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Personal Style


Silver Filigree Gauntlets
Silver Filigree Banner
Silver Filigree Breastplate
Silver Filigree Tail Guard
Silver Filigree Boots
Silver Filigree Wing Guard
Silver Filigree Helmet


Accent: Glowing Contagion



2.93 m
2.37 m
62.04 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 21, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Spiral
Max Level
Field Manual




  • none


”Addiction begins with the hope that something 'out there' can instantly fill up the emptiness inside."

Jean Kilbourne

S e a m u s
hardworking • intense • secretive

Favorite memory

”Definitely it’s when my dad pinned my guard’s badge to my chest. I thought he was going to explode with pride.”


Favorite food

”My parents serve this rum soaked sponge cake on special occasions. It’s to die for.”


Worst part of your job

”We have to clean up roadkill sometimes, or clean away other dead things that animals or attacking beasts killed.”


xxxB I O G R A P H Yxxx

Seamus sat in a chair in the barracks, carefully polishing a bloody smudge out of his breastplate. His patrol partner was playing cards with another pair of guards, and they were watching Seamus while they did it.

“Never saw anyone polish armor in the middle of a shift!” Colambo said finally. The snapper was fairly new to the guard, and with her partner OldFingerhead worked different rotations than Seamus and his partner Ashes.

“You know why that is?” OldFingerhead shot back. “It’s cause you never spent enough time with someone who has Sunday dinner with the captain of the guard every week!”

Ashes laughed. “And the Commander Emeritus, too, never forget her! I’m sure Mummy wouldn’t be too happy if her baby boy wore a dirty breastplate on patrol!”

Seamus laughed too. He was used to the ribbing about his pedigree. As a child of the clan’s two most celebrated warriors, he’d heard it his whole life. When he’d first started training, there had been mean-spirited jabs about nepotism. But it quickly became clear that Seamus was a fine warrior on his own merits, and by the time he was invited to join the guard, his detractors were very few in number. “If you can’t be nice, I’ll put a bug in her ear that she should invite you this week too!” he called to Ashes. “Want to spend your Sunday in your best dress uni, being interrogated about your love life?”

“That sounds terrible!” Ashes replied quickly. “You win, polish away and I’ll keep my mouth shut!”

Seamus finished his work and returned the polishing kit to his footlocker. As he tucked it away, he caught sight of his little snuffbox. He hesitated for a second. He tried not to open it in the middle of his shifts, and he still had seven hours left. Another hour on this break, then two on patrol, two on break, two on patrol. Technically he and Ashes would still be on call for two hours after that, if the other set of guards saw something requiring backup before the next two pairs came on duty for the next twenty four hours. But it was the custom for those last two hours to be spent in sleep, just as Commander Melantha and her partner Akali had slept in and had a late breakfast while Seamus and Ashes ran the first patrol.

Seamus clicked the snuffbox open. Just to look. Just to see what he had left. There was a decent amount of the herbs in the box. Sticking his head into the footlocker, he shoved a pinch of them up his nostril, and closed and hid the box again. When he came back out, he felt much more relaxed. He returned to his chair and watched the card game, mesmerised. Banescales had no arms, so Ashes used his feet to hold his cards, and this was a source of great amusement to Seamus.

By the time Seamus and Ashes needed to go out for their patrol, Seamus was still too relaxed. “One second!” he said, digging into the footlocker. He took a quick lick of his special crystal as he did it, then emerged with a handkerchief. With a flourish, he wiped the spot he’d polished earlier. Everyone laughed, and Seamus tossed the hankie back into the footlocker.

The crystal did its job, but slowly. Still, Seamus doubted he’d missed anything while he was still gliding lazily through the sky. The patrols were designed to be redundant, so Ashes would probably have caught anything Seamus missed as he wove his path in the opposite direction. As Seamus flew his patrol, he berated himself for being so stupid as to take the herbs while on shift. When he’d first started, he only took them on Third days, when he had no duties. Then gradually he’d started also taking them on Second days, when he and Ashes wrote out their patrol reports and spent a few hours sparring and running drills. Sparring while under the influence of the herbs was difficult, his reflexes challenged. But Seamus assured himself that this was actually a good thing, so that if he was called for backup when he was on the herbs, he’d have some practice. This wasn’t the first time he’d dipped into the snuffbox on a First day, either. So, he convinced himself, it was good that he took them on Second days, so he’d have the practice to be able to patrol and fight off threats when he slipped up and took the herbs on First days.

He wouldn’t take any more today, though. That was for sure. And he’d take tomorrow off from the herbs too, get himself back into the right mindset. That was what he’d do. He nodded to himself. He was a guard, a fine guard, child of two celebrated warriors. He just needed to get back on track.

But then, at the end of the night, after their last patrol, while Seamus put away his armor and tucked his good luck charm into the footlocker, he saw the snuffbox again. He remembered he wasn’t going to use them again today, he really did. But he’d decided that hours ago, before he needed to sleep. There had to be some leeway for times he really needed sleep. He’d take a small pinch, though, just a half. Never mind that a half now was bigger than the full amount he’d taken when he first started. A quick pinch of the herbs, and he was ready to stretch out on his bunk. Dragons might judge. They might think he was doing wrong, that he shouldn’t use the herbs at all. But Seamus had everything under control. Everything was going to be just fine. In his herb-induced haze, he was sure of it.


Ashes - Partner

You spend all of your time with someone, they tend to become very important to you. Especially if you’re responsible for each other’s safety.


Sascha - Mentor

Sascha is technically Seamus’s great great niece, or something along those lines. She was also one of his first heroes, as he trained under her tutelage during his formative years.


Rocktober – Drug Dealer

The first one’s free, he’ll get you on the come back.

Layout by Sumatra
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