in front of you... Who you screwed over, and who are VERY angry rn :')))"
- She appeared on the big screen behind Shuichi, and that's when he felt Fear(tm).
- So he barely had the time to wake up, and was thrown/held against the floor by Kaito (who had his hand around his throat).
- The scientists were not able to pull out the students from the simulation, starting from the 3rd or 4th trial, without danger (due to the programming being messed with by Junko and Shuichi).
- But Junko, as a last "screw you, lol" to Shuichi, knew how to wake the survivors up from the simulation without any problem.
- She was the one to mess with it in the first place, after all...
- Due to his eye wound, when he wakes up from the simulation... He's blind from it/can't see from his right eye.
- Or maybe like, his vision in that eye is pretty much impaired? Not totally blind, but he can't see much?
- Outside Hope's Peak, the world is semi-apocalyptic; the air is polluted, hard to breathe. Cities collapsed, people died. Smoke and dust is everywhere.
- The survivors (Shuichi in tow) get out of Hope's Peak, now destroyed and deserted.
- They'll try to survive outside, the best way they can (finding gas masks, scavenging for food, etc). Shuichi will die of his Dementia eventually, like a month or two after they get out of the Simulation.
- Kaito is ****** off at him and goes "You have to live, to see what you've done!" etc etc.
- But nope, illnesses don't play by those rules :')))
- The group will abandon Shuichi's body underneath a large piece of brown cloth, somewhere in ruins...
- Rip in peace.
- No one knows what happened to Junko, or where she went after waking them up from the Game... It's a mystery!
- In the Killing Game simulation, the blood appears either dark red/red (normal) or bright pink like in canon (glitch).
- insert


- Putting Rantaro's design here, for art purposes.
- Ultimate something or other. Ultimate Lucky Student too??
- Oh wow two of them??
- Studies bow shooting, it's one of his hobbies.
- Will shoot at archery targets with a yellow and black bow. His Luck makes him able to land good shots.
- He's epileptic, and the only person Shuichi ever got close to in his past life.
- Shuichi kept him safe during a seizure in-game, and they became friends.
- Died right before the 3rd? I think?? Trial.
- His death was the only time (??) where Shuichi cried (tho he didn't really feel sad internally? Since he's kinda numb due to his Frontotemporal Dementia); like, tears leaked out of his eyes when he announced to Kaede that he had found Rantaro's body/severed head.
- Honestly, I think Shuichi might've had feelings for Rantaro. Like, he ended up developing a crush or something. But since he's numb most of the time, mentally... He never acted on it, or cared much about it.
- Liiiike, those two had something going on. I think Rantaro felt something for Shuichi (there was physical attraction, at least??) but they were never officially together in the simulation.

- Miu, Ultimate something or other.
- Had a mechanical crossbow with a pink liquid-filled syringe in it, during the fourth trial.
- It was kinda built weird too; the syringe being shot from underneath the crossbow, instead of on top of it.
- She's more over the top than in canon, if you can imagine.
- Maybe similar to Toko/Genocider Syo?? Maybe has DID? Or is solely like GS?
- Was the one to make an attempt on Shuichi's life, right before the fourth trial - and during it too.
- Like, she used the crossbow during the fourth trial, shooting the syringe straight into Shuichi's right eye.
- Knew he was the Mastermind, wanted to end it all; but no one took her/would've taken her seriously should she explain her intentions, because she wasn't very well liked by the other students - due to her mental illness (maybe?) and intense personality.
- Confronted Shuichi in a hallway of the school, in-game; told him she knew of his identity, and that if Shuichi refused to do something for her, then she was to reveal who he was to everyone else.
- Shuichi told her off, saying that no one would believe her, that no one in the group trusted her and that she was unloved by the rest of the students. So she could try and try to make the truth come out, but that it would be hopeless if it was coming from her. He then walked away, leaving her alone.
- The hurt this gave to Miu, was enough to make her lose it and attack Shuichi slightly later on. Since he did strike a sensitive spot of hers, with his words...

- Tenko, Ultimate Hairdresser.
- Gives haircuts to people inside the Game, upon request. In her Ultimate Lab.
- A bit snarky and intense (personality-wise), but kind-hearted nonetheless.
- One of the murderers or blackened.

- Kaito, Ultimate something or other. (Somethign with space still?)
- Not necessarily close to Shuichi.
- They actually had a disagreement once, during the Game (in a trial?)
- Not really perceptive about others??
- Maybe kind of an overconfident jerk? Not that smart??
- Died (or was executed) before (or right after) the fourth (fifth??) trial.
- Wait actually.
- I think he's still around at the end of the Game?? When they (the survivors, plus Shuichi) wake up from the simulation, I thiiink he's actually there, alive...
- Holds Shuichi down by the throat then, wanting to end him.
- But I think Maki tries to reason with him, telling him that Shuichi staying alive would be a better punishment... So that he can see what he has done.
- Even if she hates him now, too.
- Gets in a relationship with Maki eventually / towards the end of the Game. I think they actually have a child together, after leaving the destroyed Hope's Peak IRL?? (Or they almost do, but y'know... I don't know if they actually survived for that long in the outside world, considering the state of things...)

