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Personal Style


Simple Darksteel Bracelets
Sparkling Emerald Head Bow
First Wish
Nebula Starsilk Circlet
Black Fedora
Sparkling Emerald Wing Bow
Nebula Starsilk Cloak
Refined Highnoon Vest
Sparkling Emerald Arm Bow
Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Anklet
Teardrop Citrine Armlet



Scene: Deep Space


1.24 m
0.96 m
2.19 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 24, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


~Who ever said a fae couldnt be an idol? SHE HAS A DREAM!
~Harmony is an entertainer and music lover at heart, and loves to perform in front of any audience.
~Harmony was born without a voice, and while fae's still understand her when she signs with her fins, she can't really interact with other dragons unless they know fae signing.

~my storytelling needs work lmao, some things don't make sense lol


Hatched from an abandoned egg somewhere in the wastelands, after many days of trudging through dirt and sand she found herself at the door step of an imposing cave, etched into a cliff that loomed way above her. She collapsed onto the floor in a dramatic huff, and just lay there, exhausted. A flurry of dragons started appearing out from the cave. She was still lucid, but couldn't move as she watched a dark blue spiral hurriedly fly over to her and gently scoop her up. He carefully transported her through narrow passage ways to a table covered in various furs.

The spiral delicately grabbed her claws an inspected them, mumbling a collection of sounds to himself. He turned her over and inspected her wings. She watched him grab a weird stick off a shelf. The spiral spun around, looked directly at her, opened his mouth and loudly pronounced "Ahhhh". Confused, Harmony just stared back at him. The spiral let out a sigh and barked something at a nearby dragon.

That dragon scuttled back a moment later with a collection of dried insects and just dumped them on the table infront of Harmony. Suddenly she had the strength to move again and tried hurriedly scoffing what she could. She could only get a few mouthfuls before the dark blue spiral snatched away the remaining insects with a disappointing look, turning to the other dragon and giving a sharp, distasteful stare. The spiral fed her the remaining insects slowly one by one. If Harmony had her way she would've gobbled them up in an instant. After her slow feast, tiredness started tugging on her eyes and just before she drifted off, she heard the rustles of a dragon trying to quietly leave. At least she would be left alone while she slept.

She was woken from her slumber with a loud 'CLANG'. Curious, she got up, jumped off the table and glided to the ground. She landed a bit awkwardly, as her body was still recovering, but she had enough strength to investigate. She followed the sounds of more clanging through winding passways, her feet quietly going pitter patter. She turned a corner and found herself looking at a bright blue spiral, trying (and failing) to hold a bunch of metal items in its front claws, awkwardly hoping around. His face was covered with a weird mask and he wore a brown scratchy cloak. He was so blue, really really bright blue! It hurt Harmony's eyes somewhat to look at him. She turned her attention to the metal trinkets that were scattered about in the floor. For reasons unknown she walked up the nearest piece and tapped it. A clear piercing sound emanated from the trinket. She tapped it again, 'DING'. Captivated by the sound she starting tapping the trinket to a simple beat with her front claws, 'DING', 'DING', 'DING', 'DING', shaking her tail and waving her head fins to imaginary music.

She looked up for a moment at the bright spiral. It was watching her, with a look of amusement. She stopped for a moment, thinking, before she started shaking her tail more vigorously, jumping up in the air to incorporate twirls into her impromptu dance number. It took her a while before she noticed that she wasn't tapping the beat anymore, but it was still going? There was even a low hum in the air. Not caring all that much about where the sound was coming from or when she had stopped tapping it, she kept dancing till the sounds died away. She felt somehow tired, and renewed at the same time? A laugh echoed in the passage way, and she looked up again at the bright spiral. It seemed to have liked her dance! She waggled her fins happily.

The spiral point at himself with his tail and pronounced "I am Zeus". Harmony looked up at it and nodded. "Do you have a name yet little one?", she flipped her right head fin up in confusion, "I guess not? How does the name Harmony sound?". Harmony. It had a nice ring to it! She nodded, happily waggling her head fins again.

"Could you help me carry these back to my workshop, Harmony?", Harmony nodded in response. They took a long time to move all of Zeus' trinkets into his already crammed workshop, littered with various workbenches with work-in-progress inventions, wires and spare parts hanging loosely about, papers scattered about on desks and the floor, some also covering the walls like a strange mathematical wallpaper. Harmony was also very tiny, and only managed to hold one trinket each trip they made between the mess and his workshop. Zeus didn't seem to mind though.

From then on Zeus became Harmony's father. He had taken her everywhere with him when she was young, and she always rode along, sitting quietly between the horns on his head, under the hood of the cloak he always wore. She found out what his strange mask was for. When he clicked a button on the side, his body would become covered in a mirrage of dark cyan, hugging his body like a second skin. He once told her it was because he was so brightly coloured he made other dragons uncomfortable, which was unfortunate since he was the lightning negotiator and ambassador.

Sometimes Harmony got to help Zeus with his inventions, her favourite at the time was a small ball that produced a simple melody. He had made it for Harmony when she had had a series of terrible nightmares. It lulled her into a peaceful sleep.

Zeus had soon discovered that Harmony was mute. While he could somewhat interpret what she meant by the shakes of her headfins and wings, he couldn't quite interpret some of her gestures. He felt for his daughter. She had trouble conversing with dragons that weren't fae, and it seemed that even fae had trouble with her signing at times. He suspected it was his fault, she was a fae raised by a spiral and fidgeted as terribly as he did.

