
Level 25 Imperial
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Dark-Tufted Sparrowmouse
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Male Imperial
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23.42 m
24.79 m
6616.95 kg


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Tertiary Gene


Jun 04, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level


Sunrise. Partial Cloud Cover. 6th of Mensis Iunius, 5AS.
Today I begin on a new journey, accompanied by Bobbin of course. What I seek I am not yet sure, though perhaps the company along the way will be of interest.

Sunhigh. Clear. 6th of Mensis Iunius, 5AS.
I have met a little Faelin that goes by 'Hymn'. She seems well spoken, if not curt to a fault. We will travel to the market to do some trading later today.

Sunhigh. Clear. 6th of Mensis Iunius, 5AS.
Upon arriving in the marketplace and going about my trades routine, Hymn did the same and we parted ways. This parting was only temporary, however, as we were both alarmed by a ruckus caused by four dragons fighting.

Two of Noctis' sisters - apparently rather inappropriately named Valor and Honour - were sparring against a young Pearlbearer named Penderghast, and their Tescan companion Mason. Despite her literal minutia, Hymn stepped in and set cease to the combat.

Aside from myself being rather overwhelmingly impressed in the Faelin, Penderghast seemed to catch something of Hymn's eye and she called me aside to ask if we could all travel together. In heart, I was not interested in permanent companions, but that has changed now.

Sunfall. Partial Cloud Cover. 6th of Mensis Iunius, 5AS.
We have stopped to make camp. Hymn and 'Penny', as Hymn has taken to calling her, have decided to detail the forest for a little while -- something about mushrooms?

I fed Bobbin while I waited. It was a while, but they came back unscathed with a rather large collection of forage. At least travels with them will be interesting.


Sunrise. Cloudy. 7th of Mensis Iunius, 5AS.
It looks as though Hymn has big travel plans for us today. Both Penny and I aren't entirely thrilled, but it already appears Hymn is more stubborn than the both of us.

We passed what appears to have been a couple while forging a trail to the mountains -- two Vipers, Buckthorn and Eft. Thankfully, Hymn did not intervene.

Sunrise. Cloudy. 7th of Mensis Iunius, 5AS.
We had just stopped and settled to break fast when we were approached by a Mountainkeep and Imperator pair, Bosokh and Golyn. It was nice to see one of my kind.

Unfortunately, Hymn put up such a fuss that the both of them quickly left. I am unsure why she seemed so nervous, the two sisters were only asking direction.

Sunrise. Cloudy. 7th of Mensis Iunius, 5AS.
There must be something going on further up the mountains as we were interrupted during our meal yet again, this time by another Imperator and a Tescan. Apparently they'd been seperated from a group.

I was able to give them, Scordatura and Quartz, direction before Hymn began yet another agument.

Sunrise. Cloudy. 7th of Mensis Iunius, 5AS.
It was barely three shakes of Bobbin's tails before the remainder of Scordatura and Quartz' group came barreling down the hill. These were Lapis and Sapphire, Tescan and Praesid respectively.

We pointed them on their way and they left us in our continued relative - thank you, Hymn - peace.

Sunhigh. Stormy. 7th of Mensis Iunius, 5AS.
The most important meal of the day continued to be interrupted to the point where I suggested we just eat while we walked. Hymn seemed quite pleased with this idea, and Penny seemed to have little complaint on the matter either.

We were interrupted by no less than a further seven dragons over the course of our attempted meal, and then still more so on our walk up the cliffs. Despite Hymns complaints earlier, she insisted we stop to chat with each one on the way, they are named and exist as follows:

- Malin and Wimble, a Skykeep and Viper
- Iver, an Imperator
- Descent, a Skykeep
- Spellshadow and Highstorm, a Praesid and a Plague
- Maffel and Hakan, a Banescry and a Praesid

Whatever Hymn was looking for in her conversations with them she did not seem to find it, and once arriving at the mountain top we sat to rest for the second meal of the day. Bobbin was quite unimpressed with the matter, and he tittered about the whole of the travel up. Thankfully, it appears we will have at least momentary rest now that we are at the mountain's peak.

It is storming, which is likely what those we passed were either avoiding or coming to inspect. Curious things, storms, they always seem to bring out something unique in the essence of the realm. For now, we sit in silence and eat as the rain patters down. Hymn and Penny have taken refuge under my wings as I write journal update, which is somewhat charming if only due to their size.

Sunhigh. Stormy. 7th of Mensis Iunius, 5AS.
Apparently I made note too soon, and yet another meal has been interrupted. This time, almost strangely, two Faelin that I barely saw approach us came to ask if they could sit with Hymn and Penny to wait out the storm.

Their names are Gagnar and Threve, apparently they have travelling companions as well. Joyous joys.

Sunhigh. Stormy. 7th of Mensis Iunius, 5AS.
The storms have shifted, and so has Hymn's attitude, apparently. Gagnar and Threve's travelling companions have arrived, Silvermoon and Pyotr -- a Vincula and Faelin respectively. They took rest under my wings.

Upon waking, Hymn insisted they leave their travelling group and come with us instead. They agreed?

Sunfall. Cloudy. 7th of Mensis Iunius, 5AS.
While I and the hikers waited out the rest of the storm, Penny began to speak of her longing for a companion. Hymn was quite put off by this until Penny mentioned she meant a familliar such as Bobbin.

It was a moment before the two of them went off on an escapade and came back with... Thift. Charming.


Sunrise. Partial Cloud Cover. 8th of Mensis Iunius, 5AS.
This morning has been relatively uneventful aside from Hymn's usual antics. We awoke to two geologists in the area, one of which Hymn saw fit to recruit to our growing band of travellers.

One of Noctis' brothers, Aunde, joined us. The Plague, Caern, went on in their work. Why? I dont know.

Sunrise. Partial Cloud Cover. 8th of Mensis Iunius, 5AS.
Hymn has asked two of our newest companions, Silvermoon and Aunde, to go out and 'clear the area' before we begun our day. A bit of a strange request although they complied without much fuss.

They returned unscathed and we took to break fast before beginning our travels along the mountainside.


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