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Personal Style


Warrior Spirit
Shackled Book of Fairytales
Marva's Invisibility Cloak



Scene: Enchanted Library


7.2 m
5.93 m
412.74 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 21, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245



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  • none


The book floats in the air, magical energies pulsing and crackling around it. Suddenly it opens, the pages flipping quickly from one to another until, just as suddenly, it stops seemingly having found its place. Lavender flames blaze, burning words and images onto the blank page.


Long ago, when the various dragon breeds were still settling into the lands that would eventually be considered their homes, a group of Pearlcatchers began a fateful quest. These dragons realized that it was the secrets and mysteries of magic, not the frivolous trifles of gossip that other Pearlcatchers so treasured, that held the most value. Deciding that they would never be considered the equals of the haughty Imperials or even be able to convince their own brethren of the validity of their pursuit, they left the safety of their burgeoning territory and began a long, perilous journey. Traveling from the area that would become known as the Sunbeam Ruins to the magic warped peninsula that would be the Starfall Isles would take years and the group would face many trials. Along the way, these Pearlcatchers would learn new magics from both dragon and beast clan alike, curating a collection of unparalleled mystical and astronomical knowledge the likes of which the world has never seen. However, even after arriving in the Starfall Isles, they could not consider their journey complete. They were determined to venture up to The Observatory and bring their gift of knowledge to The Arcanist himself.

The tale here varies in it’s telling. There are those that will say that The Arcanist was impressed with the dragon’s gift of knowledge and blessed them by transforming them into perfect vessels of magical energy. Their pearls too were changed into flawless spherical arcane shards. There are others that will say that The Arcanist, in the midst of some great cosmic experiment, barely noticed the young dragon’s arrival and their transformation was the result of a great magical conflagration. Whichever telling is believed, the result was the subspecies known as


Shardcatchers can be identified by their smooth, glossy, iridescent bodies in various shades of pink and their faceted shard-like mulberry wings. Their underbellies sparkle like the stars in the heavens and are also shades of pink in hue. Shardcatchers’ spherical magical shards are always kept close and it is said that the darker it’s color, the more powerful their magics. The shards are often used as a device for scrying or as a foci for their significant magical abilities.

Shardcatchers are surprisingly nurturing when it comes to their offspring and delight in teaching them the mystical arts. They can also be as aloof as their Pearlcatcher cousins, particularly when it comes to those whose understanding of magic is limited. A Shardcatcher teacher is a prize that any aspiring mage would sacrifice greatly for, but convincing one to share their knowledge with one not of their kin is almost impossible.


Starborn Shardcatchers (Official)

Flight - Arcane
Breed – Pearlcatcher
Primary Colors/Genes – Coral to Pearl Iridescent
Secondary Colors/Genes – Mulberry Facet
Teritary Colors/Genes – Coral to Pearl Glimmer
Breed Change Scrolls – No (except for Gen1s)
Gene Scrolls – No (except for Gen1s)

Starborn Shardcatchers MUST be born meeting the subspecies requirements and have parents from any of the four Shardcatcher classes. Gene and Breed Change Scrolls can NOT be used to create a Starborn Shardcatcher.

Fated Starborn are Shardcatchers born with the correct flight, breed, color and gene combination but whose parents are not from any of the four Shardcatcher classes. Gene and Breed Change Scrolls can NOT be used to create a Fated Starborn. The only exception to this is for Arcane Gen1 dragons. These Shardcatchers are still considered official members of the breed.

Fated Starborn are extremely rare and are considered good luck and a clear sign of The Arcanist’s favor.



Spellcrafted Shardcatchers (Honorary)

To qualify to be a Spellcrafted Shardcatcher, the dragon must be a Pearlcatcher that meets the color and gene requirements of a Starborn Shardcatcher but can be from any flight except Arcane. Gene and Breed Change Scrolls are allowed to create a Spellcrafted Shardcatcher.

Though Spellcrafted Shardcatchers are not Arcane by birth, they are considered Arcane in spirit. The original progenitors of the subspecies traveled through many regions before arriving in The Starfall Isles and so, many of the original Shardcatchers were not Arcane in origin. It is considered a privilege to use the magical arts to emulate the Starborn and further propagate the species and such Shardcatchers are held in high esteem.

Spellbound Shardcatchers are Arcane Pearlcatchers, with the correct coloring, that have had a Gene or Breed Change Scroll used so that they meet the requirements of the subspecies. These dragons are NOT considered Starborn (Official).

Spellbound Shardcatchers are not as highly thought of as Spellcrafted Shardcatchers. These dragons are often considered pretenders and imposters by Starborn and Spellcrafted alike.


Ascendant Shardcatchers are Limited (Imperial/Nocturne) or Rare (Coatl/Wildclaw) dragons that share the same color and gene requirements as Starborn Shardcatchers. They can be from any Flight. Gene and Breed Change Scrolls are allowed to create Ascendant Shardcatchers.

As those dragons that would become the original Shardcatchers travelled across the world to the Starfall Isles, they encountered other dragons that shared their ideals and continued the journey with them. Ascendants believe they are predestined to help continue the species and are participants in a great prophecy that The Arcanist will someday explain.


Empyrean Shardcatchers are Arcane Imperial, Nocturne, Coatl or Wildclaw dragons that are born to the pairing of a Starborn or Spellcrafted Shardcatcher and an Ascendant or Empyrean Shardcatcher. At least one of the pair MUST be a Pearlcatcher. Gene and Breed Change Scrolls can NOT be used to create an Empyrean Shardcatcher.

Empyrean Shardcatchers are a rarity that rivals that of a Fated Starborn and are considered just as fortuitous. They are believed to be an example of The Arcanist’s blessing and are often thought to have a great destiny. Empyreans are sometimes referred to as The Destined.




Deep Magic Variant

Flight - Arcane
Breed – Pearlcatcher
Primary Colors/Genes – Coral to Pearl Metallic
Secondary Colors/Genes – Mulberry Bee
Teritary Colors/Genes – Coral to Pearl Glimmer

Like the more common of the subspecies, Deep Magic Shardcatchers have underbellies that sparkle like stars in shades of pink with matching orb-like magical shards. They have a smooth, glossy hide however it has taken on an almost metallic appearance. The pink colors are much darker in hue and it appears thicker and more resilient. While their hide has become stronger, their faceted shard-like mulberry wings have become more fragile and are very thin with cracks and fractures commonly seen. Deep Magic Shardcatchers are incapable of flight and rely on their formidable magical abilities if confronted. Their long whiskers are said to be able to sense even the most subtle of sorcery.

Deep Magic Shardcatchers are intently dedicated to the accumulation of magical knowledge and the unraveling of cosmic forces. As such, they mate infrequently and are more interested in expanding their own knowledge than raising offspring. Their young are commonly taken in and raised by standard Shardcatchers as they are often neglectful parents that show little interest in their children until they have matured enough to understand the workings of the mystical universe.

Deep Magic and standard Shardcatchers do not cross breed, and it is a serious taboo within Shardcatcher society. While Deep Magic Shardcatchers do not consider standard Shardcatchers to be inferior, they do consider that such a union would be a dilution of their magical bloodline and they will only ever mate with one of their own. As such, there are no Ascendant or Empyrean versions of Deep Magic Shardcatchers.
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