He had approached Thalia the Earth ambassador and almost begged her to teach him about fae signing so he could understand his daughter better.

Over the years Zeus had made many inventions (with the help of Harmony). Zeus had made her something akin to a piano for her 5th hatch day, and it was one of her most treasured possessions. Sometimes she modified it herself, but if she broke it she always returned it to Zeus to fix. She wasn't a brilliant inventor like he was.

The more independent she became, the more Zeus seemed to slink off somewhere, disappearing for days on end. She didn't mind, she had dances to perform, stages to claim, people to entertain. She started off doing street performances in a nearby marketplace, adding some soft flaring pulses to her free-form performances when a passerby taught her a light spell. She sometimes mimed when she felt like it, but non-fae dragons would pass her by without a glance, her signs and mimes lost on them.

She regularly visited Tavern square, it was in a corner of the marketplace where bards would come to sing and acrobatic dragons would perform wondrous feats of grace. She could sit there for hours listening to the beautiful singing of the bards. Sometimes passerby's to her street performances would ask her to sing. They would leave quickly when then realised she couldn't. Even her 'piano playing' and music didn't placate those people, and they always left with scowls on their faces.

Magic was a wondrous asset for her street performances, adding flare, drama and suspense, and a touch of intrigue and whimsy. She was soon approached by a Snapper asking if she would like to perform as a backup dancer for a performance at that upcoming Starfall Celebration. She happily flapped her headfins. YES! OF COURSE!

She practiced for what felt like forever with a bunch of other dragons. They practiced their routine vigorously, trying to perfect it. The group of skydancers they were background dancing for, didn't seem to be amazing dancers, but they had this kind of charisma that made it hard not to stare at them. They commanded the space they occupied, and Harmony wished she could also appear that way. Maybe one day.

When the actual day of performance came, she didn't feel nervous. She watched as her dance crew members were shaking with nervousness and excitement. She felt a strange sense of calm. She was born to perform!

She would never forget the feeling of stepping out onto the stage, all those dragons watching her, enjoying her dancing. It was as if every person watching gave her more energy to add to her movements, giving her some kind of superdragon strength and grace. She gave in to the excitement of their performance, and danced with every ounce of her being. They finished their performance with flashes of magical fireworks and a roaring applause. She exited the stage calmly as they had been directed in rehearsals, but the moment she got off stage, she errupted with glee. She flew home, with spark in her flight, recounting the thunderous applause over and over and over again.

Harmony hadn't seen Zeus for many weeks now even though her bed was near Zeus'. He was absent from his workshop most of the time now, and seemed to only appear in short bursts to negotiate trading deals. She was surprised when he appeared frantically out of nowhere, one night, not wearing his usual cloak, just his mask.

"I did it Harmony! I DID IT" he almost screamed at her, "Follow me! Right now!!". He grabbed her by the hand and pulled her onto his head, "Hold on!". She grabbed onto one of his horns and he sped off, speeding along passageways. Twisting and turning, they arrived at a makeshift workshop with a few workbenches in the middle of the room, covered in an assortment of items.

Zeus slowed down and cleared a space, chucking things off the table without a care. "Can you hop onto the workbench?" he pleaded. Still unsure of what was happening, she complied. She looked around the room to see the soft glow of the central light illuminate the hundreds of drawings of fae's doing different headfin signs, with tiny footnotes scribbled ontop. There was one section on a wall that had drawings of just her, with notes scribbled ontop. Something about waggling? and fidgeting?

She watched as he frantically collected these glowing gem-like contraptions, and a collar with a strange box on it. He held up a gem to her face and cursed "They're too big, I should've known, Im such a knit-knot". He frantically went searching for something else while Harmony patiently waited. He rummaged around in a pile of scrolls and loose paper, pulling out a particularly worn paled scroll. He hurridly stood infront of her and muttered the incantation on the scroll. The gems and collar shrunk, till it reached a size where the collar looked like it would fit around her neck. "Put the gems on first, they just stick to your skin so don't worry about them falling off", he quickly pulled out a hasty sketch of her from nearby, with bright coloured blobs to indicate where she should put the gems. They seemed to mostly go on her headfins and wings, with one on the back of each of her front hands. He checked her over, nudging a few into their proper place. "Now put the collar on, close to the top of your neck. And make sure the box is facing frontways" he said, almost trembling with excitement.

She did so and signed with her headfins in confusion. "Whhaaayytdt?", the sound bounced around the room, it sounded ailen almost. It had an eerie, somewhat singsong quality to it. Her headfins rose up in fright. "AAAYYYYHHHHHHHHHHH". She started signing with her headfins. "Whhaht es tehees?". The look of pure joy that crossed Zeus' face, was even more confusing to Harmony.

"I made you something so that you could speak, Harmony," he said softly, "It's not perfect but it's a start. We can tweak it, and hopefully.... no, eventually! We'll be able to let you sing. I know you've always wanted to sing".

Overcome come with unspeakable emotions, her headfins flitted about. "oiiiiiiAAAAAAAAhhhhhhiiiiiiaaahhhhh". "thhhhaaanck yoewwweee". Her father had given her the best gift of all: a voice.

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