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Personal Style


Solar Flame Wing Ribbon
Buccaneer's Seaspray Overcoat
Luminous Halo



Scene: Starksand Dunes


23.24 m
16.1 m
7812.11 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 18, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Tggx2FW.pngLee & TyrakmkktTm.png
Scavenger | Oddity | Voice
Trapped in bindings of our own doing, what are we really?
Tyra and Lee were not born into a world destined to love them. They hatched from the egg of a wealthy family in Light, who's longstanding traditions centered around the evil of Emperors. So naturally, when out tumbled an imperial with too many wings, too many tails, far too many eyes and most importantly, far too many heads, they were aghast. The family were scorned by their clan, accused of not following tradition well enough. The family took their frustration out on the twins, making it clear that they were not loved nor appreciated like a child should be.

From day one they knew they weren't normal. Their parents used fear to keep them in place, instilling the idea that were they to misbehave or do the smallest thing wrong, they would become corrupt and truly become the emperor they so feared. They became highly stressed, pressured to do everything perfect, keep quiet and never step out of line. They could only put up with so much, and the manipulation and fear they suffered built up inside of them like a toxic wound.

When a fearsome emperor, bigger than any seen in a long time, crashed through the clan, it was chaos. The brothers hid, praying the emperor would not find them and force them to join it's side. They were fortunate. Their small size meant they hid far more easily than their family. When they came out, it was carnage. They were horrified not only at the dead around them, but what they knew it implied. They knew plenty about emperors, and they knew that this many dead imperials lead for a very bad place to stay. And so, they fled.
They had no choice but to live alone, with only each other for company. Any clan they tried to visit scorned them, spat on them and turned them away, not wishing to deal with the bad luck of an abomination. They fled from place to place, chased on many occasions by those that would wish them dead. They only finally found peace in the desolate empty of Earth. There they went it alone for the rest of their youth, barely scraping by and relying on each other for every second of their day.

They were fortunate to come across the occasional kind dragon while in Earth. A roaming nomad pack of mirrors looked after them for a while, offering what help they could. But none of it could last, and each kind new friend eventually left, leaving the brothers to naught but one another once more.

But to their fortune it was not to stay this way. A coatl, ridgeback and many-eyed skydancer happened across them one day, explaining that they were scavengers for a clan down in Light. These dragons saw how thin the brothers were, how they'd struggled in many different ways. They offered to the brothers that they come along home, to a place that would look after them. They were loathe at the idea of returning to the flight that was the home of their abuse, but the kind faces and cheering energy of these strange dragons had a peculiar effect on them. They talked for a while and hung around this efficient team of dragons, tailing along and learning. They were amazed at how these dragons worked together. They looked up to the skydancer, Omen, relating to his struggles with his many-eye affliction. They were stunned to learn he was not born with it, even more impressed by how well he coped. Learning this, they reasoned that maybe, just maybe, if this mysterious clan could help Omen, perhaps this clan could help them.

They followed these dragons back home, amazed by their mostly-warm reception. It wasn't perfect at first, many dragons with heavy bias against emperors did not take kindly to the brothers at first, but with time they settled in, making friends and joining the scavenging-team full time.

And so, Lee and Tyra joined The Secrets.

~Best Friend~


Lee and Tyra both share many personality traits, but despite that they're still both their own unique dragon. Both of them tend to be quiet and reserved, frequently nervous and very prone to anxiety. Their rough upbringing resulted in them often suffering from panic attacks when put into a stressful situation that may trigger memories. Lee is the quieter of the two, preferring to sit back and let his brother take the lead in most situations. Despite that he's deceptively smart, and Tyra usually has to rely on his wit and cunning to solve a problem. Tyra tries to be bold and make up for his brother's extreme shyness, but despite that he still struggles socially. Between the two of them Tyra is the bossier one, often telling Lee what to do even if Lee has a better idea. For the most part that's the only conflict between them though; they rely on their close bond to get through daily life. They have two tails on their body, which is less of a hindrance than many think. There is also a small, non-functioning wing on Tyra's side of the body that does little but hang. The wing silks are worn to protect them, or so they say. They are magically enchanted with a binding spell, which they wear to protect them from becoming an emperor. The silks ease their stress and help them feel calm, assured they will not turn into an emperor. Which the enchantress who gave them the silks knew would happen regardless, giving them the plain, un-enchanted but very fancy silks with the promise it'll help, to ease their stress.

Lee and Tyra's closest bonds are with one another. Despite the fact they're literally inseparable, their emotions are constantly tied to one another, and the rely on each other heavily. This has resulted in them struggling to communicate and understand others, as the way they interact with each other is very different from how they interact with others. Despite that, they've managed to make close friends with a few dragons in the clan. They get on well with the scavenging team who they spend the most time with. Lee admires Dodger's tenacity and Tyra his quick thinking. Both of them love Mivitoronori's humour and easy-going nature. To the amazement of many, their closest friend is Omen. The usually standoffish and bristly dragon looks fondly upon the brothers, as he relates to their struggle with their eyes. They often partner up with Omen whenever possible on missions.

The brothers have no choice but to work together, one of the many things influencing their decision to work as scavengers with the others on the team. The brothers work together very well, their years of solitude barely scraping by in Earth giving them a valuable skillset to spotting precious items. After all, two heads are better than one.

Their familiar is an anomalous skink fondly named Appy and Buura. Their familiar is one of their sources of comfort aside from each other. When being given the choice to choose their familiar they immediatly fell in love with the little purple oddity, who they related to heavily. Appy and Buura are smart and fun loving, doing their best to lift the brothers up when they're down.

Tyra and Lee outright refuse to fight by choice, although they will lash out in self defence. Sharing a body means they can keep on guard far better. Unlike what many assume, their many-eyes are only a hindrance. When in full use they're extremely disorienting and distracting, plus the brothers have little control over where they look aside from the extras on their head. As a result, they've learnt to block out the vision of the eyes on their body by default. If they concentrate hard, they can selectively see through several eyes and control them, however the brother doing that will struggle to control his own head and side of the body, so the other must pick up the slack. As a result, they rarely use their extra eyes in a fight due to how defenseless it leaves them, and opt to take advantage of two heads on one body.
By me
By UserOfShadows
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