- Kaede, Ultimate something or other.
- One-sided friendship with Shuichi, they're not in love like canon though.
- He betrays her and shatters her plan to... ? Do something?
- It was in a trial (which one? Third?), so probably to uncover the Mastermind?
- Shuichi has no issues with throwing others under the bus lol (also he's the Mastermind, so he wouldn't want anyone to uncover his secret identity)
- I think... Kaede was the one to "kill" Rantaro. Those two made a plan together to uncover the Mastermind, taking advantage of Rantaro's seizures?
- Like, Rantaro let a seizure happen naturally (which was the first part of their plan), and probably didn't die outright from it, so Kaede had to... I don't know? Make it look suspicious, but in a way that would be confusing?
- What if the whole point of this plan, was to play the "Rantaro died of his seizure, therefore there was no murder" argument?
- Like, obviously it looked like a murder at first (since Rantaro's body got messed with, beheaded and all that... And he probably got killed while unconscious from his seizure, making it effectively a murder), but then Kaede messes with stuff / evidence behind the scene and pushes the whole "natural accident" route?
- Saw Rantaro as a big brother (and he saw Kaede as his little sister) so there's double the drama when they put their plan to execution.
- Like, their trust in each other was what made them optimistic that Rantaro dying would be worth it, so that they could end the Killing Game...
- And then Shuichi figures it out/screws it up... OmG.

- Maki, Ultimate something or other.
- One of the final survivors, like in canon.
- Non-binary? Or some other form of trans?
- Her look is a bit different from canon.
- Looks a bit younger, with two braids (one on each side of her head).
- Has a red bow on the beginning of each of her braids.
- Wide red eyes.
- Actually smiles often, is not like... Dark and broody, like in canon.
- Maybe a bit reserved, but seems almost... Happy-go-lucky??
- After the end of the game/outside the simulation, after the whole ordeal... Becomes a lot more like her canon self; dark, pessimistic, had to build up a mental shell/wall for herself, to not end up traumatized by the whole thing.

- Gonta, Ultimate something or other. (Something with animals?)
- Maybe he's into... Fur/Pelt selling?? At auctions and stuff. Ultimate Fur Auction-er?
- Not suuure...
- Wears a white suit/jacket. Is sometimes seen with white gloves, too.
- Has a black outfit/large black jacket, too??
- Gentle giant, very pure. Even Shuichi thinks he's pure.
- His Ultimate Lab is like, very industrial. A coyote pelt is on a metal pole, slowly rotating vertically; Gonta can therefore examine it and check it under every angle, perfecting his visual skills and decision making about pelts he sells.
- Also has other pelts on racks, mostly coyotes, that he can put on the rotating pole... Which is attached to a rotating circular platform.
- Like, you can just remove the pole, put a pelt on it, and insert the pole back onto the platform... Something.

- Kokichi, Ultimate Scientist.
- Yes, I know I have him in my clan already; but I want everything about this timeline in the same place.
- Was employed by Hope's Peak science team due to his Talent.
- Made the Killing Game simulation with said team, and wiped out his own memories before entering it to get "the Ultimate Experience" of it.
- Everyone got their memories wiped out.
- Except Shuichi, who messed with the simulation and is Mastermind.
- Junko made sure he remembered their plan together, to bring Despair to Hope's Peak.
- Imagine this; the Ultimate Scientist / Hope's Peak project causes multiple students to die. What Despair... Omg.
- Without his memories, he's not sure of himself and confident anymore; Kokichi is anxious, emotional, prone to outbursts. Bites his right thumb's nail whenever he feels bad.
- Will cry if he feels strong emotions, such as fear or pain.
- Is prone to panic attacks.
- Was in a casual relationship with Shuichi before entering the Game; physical attraction (but also one-sided emotional love from Kokichi's part).
- At the fifth trial, poisoned himself to... Well, I don't know why; but managed to do the trial regardless (maybe? Or is it akin to the canon, and he only appeared at the end of it?)
- Shuichi threw off his plans during the trial, leading to Kokichi dying from the poison.
- I think Kokichi wanted to uncover / trick the mastermind, by being close to death (or "dying" and then coming back? Maybe the poison would slow down his vitals or something?)
- A bit like Kaede and Rantaro tried to do? Playing with a death and stuff...
- I think... Kaito was the one to help with Kokichi's plan? Not sure.
- Yeah like... I think this is similar to canon? Something with Kokichi and Kaito?
- Outside the simulation, has a ginger-and-white hamster as a pet.
- Don't remember the name of the hamster, but his glass cage is in Kokichi's office/lab.
- The hamster sometimes hangs out on his shoulder.
- Starts having a crush on Shuichi again, later inside the simulation, but it doesn't go anywhere (one-sided emotional crush on Kokichi's part).

- Ryoma, Ultimate something or other.
- Narcoleptic. Tends to fall asleep randomly, suddenly, without rhyme or reason.
- That will actually cause his doom; is the first victim of the Game, killed while being asleep somewhere.
- Who is the blackened??

- Korekiyo. Ultimate Actor.
- Kinda stressed when not playing a role. The anxious type.
- A victim of someone, in the Game. Tenko killed him??
- Plays on stages and in films, etc.
- Can often be seen wearing a plague doctor / bird skull mask. It's his favourite costume accessory from his Ultimate Lab.
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