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Personal Style


Dusky Rose Thorn Collar
Dusky Rose Thorn Leg Tangle
Dusky Rose Thorn Stockings
Dusky Rose Thorn Gloves
Dusky Rose Thorn Crown
Dusky Rose Thorn Banner
Dusky Rose Thorn Tail Tangle
Dusky Rose Thorn Wing Tangle



Scene: Witch's Kitchen


1.05 m
1.66 m
1.29 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 16, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 25 Fae
Max Level



matriarch | healer | mentor
qHh09a4.gif History
xxDeep within a cave shrouded by vegetation, there was a rosebush.
xxOnly kept alive by a hole in the cave's ceiling, where sunlight and rain would fall through onto the cave floor beneath it. No one is quite sure where that rosebush came from. How it got there, how it survived so long to become the fully fledged, fully bloomed beauty it was in its prime... Nor how it grew to such an impressive size.
xxIt must have been a miracle. Or it was put there on purpose.
xxWithin the rosebush, there was an egg. Left behind by parents who could not care for it, but wished for it to be safe. It would be protected by the thorns of the rosebush, deep within a hidden away cave, to be unseen and untouched by the horrors of the outside world. When it hatched, it would be able to live in the rosebush for as long as it needed - fae were rather small, after all, and the bush should do well enough to house them for a time. Full of bugs as it was, too, it could even keep them happy for their whole life. Should the bush keep growing, there would be more and more room for them to spread their wings inside.
xxThat is what the parents hoped, anyway, as they laid their egg there and flew off again, wings torn by the thorns. And, for a time, that's what happened. The child hatched within the rosebush. The child lived well within the rosebush, feasting on the insects that sought its nectar, drinking from the rain that fell through the branches above her. She never knew any other life; surrounded by beautiful, sweet-smelling roses, and never daring to try wriggling her way out through the thorns. It was safe in there. It was snug in there.
xxAnd she was fine.
xxThen, after years had passed, there was a drought. A drought so severe, the rosebush began to die. As did the fae inside of it. With no water, and less insects, she didn't know what to do. She would have to leave the rosebush, but she couldn't - surely not.
xxBut she had to. Because as the bush died, it shriveled. It fell. It collapsed. The thorns fell onto her, snaring her wings, her legs, her tail - She had no choice. Either she would die under the rosebush, torn to shreds by the thorns, or she would die to thirst and starvation. So, she crawled out of it.
xxxIt was a very
xxThe thorns clung to her, staying wrapped around her entire body, as though the bush itself was trying to keep her secure within its grasp. After what must have been hours of struggling, she fell out of the bush onto the hard stone of the cave, giving a loud shout as the thorns that fell with her grazed into her scales. Instead of shaking them off of her, however, she kept them. She let them dig into her scales, and tear into her wings - it was part of her home. It was all she knew for years. The wilted roses would accompany her until she joined them in death.
xxAnd now she was... outside. Well. Not entirely. She was in a cave.
xxBut even that was scary. Foreign. Unwelcoming.
xxThe dull stone walls were such a contrast to the bright pinks and reds she had grown so accustomed to... Getting used to this would take time. And after time was had, and she lived on the cave's water reserves, the cave centipedes, and so on... She finally, one day, ventured outside.
xxAnd then immediately went back inside because you know what Nahhh we just got used to a Cave and out there is SO much scarier and also MUCH worse we are NOT doing that. Nope.

xxIn an arrangement that is starting to become increasingly familiar, Bird finds herself resting against one of Ransom's paws, the closest to the end of her cave she can get without actually leaving, while Ransom himself sits just outside it, fire eyes big and full of wonder as he takes in the great big sky and ocean.
xxBird doesn't understand, not really. How can he love the outside so much? Doesn't he know of the dangers it holds? But then, how could he understand her need to stay in the smallest place possible, where it's nice and cozy? The two of them are incredibly different in many aspects, Bird is learning, and this is something she has come to appreciate over the weeks Ransom has been with her.
xxAnd speaking of cozy, Ransom feels like the gentlest of fires, warming her up and giving her a feeling of safety she hasn't felt since her rosebush burned away. Bird wonders, will his heat grow stronger the more he recovers? She doesn't know how she feels about that. Ever since that drought, Bird never really liked summer and its impossibility hot days, the fear of another drought always in the back of her mind.
xxBut then again… she looks up, watching his jaw glint in the sunlight, already so much less dull. Perhaps, she wouldn't mind it, Ransom's fire. Her first true companion she ever had, one so kind and understanding, not to mention gorgeous, as him, Bird thinks she would be willing to work past her fears for this dragon.
xx“And what are you staring at?” He grunts out, eyes moving almost like he is forcing himself to look away from the sky to look at her. But there is mirth in his eyes, and Bird doesn't miss the way his breath catches at the sight of her.
xx“Of course, at you. What else could I see? No sight is so captivating as yours.”
xxGoodness. Bird isn't sure where, exactly, she learned to speak like this. This is the first dragon she ever interacted with! Of course, she was shy, at the start. But it melted away so fast, it surprised even herself.
xxHowever she gained this ability, she doesn't care. It's worth it to have, when it makes Ransom blush such a pleasing shade as he guffs out a laugh. She barely pays attention to his response, stuck as she is on the sound of it.
xxHer response still comes on instinct, and it seems so does his. The conversation goes on, for so long that even Bird, having her sight of the outside blocked by Ransom's enormous body, can tell that the light in the sky goes dim. And the longer their conversation goes, the more they learn about each other, the more Bird realizes how strikingly similar, they both are.
xxSo similar, and yet so different. It only makes Bird all the more certain this is a dragon she wants to spend her life with it.
naturev4.png Information
Name // BIRD
-- Origin of name // "feathered, warm-blooded vertebrate animal of the class Aves," Old English bird, a rare collateral form of bridd, originally meaning "young bird, nestling"

Age // 200+
-- Birthday // officially unknown, but the hatchlings decided her birthday was to be May 16th so they could celebrate it

Occupation // teaches medicine and healing as well

Role // matriarch and head elder

Personality // stern and quiet, but very gentle and loving with her precious hatchlings. bird's hoard is her clan and they will do anything to protect them all. when around her mates, they become a little more playful and enjoy teasing them all affectionately
-- Likes // tea, naps with their mates, caring for the newest hatches
-- Dislikes // going outside, disciplining the younger dragons, pineapple

Familiar // SANGUINE
-- Role of familiar // haunted chalice that started following bird around one day and refuses to leave. she figured that if the cup isn't going anywhere it might as well carry a health potion inside it in case someone needs a sip. (the witches are always getting hurt during their experiments)



template by @Sokol; history written by @Clam and @DrRain; art by @Jayfeather88 and @Ar5enal
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